The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1199: Little accident in the river

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The course of the Tutu River is not long. It soon came near the mouth of the river. The people on the boat could clearly feel that the water flow was accelerating. After turning a section of low mangroves growing in the river, the surface of the Dajiaojiang River became clear. Appeared before my eyes.

Although I have seen a lot of texts in books describing the mother river of countless tribes on the edge of this wasteland, seeing this river with my own eyes, especially the first time I saw this river, is quite shocking. .

The first is the breadth of this river. It is no exaggeration to say that with the sight of ordinary people, it is difficult to see the opposite river bank even in the daytime. According to the normal ship speed, it may take at least four or five hours to cross this breadth. The big river.

The second is the depth of this river. According to Leo’s estimation, the deepest part of the Dajiao River is at least five kilometers or more, and the depths near the shore are almost several hundred meters. It is no exaggeration to say that if the river is not there. , Then the tribes on both sides of the strait will have to face an insurmountable abyss.

And if you follow the map, this bottomless river just winds along the edge of the wasteland. The origin of a section is the sacred mountain of the wasteland, which is said to be towering like a cloud and no one can climb to the top. The other end plunges into Mo On the west side of the Sang Continent, in the far sea known as the end of the world, the Mosang Continent was directly separated from the wasteland.

In the early colonial period, this Tianyuan River can be said to be the guardian wall of the wasteland tribe, and it is precisely because of the existence of this river that the colonists at that time stopped here and there was no way to go deeper into the wasteland.

However, more people think that the colonists from other continents have benefited more, because countless evidences can prove that no matter how many people go into the wasteland, they just go to die. If the people at that time insisted on building ships and crossing the river, deep into the wasteland. , Then those colonists may all die in the wasteland, and the unstable colonies will collapse. In that case, the history of the world may also be rewritten.

The Dajiaojiang River is still the last line of separation established by the Southern Tribal Alliance. The institutions and forces for the Southern Tribal Alliance to communicate with the outside world are on the north bank of the river, including the important tungsten mining city Badisa, the southern sacred mountain, etc. If the river is over, then all civilizations will disappear, leaving only the most primitive and traditional tribes.

This approach is undoubtedly wise, because after hundreds of years of contact with the outside world, most of the tribes near the edge of the wasteland have become accustomed to various civilization products, even if they still strive to maintain some cultural traditions, but It’s hard to return to the primitive tribe life in the past, so the tribes of the Southern Tribal Alliance that have been accustomed to the products of outside civilization were placed on the north bank of the Dajiao River, while those willing to return to the primitive life were placed on After the South Bank, the disputes in the southern tribal alliance were resolved.

When the shuttle boats triggered from Sobans entered the Dajiao River, the river that could provide safety became much wider, almost equal to the width of a Tutu River, and the boats began to spread out. Enough space for them to sail.

Even so, most shuttle boats still choose to sail on the river near the shore, even if they need to avoid some trees that extend from the shore from time to time, only Leo’s ship is slightly larger and has rich experience in sailing. Ship will choose to sail farther offshore.

After entering the Dajiaojiang River, Leo tried to use the mental net to quickly perceive the underwater situation. He found that the Dajiaojiang River was much more lively than the previous Tutu River, thinking that a mutant monster was happening deep underwater. A three-way melee between the heirs of Tatum and ordinary aquatic creatures led by extraordinary creatures.

At this time, the sons of Tatum are no longer in the shape of water plants growing under the water, but are entangled with each other to form an object similar in shape to those mutant monsters, which are a few hundred meters underwater to more than two thousand. The mutant monsters in the Mi's area started a melee and swallowed each other.

Because the two are so similar, even the energy fluctuations they emit are very similar, so that Leo can hardly tell who is who in the melee.

And the bottom of the water below two kilometers is the habitat of a large number of aquatic creatures native to the Dajiao River. Among them, there are an astonishing number of extraordinary creatures. Only the area that Leo just scanned by the spiritual net can scan no less than 50. Only extraordinary creatures, this is the waters near two kilometers, and there are at least a few kilometers of water below that should be inhabited by more aquatic creatures and extraordinary creatures.

