The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1198: Capture the Son of Tatum

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Leo and Sylvia’s helmsman of the shuttle boat was obviously a veteran. Before the lighthouse signal came out, he had let the oarsman row the boat, and easily found a passage through the front blocking the boat. , Followed by another shuttle boat one after another out of the waters of the dock area.

"That's a grass-raising boat. Didn’t he come back not long ago? He ran out again. Is there any big deal?" When the captain hung a stone lamp on the bow, the shuttle boat behind happened to move from Going aside, they opened the distance at a very fast speed, and the captain also saw the ship clearly, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Grass?" Sylvia, who was sitting not far away, asked curiously: "Is the owner of that ship called Grass?"

"No, grazing is a nickname, and the owner of that ship is our tax officer." The captain had no worries, and his tone was full of disdain. He explained: "Grass is a thing as long as there is something close to it. Will hug in his arms, even if it is a fire, our tax officer has such a personality."

Leo and Sylvia looked at each other and didn't ask any more, because they already knew that the tax officer had left Sobans overnight, and it was probably related to them.

After the shuttle boat gradually moved away from Sobans, the captain did not intend to talk to the two guests behind him. His eyes were always fixed on the stone lamp in front of him. Whenever the flame in the stone lamp changed, such as burning more intensely, the flame Fast rotation and so on, the captain will react immediately, wave the flag in his hand with a certain semaphore, and notify the steersman behind to change the course of the shuttle boat.

Sylvia, who was also sitting on the bow of the boat, looked curiously at the stone lamp hanging on the bow. Although she had only seen this stone lamp for the first time, she was able to judge it from the captain’s actions. The stone lamp is undoubtedly a shamanic wonder. Its function should be to judge the situation of the water bottom and tell the user where there is danger under the water through the change of the flame.

Unlike Sylvia, Leo didn’t have much interest in stone lamps. He cared more about the things in the water. When the boat entered the river, he extended the spiritual net to the bottom of the water and monitored the conditions of the water. And before the stone lamp found the abnormality, he first discovered the monster in the water.

"Which is a mutant monster, and which is the son of Tatum?" Leo couldn't help but feel a trace of doubt after distinguishing the monster in the water.

The reason for this doubt is that Leo discovered that the two largest groups of monsters hidden underwater are like mutant monsters, not only physically, but also very similar in energy fluctuations.

One of these monsters is a monster similar to a luminous water plant. The light seen on the water also comes from this monster. Although it looks like a water plant, in fact this monster is not a plant, but a kind of insect. Monsters, there are barbs around the body of this monster, and each barb has a straw. As long as it is entangled by this monster, it basically cannot escape. It will only be entangled tighter and tighter, and it will be sucked completely Drained the body fluids, turned into a corpse and sank to the bottom. Those corpses all over the water are the best proof.

Compared with the monsters disguised as luminous water plants, those swimming in the water are covered with tentacles, and the tops of the tentacles are all fleshy ball-shaped monsters with sharp teeth and big mouths, which are much more normal.

These monsters are all brought back and forth in the middle of the river. They dare not get close to both sides of the river, because the bottom of the river is covered with water-like monsters. As long as such monsters are close to the two ends, the water-weed monsters will treat their seemingly weak The aquatic plants entangled up, tightly entangled their prey, dragged them into the water and sucked slowly.

Correspondingly, when those shuttle boats were rowing on the water above the water monsters, although the water monsters tried to get close to the boat from time to time, there was an intention to attack, but in the end it was interfered by some force. , Retracted again, and the source of this power is the bow stone lamp on every ship.

"Where did you buy this stone lamp?" Leo asked the captain after learning about the underwater situation.

"Buy? Of course it can't be bought." The captain shook his head quickly and said: "This stone lamp was invited from the shaman of the Tatum Altar. Not only is the method of making the stone lamp very special, but also the lamp oil. They are all specially made, and every time they are used up, they need to go to the altar to get some to use."

Leo could feel the energy fluctuations emanating from the stone lamp, but this energy fluctuation did not come from the stone lamp, but from the lamp oil. He could smell more than a dozen animal fats and herbs from the smell of the lamp oil. The smell, but these animal fats and herbs are mixed together, it is impossible to produce any energy fluctuations, so there must be a special substance hidden in this lamp oil, that is, this special substance can disperse those aquatic monsters.

Thinking of this, Leo stood up, walked to the side of the boat, and plunged his hands into the water.

Seeing Leo's actions, the captain immediately stopped talking anxiously: "Don't touch the water, the son of Tatum will think that you are a sacrifice to take you away."

"Don't be nervous," Leo did not speak, but Sylvia gestured to the captain, and then asked Leo, "Did you find something?"

"Nothing is just a little curious." Leo responded calmly.

At this time, some aquatic monsters seemed to sense his hand, and immediately before the boat rowed away, they quickly leaned towards him, ignored the threat of the weak energy fluctuations on the boat, and quickly entangled his palm. And tried to drag him into the water.

The pulling force of the aquatic plants was so great that it even made the boat tilt slightly. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been pulled into the water.

However, the prey they captured this time is obviously more like a hunter. Before these waterweed monsters can exert their power again, a powerful force was transmitted from the palm of their entangled hands and poured into the monster's body. All the bodies of the aquatic monsters and Lilang were instantly suppressed and imprisoned, and even caused them to break away from the root brood at the bottom, and they were all pulled out of the water in the opposite direction.

The people on the boat only saw Leo's palms entangled with some water weeds, and the power of the water weeds caused the ship to tilt slightly. The captain drew out a knives and tried to cut the water weeds to help Leo out of trouble.

However, before the captain approached, Leo stood up from the side of the ship, with a pile of wriggling water plants in his hand.

