The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1078: Antelope star beast

The two came to the outside of the deck, and the people working on the deck saluted Chrissy. After nodding and returning the salute, Chrissy stood in the middle of the deck, and then said to the first officer who walked to the side: "Take the boat. Put away the sails and masts, and I want to summon Momo."

Hearing Chrissy’s instructions, the chief mate immediately shouted orders to the crew and sailors. The crew was very skilled in lowering the sails, turning the mast mechanism, and retracting the mast into the hull, turning the ocean-going sailing ship into a A big ship without a mast.

   Then, the crew members each found a place to fix their bodies, waiting for Chris' next move.

   Chris didn't ask Leo to prepare anything, so she directly removed a small conch the size of a palm from her waist, and put it to her mouth and blew it hard.

Then a loud noise that even Leo felt uncomfortable burst out from the loudspeaker of this small conch, and it instantly spread out to the distance. The entire sea was also undulating because of this huge sound wave, shaking the ship above. Staggered.

The crew was prepared for this and fixed their bodies. The violent shaking had no effect on them. On the contrary, Chriss blowing the conch seemed to consume a lot of her strength, making her a little weak, and the ship shaking more than her. Expected, so her figure is a bit unstable in the shaking.

   Leo saw this, reached out and held her back, and then let go after her body stabilized.

I don’t know if it’s because of losing her face in front of Leo, or because of other reasons, Chris, who has stabilized her figure, has a reddened face. She neither expresses her gratitude to Leo for her help, nor does she thank Lei. Ou explained what he was doing now.

After a while, the waves on the sea surface not only did not calm down, but became more intense, and Leo could feel a life form above him and a life form with strong energy fluctuations in the deep sea under the ship, and it looked like it was rushing. With them.

   When Leo was about to ask about what was going on with Chris, Chris also seemed to have noticed something coming from below. After signalling to Leo not to worry, she picked up the conch in her hand and blew it a little harder.

   This time the sound of the conch was not much different from the normal sound, but Leo could feel a force emanating from the conch, moving towards the unknown being approaching below, and finally coming into contact with that location.

Immediately afterwards, Leo heard a dull cry of Momo in his ear, and then he felt that the proposition of the sinking of the seabed, which was still a long distance away from the ship, suddenly appeared at the bottom of the ship, and then he saw a huge Their mouths drilled from the bottom of the sea and swallowed the ship they were in.

   At the moment when the huge mouth appeared, Leo instinctively wanted to make an attack, but the calm expression of the others around made him stop the action in his hand.

   The swallowed ship slid into a spacious lake along a fast waterway, then stopped shaking, and everything returned to calm.

Afterwards, Kriss blew the conch in her hand again, and the surroundings immediately glowed, and the water under the boat and the surrounding fleshy walls disappeared. They seemed to be on the bottom of the sea, moving through the water at high speed. It's just that its traveling speed far exceeds the traveling speed of normal fish in the water, and it is more like a short-distance space jump.

   "We will be able to reach the Taranque Trench after one more mark." At this moment, Chris turned her head and said to Leo.

Leo knew that one scale in this world was equivalent to half an hour of the Earth Federation, and the journey that would take a month or more to complete was compressed in one hour. This may not be difficult in the universe, but in the world of Poseidon Such a technologically advanced world is very magical, and it is already a miracle.

   "Why didn't you use this method from the beginning?" Leo asked with some confusion.

Chrissy explained simply: "Every time I use Momo, I need to consume my strength, and Momo itself consumes more power, it takes a long time to sleep to recover, so unless necessary, I rarely use Momo. ."

Leo uses the spirit net to see what kind of creature this Momo is, but the surrounding situation that his spirit net detects is an endless void, even if he uses special means to greatly reduce the perception accuracy of the spirit net , Expanding the range of perception of the spiritual web, expanding the range hundreds of times, still unable to perceive anything useful, as if he was really in the boundless universe.

   "What kind of creature is this Momo?" Leo asked directly because he was curious.

   "I want to know too." Chris looked at Leo and said.

   Leo did not continue to inquire, because he could hear that Chris really didn't know.

Although from the situation just now, this Momo seems to be some kind of aquatic creature, but thinking of this Momo's ability to move space makes Leo think of some famous space creatures in the universe. Most of those creatures are There is this short-range space movement ability.

  The following journey was very calm. When he was approaching the Taranque Trench, Momo emerged from the water and spat out the boat, and then jumped directly through the space and disappeared.

   Although Momo disappeared very quickly, Leo had been paying attention to Momo from the beginning, so when Momo disappeared, Leo also watched Momo's complete form.

   "Tiling Star Beast!" Seeing that Momo, which was spherical in shape and star-shaped on the skin, Leo instantly recognized what it was from this obvious feature.

As he had previously guessed, this Momo is indeed one of the few special creatures in the universe that has the ability to make short-range space transitions. This creature is the iconic creature of Tieling Star. It is an aquatic creature in its childhood. When it grows up, Become a terrestrial creature, and after another life evolution, they will become space creatures. At that time, they will leave Tiling Star to cruise in space, and gradually increase their wisdom during the cruise, and eventually transform from beasts into wisdom. biological.

  The reason why the stellar beasts are so famous in the universe is that in addition to their own space capabilities, what is more important is that the stellar beasts have produced an Omega-class advanced life form.

We must know that because of their strong space capabilities, the antelope star beasts have a single power, but life evolution cannot be achieved by a certain force that is strong enough. It needs a variety of cosmic energies to provide sufficient evolution for life evolution. For reference, that is to say, the more unitary the power, the harder it is to evolve life forms to higher levels.

