"There is no power, it is not an extraordinary thing." Sylvia carefully observed the statue of the mutant guardian spirit, then carefully surveyed the statue with her method, and then concluded.

Leo also sensed the situation of the statue, and came to the same conclusion as Sylvia. He still tried to turn on his spiritual vision to stimulate the power of the real eye, and when his spiritual vision was injected into the real eye After the power, the scene seen is completely different from the situation perceived.

"It's not that there is no power, but the power is not in it," Leo looked at the scene in front of him and told Sylvia what he saw: "It was in them."

Perhaps it was worried that Sylvia could not understand what he meant, so he took Sylvia’s hand, and then used psionic skills to directly project an illusion on Sylvia’s retina, and the illusion Everything shown is everything he saw.

I saw that although the statue of the mutant guardian spirit in front of them was just an ordinary stone statue, there was an unknown force attached to the statue that could not be sensed by ordinary sensing methods, and this positional force was very weak, so weak that it was almost equal. The extraordinary power required to create a flame is almost the same. Anyone who masters extraordinary power, even if that person has just acquired extraordinary power, has more power than the unknown power in the statue.

However, this kind of unknown power that is so weak that it will dissipate at any time is the core of a large network of extraordinary powers, and this large network covers the entire city, and most of the people of the Tinder tribe in the city, whether they are warriors or Hunters, or farmers, they are all part of the big net, possessing a little of this unknown power on their bodies, and those powerful transcendents who are close to the third-level psionics form branches similar to the big net nodes. core.

Although the unknown power possessed by each of these people is not very strong, and even most of them can be called weak, but if these powers come together, the strength of this unknown power is estimated to be comparable to the fifth-level spirit. The capable, that is, one level lower than Sylvia's witch power.

The extraordinary existence of this intensity, even in the unfathomable environment like the wasteland, is definitely one of the top ones. Relying on this kind of power, as long as it doesn’t encounter a large-scale mutation like Odoline City Monster tide, under normal circumstances, there will be no security issues.

Moreover, there is not only one such existence. It seems that every gathering place and town established by the Tinder tribe has a similar existence. Such a powerful strength does not have a foothold in the wasteland, even if they want to be in the wasteland and the south. It is not difficult for the holy mountain to occupy a place.

It's just that nothing can be perfect to be flawless, and the mutant guardian spirit of this city is no exception.

"It's a pity! If it can move, there will probably not be much power in the entire wasteland that can defeat the Tinder Tribe." Sylvia easily saw the biggest flaw of this mutant guardian spirit, and then continued: " Its power is dependent on the people of the Tinder tribe in the city. Some are similar to the power of belief. As long as the people of the Tinder tribe have too many casualties or they no longer believe in it, its power will definitely drop significantly. In addition, its weaknesses are too obvious. Now, such a large statue is placed in the center of the city. I am afraid that others will not know the same. As long as a few special artillery can be set up outside the city, one round of shelling will destroy the statue and the extraordinary power of the entire city will disappear."

When Sylvia said these words, she didn't deliberately lower her voice, and she used a tribal language commonly used in the wasteland. Everyone around the square could understand her words, so everyone stopped. , And then stared at Sylvia with a bad face.

In other people's chassis, saying how to destroy them, anyone who hears this kind of thing will make the same reaction, but how can Sylvia not be clear, she just hopes to have such a reaction.

Therefore, a formal security officer walked out of the corner of the square and quickly walked to the two of them. He said unceremoniously: "You are not welcome here, please leave immediately, otherwise..."

"I want to see your city lord, or the leader of the tribe in this gathering place." Sylvia said calmly, ignoring the threat from the other party.

The sheriff instinctively wanted to reject Sylvia's request, but he swallowed it when he spoke, because he could see that Sylvia and Leo were not easy, because they both It was very clean, so clean as if you were playing in the garden. On the other hand, even those who came here from the waterway were all in the dust. This contrast can be felt by at least a little careful person.

The sheriff was obviously not the kind of brainless person. After he noticed the abnormality in Sylvia and Leo, he did not insist on driving them away. Instead, he signaled to them and then proceeded. I took the two to the reception room on the street on the side of the square, and asked them to sit here for a while, and then hurriedly left, apparently looking for someone who could make a decision.

"What are you going to do?" After the sheriff left, Leo ignored the other Tinder tribes in the reception room and asked directly in French.

Sylvia smiled and said, "It's very simple, just tell them the facts."

"Facts?" Leo hesitated.

Sylvia explained: "Someone is deliberately provoking a dispute between the Tinder tribe and the Silvermoon tribe."

Leo also realized Sylvia's thoughts, and said, "Do you want to follow the hands of the Tinder tribe and the Silvermoon tribe to find out who is behind these things?"

Sylvia nodded and said: "We can't stay here for a long time. We don't have so much time to check these things. Let the local forces check it better. We just need to wait for the results."

Leo naturally wouldn’t object to Sylvia’s proposal, although he thought that even if the Tinder and Silvermoon tribes believed Sylvia’s statement and gave up the provoked hatred, they might not be able to find out anything useful. , But as far as the current situation is concerned, this method is quite appropriate.

Even if the two tribes didn’t find anything, it’s okay. As long as the matter at hand is over, he and Sylvia will focus on investigating the matter. After all, this matter involves both the blood wizard Lawrence and also Rupert Fitz whose life is uncertain.

