The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1197: Worried governor

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"Purple Tungsten Mine?" Brutus, as a consultant, looked at Governor Carlos in shock.

Realize that I accidentally said something I shouldn't have said. Carlos couldn't help showing an awkward look on his face. After he knew that he couldn't hide it, he nodded and admitted: "Yes, the news that I only learned recently, but it has not been fully confirmed."

From Carlos’s face, Brutus realized that he should not have too much contact with the purple tungsten mine, at least not now, so he actively changed the subject and said: "If it is really purple tungsten mine, then the lady will not Will it be for this too?"

Carlos thought for a while, shook his head, and denied his previous guess, and said: "It's wrong, the time is wrong, and even if she knows about the purple tungsten mine, she shouldn't be thinking about it now. She has other more important things to worry about."

"Is the time right? Worrying about more important things?" Brutus looked blank, unable to understand his boss's words.

Carlos did not explain. He took out several newspapers directly from the documents on his desk. These newspapers are the largest circulation newspapers in the United States. Although the Tinder tribe has moved to the depths of the southern wilderness, they But they don't want to be completely out of touch with the outside world, so they always collect all the information from the outside world, and buying newspapers is the best way to collect information.

Not only newspapers from the Kingdom of America, but also newspapers from other parts of the mainland of Mozambique, they have also ordered a copy, which will be brought to Tinder City by caravans every ten days, and a new batch will be printed in Tinder City and distributed to The lord and governor of the settlements under his command.

Because of this reason, these newspapers often take a few days or even ten days later than the release date before they can be delivered to people like Carlos, and the news above has often become old news.

However, even if it is old news, it is also very new news for these people in the depths of the wasteland, and it also has great reference value. For example, just now, both himself and Brutus suspected that Sylvia was directed at When the purple tungsten mine came, but after he calmed down, he was able to deny his and Brutus's guess from the latest newspaper content.

After reading the content in the newspaper quickly, Brutus also felt that he had guessed wrong, because the biggest trouble for the Dodd Group now is not the ore, but the grain, which even stupid people can read. It is concluded that the food restriction order of the United States of America has a great impact on the Bodo region controlled by the Dodd Group, so now Sylvia should be most concerned about the food issue, not the ore issue.

Brutus quickly made a new judgment based on the content in the newspaper and the information that Sylvia would appear here in person, and said: "It seems that the lady should have passed by here accidentally. I’m afraid I’m here for food, and I just learned something. I take this opportunity to make friends with the Yinyue tribe so that we can buy enough food from here."

"Well, I think so too." Although Carlos didn't think so much, he still pretended to have a clear look. Then the expression on his face became extremely serious, and said: "So, she The things mentioned should be almost true, and we have to prepare."

"Should we send someone to the nearest Silvermoon Tribe to explain the situation?" Brutu immediately suggested.

"This is definitely going. If you can explain the situation, find out the instigators, and avoid conflict with the Silver Moon Tribe, it is the best." Carlos nodded and said: "But the question is whether the Silver Moon Tribe is willing or not. To quell this incident, and whether the Silver Moon Tribe knew about purple tungsten mines. If they knew that there were a lot of purple tungsten mines, then they were still willing to reconcile, or simply rely on this matter We..." As he said, his expression became more and more serious and nervous, and he got up from his chair, walked back and forth in the office, and said: "We can't expect reconciliation with them, we must do a good job Prepare. On the one hand, send someone to Yinyue Tribe to explain the situation, on the other hand, you must prepare to be attacked here, and send someone to Tinder City to explain the situation and ask for help from Tungsten City. The purple tungsten mine here is of great importance. It’s not something we can decide."

Hearing Carlos's decision, Brutus had no opinion, and offered him to go to Tinder City for help.

Although Carlos knew very well that his subordinate wanted to use the opportunity to ask for help to stay in a safe place and get involved in the fighting that might arise here, he still had no way to refute Brutus’s proposal, because he now For a while, I couldn't find any more suitable candidate than Brutus.

Just when the Governor of Sobans and his advisers were discussing the possible crisis, Sylvia and Leo had already negotiated the price with the owner of the boat going to Badisa, boarded the boat, and waited to drive at night. The ship is out.

The ship that the two took was a very traditional long shuttle boat with double row paddles. This type of ship was the most popular type of ship used by early pirates of the early Vinylon mainland because it can not only sail on the sea, but also can go deep. Inland water, and the speed is very fast, the only drawback is that it is not suitable for transporting goods, there is no special warehouse, all the goods can only be stacked on the deck.

After the appearance of ocean-going sailing ships, this special ship was quickly eliminated.

However, as the colonists entered the continent of Mozambique and brought all kinds of knowledge into the depths of the wilderness of the continent, this kind of ships that were eliminated in other places were reborn on the dense rivers in the depths of the wilderness. Now this kind of ships It is basically the most important ship on the wasteland river.

Although nominally, Leo and Sylvia’s ship is a passenger ship, but it is not much different from other cargo ships. There is no extra passenger cabin. There are still cargoes that need to be transported on the deck, only on the front deck. A place was deliberately encircled at the bow, and a few tables and chairs were placed to build a simple passenger rest area, even if it was converted into a passenger ship.

"Why do you have to sail after night? Isn't it safer to sail during the day?" Sylvia sat on a chair in this resting place and asked the sailor who was tying up cargo not far away. The language used was A universal tribal language written by the holy mountain.

The sailor was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was asking himself, he immediately spoke in another tribal language, and also made quick gestures with his hands. Although he could not understand his words, it was not difficult from his gestures. Guessed what he meant to express that he could not understand Sylvia.

