Chris was very curious about what tactics Leo used on the three people, which made them all show such obvious awe, although from various performances, Leo seems to have seen the sea god, and even got Poseidon blessed, but Chris didn't think so, because she had not been able to feel any breath of Poseidon's blessing in Leo.

As for whether a person has been blessed by Poseidon, the Church of Poseidon can tell through specific rituals, but as a descendant of Poseidon, Chris does not need such complicated rituals. She can directly feel whether a person is blessed by Poseidon. , And even gained the attention of the Seagod World, which made her often find someone with special luck, so that her development can be said to be unfavorable without any twists and turns.

   She has been hiding this kind of ability, no one said it, even the people of Poseidon Church did not know it.

   So if Leo received the blessing of the sea god, she would definitely be the first to know, but the fact is that she could not feel any blessing of the gods from Leo.

Although Chris was extremely curious, her arrogant personality did not allow her to take the initiative to ask Leo about these things, so she didn't take the initiative to ask Leo's cabin until the boat set off, even as if she had forgotten Leo. Dealing with their own affairs.

Leo was also very happy about this, because he discovered that when he showed the scene he saw to the three people just now, some changes had taken place in the complete Seagod Mark on his body, but he knew very little about this change, even now There are no side effects, but this is an uncontrollable power for him, so he doesn't plan to show the Poseidon projection he sees anymore, lest there be any uncontrollable things.

On the boat, Leo went to see Sean. He is in very good condition now, because with the help of Chrissy’s priests, he has completely mastered the use of sea monster snails, and he knows the methods better than he himself. There are more methods, and the more important point is that he has mastered a method that can completely release the power of the sea monster snail, and using this method does not need to consume his own life force.

   This is undoubtedly very important to him. It can not only save his life when necessary, but can even reverse the situation.

   Now as far as Sean is concerned, he can only wait for the time to stay and return to the world of Vinylon.

With regard to the dispute between God’s Family Church and Goddess Church in the Poseidon Church, Sean did not know much about it although he had heard of it, and he did not think it threatened him. As for leaving the island with the ship, he didn’t think much about it. Every day, I was not familiar with the sea monster snails, or fishing on the deck of the ship, I had a leisurely life.

After learning about Sean, Leo went back to his cabin and continued to sort out the information flow fragments he had obtained, hoping to find more useful things from it, but his luck was a lot worse and it took nearly In the time of two tidal days, he still only got some fragments, not a single useful complete information, even those fragments also covered a large number of alien languages, most of which Leo did not recognize.

"Sean has left!" Chrissy, who hadn't come to see Leo for two days, suddenly came to Leo's cabin, looking at Leo who was writing and painting on the table, her eyes staying on the things written on the paper. For a moment, and then said.

"Leave?" Leo was stunned, because the ship had not docked in the past two days, nor had any contact with other ships. Sean's departure now was obviously different from what he wanted, but he soon understood After reading what Chris said, she said, "You mean he went back?"

   "Hmm!" Chris nodded.

Leo frowned, and the spirit net swept across the ship, and found that Sean was indeed no longer on board, and there was still a wave of energy fluctuations in Sean’s cabin that could only be caused by a space crack, so he asked in confusion. Said: "Then why didn't I go back?"

Chrissy shook her head and said in a puzzled way: "I don't know this, but according to previous practices, some people do leave later than others. The church has also conducted some research on this matter, but those Research materials are currently not available in the church."

   Leo was silent for a while, and said calmly: "I see."

After    finished speaking, he refocused on some of the materials he had compiled on the table.

   Chris saw this, turned around and prepared to leave, but after two steps, she stopped again, pointed her finger at the pattern drawn on a piece of paper on Leo's desk, and said, "I have seen this pattern."

   "Have you seen?" Leo saw the pattern of Chris' finger, he couldn't help but was taken aback, turned his head and asked: "Where have you seen it?"

   "It's not this world, it's Vinylon, an ancient ruin in the wasteland." Chrissy recalled for a moment, and said what she had thought of, and then asked: "What does this pattern mean?"

   "This represents a very old organization." Leo explained briefly. Although this explanation is too simple, there is no mistake, because the Supreme Council of the universe is indeed a very old organization.

Chris was not very satisfied with Leo’s answer, because she could feel that Leo must have hidden a lot of information, but she couldn’t get Leo to say more, and it’s useless to know more, after all. She couldn't return to Velen at all, even if she knew more, she couldn't return to the ruins.

   As revenge, Chris didn't tell Leo the location of the wasteland ruins she knew, as if she didn't talk about it, she turned and walked out of the cabin.

After Chris left, Leo picked up the emblem of the Supreme Council of the Universe drawn on the table. This emblem was different from the emblem of the Supreme Council of the Universe in his memory. The overall design was much simplified compared to the emblems he knew. But the moment he saw the badge, he knew it was the badge of the Supreme Council of the universe, and he saw a lot of images of this badge in the information stream, so he painted it.

   Although he doesn't have any information to prove it, he judged from the overall shape of the badge and felt that this badge should be the inner ring council badge of the highest council of the universe.

The inner ring council of the highest council of the universe is an extremely mysterious existence. Although it is regarded as a semi-open secret in the universe, there has always been controversy about whether the inner ring council really exists, but there are such rumors among cosmic civilizations. The Supreme Council of the Universe neither admitted nor denied this rumor, and its attitude felt a little ambiguous.

Among the rumors about the inner ring council, the most discussed is which members of the inner ring council are. In all the lists, except for the top ones of the Supreme Council, the list of other members will be different. Variety.

