The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1076: Outsiders blessed by the sea god

"Chrissy, don't involve the spirit race. You know their appearance. They don't want to participate in any disputes. I also don't want other people to participate in the internal affairs of the church. This is our internal affairs." The temple chief priest stood up and said very solemnly.

The main sanctuary is a system of three priests. There are three main priests who handle the affairs of the main sanctuary together, and the present main priest is one of them. Unlike the other two chief priests, she doesn't have many marine features on her body. The only obvious marine feature is that her eyes have two layers of eyelids, one layer of humans, and one layer of fish.

It is rumored that the eyelids of that layer of fish are not only used to prevent sea water from penetrating into the eyes. In fact, this layer of eyelids has other extraordinary powers, but no one has ever been able to figure it out.

Hearing the words of the chief priest, Chrissy's face became very ugly, because she could hear that the other party's words sounded fair, but in fact they were already on the side of the Temple of God.

Why don't you want other people to participate in the internal affairs of the church? This is obviously to blame her for forming an ally with the Sea Clan and drawing the Sea Clan into the internal affairs of the church.

When Chris was about to refute the chief priest's words, Leo stretched out his hand to stop her, and then motioned to give him the matter. Before Chris could respond, he asked the three people in front of him: " If you have anything to ask, ask now, we are in a hurry."

Leo’s attitude surprised the three people who stood at the top of Poseidon’s power, because from Leo’s performance, he didn’t seem to be Chris’s subordinate, and his relationship with Chris felt like It is an equal relationship.

This accident caused the three of them to wonder about Leo’s identity. Before they were told that when the Seagod Temple was opened, the person closest to the Temple was from the Goddess Temple, so they were thinking that the person should be Kli. People from Silk, and what Chris should do in this matter.

Because in the past so many years, the only person who directly received the blessing of Poseidon’s divine power is Chris. This time the Poseidon Temple is opened, and the people of the Goddess Temple are the closest to the Poseidon Temple, so it’s hard not to make them suspect that Chris is wrong He performed the trick again, and got something from Poseidon.

But now Leo’s performance makes them realize that their guess may be wrong, because if Chris really sends someone to the Seagod Temple to get any benefits, she will definitely only send someone under her complete control, and she will never send one. Those who can't control, lest they finally fulfill others.

Therefore, the Seagod Temple would suddenly open, only because this stranger who belonged to the Goddess Temple in name only made them wonder that they could not find such a person in their memory.

Logically speaking, to be able to have an equal dialogue with the god-descended temple where Chris is in charge of the seagod's magic, then it must also stand at the top of the world. Such a person cannot be unfamiliar, and should be able to find some clues.

But the problem now is that there are no clues, as if the person in front of him suddenly appeared.

Seeing that none of the three asked any questions, Chris became a little impatient, stepped forward two steps, stood in front of Leo, and said, "What do you want to do? Stop us without asking questions, we I don’t have time to play this terrible game with you!"

Hearing Chris’s accusation, the three of them all came out of their contemplation. When the high priest of the Sanctuary of Gods was about to ask the questions he wanted, the chief priest of the main sanctuary seemed to have thought of something and asked in a deep voice. Said: "You are not from our world. Are you a stranger who came to our world from the Holy Arch?"

Hearing the words of the chief priest of the main temple, the other two frowned, because they knew very well that the holy arch at the top of St. Trou Hill had not sent anyone over.

However, what surprised the two of them was that Leo did not conceal his identity, nodded and admitted: "Yes, I am a stranger who came to this world from the Holy Arch, but a little bit appeared midway. By mistake, I came here with other holy arches."

"Other holy arches?" Everyone was stunned, and soon realized something, and said: "It's those abandoned holy arches!"

After speaking, they looked at Chrissy in unison. Obviously they connected this incident with some of Chrissy’s previous actions, thinking that Leo was picked up by Chrissy during Chrissy’s trip. Back to the Goddess Temple.

After learning about Leo's origin, everyone had no doubts, after all, this was the only reason that could be explained.

Then the chief priest of the main temple said seriously: "You should know that aliens who enter our world from the holy arch cannot walk around at will. There must be a high-level church..."

"Is my goddess temple already expelled from the church?" Before the voice of the chief priest fell, Chris asked very seriously.

Faced with Chris’ question, the chief priest didn’t know how to answer for a while. If Chris was still in the church, then Leo would not violate the rules when leaving with Chris, but if Chris was expelled Christianity, then the Poseidon Church will be completely divided, and the final change in the situation after the split may still be on Kris’s side. After all, Kris is the only **** descendant who can master and use Poseidon’s magic. She is almost equivalent to Poseidon’s. Incarnation. One is the incarnation of Poseidon, and the other is a church serving Poseidon. Any reasonable person knows how to choose.

Seeing that the chief priest was unable to speak when he was asked, the high priest of the Sanctuary of Gods had to stand up for his ally and said: "The chief priest meant that aliens could only stay in the main sanctuary in the past. Now walk around like this, even outlying islands."

Chrissy said coldly: "So is there a rule that prevents them from leaving the island? If I remember well, I can go anywhere as long as I am accompanied by a high priest, so am I not considered a high priest?"

The question made the two powerful priests at the top of the Poseidon Church unable to answer for a while. As they were, they would have been questioned like this for a while. The people they contacted were also respectful to them, but Chris was different. Although she was born Noble, but she has spent most of her life in the bottom layer, and her sharp words are one of her means of survival.

The ambassador of the Sea Clan, who was always standing by, suddenly said: "Everyone, we should still return to the topic. Don't forget what our purpose is here. Why the temple is opened is what we are really concerned about. This relationship Will my lord wake up?"

