The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1075: Trouble come

     Although what happened just now was too shocking, it did not have any impact on the worship activities. The Spirit Race did not decide to stop taking people to worship, or more correctly, the Spirit Race wanted to stop, but could not stop.

Because the news that the Seagod Temple was opened just now has spread to the devout believers who participated in this worship event. Although the temple is closed again, it does not affect the enthusiasm of the believers. People who were just ordinary devout believers have also become at this moment. Mad believers, they all feel that if they go to worship, they might be able to truly wake up the sea **** and receive the sea god's most direct blessing.

   So, if the Spirit Race people announce the end of their worship activities at this time, then these mad believers will do crazy things even if they are not opponents of the Spirit Race.

Once there is a **** conflict in front of the Poseidon Temple, the matter will no longer be a question of right or wrong, but a question of blasphemy. At that time, not only the Poseidon Church will question the spirit race, but even the Sea race will also Abandon the past agreement and attack the Spirit Race.

  So, the spirit people can only lead a team of believers to visit the Sea God Temple according to the original plan. Fortunately, there are no problems with the worship activities afterwards, and everything is as smooth as they expected.

The only thing that exceeded expectations was that some worshippers did not give up retreating according to their normal thinking after encountering the limit of their tolerance to the sea god’s divine power because of the fanatical beliefs of the believers. As a result, these adventurous people were no exception. All died in the erosion of Poseidon’s divine power, or turned into an irrational monster, rushed out of the city, and was killed by the spirit people who had been prepared, or was corroded by divine power into a pile of unconscious rotten flesh, slowly Dies completely.

   As the last group of believers who visited the Temple of the Sea God was brought back, the worship activity organized by the Spirit Race ended. Everyone returned to the boat and left the small island in the lake.

The difference between the situation at the same time was that there were many believers who died, so when they left before, there were two spirit ships that were left empty, allowing them to go one step first. However, in Leo’s view, this should be spiritual. The tribe members hope to tell the tribe members what happened in the Seagod Temple first, so that the tribe members are a little psychologically prepared, and it is best to discuss a solution when Leo returns to the shore.

After boarding the ship, Leo was also treated differently. He was placed in a cabin alone, but no Spirit Race people monitored him, and no Spirit Race people came to ask anything, so he stayed in the cabin, and other People separate.

   Leo didn't make much sense for this, but he was very happy to stay alone, because he needed to sort out the information flow fragments in his memory that were directly absorbed by him.

Although compared to the information flow transmitted by Poseidon, the fragments Leo directly absorbed are only a drop in the ocean, but for him it is already a huge amount of information, and what is more troublesome is that the degree of fragmentation of this information can no longer be broken up. To describe it, it is more appropriate to call it powder directly.

A large number of disorganized universes and various languages ​​are overlapped and interlaced, and a large number of images are like crumpled faces. There is me in you and you in me. It is very difficult to clear out a useful piece of information. Leo couldn't help but start to miss the accessory brain. If he had the accessory brain help, he would be more relaxed.

Until the boat crossed the Silver Moon Lake and returned to the pier where it started off on the shore, Leo still failed to sort out a complete and useful message from the information stream fragments he had received, but he was lucky to sort out a problem. The complete scattered image, Leo found some useful things in this image.

Judging from the fragments of the image, it should be the eve of a space fleet. In the fragments of the image, you can see the complete form of a flagship in this fleet, and Leo’s database finds that this flagship is an advanced civilization. Only that civilization owns its exclusive battleship.

   Judging from the state of the battleship, it was very bad. The surface was covered with scars and many parts were directly penetrated. It was a miracle to be able to maintain the flight state.

   It's just that this fleet is not the focus of this broken image. The key part that provides Leo with important information is the destination of the fleet migration in the image.

Although, in the image, the destination of the fleet's migration is not fully shown, but from the part of the image displayed by the fragments, the destination is likely to be the Black Forest, because he saw the top of a pair of golden antlers, which undoubtedly made He thought of the golden deer, lord of the black forest.

   It's a pity that this image is only a fragment of a complete image, and the only useful information that can be provided to him is this.

After   , until the ship docked, Leo could not get any useful information from those information streams.

Originally Leo thought that after disembarking, he would face obstacles from the Spirit Race or encounter people from the Sanctuary of Gods to make things difficult, but the result was somewhat unexpected. No one prevented him from leaving, even the Spirit Race did not move. As if already thinking that he had nothing to do with what happened in the Seagod Temple.

With doubts, Leo left Saint-Truce and returned to the temple of the Goddess Temple. After returning, Chris found him and asked straightforwardly: "What happened in the temple of my lord? ?"

   "The temple door opened and then closed again." Leo answered very briefly, then looked up and down Chris and said, "You now...?"

Although Chris’s body still maintains a human form, Leo can feel that the energy fluctuations in the opponent's body have changed. The intensity may not increase, but it has become more profound, just like he was in front of the Seagod Temple. The deep seabed that Poseidon pulled in was like that.

"My bloodline has gained a little improvement." Chris also answered briefly, and then confidently said: "This is my lord's favor for me. With such an improvement, Taranque will also become easy to go to the abyss. less."

   "Has Sean sent away? When shall we leave?" Leo asked.

"Leave now." Chrissy tried Leo, then walked outside the temple, and said at the same time: "Sean is already waiting at the pier. He will follow a certain distance and change boats on Long Sword Island. We Then follow the original route to the Taranque Trench."

   Leo also stepped forward and asked, "Is it because of the opening of the Seagod Temple?"

"Something." Chris nodded, then boarded the car that had been prepared a long time ago. After Leo got in the car, she ordered to drive, and then took out a pearl-like thing and hung it on the roof of the car. In the hanging basket, he explained: "Your matter is just an accident, but it is related to the awakening of our lord. Both within the church and the Sea Clan will not be able to sit still. It will not take long for someone to come to you. It should be difficult for you to leave if you walk slowly."