   But no matter what changes, everyone who thinks that the inner ring council really exists thinks that the inner ring council is the core of the universe's highest council. As long as the inner ring council still exists, then it doesn't matter if the universe's highest council is destroyed.

However, now whether it is the information stream fragments provided by Poseidon or the ruins found by Chrissy, it proves that the inner ring council has also been destroyed. Of course, the premise is that the pattern drawn by Leo is the inner ring council of the highest council of the universe. badge.

If you want to confirm whether the guess is correct, Leo can only wait to return to Vinylon and find a way to go to the wasteland to see the ruins Chrissy mentioned. As for Chriss didn’t tell him the location of the ruins, he’s a little bit more. Don’t worry about it, because Chris did not know that after she left Vinylon in suspended animation, some of her admirers gathered information about her everywhere, compiled her experiences into a book, and finally compiled several versions. Biography book.

Although in those biographical books, all the experience plots have been manually compiled, and a lot of legendary and interesting content has been added, there is no problem with the core content, and the book also mentions that Chris was in The adventures of the mainland of Mozambique, and the locations and locations of their adventures are also written down.

Those biographical books Leo didn’t read, but it’s not hard to find them. Most libraries have them. After all, Chrissy is also a rare legendary woman in the history of Vinylon. Although she can’t choose the king or the ice queen, she’s in other great places. In front of most women, her life is considered legendary, so as long as the content is not too bad, books about her will definitely be collected in those libraries and can be easily found.

Leo summarized the information flow fragments that had been sorted out before, and then quickly analyzed it, and found that it was the same as the information flow fragments sorted out before, and did not provide any specific useful content, so he followed the language and images used. The content and so on are archived in the memory bank.

After   , he did not continue to sort out the information flow fragments, but took a very careful examination of his body.

Although Chris mentioned that Sean had already returned to Vinylon and he was very calm, but in fact he was a little worried about whether he would be able to return, because his situation is extremely similar to that of Sean and other people who have been to Seagod. The big difference was that he had close contact with Poseidon Projection, and he was not sure whether this would affect him.

However, when he checked himself from top to bottom and from the inside to the outside very carefully, his heart also relaxed a little, because he could feel the repulsion of the world against him, and this repulsive force, also Increasing at a slow rate. According to his estimation, at most only twenty tidal days in this world are needed. This repulsive force is strong enough to tear the space and throw him the outsider back.

   After estimating the time, Leo left the cabin and came to the door of Chrissy's room. He motioned for the two church guards waiting outside the door to make a notification. After getting permission, he walked in from those who opened it.

I saw that Chris was sitting at a desk, quickly reviewing the documents. Seeing Leo came in, she did not stop her work. She just motioned to him to sit next to him for a while before proceeding to the next document. Review.

   Leo didn't urge, he just found a place to sit down, then closed his eyes and meditated, not being affected by the surrounding atmosphere.

Chrissy also looked at Leo in the process of reviewing the documents. Seeing that he could be so calm, there was a hint of appreciation in her eyes, but she still did not change her mind to stop the things in hand and come to receive Lei. Ou, instead, after reading all the documents on the desk and dealing with some of the chores on the ship, he turned his head and asked Leo: "Is there anything wrong with you coming to me?"

   Leo told the other party directly about his current situation, and said: "I may be leaving in twenty days. Can this ship reach the Taranque Trench within this time?"

   "Can you know when you are leaving?" Chris looked at Leo with some confusion.

   Leo nodded and said, "I can feel that the world's rejection of me is increasing. After about twenty days, I will be able to reach an extreme, and then I should be sent back."

   "Can you know the specific time?" Kriss frowned and asked in a deep voice.

   Leo shook his head and said, "There is only a rough time."

   After hearing Leo's words, Chris was lost in thought.

Although Chrissy feels that her journey into the abyss will not cause any problems. With the power of the Seagod artifact and her own power, she can safely enter and exit the Taranque Trench, but the problem is that she does not just want to enter and exit the tower. Rank Trench, she wanted to find Leviathan's blood battle helmet from the trench, and rely on the power of the battle helmet to purify the bloodline to obtain more powerful bloodline power.

She has many powerful subordinates in the Temple of Goddess, and these men are also capable of entering and exiting the Taranque But the situation of the Temple of Goddess does not allow her to send these capable men away from the place where they guard. In that case, all the preliminary work of the Goddess Temple was wasted some time ago, so now Leo, an outsider, has become her only choice.

Before, her power against Leo only stayed at the level of the tower wizard she knew. Although the tower wizard possessed a lot of weird and magical methods, her power was not strong, at least not in her memory. .

So she agreed to join Leo in this exploration. In addition to Leo’s ability to protect himself, Leo’s ability to find the final whereabouts of the blood helmet is more important. She hopes that after he arrives in the Taranque Trench, he will analyze the **** battle. A more precise position of the helmet.

But now her attitude towards Leo is completely different, because judging from Leo’s various performances, the opponent is definitely stronger than the tower wizard she knows. As for how strong she is, she doesn’t know how strong it is. The attitude of the church priest and the ambassador of the sea clan estimated that the strength of the other party was similar to that of the self who had not used magic, so Leo was also an important help for her.

   Thinking of this, Chrissy felt that Leo’s important combat power should not be wasted in the long sea voyage, and she wanted to go to the Taranque Seaport as soon as possible.

   Thinking of this, she said to Leo. After following me, she walked out of the office and walked towards the bow deck.


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