Because the light around was only the light of the stone lamp, the environment was very dim. Everyone saw that Leo was holding water plants in his hands. Only Sylvia and the captain could see that those monsters that looked like water plants.

"Don't bring it here, it looks a little disgusting!" Sylvia said even though she was not afraid of this worm-like monster, but she also hated it, so she frowned.

"This is, this is the son of Tatum!" After looking at the monster held by Leo, the captain recognized the origin of this aquatic monster at a glance. He stood there for a while, not knowing what to do. .

The captain who has been living in the waterways all the year knows what the son of Tatum is like. He himself has no good feelings about the sons of Tatum, let alone beliefs, just because he has to seek life in the waterways, he has to treat the sons of Tatum. Be in awe, even if it is pretend, and over the years, pretend has gradually become real.

So now seeing Leo actually dragged Tatum's son out of the water, the old captain's heart was completely panicked and overwhelmed, and he felt like something serious was about to happen.

It’s just that Leo, as the person involved, didn’t seem to take this matter to heart. He looked at the physiological characteristics of these aquatic monsters as if he were treating the test items in his laboratory, and then walked to the stone lamp, The son of Tatum in his hand leaned over.

I saw that as the son of Tatum in his hand approached the light range of the stone lamp, the long entangled body of the son of Tatum immediately began to shrink and become dehydrated, and dries into a mass at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a dead grass. Group-like.

"Is this thing dead?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"Fake death." Leo shook his head, then turned to the captain who was still stunned, and reminded: "You don't need to command the ship?"

"Huh?" The captain reacted and quickly returned to his position, continuing to observe the flame of the stone lamp and directing the direction of the ship, but when he was free, he still couldn't help his curiosity and thundered from time to time. Ou and Sylvia took a look.

The ability of two outsiders to go deep into the wasteland itself represents the difficulty of the two. Before Leo and Sylvia got on the ship, the captain had already made an evaluation in his heart, but he thought they were just average Adventurer, he never expected Leo to be so bold, reaching into the water to catch the son of Tatum in the water.

You know, he has seen many famous warriors in the wasteland tribe, and he has also tried to capture the son of Tatum, because the legendary son of Tatum has extraordinary magical powers. If you grind it into powder, then pass The Tatum Altar Shaman is modulated with a unique secret method, and it can be made into a very effective dispelling powder.

Dispelling powder is not a rare thing in the tribes deep in the wasteland. Many tribal settlements are regularly sprinkled with some dispelling powder. The main function of these dispelling powder is to disperse the snakes, insects, rats and ants hidden in the jungles around the settlements. Therefore, this special powder is almost always available in every tribe, and even tribal hunters carry this powder during the hunting season.

However, most of the dispelling powder on the market only dispels some ordinary poisonous insects and animals, and cannot have any effect on the extraordinary creatures and mutant monsters. Only a few special dispelling powders can dispel specific extraordinary creatures.

However, the dispelling powder made with the sons of Tatum has an extraordinary effect. It can not only dispel common poisonous insects and animals, but even some dangerous transcendent creatures and mutant monsters can disperse, in the words of some jealous people. In other words, after using this dispelling powder, it is like applying a layer of **** that even gods will feel disgusting. Just like humans don’t step on the shit, transcendent creatures and mutant monsters don’t take the initiative to approach. They are disgusting things.

Although it sounds a bit disgusting, the effect of this dispelling powder is naturally beyond doubt. In a place like the wasteland where there are extraordinary creatures and mutant monsters everywhere, a bottle of dispelling powder can often save one’s life, so it’s relevant on the market. The purchase price of the son of Tatum has always been high.

According to the captain’s estimation, the value of the suspended Tatum sons that Leo took in his hands to study is enough to buy at least twenty shuttle boats of this kind under his feet, and they can even be bought in the holy mountain. A residence.

If someone else is holding this group of sons of Tatum, the captain may already have a bad heart at this moment, **** the son of Tatum, push the other party into the water, and completely destroy the corpse. No one will know, even if someone knows. It doesn't matter, just say that the other party has fallen into the water. Anyone who asks for life on the wasteland waterway has done this kind of thing, and the captain is no exception.

But the actions of Leo just now made it possible for the captain to be sure that Leo and Sylvia were definitely not ordinary people. If he did anything, the people who were thrown into the water by UU reading might not be those two. A young man, but themselves.

So the captain suppressed his greed and tried to keep himself from looking at the son of Tatum in Leo's hands, and focused his attention on sailing.

Although the captain tried his best to conceal his greed, he still couldn't escape Leo and Sylvia's eyes. The two of them also knew the value of this group of Tatum sons, so Leo deliberately took things in his hands instead of holding them. Put it away and test the captain's greed.

Seeing that the captain suppressed greed, Leo didn’t say anything, but handed over the son of Tatum in his hand to Sylvia who was aside, and then put his hand in the water to attract those Tatu again Son of Mu leaned over.

Later, using the same method, a pair of suspended Tatum’s sons were concocted, and they were captured six times over and over again. Soon the fence in the guest reach area where Sylvia and Leo were was filled. The son of Tatum in suspended animation.

There are so many sons of Tatum in front of each other, and everyone who understands the value of the sons of Tatum sees this scene as if they have seen a pile of handy wealth, not only the captain’s breathing has become a lot faster, even the rowing The breathing of the sailors of the oars also became disordered, the strokes of the oars were no longer so neat and uniform, and the speed naturally decreased, and soon ships passed by the shuttle boat.

"Okay, put them away! Don't affect the itinerary." Sylvia looked at the surroundings, and then complained to Leo.

Leo smiled and didn't say anything. He found a box and stuffed all these Tatum sons into it, and then quickly carved a Turing root on the box, made a small prohibition, and made these suspended animations. The son of Tatum has no chance of awakening.

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