"It's the same as the Black Forest!" Leo couldn't help sighing. Indeed, the last extraordinary group of creatures he saw that appeared in such a batch was in the Black Forest.

"What?" Sylvia, who was sitting on the side, didn't hear Leo's words clearly, and looked at it suspiciously.

Leo explained the situation at the bottom of the water, and also mentioned that the aquatic creatures and extraordinary creatures at the bottom seem to be feeding on the mutant monsters and the sons of Tatum that have sunk into the bottom due to injuries or other reasons. It is a mutated monster and the son of Tatum that are not injured or dead. If they enter an area below two kilometers, they will be besieged by countless aquatic creatures. If the aquatic creatures are unsure, the nearby supernatural creatures will come over immediately. , Work together to solve the intruder, and then eat it.

Although it’s not the first time Sylvia has seen Dajiaojiang, he has lived in the tribes near Dajiaojiang for a while, but it’s the first time I have heard of the situation deep in Dajiaojiang. In fact, it’s not just Hill. It was the first time Vya heard it, and even the captain of the shuttle boat not far away heard the situation in the water for the first time.

Although the Dajiaojiang River is the mother river of the tribes on the edge of the wasteland, it is interesting that except for the rich aquatic products in the upper and lower reaches of the Dajiaojiang River, as well as the surrounding branch and trunk rivers, there are no fish in the other river sections. For a long time, the tribes on both sides People think that there are no fish in Dajiaojiang.

There have been some daring tribesmen who tried to dive into the water to see what is going on in the Dajiaojiang deep in the water. As a result, none of those who dived into the water finally came up from the water. There are many of these people. Shaman guarded by a mighty desolate god.

Therefore, various legends about the bottom of the Dajiao River have been circulated repeatedly among the various tribes in the wasteland. Among them, the two most widely circulated legends are that the bottom of the Dajiao River is the eternal land mentioned in the shamanism trade. All those who go deep into the water They all entered the eternal land and enjoyed eternal joy. This legend led to suicide by throwing into the river as the preferred suicide method for those desperate people in the tribe.

Another legend says that there is a big snake sleeping at the bottom of the Dajiao River. This big snake slept on the bottom of the river before it appeared from the world. Once it wakes up, it means that the world will come to an end, and all creatures that sneak down will be slumbered by it. The water flow produced by natural breathing is sucked into its big mouth and eaten by it.

This legend caused the warriors of all tribes to sneak into the bottom of the Dajiao River as the last great cause of their lives.

And because of all the legends about Dajiaojiang, including these two legends, water funeral has become one of the most important burial ceremonies of the tribe.

Now the captain was surprised when he heard Leo mentioned the situation about the bottom of the Dajiaojiang River, but soon thought Leo was talking nonsense, but then he would think of Leo’s capture of Tatum’s son, and he felt What a capable person like Leo said may be true.

Only when he wanted to hear more, Leo stopped talking about the situation at the bottom of the Dajiao River, which made him feel uncomfortable being hung in the air.

However, he didn't dare to ask more, because the previous process of capturing the sons of Tatum had shown how powerful his power was. Such a powerful person is not something ordinary people like him can offend.

When the captain was thinking about the bottom of the Dajiaojiang River, Leo suddenly turned his head and reminded him: "If I were you, it would be better to bring the boat closer to the shore."

Upon hearing the reminder, the captain immediately turned his head and looked at the stone lamp, but he did not see any alarm from the flame of the stone lamp, so he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, but he did not stubbornly walk the current waterway. He obeyed Leo's proposal and directed the helmsman to move the waterway and began to approach the shore.

Many of the shuttle boats that followed knew the captain and knew that the captain was an old sailor, so they were a little puzzled about how the shuttle boat suddenly changed the water course. After all, how do you look at the current water course? Both are more convenient, and the stone lamp does not show that it is dangerous to approach.