   "What about the Spirit Race?" Leo asked, "The Spirit Race doesn't seem to care about this, otherwise, we will be detained on the ship."

"Of course they don't care. My lord's faith is just a skin on them. Their core belief is their own spirituality." When Chris mentioned the spiritual people, she was quite disdainful and said: " The spirit people did this very stupidly. If they wanted to stay out of the matter, they deliberately told everyone about the things you were next to when the temple was opened, saying that they would not handle this privately, and no one wanted to sin. But they are these. Idiots don’t know. In fact, they not only offended my goddess temple, they also couldn’t please the goddess sanctuary. Even the Sea Clan and other foreigners would be dissatisfied with the Spirit Race people on this matter. It happened on the Chang Ling Festival, how could he get out of the whole thing just by introducing a person like you."

While speaking, the speed of the car suddenly slowed down a lot. The driver in front stretched out his hand and knocked on the car behind him a few times. After Chris heard it, her face became gloomy and she said, "Don't pay attention to them. Go straight, if they dare to stop the car, they just do it."

   Hearing Chris' order, the coachman urged the pulling beast again, speeding up the vehicle.

When the car slowed down, Leo checked the situation outside through the spirit network. He found that the person trying to stop the car turned out to be a sea clan member, and Chris' attitude also showed that it was during the period when he went to the Seagod Temple. Over time, there was a problem with her relationship with the Hai people.

   Although the sea people outside the car were able to stop Chris's vehicle, they seemed to be worried. They did not step forward, but let the vehicle pass through them, and they followed behind.

   "Huh! A group of guys who are only worthy of eating mud in the deep sea!" Chrissy sneered and said disgustedly when she felt the sea people following behind.

   Leo asked suspiciously: "What happened? Are you and the Sea Clan not collaborators?"

"It's a collaborator, but the identity of this collaborator needs to be compromised." Chrissy said grumblingly: "I don't want to make even an announcement. I don't want to find any excuses to shirk my request. This kind of collaborator What's the use of asking for it. They thought that giving me the name of a collaborator and perfunctory collaborators’ obligations would be fulfilling their promises. I’m waiting to see if they are backlashed by the promises of their ancestors. Who will go? Save them."

   Hearing Chris’ complaint, Leo also understood what was going on, thinking that it was the Sea Clan people who made a perfunctory promise to avoid interfering in the internal disputes of the Poseidon Church. As for how the Sea Clan people solved the negative impact caused by such behavior that nearly violated their promises, Leo didn't know this, but since the Sea Clan people dared to do this, they must have relied on.

Don’t look at Chris’s words so vowedly, saying that the Sea Clan people will definitely be backlashed by breaking their promises, but she may not be fully sure in her heart, so she will change her plan now, leaving here in such anxiousness and heading to Taran. Ke Haigou is looking for the **** helmet that is of great help in enhancing her strength. In her heart, she may already feel that allies are unreliable, only her own strength is reliable.

  Because of the Chang Ling Festival, coupled with the earth-shaking movement that happened before, many people walked out of their homes and talked about what happened on the street.

   Although Chrissy’s car has the emblem of the Goddess Temple, and the Poseidon believers will take the initiative to avoid the car, the speed of the car is still difficult to increase, and it took more time than usual to drive to the dock.

And when they came to the dock, in addition to the people in the celestial church arranged by Chris, there were also the chief priest of the Poseidon Church, the high priest of the celestial chapel, and the Marine ambassador leading their hands to gather at the pier. Go up, although they didn't block the people from the Temple of Goddess getting on and off the boat, depending on the situation, their targets showed that they were Kris and Leo.

   So when Chrissy’s vehicle drove to the pier, these three people and horses stopped in front of the vehicle and stopped the vehicle that continued to approach the ship.

  If it were someone else, Chris could completely ignore the consequences and let the vehicle hit them directly, but now there are three people who are not much worse than her, and naturally it is impossible to use that kind of rude means.

   After instructing the coachman to stop the car, Chrissy originally signaled Leo not to get out of the car and asked him to solve the matter, but Leo shook his head and refused, opening the door and stepping out of the car.

   Seeing Leo's own opinion, Chris, who was accustomed to others' compliance, frowned. She was a little displeased, but she didn't say much, and followed him down and greeted the three groups of people. UU reading

"When did the Holy Family Sanctuary, the General Sanctuary and the Sea Clan stand together? It's really surprising." Before the other party could speak, Chris gave a mocking sound, then turned to look at the Sea Clan ambassador. , Questioned: "Has the Sea Race completely abandoned its glory? Are you planning to go back on the promises it has made and sever the alliance with our Goddess Temple?"

  The ambassador of the sea clan is like a humanized sea urchin, covered with spikes all over his body, and his fat and bloated body makes it feel that it is difficult for him to walk normally.

   But if someone really thinks that this Sea Clan ambassador is just a Sea Clan person with high status and low ability, then once the Sea Clan ambassador becomes his enemy, then that person will inevitably suffer a great loss for this, and even lose his life.

I saw him facing Chris’ question, always smiling, saying: "Of course not. The promises made by our Sea Clan will definitely be kept. Please rest assured, Lord Chris. The reason why I will appear. Here, it’s for this gentleman. After all, his business is related to the awakening of our lord.” As he said, he turned to look at the two high priests of Poseidon Church, and said, “I believe these two should also be for From him."

"Are you crazy? Why do you think he is related to the opening of the temple? Is it just because of the Spirit Race?" Chris retorted: "Compared to him, I doubt what the Spirit Race knows. People are spiritual people, and things happen on the long spirit festival of spiritual people."


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