"Mysterious World under Steampunk ( Find the latest chapter!

It’s not the first time Sylvia has entered the wasteland. In the past, when she was studying in the main church of the Lord of the Sky, she went deep into the wasteland more than once as an adventure writer. These organizations in the hospital collect information on species in the wasteland, and the other is to collect information on the wasteland tribes for the French Empire. So she either organized caravans to go to various places in the tribe or hired guides from the wasteland tribes to explore some relics in the jungle. Did not enter the depths of the jungle alone in the wilderness.

In addition, there is a huge difference between the jungle after entering the wasteland and the jungle outside the wasteland. Moreover, after the foggy year, the forest and hills and other landforms will change due to various conditions. All the previous information and experience It has completely failed. Only the tribes that live in the jungle all the year round know how to find the right path. Even the caravans that go deep into the jungle all the year round need the tribe’s old guide to find the right path in the ever-changing wasteland landscape.

All sorts of unexpected circumstances caused Sylvia to misjudge her own abilities, and Leo also did not expect that Sylvia, a senior adventurer who can write many adventures in the wasteland in the past, would actually enter I got lost shortly after the wasteland.

However, this accidental loss also made the two of them unexpectedly discovered a ruin. In the ruins, they found a desolate **** who had been dead for many years, and the spirituality of this desolate **** could cause Sylvia. The resonance of the power of the abyssal dragon in the body was absorbed by Sylvia.

And after Sylvia absorbed the spirituality of the wild gods, the abyssal flames in her body, which originated from the blood of the magic dragon, also transformed, and evolved into a more powerful and terrifying flame power. In Leo’s view, there is nothing except this ability With the improvement of its own strength, other aspects have been very close to the strategic level of psionic skills such as Thunder Gun.

The giant mutant monster group that appeared near the Eagle's Mouth Rock not long ago became the object of Sylvia’s experiment with the power of the abyssal flame. After this horrible force of the abyss appeared in the world of Velen, the power and reaction produced were completely out of the question. Despite Leo and Sylvia's expectations, in addition to the known incineration effect, there was a petrochemical effect, and because of the stimulation of the power of the world, it produced an amazing effect similar to burning the sky.

This also made them curious about that Desolate God who had been dead for many years, and even relying on the remaining spirituality to make the Flame of Abyss change so huge.

"Do you know what Batokaka that those people said just now?" Sylvia asked in a deep voice.

Leo thought for a while, and said, "I remember Roger Lance's "The Wasteland Gods" mentioned that it seems to be a very evil and powerful wild god, and was later banned by the wild existence such as the Mother of Plants. As he said, he pondered for a while, and said, "I remember that the method of banning Batokaka mentioned in that book was to divide Batokaka into several pieces and put them in different places to avoid its resurrection."

Sylvia was pleasantly surprised: "In this way, the decomposed body we encountered is only part of it, and there are other bodies of Batokaka in other parts of the wasteland."

"It stands to reason, but..." Leo nodded, then hesitated, and said: "However, the Wasteland Tribe had no words in the past. Various legends have been passed on by word of mouth, and the content has long been changed beyond recognition. It’s probably difficult to find the remains of Batokaka’s body through legends, but the chances of luck are greater.”

"Take luck?" Sylvia raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Your suggestion is good. Since we were lucky before, we were able to meet a remnant that still has spirituality, then we will meet another remnant in the future. It's not impossible for the body."

Although Sylvia said this only jokingly, Leo could faintly feel that this might not be a joke.

Subsequently, Leo and Sylvia continued to travel south along the map they had traded from the smuggling caravan, and soon found the first set of landmarks.

The terrain is very simple, just three hills with different orientations and a pond formed by spring water from the hills. This is where the smuggling caravans can supply drinking water, but this is not a suitable camping site. The caravans will come during the day. Replenish water here and leave immediately, because at night it is a gathering place for various beasts.

Although it seems that the pond is full of weak beasts that ordinary people can deal with with weapons, but in the woods around the pond, there are actually many dangerous beasts and even some extraordinary creatures.

When passing by this landmark location, Leo only perceives it. Before using his vision, he has already felt that no less than 20 extraordinary creatures are hunting. In terms of the habitat density of extraordinary creatures, the edge of the wasteland is It is second only to the Black Forest.

After passing through the first landmark site, the second landmark site appeared in front of them soon. It was a habitat for photoworms. These photoworms are unique species of the wasteland and are common during the day. Bugs, but at night they will glow all over, illuminating the entire forest.

Although this kind of photoworm does not seem to be dangerous, in fact, the danger of these photoworms is even greater than that of more ferocious transcendent creatures. They will eject a very powerful corrosive liquid. Once this liquid sticks to The body will stick to the body and it is difficult to peel off. Only by cutting off the liquid area or even the entire parts can you get rid of this liquid.

Therefore, even if the Dodd Group seemed to want to use the light-emitting characteristics of these photoworms to replace old street lights, etc., it turned out that the photoworms were too difficult to grasp and could not be cultivated artificially and had to abandon this plan.

When bypassing this photoworm habitat, Leo and Sylvia stayed for a while to observe the photoworm colony in the habitat.

The reason why they are interested in photoworms is not because they are special, but they found that these photoworms actually set up traps in the habitat, attracting some single mutant monsters into the habitat, and in this habitat Some vine-like plants grow as if there is consciousness, and will cooperate with the photoworm to kill the mutant monsters, and the corrosive acid of the photoworm will also dissolve the mutant monsters, which are absorbed by the plant, and the plant will grow rapidly after absorbing the solution. Some flowers appear, and light insects seem to rely on these flowers to survive and multiply.

A complete and perfect predation chain was presented to the two of them, making the two of them marvel at the beauty of nature.