"They are all people from the tribe of the next generation. Except for the shaman of their tribe, no one else has been to the holy mountain or the outside world. They can't understand languages ​​other than their own." At this time, the captain took it. A wooden pot with some fruit came over, and while placing the fruit on the table in front of Sylvia, he explained in sacred mountain language: "Madam, let me answer your questions! It may be in other places. It's easy to sail during the day, but it's different in the wasteland, especially on the Dajiaojiang River. It's not possible to sail during the day."

"Because it is dangerous to sail during the day?" Sylvia asked.

"Yes, the danger of sailing during the day is much greater than at night." The captain nodded, then pointed to the surface of the Tutu River in the distance and said: "Don't look at the water surface now is very calm, but in fact the underwater has long been lurking. A lot of danger. There are a large number of mutant monsters hidden in the water, as long as there are ships sailing on the river, they will attack, and they will never die."

"In that case, why is it safe again at night?" Sylvia asked again.

The captain explained: "Because at night, the sleeping Tatum sons in the water will wake up. They will patrol their territory and clean up the mutant monsters in the territory. We just need to be careful not to rush into the middle of the river, Tatum. Heirs will not attack the ships on the river."

"Tatum? Is it the master of the waterway?" Leo muttered to himself after hearing the captain's words.

Because he was going to the depths of the wasteland, Leo also learned a little about the wasteland gods who were respected by various tribes. Tatum was also among the wild gods he knew.

In the legend of the wasteland tribe, Tatum was originally a small tribal chief in the depths of the wasteland called the Land of Thousand Lakes.

The Land of Thousand Lakes is similar to the Black Forest Swamp where the Alliance of Hanossa of the Velen Continent is located. It is mainly composed of forests, swamps and lakes. The waterways are crisscrossed and canoes are the main means of transportation through this area.

Tatum was an extraordinary talent at the time. He annexed the surrounding tribes through various means, gradually expanded his power, and finally unified the entire Thousand Lakes Land and established the first and only wasteland. A regime similar to a dynasty.

After that, he even planned to extend his territory outside of the Thousand Lakes Land, but he did not expect that he drank too much wine at a banquet, fell into the water and drowned, and even the body was not found.

Also because of his sudden death and no blood heirs, the dynasty-like regime he established also fell apart in just a few years, and the land of the Thousand Lakes has also fallen into a melee for hundreds of years. Everyone wants to become The next Tatum, no one wants to be controlled by another Tatum.

Also because of the century-long war, the people of the Thousand Lakes Land began to miss the prosperous period when Tatum unified the Thousand Lakes Land, and a rumor appeared among the people that Tatum did not fall into the water. He died, but was recognized by the wilderness of nature, was called by the wilderness, and became a desolate god, so his body was not found.

After this statement came out, it was recognized by the local shaman, and there were also related altars and sacrifice rituals. After that, Tatum's reputation gradually spread from the land of the thousand lakes and became a wasteland legend. One of the gods in the wild.

Leo rarely reads the legend of Tatum twice. The reason for this is that Tatum can be said to be the first example of ordinary humans becoming wild gods in the wasteland, although humans have become wild gods several times later. But the origin is in Tatum.

"What are these Tatum heirs?" Leo asked curiously.

"It's Tatum's heir." The ship owner did not answer directly, but gave a completely useless answer, and then turned and left.

"Is there any problem?" Sylvia asked.

"Nothing is curiosity." Leo shook his head and said: "If you can drive away mutant monsters, it can't be an ordinary beast. The lowest is extraordinary creatures. And so many extraordinary creatures gather, this kind of sight is not seen outside the wasteland. Arrived."

Sylvia shook her head and said, "Even in the wasteland, it is not common. At least it is not common in the past. I stayed in the wasteland for a long time. I saw extraordinary creatures the number of times with one hand. Come here."

A little bit of time passed, Leo and Sylvia stayed on the boat very leisurely. When they were bored, they even asked the sailor for two fishing rods, sat down and spread the fish.

As the sky dimmed, the number of people on the dock gradually decreased, and the ships loaded with cargo had all sorted their cargo. The sailors sat on the paddling positions and ate the food in their hands, waiting for the captain to order.

All the captains did not look at the surface of the water, but turned and looked at the lighthouse not far away. Although the brazier of the lighthouse had been lit, UU Reading www.uukānshu. com, but the signal to sail the boat has not been sent out. The shamans in the city are perceiving the situation of the river through secret methods. Only when they perceive the presence of the Tatum children in their mouths will the signal to sail the boat be sent out. Otherwise, Even at night, no ships will sail.

As time passed, the sky was completely dark, and the river surface was even darker. Even if there was moonlight, the river could not be illuminated.

At this time, some lights flashed on the river. These lights were not the waves generated by moonlight on the water surface, but the lights emitted from the bottom of the water. The moment these lights appeared, all the ships made a slight sound. Cheers, and at the same time, the light on the lighthouse flashed out under the control of the fire watcher, sending a signal to all the ships waiting to set out on the dock.

With the sound of shouts with the characteristics of their respective tribes one after another on the dock, the shuttle boats drilled out from the docks where they docked like sharp arrows off the string, and the experienced steers relaxed. I found the gap between the ships and got in and out, as agile as a fish, and those inexperienced steers inevitably had friction with other ships, and the yelling and cursing immediately appeared on two or more ships. It spread from ship to ship, and some people even started to raise their oars to start their hands.

Those ships that had not had time to leave the ship in the first time could not help being blocked by these disputed ships. They could not help but join the scolding war when they left anxiously. For a while, the water surface of the dock fell into chaos. Among.

In this situation, the managers of the terminal seem to have become accustomed to it. They each drove their small canoes to mediate the conflicts among the disputed ships, and charge a fee for mediation by the way, which is regarded as their extra income.

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