The two did not wait long. Soon the sheriff led a middle-aged man in from outside. The middle-aged man was dressed like an official from the United States of America, and even had a ribbon representing honor. Except for his appearance, there is no connection between him and the natives of the Wasteland tribe.

This middle-aged man was very satisfied with his dressing, but people from other tribes around seemed a little disgusted, and even some people got up and left the room after the middle-aged man arrived. What kind of peculiar smell does the young man have, and he will be infected if he stays for a long time.

The middle-aged man was obviously accustomed to the attitude of the people around him, and he also had a deep city, without any unpleasant expression on his face.

After he entered the door, his original sight was just habitually scanning Leo and Sylvia, to distinguish the origins of the two based on experience, but when he saw Sylvia's appearance, he couldn't help but stunned. Now, it wasn't because Sylvia's beauty made him gaffe, but he recognized who Sylvia was.

"I didn't expect to see you here, Ms. Sylvia!" The middle-aged man quickly recovered from the shock and saluted Sylvia very respectfully.

"Do you know me?" Sylvia also looked at each other, but she was very strange to this middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man immediately explained: “I used to study in the New Bodo region for a period of time, and during my free time in school, I did a period of sales in the Dodd Group. You once gave a speech in the department where I worked. I benefited a lot from this speech, and it was that speech that made me decide to return to the wasteland to start my own business, so now in my mind, Madam, you are like a mentor."

The middle-aged man’s words were very affectionate, and made people feel the true affection in his words, but neither Leo nor Sylvia believed a word at all, but neither of them poked. Breaking the opponent, but silently watching the opponent, waiting for the opponent's follow-up performance.

However, Leo and Sylvia's unresponsive approach made the middle-aged person wonder how to continue for a while, which seemed a bit embarrassing.

But soon he adjusted, and then showed a very standard smile, and asked: "Madam, are you here for the purchase of Baitougen? Your group has been buying high-quality Baitougen from us. Root, the head of your group’s office in Sacred Mountain also expressed that you want to open a fixed acquisition point here. I didn’t expect your group to attach so much importance to this matter. Let the lady come by yourself...

"Wait!" After hearing the middle-aged man whispering a lot, Sylvia immediately interrupted the other person, and then said directly: "I came here mainly to remind The high level of your Tinder tribe, be careful of being framed."

"Framed by someone?" The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard the words, puzzled.

"Someone intends to provoke the Silvermoon Tribe to have a discord with your Tinder Tribe." Sylvia was very serious about telling the middle-aged people what happened in Rage Bear Mountain and some of her and Leo's findings, but she concealed it a little Something about blood witchcraft and Rupert Fitz.

At first the middle-aged people didn’t care what Sylvia said, even if Sylvia’s identity meant that what she said was not a trivial matter, the middle-aged people believed in the ally relationship between the Tinder Tribe and the Silver Moon Tribe. It can't be done simply by framing.

But as Sylvia mentioned some of the characteristics of the Silvermoon tribal warrior who was in charge of inspecting the scene, coupled with the attitude shown by the other party, the calm expression of the middle-aged man began to be stripped, replaced by seriousness and worry, until When Sylvia finished talking about the matter, he didn't feel relieved from the news.

"Is your words true?" The middle-aged man immediately confirmed to Sylvia again after he recovered, and because he was a little panicked, he no longer used honorifics when he called Sylvia. .

"Is it true? You can find out this kind of thing yourself." Sylvia responded flatly, and then said: "The number of white head roots that our group needs to use has increased a lot recently, and you are here again. It is one of our main sources of supply, so I don’t want to see that you will interfere with the production of Baitougen because of other things, thereby affecting our group."

The middle-aged man suppressed the anxiety in his heart and said, "Please rest assured, no matter what happens, there will be no problem with the supply of your group."

"I hope so, and I hope you will find out the black hand as soon as possible." Sylvia responded briefly, and gestured to Leo, who was silent, and the two hurried from the reception room of the sheriff. Walked out and walked towards the pier.

The middle-aged man stayed quietly in the reception room for a while, seeming to be thinking about what to do, then he walked out of the reception room quickly, and then asked the guard about the direction Leo and Sylvia had left, and followed him towards Walk quickly to the Governor's Mansion in the city center.

On the other side, Leo and Sylvia quickly arrived near the pier and asked the porter at the pier which ship could carry passengers.

Sorbance’s wharf was constructed unconventionally~www.ltnovel.com~ It was built completely in accordance with the specifications of a regular wharf. The docking points extended out one by one, full of various ships, and the wharf warehouses were also piled up from all over A large number of porters and merchants move back and forth between warehouses and ships. In terms of prosperity alone, it is no worse than any civilized inland wharf.

However, it is obvious that Tinder Tribe has only learned the construction methods of the pier, but not the management method of the pier. Although the entire pier is busy, it is extremely chaotic. Everyone is yelling, crane their necks, and find their own men or Buyers of their own goods, and the manager of the terminal ignores everything in front of them, just walking back and forth on the terminal to stop some disputes.

As for the docking of ships at the pier, it is also completely chaotic. Passenger ships and cargo ships dock at each other. There are even more than a dozen ships parked in a pile. People on board need to walk through other ships before they can go ashore.

All in all, in this chaotic situation, even Sylvia cannot find a suitable passenger ship, and can only hope that the porters working on the dock can provide some useful guidance.

Under the lure of profit, the porter at the dock quickly found the passenger ship Leo and Sylvia needed among a large number of similar-style ships, and brought the two to the passenger ship.

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