The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1065: Disguise of Natural Shaman

Visiting the Poseidon Temple is not a difficult task for people in Poseidon’s World. You only need to apply to the Poseidon Church and wait for the arrangement. Usually there will be a response in three to five tidal days, and the desire to worship will be achieved within ten days. .

However, if it is in a certain period, it becomes almost impossible to visit the Temple of the Sea God, such as the Spirit Clan’s Long Spirit Festival, the Sea Clan’s Divine Grace Festival, and the Sea God’s Church’s Holy Lent Ceremony, except for people of the same clan. , No one else can go to the Seagod Temple.

Therefore, there is a saying among the people of Poseidon’s world that the Poseidon will wake up at a certain time each year and bless the people outside the temple, and this specific time period is long Spiritual festivals and divine grace festivals are days when ordinary people are not allowed to visit the temple.

This kind of rumors are widespread, and there is no evidence to prove it, but most of the people at the bottom who have heard the rumors believe that these rumors are true, so some devout believers who do not belong to the three forces will be in these special time periods. , Gathered at the periphery of St. Trou Mountain, hoping to obtain the qualification to visit the Poseidon Temple during these time periods.

It’s a pity that the people of the Spirit Clan, Sea Clan, and Poseidon Church are hard-hearted. They have never thought of granting these pious and faithful qualifications. Because of this, when the Spirit Clan is rumored to give some Seagod followers a visit to the Poseidon Temple this Changling Festival. The first thought of people who heard the news is that this is a rumor.

   However, when the Spirit Race sent people to select qualified devout believers, they began to believe that the previous rumors were true. The Spirit Race really wanted to open the followers of other races and forces to worship the Sea God Temple on the Long Spirit Festival.

   Those devout believers are not very concerned about why the spirits want to do this. What they care about is whether they are eligible to worship.

It’s just that it happened so suddenly that everyone was unprepared. Even if someone wanted to bribe people to obtain qualifications through some small means, they didn’t know who should be bribed. Until the list of permitted visits was promulgated, no one did it. Know what is going on.

   The selected candidates who saw their names on the list were naturally cheering, while those who were not selected could only sigh, but they did not dare to have the slightest resentment towards the spirit race, they could only sigh that their luck was not good enough.

Panshi Gu'gal is one of the lucky ones who have been selected. What's ridiculous is that Panshi Gu'gal is not a true believer of the sea god. What he really believes in is the natural shamanism handed down from his ancestors' homeland, but he pretends to be It was so outstanding that everyone who knew him believed that he was a true believer in Poseidon.

Rock Gu'gar was also very surprised that he would be selected, and he was also very worried because he was worried that his disguise would be seen through. Once he knew that he was not a devout Seagod believer, his various behaviors would inevitably be affected. As blasphemous, what awaits him in the end will cause cruel death.

It’s just that he is worried, but he can’t give up his qualifications, because his devotion to the Seagod absolutely surpasses most believers. Now it is possible to go to the Seagod Temple to worship during the Long Spirit Festival. This is definitely A kind of return for his pious belief. If he abandons this rhetoric, then others will definitely doubt his piety to faith, and then the network of relationships he established by virtue of his status as a devout believer will be lost. He wanted to see it, so he decided to take a risk this time to see if he could get through.

In order to be able to successfully pass the spiritual test of faith, Panshi Gujal needs to prepare some disguised shaman spirits in advance, so before setting off to the Seagod Temple, he temporarily left the Lingdu and entered the outskirts of the Lingdu In a remote forest in, take out some disguised items needed for shaman rituals, put them on the ground one by one, then take off your clothes, and take out a bottle of oil wipes from the pile of items On her body, she put on a wreath made of special plants, put on a book jacket, picked up a short stick that looked like a walking stick, put the item that was going to be made into a spiritual tool on a clearing, and then knelt down with a word Beside that item.

