The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1193: Tribal tragedy

"It seems that this should be a tribal vendetta." Leo judged.

Sylvia wondered: "But if it is a vendetta by the tribe, why do you fake an attack by a mutant monster?"

Leo also showed incomprehension, because if it's just a tribal vendetta, there is no need to pretend to be like this, because vendettas between wasteland tribes are too common, and a tribe will emerge almost every day. Almost every day, a tribe disappears. In the teachings of Shamanism, this is part of the law of nature. No one will accuse this kind of inter-tribal vendetta and annexation.

However, now the people who slaughtered this tribe have slaughtered everyone against tribal common sense, and they have superfluously forged the scene, which made Leo and Sylvia smell a trace of conspiracy.

If something like this happens in other places, Leo and Sylvia will not intervene in this matter and will only turn around and leave. But now the location of Raging Bear Mountain is very suitable for building an experimental base for observing photoworms, and also because of the picture. Because of the river, it has an excellent transportation system. If you can collect good things here, you can also transport them out by water in time.

Therefore, both of them felt that they should take some time to figure out what happened here. It would be best if the troubles can be solved. If it can't be solved, they can also make some preventive preparations for setting up a test base here in the future.

After making a decision, the two separated and searched the tribal camp carefully.

Obviously those people who slaughtered the tribe were not masters in disguise, nor were they experts in cleaning the scene. Although they tried their best to clean up the scene after the battle, they cleaned up all the traces that could be seen, and then they even made camouflage and tried To cover the traces that they could not clean up, but they still left a lot of clues, and these clues made Leo and Sylvia very easy to connect an intelligence chain, so that they can basically deduce The truth about the situation at hand.

"You speak first." Sylvia said after the two went around in the tribal camp and reunited at the entrance.

"This tribe is a branch of the Silvermoon Tribe, and it's a very important branch. In the middle of the camp, there is the Silvermoon Tribe totem pole that gets the shaman's natural enlightenment." Leo said, pointing to the one in the distance. The placement of the totem poles on the lower pedestal did not explain how to tell where the totem poles of the Silver Moon Tribe were placed.

"This tribe is called the Moon Ring Tribe. This tribe belongs to the outermost tribe of the Silver Moon Tribe, and it is also the largest branch tribe. Although it is a peripheral tribe, its role within the Silver Moon Tribe is very important because it is responsible for managing all attachments. The vassal tribe of the Silver Moon Tribe.” Sylvia added: “The entire Moon Ring Tribe has 30 branches on the surface. Each of these 30 branches will be given by the Silver Moon Tribe to the Guardian Totem Pole to determine Their status in the Silver Moon Tribe, the tribe being annihilated at the moment should be one of the thirty branches on the bright side."

"The attackers deliberately used the Tecklin forging process to make weapons, disguised as the vendetta of primitive tribes. The weapon they actually used should be a new type of alloy weapon. This fragment is embedded on the base of the totem pole. It should be When the totem pole was destroyed, it was broken by the power inside the totem pole." Leo continued, and took out a metal fragment the size of a grain of rice and handed it to Sylvia, and then reported a series of information about this The composition of the metal.

"There is purple tungsten steel in it?" Sylvia emphatically confirmed after listening to the ingredients reported by Leo.

"Yeah." Leo nodded and said, "I remember that O'Dolin's alchemy tool was mixed with purple tungsten steel. If I remember correctly, purple tungsten steel seems to be..."

"Specialty of Fitz Industries," Sylvia said solemnly.

Just like the status of the Dodd Group in the industrial system of the mainland of Mozambique, the position of Rupert Fitz’s industrial group in the mainland of Velen was also unique, not to mention the various industrial products they manufactured, only they Its strength in metallurgy has far surpassed its peers at the time.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the Dodd Group now has the help of Leo Notes, it can stand at the top of the industrial system in the mainland of Mozambique, but there is still a certain gap between the smelting of metals and industrial products and the Fitz industry back then. Elvia also had to admit that if Fitz Industries had survived the monster tide and moved to the mainland of Mozambique, then the Dodd Group as a competitor would not have its current scale and status.

Purple tungsten steel is a specialty metal of Fitz Industry. This metal has high temperature resistance, wear resistance and ultra-hardness properties far exceeding that of similar metals. Therefore, purple tungsten steel is used to make the head of steam trains. It is still in maintenance. Almost all the locomotives running on the Lun Continental Railway are mixed with a large amount of purple tungsten steel.

Sylvia also tried to get the formula of purple tungsten steel, but it was a pity that Rupert Fitz protected the formula very tightly. There was no chance to start. In the end, Sylvia only got a batch of purple tungsten steel. Of raw steel ingots.

With Rupert Fitz and the main facilities of Fitz Industry all falling into the tide of mutant monsters, Fitz Industry specialties such as purple tungsten steel will naturally be cut off.

Sylvia now has a small amount of purple tungsten steel. Not long ago, she also hoped that Leo could develop a formula for purple tungsten steel.

"Who would use the precious metal like purple tungsten steel to make cold weapons?" Sylvia wondered.

Sylvia's use of purple tungsten steel is very economical and careful. It will only be used on some special equipment, such as floating boats. It is rarely used in weapon manufacturing, and even weapon manufacturing is also used For items such as steam engine crossbows, special pistols, etc., because only these weapons require high temperature resistance, wear resistance and other characteristics of purple tungsten steel, they are somewhat overkill for cold weapons.

The number of original purple tungsten steel ingots in the world should not be much. Sylvia should have the largest number. Other countries and forces will only have fewer purple tungsten steel ingots. In this case, I believe Anyone who is a little wise will not be stupid enough to use this special metal to make cold weapons.

"Perhaps he has a lot of purple tungsten steel on hand, too much to be wasted at will." Leo seemed to respond casually to Sylvia's question.

