The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1067: Relief story

     The commotion caused by the out-of-control mutant quickly subsided, and everyone quickly put the matter behind and returned their attention to the visit to the Seagod Temple.

The reason why they adjusted their mentality so quickly is not only because the strength of the spirit guards makes them feel safe and they don’t have to worry about their safety after such things happen, but also because there are out-of-control mutants among those who visit the Seagod Temple. This is not uncommon. In the past, every group of people who visited the Seagod Temple had one or two cases.

   These out-of-control mutants have not only appeared in the devout believers of other races, even the clergy of the Sea Clan, Spirit Race, and Poseidon Church have seen such out-of-control mutants.

There is no clear answer as to the causes of out-of-control mutants, but there are several theories that have been circulated among the people. Among them, the most widely spread and recognized as the most likely correct answer is those out-of-control mutations. They are all false believers, all their beliefs are disguised, in fact they are some unbelievers or heretics.

The Sea Clan, Spirit Clan, and Poseidon Church neither deny nor admit to this statement, let alone restrict the spread of this statement, and after similar mutants appear among their people, they will also secretly investigate this out-of-control mutant There have been all kinds of close contacts, and their various behaviors seem to have acquiesced to this statement.

However, Leo now discovers that the so-called mutator is a false believer is actually wrong. The real answer should be the opposite. Not only is the out-of-control mutator not a false believer or heresy, but the most pious sea **** among all people, even Even fanatics can't match it, because the out-of-control mutation that happened just now is not a punishment in a sense, but a blessing, because that kind of mutation is called sanctification in the churches in the world of Velon.

In the churches in the world of Velen, some extremely devout believers will receive blessings from the gods at a certain church ceremony. In the blessings, their body will undergo rapid transformation. If his body can withstand the transformation, then he Eventually, he will become the living saint of the church, and his status will rise rapidly. Even if he was just a beggar before, the moment he became a living saint, his status can almost match the pope or archbishop of the church.

   But if the body fails to survive the sanctification, then he will be thoroughly purified, and the purified remains of the body will become the holy relic of the church.

Just now when the person appeared out of control and mutation, Leo’s spiritual network had already explored the past. Although the effectiveness of the spiritual network was weakened a lot due to the influence of the surrounding environment, even if it was weakened, he could clearly perceive it. To the physical condition of the mutant.

In the eyes of others, the mutation of that person is out of control, but in Leo’s perception, the mutation in that person’s body is orderly, and every minute of the mutation is very stable, absolutely not out of control, and more importantly, the opponent’s body. Life energy is also rising steadily and rapidly. It is no exaggeration to say that if the mutant is not killed, his life will complete a phased evolution, and he can survive the evolution and will transform into a higher one. Life body, otherwise the energy produced by life evolution will backlash and completely destroy it, and this destruction process is somewhat similar to uncontrolled mutation.

Not everyone has a strong perception of energy changes like Leo, who has a spiritual network to be able to view the state of others in the body, so it is very difficult to distinguish between the sanctified and the out-of-control mutant. The practice of the various churches in the world of Velen is very simple , Is to lock up the mutant until the end of his mutation.

   If it is an out-of-control mutant, it will be solved directly, but if it is a sanctified one, it will be released and then cultivated.

   However, it is clear that the churches and races of Poseidon’s world deal with such situations more directly. Whether they are mutants or sanctified ones, they will all be executed, saving the manpower and time required for discrimination.

At this time, Leo noticed that the shaman on the other boat looked tense, and from time to time he subconsciously played with the bone necklace on his neck. Obviously, the necklace on the neck was very important in the shaman’s mind. Leo guessed that maybe It was this pagan shaman who dared to run to the Seagod Temple.

Although Leo didn’t know how strong the natural shaman’s reliance was, at least his spiritual network could not perceive the energy fluctuations of that string of bone necklaces, but he was able to perceive the other party’s emotional changes after the appearance of the so-called out-of-control mutant. I feel a lot more nervous. This kind of mentality will be very passive in the face of the power of the gods that can most affect the spirit and soul. Even if the natural shaman’s disguise can deceive the sea god’s power, the loopholes in his mentality may become his. Achilles' heel.

However, Leo has no way to help him. Although he is very curious about the inheritance of this natural shaman, his curiosity is not strong enough to make him risky, so he can only be a bystander. See if this natural shaman is lucky enough to pass the next level.

Obviously, there is also the effect of superimposing space in Silver Moon Lake. The ship sailed on the water at almost full speed for several hours and still did not reach the island in the lake where the Poseidon Temple is located. According to the Spirit Clan, at least half a tidal day was sailed. In order to reach the Poseidon Temple on the island in the lake.

During this period of time, several people have been out of control and mutated. Among these people, not only the people who visited the Seagod Temple this time, but also the spirit race people, and under the observation of Leo's spiritual network, these few were regarded as out of control mutants. Among the human beings, only one is the phenomenon of sanctification, and the others are truly out-of-control mutants. The genetic cells in their bodies are rapidly and disorderly changed due to the stimulation of the divine power of the surrounding Poseidon, which eventually leads to the complete collapse of the body.

   Among these mutators, one of them mutated so quickly that they only took a few breaths. Before the Spirit Race people were put to death, he collapsed into a puddle of mud.

   And Leo discovered that this person's mutation was not due to his own reasons, but was secretly known by others, and the person who started secretly was the natural shaman that Leo paid attention to.

I don’t know whether that person has hatred with the natural shaman, or what the natural shaman wants to test. When the person is not paying attention, the natural shaman uses a certain shaman spell to inject a certain energy into the person’s body. It didn't take long for that person's body to undergo a rapid and uncontrollable mutation.

