The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1066: Leo's guess

Rock Gu'gal knows what kind of sins this camouflage rune bears, but he knows better that this camouflage rune is the most powerful one of the shaman spells he has learned. If he wants to be in this world To make a difference, then he must abandon his past preconceptions of disguise runes and master this power.

It is precisely because he does not have the guilt of his predecessors, so he is the only natural shaman in their line who has mastered the disguise runes for so many years, and it is precisely because of the power of the disguise runes that he makes him Being able to fight against each other in sea battles, he even used the peculiarities of the camouflage runes to pretend to be a sea nobleman, allowing his fleet to obtain some high-profit special commodities in some sea border cities.

   Just like the countless times in the past with the use of camouflage runes to successfully get out of the predicament, Rock Gurgaar also believes that he can also use the camouflage runes to get through this time.

When he disguised himself and checked repeatedly and found no flaws, he stopped a pannier and prepared to go to Silvermoon Lake on Mount St. Trou, but when the pannier had just entered the capital city, he ordered the driver to turn. After a bend, he returned to the place where he lived, took out a string of necklaces that looked like some kind of biological bones from his room, hung it around his neck, and then turned back to Silver Moon Lake. the way.

This seemingly ordinary bone necklace is actually not ordinary at all, because this necklace is the inheritance of their natural shaman. All the shaman spells he mastered are derived from this necklace. This necklace is also the most powerful shaman spirit tool he has on hand. He once used this necklace to create a sea storm that only Poseidon has the ability to cause. Now facing a difficult situation, he naturally hopes the power of this necklace. Can bring him help.

Before entering the mountain trails of Mount St. Trou, the verifiers sent by the Spirit Race had already verified the identities of those who participated in the worship activities of the Poseidon Temple, and this was only the first verification, and there were several verifications for faith in the back. After all, this is a visit to the Temple of the Sea God, and it is impossible for a heresy to mix into it and blaspheme the spirit.

Identity verification is nothing to Panshi Gu'gall. His identity is very clear, and he is considered a small well-known Seagod believer among them, but the following faith test made him a little nervous, and he was a little worried. It is impossible for one's own disguise to deceive those senior clergy's test magic skills.

However, fortunately, the whole process was unpredictable. He passed those tests very smoothly. Finally, he changed to a truck specially arranged by the Spirit Race and came to a pier on the bank of Silver Moon Lake. The worshippers of the Poseidon Church will take a boat arranged by the Spirit Race to the Poseidon Temple in the middle of the Silver Moon Lake when they arrive.

   For the vast majority of people in the world of Poseidon, the name Yinyue Lake is an inexplicable name, because none of them know what Yinyue is, but Panshi Gu'gal knows what Yinyue is.

In the ancestral notes handed down by his family, things about Silver Moon and Silver Moon Lake were recorded, but the Silver Moon and Silver Moon Lake were not the Silver Moon Lake in the Saint-Trushan Mountain, but where his ancestors lived. Silver Moon Lake owned by that world.

In the record, the silver moon is a very beautiful thing in the sky. There are several festivals related to the moon every year, and it is said that the silver moon in the sky can also affect the tides on the sea, so in his opinion, the silver moon also has some control over the sea. It’s not so difficult to understand that an inexplicable lake like Yinyue Lake will appear in the sacred land of the sea.

This is the second time that Panshi Gu'gar came to Silver Moon Lake. In the past, he once had the idea of ​​visiting the Sea God Temple, and he applied to the Sea God Church and passed it, only when he and other people who were visiting together were taken When he arrived at Silver Moon Lake, he flinched, because at that moment he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

  The sense of crisis made him realize that if he continued to approach the Seagod Temple, very bad things might happen, so he found an excuse to leave.

   Although his actions were suspicious, at that time, because it was not a special time period, and the people responsible for transporting them were just ordinary clergy, no one paid any attention to his departure.

   This time he also thought about it. If he feels dangerous, even if he is accused of being impious, he will leave immediately.

However, when he came to Yinyue Lake, although he still felt the danger, the intensity of the danger was very weak, almost as if he accidentally fell, which also relaxed his original tense mood a little. Some, but also distracted and began to observe other people around.

Almost all the people attending this worship ceremony are some very famous sea gods and devout believers. Panshi Gu'gar almost knows them, but among these familiar faces, there are a small number of strangers who are different from the sea gods. Judging from the world's clothing habits, they should come from the small worlds that were conquered by the Poseidon Church Expeditionary Army but not annexed.

   While Rock Gu'gar was observing other people, someone in the crowd was observing him. This person was Leo who came to Silver Moon Lake earlier.

At the moment when Rock Gu’al appeared, Leo immediately recognized that he was the person who used the shaman spell outside the city before, and this person would not have attracted Leo’s attention. Knowing this person's situation, as usual, it is impossible for a person to change much in such a short period of time.

   But what Leo didn't expect was that Rock Gu'gar seemed to be an exception, because in his perception, the Rock Gu'gar at this moment was not a shaman at all, but a devout member of the Sea God Church.

If Leo had not found out the other party’s details through the spiritual network before, and just judged from the strong breath of the **** of the sea **** emanating from the other person, he would definitely think that this person might be the descendant of the sea **** just like Chris. indefinite.

   "The power of nightmare?" Leo's first thought at this moment was the power of nightmare that could perfectly imitate various powers.

   But he quickly rejected this speculation, because if it was really the power of nightmare, then he would definitely feel it, and he would definitely not feel as if it is now.

   After revoking the conjecture about the power of nightmare, Leo quickly searched all the information related to the shaman and imitating divine power in his database, and soon he found a clue.