"How is this possible? How could anyone in the world own so much purple tungsten steel, unless..." Sylvia just shook her head and denied Leo's guess, but soon she stopped abruptly as if she was frozen. A thoughtful expression appeared on her face, and after a while, she said solemnly: "You mean Rupert Fitz did not die?"

Leo nodded slightly and said, "It is possible. After all, no one has seen Rupert Fitz's body, and even the bodies of Rupert Fitz's close associates and right-hand men have not seen it. Don’t you think it’s weird that savvy people didn’t leave a way for themselves before the danger came?"

Sylvia frowned and said, "After all, there is the center point of the monster tide, and even the royal family has fallen..."

"But many ordinary people living there escaped, didn't they?" Leo said.

Sylvia did not refute Leo’s words, but she still doubts Rupert Fitz’s survival, because the cold weapon made of purple tungsten steel alone makes Rupert Fitz alive and obviously has some evidence. Thin, and if Rupert Fitz is still alive and has rebuilt his power in the mainland of Mozambique, then it is absolutely impossible to hide his whereabouts completely in this environment full of various secretive purposes. There will definitely be some The clues were discovered.

"Or maybe someone got Rupert Fitz's legacy by good luck." Leo also seemed to find that the actual evidence of Rupert Fitz's survival was too thin, so he added.

Although Sylvia also thinks this possibility is very low, because according to her knowledge of Rupert Fitz, it is impossible for this kind of person to leave any legacy to future generations, but compared to Rupert Fitz Surviving this guess, the guess of good luck getting inheritance is more reliable.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Sylvia still shook his head and said: "If you get the inheritance, then why hasn't any Rupert Fitz-related industry appeared in the past two decades? Like purple tungsten. As long as things like steel are taken out, they will definitely cause a sensation. Even if the industry cannot reach the top of the metallurgical industry, it can still occupy a part of the market share."

Leo did not continue to discuss this, because there are too few clues at hand now. No matter how the discussion is, it is just a guess. On the contrary, starting from the other side, maybe you can get more useful clues, so he turned to ask: "Did you find anything just now?"

Leo asked. Sylvia took out some wood fragments that didn't seem to have many characteristics and handed them to Leo, saying, "This should be a medium used by a certain spell. Can you know which spell it is? "

Leo took a look at it, because it was too scattered, and he couldn't tell the original shape of the fragments from the physical shape, and from the perspective of wood texture, these fragments came from at least three different media. It is almost impossible to restore this magical medium with pieces.

Those who want to slaughter this tribe should also have thought of this, so they didn’t take away these distinctive mediums, but for Leo, even if he could not piece together a complete spell medium, he could still pass Other ways to restore this spell.

I saw that he used the spiritual net to penetrate the fragments of the magical medium in his hand, captured the residual energy remaining in it, and then imitated them one by one with the power of nightmare.

The first two magic powers imitated were very ordinary shaman spells, which should be cast by the shaman of this tribe, but the last magic power imitated by Leo is indeed a wizard spell, and he and Sylvia are both I recognized the source of this spell in a moment.

"Lawrence!" Leo and Sylvia said in unison.

This magical breath belongs to the power breath of the blood wizard Lawrence.

"It seems that this blood wizard should have a lot of secrets." Leo said solemnly.

Sylvia did not show any abnormal emotions, but rather calmly said: "There is a secret for sure. I didn't intend to explore his secrets at the beginning. I am not in a relationship with his subordinates, more It's a cooperative relationship. I protect him. He does things for me. As long as he can do what I ordered, I usually don't care about his little secrets." She said, she paused and her expression became serious. Said: "But now this secret is a bit overdone. It seems that after returning to O'Dorrain, we will find time to have a good chat with Lawrence."

"I happen to want to..." Leo was about to say something, and suddenly looked down the Angry Bear Mountain. Sylvia also noticed it and looked there, and then gestured to Leo. A group of black shadows emerged from Leo, wrapped them up, and moved to a tree not far away, blending perfectly with the shadows under the tree.

It didn’t take long for them to see more than two hundred tribal warriors wearing wood armor of the wasteland tribe, carrying weapons, and bearing obvious imprints on their bodies. After the tragic situation, a dozen people in the middle knelt on the ground immediately, crying loudly, desperate emotions radiating from them, affecting others around them.

The other tribal warriors looked very gloomy. Under the command of the leader, they were well-trained and divided into teams, dispersed, and entered the camp to see if there were other survivors.

Soon they searched this tribal camp, and their faces were so gloomy that they turned black. The tragedy in the tribe shocked them and made them angry. They did not expect the casualties to be so heavy. UU reading www.uukanshu. The entire camp of com is basically annihilated, and even the children are dismembered.

At this time, several tribal warrior leaders who went around to check the situation led them back to the leader. At the same time, they also brought back some items, and they were very angry and spoke quickly in a wasteland tribal language, and they were also excited. Show some items in your hand to the leader and everyone around him.

The dozens of tribal warriors who were kneeling on the ground quickly stood up after hearing the sound, ran to the vicinity, and then each picked up the boss, found an item, looked at it quickly, and yelled with hatred. With a name.

After hearing this name, all the tribal warriors seemed to have heard the public enemy of the world. They all yelled angrily and raised their weapons high. On the contrary, the leader of these tribal warriors looked very calm. Picking up those items and looking at it repeatedly, a thoughtful look appeared on his face. Knowing the reminders of the people around him, he gave orders to the people who were still extremely excited.

However, the command given by this leader did not seem to be what the surrounding tribal warriors wanted. The faces of the surrounding warriors showed extremely reluctant expressions, until the leader gave the same command again and again and increased his tone. The soldiers gave up their ideas and found some wood, collected the corpses, and burned them together.

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