   After reciting the shaman sacrificial text several times, he raised the short stick in one hand and a skull full of spiritual oil in the other, and danced the mountain spirit dance around the item.

   After he jumped twice, the discrete energy around him surged toward the side like flowing water attracted by the vortex, and injected into the objects in the middle.

These natural shamans are just the knowledge passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors of Rock Gujar. Its source is a small world that was annexed by the world of Poseidon, and his family is a shaman with the highest status in that small world. family.

As the small world was conquered and annexed, their family was also integrated into the world of Poseidon. The vast majority of people in the family have already converted to Poseidon, and a small number of people still maintain the original shamanism, but pretend to be followers of Poseidon. He is one of them.

Although the power of Poseidon’s world originated from Poseidon, there are also a lot of natural powers here. This is one of the reasons why natural shamans like them can survive. The power gained through various shaman rituals allows him to Surviving all kinds of crises on the sea and gaining his current status and power also made him have a strong confidence in his shaman power. He was also very involved in rituals and quickly forgot the surrounding environment.

Fortunately, the location chosen by Rock Gurgar is a bit remote, surrounded by dense woods, and his shaman ritual knowledge is a small ritual, which causes little movement, and because it is all natural energy, it is not easy Attract the attention of some powerful people in Lingdu.

   It's just that, even so, there were still people who sensed the subtle energy changes here while the ceremony was going on, and curiously explored them, this person was naturally Leo who was going to the Seagod Temple.

   When he felt the energy, Leo felt very puzzled. He once suspected that it was his own illusion. After all, he never expected to feel some familiar shaman power here.

  Although the energy is very weak, in the world full of Poseidon's power, that power is like oil mixed in water in the eyes of people with strong energy perception like him, so eye-catching.

With curiosity, Leo did not immediately go to St. Trou Mountain after leaving the temple. Instead, he took a long detour and came to the side of the city wall of Lingdu, which was closest to the place where the energy occurred, and then headed there through the spiritual net. Explored the past.

"Natural shaman?" Leo easily judged that the ritual performed by the middle-aged man originated from that type of shaman, not because he was knowledgeable, but because the ritual was a very famous shaman. Manchu ceremony, this ceremony was recorded in detail in the book by shamanic researchers in the Kingdom of England. It is almost a public shaman ceremony in Velen.

This shaman ritual is called a spiritual enlightenment ritual, which is to inspire the spirituality of an item, and then through long-term wearing and contact with this spiritually inspired item by you, it becomes one with the spirituality of the item, and then the item becomes one. A shamanic tool similar to a wizard's wonder.

However, even if there is a ritual, if the person who uses this ritual is not a shaman, even if someone completes the entire ritual, it is impossible to turn the items in the ritual into a spiritual tool. This has been studied by all shamans in the Kingdom of England. The authors and fans have confirmed it.

The reason Leo paid attention to it was not the ritual itself, but the person who used the ritual, because judging from the appearance of the middle-aged man, he could never be a human, although he had a human He has a very high forehead, and there are two pairs of eyes on his forehead. The two extra pairs of eyes are not decorative objects, but really usable eyes.

In addition, his body is much slenderer than humans. He has a pair of deformed arms on his chest and lower waist. In addition, his legs are knees, showing a zigzag shape, which allows him to have extremely strong jumping power and Running speed.

Such an extremely eye-catching appearance and such an authentic natural shaman ritual reminded Leo of a legend that has been circulated in the wilderness of Mossan for a long time. In this legend, a mysterious race of sons of the mountains is mentioned. That race is extremely proficient in nature. Shaman’s way, and willing to exchange knowledge with other shaman tribes in the wasteland, the spiritual enlightenment ceremony is part of the knowledge exchanged.