However, what makes Leo and Sylvia more interesting is that based on past experience, mutant monsters who are only interested in preying on humans and attacking humans would actually like to prey on light insects, and it is like that kind of addictive. If you are tempted, you will completely forget the dangers around you. Even if you are entangled and attacked by those evil vines, you will not fight back. It will only continue to move towards the light bug it is staring at and want to eat it, so The entire hunting process of light insects and vines encountered almost no resistance.

After discovering this scene, Leo immediately reminded Sylvia, "This feature should be recorded, and someone will come to study it later. Maybe we can find a way to deal with the mutant monster."

After listening to Sylvia, she also recorded a video of light insects and vines preying on mutant monsters with her general-purpose recorder, then marked the approximate location of the place and sent it to Su.

"This thing is really useful, I have a chance to find a few more." After the data was sent, Sylvia also sighed.

Leo shook his head and explained: “It’s not as good as you think. This link network is built with the universal recorder you have as the core. Without additional energy supplements, it’s only based on the universal recorder. The energy cycle index can only build a small network of four terminals at most, which means that at most two general-purpose recorders can be linked, and no other general-purpose recorders can be linked."

"Can't you let the universal recorder in your hand or Sue's hand be the core?" Although Sylvia can't fully understand some of Leo's professional words in the terrestrial federal language, she can understand what he wants to express. , Then asked.

"No, the universal recorder in Su and I are damaged. Many functional modules in it have been lost and cannot be used as the core host." Leo shook his head, then shrugged and said: Nor can it be absolute. Maybe the universal recorder we find in the future can be as complete as the universal recorder in your hand, or we can find a set of external energy modules to make up for the energy defect of the universal recorder."

The two paused for a while, and then continued on the road. In the early morning, they came to the third landmark, the Angry Bear Mountain.

This place was originally called Longtooth Mountain, because the whole mountain resembles a lying longtooth, but in the foggy year, part of the mountain collapsed due to the earthquake, which changed the shape of the entire mountain and became like It was a bear that looked up and roared, so it was changed to its current name.

Angry Bear Mountain is the last landmark in the route marked on the map to reach the former southern tribal alliance important town Badisha. Once here, follow the Tutu River under the mountain to the south, merge into the Dajiao River, and then follow Dajiaojiang continues to go south, and it takes about two days to reach Badisa.

After arriving here, the two did not continue to advance along the Tutu River at the foot of the mountain, but instead went up the mountain, because Sylvia wanted to see the tribes living on the mountain, and see if it could help the future Researchers resident here lay a foundation.

It is not very far from the habitat of the light insects. It only takes half a day for a normal person to walk. By then, placing the researcher's station in the tribe here will facilitate the communication between the two places.

However, when they reached halfway up the mountain, Leo and Sylvia's faces became serious, because they both smelled a strong rancid smell at the moment, and this smell should be the smell of a corpse, and it was A large number of dead bodies.

The two accelerated their pace and came to the top of the mountain. They quickly saw the tribe described on the map, but now this tribe has become a corpse, and the defensive walls built by the tribe have been completely destroyed. The whole tribe has almost nothing. There is no intact building, nor any intact corpse. A large number of corpses are scattered and scattered inside and outside the tribe. The blood has already penetrated into the ground, dried up and blackened, and corrupted with the corpses, giving off a wave of difficulties. Smell.

"This is not the mutated monster." Almost unanimously, the two said in unison when they saw the sight in front of them.

Judging from the situation at the scene, although it feels like being attacked by a monster, everyone was killed by the monster, the body was also torn by the monster, and the house was completely destroyed by the monster, but if you look closely, it will be It was discovered that no matter the shape of the wounds on the broken corpses or the destruction marks of the surrounding buildings, there are too many traces of artificial forgery, and more importantly, although the monsters may not completely eat the killed humans, they will also eat. Most of them were removed, especially human heads, so there were too many corpse fragments at the scene, to the extent that even mutant monsters would yell for waste.

"Is it a tribal vendetta?" Leo said with some confusion.

"Impossible!" Sylvia knew the situation of the wasteland tribe and immediately denied: "Even if it is a vendetta between tribes, they will not use this method to exterminate a tribe. They will turn those captive young adults into Slaves~www.ltnovel.com~Those sensible children will be sold, ignorant children will be adopted, women are the most important wealth and will be preserved intact, while the elderly will be discarded and let them live on their own Self-destruct, and will not kill them."

"Since it is not a tribal vendetta, it was done by people outside the wasteland tribe, but they were worried about being discovered and made this arrangement." Leo quickly analyzed: "However, those who wanted to set up this scene encountered There should not be many cases of mutant monsters attacking, otherwise, this kind of scene full of loopholes would not be arranged."

"It may not be ignorant." Sylvia objected to Leo's analysis, and said solemnly: "This may also be the effect they wanted on purpose."

After speaking, she saw Sylvia walk quickly to a damaged wooden wall, and then found a piece of metal shard embedded in the wood on the wooden wall, which seemed to be the tip of some kind of weapon. The thorn fragments broke in the wooden wall because of accidental extraction.

"Look at this." Sylvia looked at the piece of metal fragment, then handed it to Leo.

Leo directly used the spiritual net to penetrate into the metal, analyzed the composition, and said: "It is the early Tecklin forging process. The composition inside is similar to the fourth formula metal of the Tecklin forging process, but in this A bit of Giacto Ironite is added to the formula, which can make the metal more rigid, but it will weaken the toughness to a certain extent."

"Tecklin forging process? Isn't that a forging process that has been outdated for more than a hundred years?" Sylvia was a little confused, and said: "I remember that only some handmade blacksmiths and some primitive tribes would use this forging process. , Because using this process for forging metal does not require too high a temperature, ordinary iron forging furnaces will do."

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