It's just that some people still think that the captain's experience is more reliable even if they don't find the danger. They choose to imitate the captain and steer the ship closer to the waterway near the river bank.

However, most shuttle boats still choose to sail on the original spacious waterways.

Just after all the ships sailed for a certain distance, suddenly all the stone lamp flames on the shuttle boats sailing far from the shore burst out with a strong fire, and then went out instantly.

Before the people on the ship came back to their senses, countless mutant monsters and Tatum's sons that had been fighting together came out of the water, covering the entire water area.

Although the targets of these mutant monsters and the sons of Tatum were not the ships on the river surface, these ships were inevitably affected. The ships broke under various attacks, and the people on the ships fell into the water, even if they were People who have not fallen into the water will also be swept away by the tentacles that suddenly emerged from nowhere, disappearing into the dark water, and a scream instantly spread across the entire river surface, making those staying on the shore safe People in the zone also felt endless fear.

"God! It's Taut's fleet, they are all sunk!"

"There is also the ship of Long Song in the forest. He is the heir to the chief of the Dedishu tribe. Who will be the chief if he died!"

The shuttle boats that were temporarily safe all lost the courage to continue sailing. They docked and looked at the water. Then the faint moonlight saw the situation of some boats clearly and let out a cry of exclamation. .

Leo’s shuttle boat did not dock, because Leo did not express any danger, so he continued to sail forward, but the captain’s mentality changed a little at this time. He looked at the stone lantern and then at Leo. , And then looked at the chaotic waters in the distance with lingering fears.

On the ship, the other sailors also had the same mental changes as the captain. They heard Leo’s reminder to the captain just now. They didn’t care about Leo’s words and even thought the captain was too timid, because A stranger’s reminder changed the ship’s navigation channel, and now they don’t want it so much. Even if Leo asked them to drive the ship to the middle of the Dajiao River, they would do it, even if they still have it in their hearts. Suspected.

However, the course afterwards proved that what happened just now was just an accident. They sailed very smoothly, and there was no sudden attack on the road, or involved in a certain underwater current, and there was even no flame on the stone lamp. Unusual shaking occurred again.

After about seven or eight hours sailing along the river, the destination of the voyage, Badisa, was already visible to the naked eye.

Compared to the Sobans dock, UU read www.uukanshu. The river terminal of com Badisa is obviously much smaller. Except for cargo ships from cities such as Sobans, the main function of the Badisa Wharf is to provide fishermen with a resting port, so the port is built entirely as a small fishing port.

In the past, fishermen were able to catch fish in the tributaries of the Dajiao River, but after the foggy years, mutant monsters appeared on the bottom of the water, and it became unsafe to fish in the rivers, and the number of children of Tatum also increased. Fishing has become more dangerous. Except for a few large tribes who have the ability to clean up the river regularly, other small tribes who rely on fishing for their livelihoods have given up their livelihoods and chose to move to other places to live, Buddy Sha is one of them.

Badisha is a tribal city under the control of the Silvermoon Tribe. The people who built this city were not from the Silvermoon Tribe, nor were they from the mainland of Mozambique, but the colonists of the Marais Kingdom in Minsk. After coming here with the colonial army, they discovered a large amount of tungsten ore here, and then built a city dedicated to mining here.

In the beginning, they wanted to transport the ore they dug out by water. However, they were not familiar with the waterways here. In addition, the tribal shaman controlled a large number of creatures in the water to attack the mining fleet, allowing the mine owners at that time The loss was heavy, so the mine owner did not develop the waterway, but instead went by land and built a railway to transport the mine to the outside world.

This railway leads to the road that was called the Golden Road in the past, later called the Road of Corpses, and is now called the Shuangshengshan Avenue. That road is the only road that runs vertically on the edge of the entire wasteland. Kata City is on the Dajiao River, and at the other end is the Windy City of the Northern Tribal Alliance. Now almost all items related to the wasteland in the mainland of Mozambique need to be transported through this road.

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