   However, the people of that tribe are very mysterious. If they don't want to appear in front of people, even if they deliberately look for them, they will not be found. The appearance of the sons of the mountains is the same as the middle-aged person who is undergoing the spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

Although Leo was curious about the origin and identity of this man, he did not have the idea of ​​going up to say hello, because from the current situation, this middle-aged man was obviously performing this shaman ritual in secret, regardless of the purpose. For whatever reason, I don't want other people to know. If you step forward to say hello at this time, you will probably be attacked by the other party, which will only make things worse in the end.

When Leo's ritual was about to come to an end, Leo used psionic energy to leave an inconspicuous mark on the opponent. When he has the opportunity to communicate with him again, he may be able to find the sons of the mountains in the wasteland. The origin.

   After all this was done, Leo left the corner and walked towards St. Trou Mountain.

Just when Leo left, Rock Gu'gar also completed the final infusion of the ceremony. Among the various objects in the middle of the ceremony, a fishbone sculpture glowed with a faint white light. Obviously this fishbone The sculpture is the shaman spirit produced in this spiritual enlightenment ceremony.

In this lesson, Rock Gujal also exhaled a long sigh of air, and with a look of lingering heart, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and his body changed from extreme tension to Extremely relaxed, his feet seemed to soften, unable to support his body anymore, causing him to sit on the ground.

   The reason why he was so nervous just now was not because he was worried that the spiritual revelation ceremony would not be able to produce a successful spiritual tool, but because he was worried that the mysterious person who spied him secretly would act on him and expose his non-Poseidon church identity.

In the first natural shaman’s spiritual enlightenment ceremony, Rock Gu’gall gained a very powerful perception ability, able to perceive the subtle changes in the surrounding energy, with this perception, even if his ship was not blessed by the sea **** Down, still able to head freely on the rough sea.

It is precisely by virtue of this perception that he has avoided the dangers in the past countless explorations of marine relics and returned to the ship safely. Although he has not the greatest gains in those expeditions, but every time. Harvest, which also made some people call him the lucky rock Gujar.

When Leo’s spiritual network touched him just now, he immediately felt that a powerful being was spying on him, which brought him unprecedented pressure, and this pressure even surpassed what he had seen at sea. The sea monster is said to be the pet of the sea god.

   He was deliberately certain of one thing, that is, if the snooper maliciously acts on him, he will never escape.

   However, what surprised him was that the snooper did not act on him, but merely spied on him. After he felt that the opponent was not malicious, he continued the spirit-initiating ceremony until the ceremony was completely completed.

Although the mysterious snooper did not act during the ritual, it seemed that there was no malice, but Rock Gu'gar could not rest assured. After a short rest, he immediately cleaned the ceremony site, and then went out. He took a bottle of blood and soaked the fish bone statue in the blood.

   After a while, I saw that the color of the blood quickly faded, and finally became the same as Shimizu, and there were some **** patterns on the fish bone statue.

Rock Gujal took out the fish bone statue, put it on with a rope, and hung it around his neck. After he hung the fish bone statue as a necklace, his overall temperament suddenly changed, becoming like It was like a pious Poseidon church priest.

This fishbone statue is a special kind of spirit tool of a natural shaman. The blood-colored pattern on it is called a camouflage rune. It absorbs the blood of a certain person and allows the wearer to have a whole similar to that person within a certain period of time. temperament.

This is still a low-level version of the camouflage rune. Higher camouflage runes can not only camouflage temperament, but also make the overall shape of the blood master look like. Even the most advanced camouflage rune deliberately camouflages the blood to provide perfection. The ability possessed by the person.

According to the records left by the ancestors of the Rock Gujar, there was once a natural shaman who produced the most advanced camouflage rune. In order to make this camouflage rune the most powerful, he managed to get a bottle The blood of gods, and then disguised as gods, also brought destruction to their world.

Because that bottle of blood belongs to the sea god’s blood, when the ancestors of Rock Gur'gar disguised himself as the sea **** through disguise runes, he had a trace of contact with the sea god, and the sea **** also confirmed the other’s through this connection. The world is located, and then an expeditionary army is sent to conquer and annex its world.


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