The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1194: Mutated Guardian Spirit

After burning all the corpses, these tribesmen piled up the ashes in a house, then pulled down the earth wall around the house, buried the bones in it, and piled up some masonry, mud, etc., and set up A tombstone.

After doing this, these tribesmen packed up the things in the camp, hurriedly left the place and disappeared on the way down the mountain.

After these tribesmen left, Leo and Sylvia, who were hidden in the shadows under the tree, walked out, came to the large tomb, and looked at the simple tombstone.

Leo looked at the text engraved on the tombstone and said: "This is a variant language of the language of the moon. It contains some words from the holy mountain language. It should be the language used by a certain crescent moon branch of the Silver Moon tribe."

"It's the Banyue Clan." Sylvia obviously knew the tribe of the Wasteland better than Leo, and quickly gave the answer, and continued: "They mentioned that the attacker may be the Tinder tribe. I remember this tribe. It should be a new tribe, a tribe that emerged after the foggy years. The initial members of the tribe were survivors of some tribes’ extinction in the monster wave, and they gradually grew to form a big tribe. However, they gave up a few years ago. In the territory of the Northern Tribal Alliance, I moved back to the Southern Tribal Alliance and prepared to follow the ancient tribal traditions. This incident was still a lot of trouble at the time. This tribe was even established by the Southern Holy Mountain as a model of following the traditional way."

"The Silver Moon Tribe seems to be one of the main supporters of the Southern Sacred Mountain, right?" Leo thought for a while and asked.

"Yes." Sylvia nodded, and then said: "The Tinder tribe will move to the south. It is said that the Tinder tribe is also dominated by the Silver Moon tribe, and the Tinder tribe can be so valued by the Southern Holy Mountain. Among them are the operations of the Silver Moon tribe. "

"Did someone slaughter the branch of the Silvermoon Tribe to frame the Tinder Tribe and destroy the relationship between the two tribes?" Leo then guessed, and then felt that this guess was too sloppy, so he smiled and denied: "Such a technique is too rough and simple. No one should be fooled."

"That's not necessarily." Sylvia had a different view, saying: "The Silvermoon Tribe paid a high price for the Tinder Tribe to move to the south. Now the Tinder Tribe's habitat is also in the hunting grounds of the Silvermoon Tribe. The most fertile piece of land. Originally, the Silver Moon tribe tried to draw the Tinder tribe to the south, just to increase its right to speak in the sacred mountain of the South, and even took the Tinder tribe into a firm follower of tradition, but things seemed to be different. Instead of developing as the Silvermoon Tribe hoped, the Tinder Tribe did not completely take refuge in the Silvermoon Tribe, but went from side to side among the various tribes. This also made the Silvermoon Tribe very disgusted with the Tinder Tribe, and even the low-level people had a lot of hatred. The Tinder tribe, the high-level leaders have made a wrong decision, and their reputation has plummeted. Naturally, they have extremely hated the Tinder tribe. Now the two tribes only need one Huo Yinzi, and the backlog of hatred can completely burst out. As for who made the Huo Yinzi , They don’t care."

Leo asked with some doubts: "Let the two tribes conflict, who will benefit from doing so? Moreover, the overall strength of the Silver Moon tribe far exceeds the Tinder tribe, and the conflict between the two will not cause much movement at all."

"Many people will benefit. Those who buy and sell arms, food, hoard all kinds of goods, and those who work as war mercenaries. All in all, as long as there is a war, many people will definitely benefit from this war. It's for sure." Although Sylvia saw the problem thoroughly, she also failed to understand the beneficiary of Leo's problem, that is, who the biggest beneficiary was. And she also agrees with Leo's statement that if the enemy of the Silvermoon Tribe is the Tinder Tribe, then this conflict will hardly evolve into a war, it can only be regarded as a major conflict, and no one should benefit from it.

Leo said again: "The person seemed to mention a place name after seeing those items just now. Do you know what that place name is?"

Sylvia recalled for a moment and said, "It's Sobans, right at the intersection of Tutu River and Dajiao River. It was originally just an ordinary tribal hunter camp, but now it may have built a distribution center. The group is in the south. The acquisition point of Shengshan once acquired a batch of white head roots produced by Sobans. The quality of white head roots there is much higher than that of other places. The group also plans to set up a station in Sobans to buy white head roots."

"Baitougen?" Leo was stunned when he heard the name of this herb, and said, "Is that the Baitougen used to stop bleeding?"

"Right." Sylvia asked puzzled: "Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is a problem." Leo said solemnly: "If only a small area of ​​white head roots grows, there is no problem, but listening to what you just said, there are a lot of high-quality white head roots, then This is problematic, because as far as I know, if the wild white head root grows with good quality and the quantity is huge, then some associated minerals are often produced near the place where the white head root grows. This kind of associated mineral is purple tungsten mine."

"Purple tungsten mine?" Sylvia immediately thought of the purple tungsten steel cold weapon made with backward techniques and precious metals, and said: "It just happened to be on the way. Where can we go and take a look? Maybe we can find something interesting. ."

Leo had no opinion on this. The two quickly left the dilapidated tribal camp, went down the mountain, and walked south along the Tutu River. On the way, they also saw the silver moon that also rushed towards Sorbans. The tribal warriors, but the two did not come into contact with these menacing warriors, but bypassed these people, accelerated their marching speed, and arrived at Sobans in less than half a day.

As Sylvia said before, Sobans is no longer a hunter camp, and it is much larger than the distribution center that Sylvia said. It is more like a small city because of the outer defenses here. It is no longer a wooden wall, but is built with stone walls like the big cities outside, and there are neat streets and busy piers inside the city. Except for the people walking on the streets, most of them are indigenous tribes in the wilderness. Apart from dressing, there is absolutely no relationship to this primitive wasteland from urban planning to urban architecture.