The person’s body collapsed so quickly that he seemed to frighten the natural shaman, so that his emotions fluctuated greatly afterwards. If possible, he might have quit, and now he regrets visiting the shrine this time. The action of the Poseidon Temple is now.

Leo already had a faint feeling, that this natural shaman might be bad luck. If it had been a few hours ago, when the ship had just left the port, he might still be able to help some of this natural shaman, but now he also Some were overwhelmed, because as they got closer and closer to the Seagod Temple, the Seagod's divine power in the surrounding air became stronger and stronger, and this divine power was accompanied by a whisper that went straight to the soul.

This murmur is very special and not everyone can hear it. Only a few people with special perception can hear these sounds, and everyone seems to hear different sounds. For example, Leo hears one The voices of elderly women speak a completely unfamiliar language, while some people hear singing, noise, or even the sound of ocean tides.

   For those Poseidon believers, these murmurs are more like a kind of blessing from Poseidon. They accept this blessing in despair and listen carefully, hoping to hear the revelation given to them by the gods.

However, for Leo, a believer, this kind of voice is completely a mental attack. He can feel that as this voice is injected into his ears, his spirit also appears under the influence of this voice. Some changes, for which he had to focus his energy on resisting this babble, and the method he used to resist the babble was very simple, that is, to dilute the babble with other babble.

The effect of this approach is naturally significant. Leo can easily eliminate the harmful effects of this babble, but to maintain the balance of this babble confrontation, Leo needs a lot of energy, so Leo will The attention of others around him returned, and he focused on controlling the balance of babbling and confrontation.

When people concentrate on doing something, time passes quickly. As the island where the Seagod Temple is located zooms in at a speed visible to the naked eye, half of the tidal day also elapses, and the weird thing is the whispering. At this time it gradually weakened and eventually disappeared.

   Leo's attention also disappeared after the whispering disappeared, and then moved to the outside world again, and soon paid attention to the island of the Poseidon Temple that was gradually approaching.

For others, the island of the Poseidon Temple is very magical. The entire island is composed of countless hexagonal stone pillars of different sizes and lengths. The mountain is composed of hexagonal pillars and the cliff is composed of hexagonal pillars. The coast composed of angular stone pillars and so on, so that the entire island does not look like a natural generation, but more like a man-made one, so some people say that only the mighty power of Poseidon can create this island with rules.

However, this kind of amazing topography and landforms in the eyes of other people is very ordinary in the eyes of the well-informed Leo. He has seen even more amazing landforms in the universe, and this kind of landforms seems to be artificially made. In his opinion, the hexagonal stone pillar islands can also be manufactured through natural evolution.

   Compared to the magical shape of the island, Leo pays more attention to the towering temples on the islands with spiral buildings and huge stones.

Because I have seen giant buildings on the island of Yam in the past, the Poseidon Temple is magnificent, but it doesn’t make Leo take it too seriously. The only temple that deserves Leo’s energy to study is the temple. Those reliefs on the outer wall are gone.

   Before the ship docked, Leo had already used his spiritual vision ability to watch the relief pattern on the top of the Poseidon Temple from a very long distance.

   Just like the gods' temples or altars of all churches, the sleeping temple of Poseidon also uses reliefs and other means to depict some of the accomplishments that Poseidon has done in the past that can be called great deeds.

When Leo saw the reliefs, he was fascinated by the painting above, because there were a large number of interstellar warships depicted in that painting, among which there were many Veya motherships, and there was even a clear picture above. The emblem of the Weiya tribe was carved out.

   It can be seen from the screen that Poseidon was confronting the Veya spacecraft at that time, and on the side of Poseidon, many civilian spaceships were retreating.

   From these patterns, it is not difficult to see that the situation at the time should be that the Weiyas were attacking certain cosmic civilizations, and Poseidon was protecting these cosmic civilizations from evacuation and blocking the attacks of the Weiyas.

   The content of this set of reliefs is extremely clear. Even people who don't know about the civilization and war of the universe can easily understand the meaning after seeing this set of reliefs.

   But after seeing this group of reliefs, Leo had a lot of doubts, because according to his understanding of cosmic civilization, that group of reliefs contained a lot of contradictions that couldn't be justified.

First of all, the biggest contradiction is who sculpted this group of reliefs, because the spacecraft in the reliefs are carved extremely finely, even the tiny parts such as the energy beam deflectors on both sides of the spacecraft are carved out, and A lot of fleet number codes are also engraved. Unless you have a good understanding of these spacecraft, it is absolutely impossible to engrave so finely.

In addition, there are too many unreasonable contradictions in the content. For example, among the cosmic civilizations that escaped, at least three cosmic civilizations are all advanced cosmic civilizations. Compared with the civilization of the Wei Ya people, they are only strong or not weak. The Wei Ya people deal with one of them. The cosmic civilizations are enough, and now they have a crushing advantage over three advanced cosmic civilizations and dozens of intermediate cosmic civilizations, and these civilizations have to flee their homes. This is in the cosmic civilizations he knows, even the most absurd delusion. I dare not think so.

In addition, the Poseidon is an Omega-level higher life entity. Whether he is the mother of water or not, he has an extremely powerful combat power in the universe. With the civilization of the Weiya people, it is absolutely impossible to rely on the strength of a branch tribe alone. Contends with a real Omega-class advanced life form.

On the relief screen, the Poseidon seems to be on the weaker side. The opponent’s interstellar battleship suppressed the Poseidon very seriously, and it is possible to defeat the Poseidon at any time. Even Leo can see that the symbol replaces the image in the picture. Poseidon could not last long.

One of the biggest doubts of the entire relief is the location of the battlefield. The people who carved this group of reliefs are very detailed, and even carved the star chart marking the battlefield location as the background on the relief. The star chart on it is in the universe. It is unique, almost any medium civilization has this star chart, because this is the star field where the highest council of the universe is located.


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