   "Disguise rune?" Leo quickly recalled the information clues he found, and his face couldn't help showing a surprised expression because of the information on it.

In the past, although Leo knew that the various shaman spells mastered by the shaman were very powerful, but in her subconscious, she always believed that the magic of the tower wizard, the magic of the various gods in the world of Velen, and even the magic of the witch The power of bloodline and other extraordinary Lilang in the world of Velen far surpassed the spells of shamanism.

This is mainly because the colonial aggression of various countries on the continent of Velen and Minsk destroyed countless tribes with shamanism as their spiritual core. From the coast to the edge of the inland wasteland, almost all tribes that believe in shamanism All were completely destroyed.

In these wars, although shamans sent shamans to fight, they didn’t play any role. Most of them didn’t even cast a complete shaman spell and died under the enemy’s steam engine crossbow. The various forces in the entire underground world subconsciously believe that the shamanism's spells are weaker and cannot be compared with the wizards' witchcraft.

   But now after reading the information about the disguise runes, Leo discovered that the shamanist's spells are not only unique, but also very powerful, not at all weaker than the witchcraft of the tower wizard.

For example, this camouflage rune is only the primary version of a powerful shamanic tool. It is recorded in the book that that powerful shamanic tool can be disguised as real divine power, and use the divine power of the gods to perform the divine arts of the gods to achieve harmony The gods being imitated are exactly the same.

If you don’t see the living example of Rock Gul’al, Leo might suspect that the information about the disguise runes, because that information is not an authoritative study of shamanism, but an autobiographical novel. , The writer of the novel is a shaman, and he described in detail some low-level shaman spells in the book, and also recorded some shaman powers that have belonged to the legend in the world of Velen shamanism, such as disguise runes.

Now through observation, Leo found that the power of Poseidon exuding from Rock Gur'gar was very pure, and he could hardly tell the difference from the power of Poseidon of the true Poseidon church. This is very similar to the effect of the camouflage rune. At least Leo couldn't tell the difference between the two based on his perception ability and spiritual net alone.

   Therefore, Leo was also particularly interested in this disguise rune, and thought in his heart whether it should be like a way to see if he can get all the knowledge of the disguise rune in the opponent's hands.

While Leo was thinking about things, several Spirit Race prepared ships slowly sailed over from the distance of the lake, docked firmly on the dock by the lake, and then jumped some Spirit Race people from the boat. Several lists were taken out and Leo and the others boarded their respective ships according to the contents of the lists.

   After Leo reported his name, he boarded the designated ship along with the crowd, and the rock Gujar, who was followed by him, boarded another ship.

   However, fortunately, the distance between the two ships is not very far, Leo can still clearly feel the psionic imprint that he had left on him.

   There is no wind on the surface of Yinyue Lake, and the water does not flow. Just like stagnant water, the navigation of ships is driven by the spirit race using their own bloodline power combined with the power of the sea god. The speed is very fast and very stable.

When the spirit races displayed their bloodline power, Leo could clearly feel that the bloodline power and psychic power of these spirit races were somewhat similar. The difference between the two was that one was repeatedly filtering high-quality oil with extremely high purity, and the other It is a low-quality oil mixed with a lot of impurities. Although the two are essentially the same, the quality has determined their nature.

This is not to say that the power of spiritual blood is worse than psychic energy. In fact, even in the universe, there are some exclusive abilities of cosmic civilization that are comparable to spiritual energy. At least from the records of spiritual conquest history and other books, In the end, the bloodline power of the spirit race also has the opportunity to evolve to the level of Omega-class higher life forms.

You should know that before the spiritual race and the world of the spiritual race were conquered, the spirit race had their own gods, and there were more than one. Although the specific gods are not clearly recorded in the data, the sea **** killed the spirits. According to some data records of the spirit race, the so-called gods in the spirit race world should be pseudo-gods or demigods, equivalent to ninth-level psychics, which also shows that the power of the spirit race has great potential.

At this time, there was a commotion on the ship’s deck. Leo looked over there and found that he was a devout believer of the Sea God. Suddenly, his body began to undergo rapid changes inexplicably, not only his body became bigger. A lot of it, even some **** extending outwards appeared on his body, and he soon saw that the person turned into a monster with **** thorns all over his body.

Facing the sudden change, the surrounding devout followers were ordinary people and they were very silly. Some people who had similar experiences quickly recovered and ran towards the stern, where some spirits gathered. Clan people, they think they might be able to be protected by Spirit Clan people by running there.

At the same time, the devout believer whose body had undergone mutation was also stunned by the changes in his own body. He wanted to tell others that his mutation was a normal bloodline evolution, and he was transforming into a sea clan, but the question was who he was. Horny horns look like some terrestrial creatures, not sea creatures.

   And the more important point is that there is no trace of the characteristics of the Sea Clan in him, and even those characteristics that were not mutated before have disappeared. This gives people a feeling that he is a heresy exposed by the mutation.

Before the mutated monster could react, the spirit guards on the ship rushed to the deck of the bow. Seeing the shape of the opponent, without even saying a word, he took out the weapon and rushed over. Effortlessly pierced the weapon into every vital point of the opponent.

Before the mutation, this mutant was just an ordinary person. He didn't know how to fight at all, let alone use his own power to face the siege of the spirit race. He didn't even have the ability to resist, and he didn't even recover from his shock. When the physical pain pulled him back to reality, he was completely unable to resist, and the last thing he saw in his lifetime was that the Spirit Race man was holding a weapon into his head.



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