As the voice of the other party fell, the two priests also came back to their senses, realizing that their thinking direction seemed to be biased, but they did not suspect that they had been conspired, but thought that they wanted to know Leo too much. This is the identity of the person.

But in fact, the two priests would suddenly ignore their own goals, and instead received the question of Leo’s identity. Leo’s deliberate guidance was entirely due to Leo’s deliberate guidance. This guidance not only involves the psychic, but also Using some of the hypnotic techniques of the Earth Federation, I have to say that this method is very useful for people in the world of Poseidon.

It’s just that the Marine Ambassador seems to have some spiritual power. After being recruited, he can quickly wake up and bring the topic back to the right track. This also made Leo couldn’t help but look at the chubby Marine Ambassador. .

After clearing up some confusion, the chief priest of the main temple asked Leo straightforwardly: "I hope your Excellency can fully tell what happened at that time."

Leo heard this, did not say anything, just walked forward, reached out his hand to a few people, and said: "It's better for you to see for yourself, how about it?"

At this moment, Leo’s outstretched hand is officially the hand that touched the seagod’s tentacle on that deep seabed. Although on the surface, there is nothing wrong with his hand, Leo can feel the amount of his hand. A power, and this power cannot be controlled by him, but it can be affected by the Seagod's mark on him.

He has no clue about the specific usage of this power, but he can borrow the breath of the sea **** hidden in this power to create an illusion of contact with the sea **** through the mark of the sea god. I believe that with the effect of this illusion, he There will be no danger in this world for the time being.

Seeing Leo stretch out his hand, the three of them all realized what Leo wanted to do, and looked at each other with some hesitation.

They weren't worried about Leo plotting against them, but worried about what they could actually see.

God is invisible, inaudible, and unspeakable. This is the first iron law that any clergyman of Poseidon’s church wrote down when they first joined the church. Among the materials written by the predecessors, anyone who dared to look directly at the gods People end up very miserably. Death is good. The most terrifying thing is the kind of lifeless and painful living. There are still some such people detained in the dungeon below the church’s main church. People can't help but feel the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

However, Leo now said that he would allow them to see what happened at that time. If they saw the Poseidon through this method, then they might become one of the immortal lunatics in the dungeon.

However, after hesitating for a while, they soon thought that they would not see Poseidon, because Leo still had no characteristics of those mutants at all, and even his spirit remained very stable, which made them think Leo must have never seen a monster in the void, otherwise Leo could not be qualified now.

After understanding this, the chief priest of the main sanctuary did not hesitate and stretched out his hand to hold Leo's palm, while others saw that the chief priest had set an example and did not see any dangerous situation, so they also stretched out their hands. Grab Leo's hand.

However, as soon as the three of them grasped Leo's hand, they were immediately pulled into the scene created by Leo and witnessed everything Leo had witnessed, including the Poseidon projection in the deep sea.

Chris on the side only saw that the three of them broke free instantly after touching Leo's hand, and then all three of them looked at Leo in awe, panting, and couldn't say anything.

"What happened? What happened to them?" Chris asked with some confusion.

The anomaly of the three also attracted the attention of the guards and guards brought by the surrounding three. They thought they had suffered some damage and gathered in an instant, trying to surround Leo and Chrissy.

Seeing this, Chris raised her hand and grabbed it in the air. She saw a simple trident appear in her hand, and then she saw her stomping the trident under her feet, a thunderous noise came from From the impact site, accompanied by a loud noise, there was also the power of the sea god.

At this moment, whether it was the high priests of the Poseidon Church, the people of the Poseidon, or other ordinary people of the Poseidon world, all knelt on the ground under the influence of this power, and as the power spread like a sea wave, kneeling The people who went down were also piece by piece, from the dock to the spirit, they were not immune, even if they didn't know what happened, and apart from Chris, the only person who was not affected by this power was Leo.

Leo stood by her side unaffected and surprised Chris. She knew very well the consequences of the power of the artifact she had just used, and it was not the first time she had used it, and she had never seen it. Once anyone can resist the power of, unlike Chrissy’s surprise, Leo’s unaffected situation has also been seen by the priests of the Poseidon Church and the ambassador of the Sea Clan. Just now after they saw the mental illusions created by Leo, they still had doubts about the true or false of the illusions, so now they were very sure that what they saw was real, and Leo had really had contact with the sea god. And it's very close contact.

Because, in their opinion, the power that can resist the power of the Seagod is only the power of the Seagod himself, and Leo is a person blessed by the Seagod, so he can be completely unaffected by the Seagod's artifact.

"Retreat all!" As the Sea God's power weakened, the Sea Clan ambassador first returned to normal. After he got up from the ground, he commanded the Sea Clan.

The two church priests then got up from the ground and ordered their men to retreat.

Then the three of them looked at Leo with complicated eyes, not knowing what to say for a while.

If a person in the world of Poseidon can get the blessing of Poseidon, then his status will be elevated to the top and become the substitute of Poseidon in the world, but now the person who is blessed by the Poseidon is a stranger, which makes them wonder what to do. In response, as for the identity and power of giving the other party's agent, this idea was dispelled by them as soon as it appeared. Let alone they disagree, even if they agree, the Poseidon Church, the Spirit Race, and the Sea Race will not agree.

Seeing that the three of them were still in front, saying nothing and no follow-up actions, Chrissy said impatiently: "Are you still having problems? If there are no problems, don't waste our time. ."

Hearing what Chris said, the three of them suddenly had an idea, looked at each other, moved their bodies unanimously, and stepped aside, seemingly not going to prevent Leo from leaving.

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