"A city was built?" Sylvia was also very surprised by this, and felt a strange violation.

"Look at the center of the city." Leo seemed to have discovered something, pointing to the location of the city's central square, and said.

Sylvia looked in the direction of Leo’s fingers, and saw a huge statue standing on the central square of the city. Altars and other things were also set up around the square for worshippers, which looked like other tribes. Worshiping the guardian spirit of your own tribe is almost the same, but the problem is that the huge statue is not any known natural guardian spirit, nor is it a wild god. On the contrary, it is a mutation that makes Sylvia feel a little uncomfortable even if she sees it. Monster, the only difference is that this mutant monster has a pair of human eyes.

When mutant monsters appeared in the foggy year, almost everyone grouped these mutant monsters with the mutations of human mutants, gods and family members that appeared before.

But as the understanding of mutant monsters became deeper, people gradually realized that there was a huge difference, and they were not the same type at all.

For example, human mutants and gods’ family members are all changed because of the world. Some of their traits have been affected by the world's mutation and have also been mutated. Therefore, their mutation can be said to originate from themselves, and no matter how much they mutate, they are of the world. One part, just like human cancer cells, no matter how mutated, cancer cells will still be part of the body, but this part will cause harm and destruction to itself.

But the mutant monsters now appearing all over the world are caused by the interference of external forces that entered this world along with the dense fog, which caused the body to undergo unexpected mutations, and all of these mutations occurred in beasts. There has been no human mutation. The reason for the change of the author is this kind of external force.

As for the difference between human mutants and mutant monsters, it is very obvious in terms of appearance. The mutations of mutant monsters are disorderly and chaotic, and their shapes are various and strange. Most of them feel like digging from a river beach. A mass of mud formed after it hits the ground, but human mutants are different. No matter how they mutate, they will inevitably retain a bit of the original shape.

However, the statue now appearing in the center of Sobans City is completely a mutated monster, without any original features, but the monster has a pair of very obvious human eyes, which makes Sylvia feel a little bit eccentric.

"Is it the first human mutant monster, or is the mutant monster mutated into a pair of human eyes?" Sylvia said to herself.

Leo thought for a while after hearing this, and said, "I think the first one is more likely."

The two exchanged their views, and then they did not continue to observe, but on the road that should be opened by the Sobans people, walked into the city through the city gate.

There are several guards at the city gate. Although their looks are the looks of the wasteland tribe, their armor is not the armor of a tribal warrior. Instead, it is similar to the half-length armor of the flanged infantry armor a hundred years ago. The weapons on their bodies are also It is not a traditional bow and arrow or short spear, but an obsolete type of steam engine crossbow. Although it is an obsolete type, judging from the signs of wear on the mechanical crossbow, the manufacturing time of this mechanical crossbow is definitely not more than half a year.

Just as Leo and Sylvia passed by these guards and quickly observed these guards at the same time, these guards also looked up and down Leo and Xi with surprised and scrutinizing eyes. Elvia.

Although Leo and Sylvia's clothes are considered normal in other places, they are particularly eye-catching when they are placed in the city in this wasteland and among the people who are all dressed up by tribal natives.

Fortunately, there seem to be some people in the city who come to the wasteland to try their luck. These people's dresses are not much different from Leo and Sylvia, so the guards of the city gate and the pedestrians in the city just watched the two more. At a glance, he ignored the two again.

Sylvia murmured quietly as she walked: "The walls here are too thin, and there is no solidified retaining wall. If there are monsters attacking outside the city, such a wall may even be the first impact of the monster. It is impossible to resist."

Leo also said: "Looking at the forest outside, this city doesn't seem to have received any decent attacks."

According to normal circumstances, in order to prevent some small mutant monsters from approaching the town through the cover of the woods, an isolation zone will be built near the town, and all trees and shrubs in the isolation zone that will block the line of sight will be cut down.

As for the city of Sobans, not only the walls were built against common sense, but even the most basic defense facilities were not built. The entire city felt as if they would not be attacked by mutant monsters.

"Statue." After reviewing their views, Sylvia and Leo thought of the source of such anomalies in this city.

So the two went directly to the central square of the city and took a close look at the statue. By the way, they heard something about the statue from the conversations between the worshippers around them.

As Leo and Sylvia guessed in advance, this statue is indeed the guardian spirit of the entire city, but because this guardian spirit is not a guardian spirit recognized by the holy mountain, this statue and the surrounding altars are illegal. .

However, UU reading www. The people living in the city of Sobans are all from the Tinder tribe. They are all composed of different tribes. They don’t value the traditions of the tribe or the authority of the sacred mountain very much, and they ignore the rules of the sacred mountain. They built this statue and the surrounding altar completely according to their own ideas.

The reason why the people of the Tinder tribe value this guardian spirit is that the guardian spirit is their great shaman and the person who leads the Tinder tribe from weak to strong.

And when this great shaman moved south from the Tinder tribe, in order to protect the tribesmen attacked by the mutant monster group, he used an extraordinary shaman spell and the monster group died together, but the great shaman who should have died was due to unknown reasons. It merged with the mutilated limbs of the monster group and became a new mutant monster.

However, this mutant monster did not attack the people of the Tinder tribe. Instead, it protected the Tinder tribe secretly so that they would not be attacked by the mutant monsters encountered on the road. After the Tinder tribe settled down, it spontaneously moved in each tribe. The settlement built a mutated statue of the great shaman, treating it as the guardian spirit of the tribe.

It’s strange to say that since the statue of the great shaman was built, all the settlements of the Tinder tribe have never encountered a monster attack again, which is why the defense equipment of the city of Sobans is so thin. one.

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