Because of their powerful and single power, the stellar beasts have their life forms always stay at the level of seven or eight psionic energy, even if some stellar beasts have the power to contend against the higher Omega-class life forms in a short time, But their group is still not considered a high-level race in the universe, or even an intelligent race. In this case, it is not until a tying beast becomes an Omega-class high-level life form.

No one knows how this tying star beast broke through its own shackles and completed this leap-forward evolution, but its unparalleled spatial ability is known to the universe, and it is even known by some intelligent creatures in lower civilizations. Enshrined as the God of Space, he also became a member of the Supreme Council of the Universe because of his super space ability, and he is also one of the few members of the Supreme Council of the Universe with a life span of less than 10 million years.

At the same time that he recognized the tyling star beast, Leo couldn't help but have a huge question in his heart, because according to his understanding, the tyling star beast cannot be tamed, no matter what power is used, even the Omega level high Life forms can't tame the Tianting Star Beast by modifying the spirit of the Tianting Star Beast.

   There used to be an advanced civilization that went to Ti Ling to capture a batch of newly born Ti Ling beasts, and brought them back for domestication, hoping to be able to tame the Ti Ling beasts from childhood, but the result was useless.

   Ti Antelope Star Beast not only failed to be successfully domesticated, but instead attracted a large number of adult Ti Antelope Star Beasts to besiege this advanced civilization, almost leading to the destruction of this cosmic advanced civilization that had existed for tens of millions of years.

However, judging from the situation just now, it is clear that Chriss is using the small conch to control the antelope star beast, which also means that the antelope star beast named Momo has been tamed, which completely overthrew him. Cognition.

   "What are you thinking about?" After instructing the crew to raise the mast and sail again, Chris saw Leo's thoughtful look and couldn't help asking.

   Leo pointed to the conch on Chris' waist and asked, "Is this thing the same as the conch?"

   "Of course not, the sea monster snail is made by imitating it." Chrissy shook her head and said, "This is an artifact of our lord."

   Hearing Chris's words, Leo understood that the existence of the tamed and controlled antelope star beast was the sea god, which also gave him some inspiration, and it felt like he had caught some clue.

"No! It's not that it can't be domesticated." After a moment of contemplation, Leo suddenly thought of a key point and muttered to himself: "The same race of the antelope star beast can control the lower race through the upper bloodline, that is to say, the one The **** of space that has evolved to an Omega-level higher life can control all the hornet beasts."

This discovery made Leo doubt the Poseidon in the Poseidon world, because from his past experience in the Poseidon world, the Poseidon world is full of various very advanced space forces, and he wants to produce this on a large scale. This kind of space power, and stabilize the effect of this space power, this is only a few higher life entities in the Supreme Council of the universe can achieve, and the **** of space is one of them, and the mother of water is actually Not among them.

Moreover, looking at the past history of this world is the history of conquering a subspace world. The expeditionary forces of this world reach different worlds through space rifts, conquer there, plunder everything there, and then pull that world into it through space power. In the world of Poseidon, it is absorbed and digested. The spatial power contained in it is very profound, and it is impossible for the Mother of Water to possess such power.

   "Poseidon is actually the **** of space?" Leiou suddenly had a bold idea, but he quickly denied it because he had the mark of Poseidon on his body, and there was no trace of spatial energy fluctuation in the mark of Poseidon.

While Leo was studying who the gods of Poseidon’s world were, the ship under his feet had already sailed into a sea area where sea water was flowing extremely fast in one direction. In this sea area, there was not only extremely fast flowing sea water, but also It is full of all kinds of reefs and reefs, and as soon as the ship hits it, it will be broken into pieces.

   However, the captain of this ship obviously has extremely rich experience in manoeuvring. This huge sea ship is like a flexible sea snake, swimming easily between the reef and the reef.

   In addition to the hidden reefs and reefs, the dangers of this sea area also include a large number of hideous-looking sea monsters. They greeted the ship as soon as the ship entered the sea, trying to attack the ship and sink it.

It’s just that, before they get close, the large-scale marine sanctuary guards on the ship jumped into the sea with their weapons, killed all these sea monsters, and then guarded the ship around the sea and continued towards the center of the sea. Move over.

As he approached the center of the sea, Leo also heard a roaring roar from the center. The loudness of the sound had formed a huge upward sonic wave, which made the sea surface of the sky and sea turbulent, like a burst. It's like a storm.

If someone can fly into the air and look down at this time, they will find that the center of this sea area is an extremely huge vortex, which is huge enough to swallow a Miria city, and the sea includes the outer suburbs of the city. The extremely fast-moving seawater around is all because this vortex **** the huge seawater into the deep Looking around, you can't see the bottom.

   "Put the boat at Durosin." After feeling the position was almost the same, Chris said a reef that met her conditions for launching.

Hearing Chris’ instructions, the captain skillfully manipulated the rudder to shift the direction, and then followed the thrust of the current, passing through the two dense reef areas and entering a reef inner sea protected by many reef areas, compared to the outer currents. The speed of this small inland sea is much slower, and there are several small island-sized reefs in this inland sea. Judging from the buildings on the reef and the ships around the reef, it is not like outsiders. As barren as imagined.

Under the control of the captain, the ship slowly docked on the pier of one of the largest reef islands. Chris led the people down from the ship. People on this island saw the emblem of the Goddess Temple on the ship. All of Chrissy's faces showed fearful expressions, and when Chrissy passed by them, they bowed their heads in salute.

   Leo doesn’t need to spend much effort to analyze, just from the style of the surrounding ships and the clothes of the people on the island, it is easy to analyze that the people here are all pirates.

   This also reminded him of a past experience about Chris. Before Chris became an official clergyman of the Poseidon Church, she seemed to be a pirate, and she also gained a lot of fame.


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