The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1057: Huoshuyuan, Silver Moon Lake

"Has the Spirit Race decided to come together with the Holy Family Church?" At the moment the car was stopped, the driver who was driving Leo took off the hood that covered his head, and asked the Spirit Race person who was blocking the vehicle. .

I saw that the coachman’s appearance was very majestic, and the marine features on his body were not obvious, except for some small purple scales on his forehead and cheeks. In addition, his eyes were silvery white and looked like they had no pupils, but If you look closely at the painting, you will find that there is actually an oval pupil in the middle of his eyeball.

The person who was arranged by Chris to drive Leo was obviously not an ordinary person, not to mention that the energy aura emanating from him was so powerful and obvious. Just now, the foreign bishops of the Seagod Church died in front of him without making a sound. After seeing the high level of the Holy Family and Spirit Race who were blocking the way, he could still be calm and relaxed, and he could see that his identity was extraordinary.

This coachman’s questioning is very skillful. If the Spirit Race admits to stand with the Holy Family Temple at this time, then it is equivalent to pushing the Godborn Temple that is about to form a cooperative relationship with the Sea Race to the opposite side. This is the Spirit Race will never If he is willing to face it, and if he does not admit it, then the act of intercepting the vehicle is just a private act of the Holy Trinity Church, and then this matter is only an internal affair of the Poseidon Church regardless of the subsequent development.

Sure enough, after seeing the coachman take off his hood, the faces of the gods’ sanctuary and the spirit race showed unexpected expressions, and the subsequent questioning of the coachman also made the spirit race people wonder how to answer. Standing awkwardly.

Perhaps it was because I felt that my momentum was suppressed, so the Sanctuary of Gods immediately stood up to break the unfavorable atmosphere and said: "Five foreign bishops suddenly died on Mount St. Trou, and it was on the eve of Chang Ling Festival. It is inevitable for the Spirit Race to pay attention to this matter. On the contrary, you, Sodos, the chief guard of the Goddess Church, the warrior of the Gods, will become a coachman. This is incredible."

"In the carriage is the forbidden book scribe appointed by Lord Chris. He is responsible for the copying and sorting of the ancient books of the Holy Spirit Church during the recent period," Sodos briefly explained, and then looked at the Holy Spirit Holy The people in Tang said, "As for why I **** you all the way, I am mainly worried that some malicious people will attack the scribe, and then blame Lord Chris for leaking the contents of the banned book."

The high-level staff of the Sanctuary of the Gods did not respond to Sodos’s duties. On the contrary, it seemed to have acquiesced. He then changed the subject a bit stiffly: “When the accident happened just now, you and your carriage happened to be nearby. Even the person involved, can you tell me what happened?"

Sodos replied calmly: "I don't know what happened, I just drove the vehicle normally, and then suddenly someone drove out and stopped my car, and then the pack animal of those vehicles seemed to be sent. Killed the bishops in their cars like madness, and then jumped off the cliff with the cars."

"Didn't you control them and kill them?" The Sanctuary of God originally thought that the deaths of the bishops from other places must be related to the people in the car, but now they saw Sodos, they immediately changed their minds. Sodos should be the one who does it. After all, who can imagine that a temple guard will turn out to be an inconspicuous coachman. If Sodos does it in a disguised state, he can definitely make those who are defenseless. The foreign bishops have no power to fight back.

Faced with the doubt, Sodos sneered, and said, "Do you people in the Sanctuary of Gods use your brain to speak? You can't even do things like spreading rumors? If you don't have any evidence at hand, you will plant on others. Do you think your questioning is a deterrent?" He said, pointing to the way down the mountain and said: "The bodies of those people are there. You can check by yourself to see if they have been caught by God. Traces of magical control? Wait until you find the traces of them controlled by magical magic. Then come to my trouble!” After speaking, it seemed that he was not interested in paying attention to the people in the holy temple again. He turned his head and asked the spirit race: "I don’t know you. What else does the Spirit Race want to ask? If it doesn't, I will bring the forbidden book scribe to the main church."

"We don't have any problems with this matter." Naturally, the Spirit Race was unwilling to stand up and confront the people of Godly Temple, so he ordered the carriage to clear the way and said.

After the people of the Spirit Race gave way, the people of the Holy Family Sanctuary left on the road became particularly prominent.

Facing the celestial church person who was still blocking his way, Sodos asked solemnly: "Are you going to violate the agreement reached by the main church at the time?

After this sentence was spoken, not only the faces of the people in the Sanctuary of Gods were changed, but even the faces of the people of the Spirit Race changed. They looked at both sides very unkindly. It seems that if the two sides conflict at this time, they will People on both sides resolve it together.

We must know that in the world of Poseidon, the division and war within Poseidon’s church has become the most taboo topic and thing. After all, that fact was terrible at the time, and it left many people who had experienced it personally at that time with lingering fears, and no one wanted to do it again. Experience it once.

The conflict that took place in the main sanctuary at the time did not cause damage to the spiritual capital and St. Trushan below, but seven bishops and priests of the main sanctuary died, a dozen of the gods, and even the sea god. The pope of the church almost died in that conflict, and has not recovered so far. The spirit and sea clan seniors who were originally just bystanders were also accidentally involved, causing many casualties.

All in all, once the conflict within the church of Poseidon turns into a war, it will be difficult for the entire world of Poseidon. Someone once predicted that if a church war occurs, unless Poseidon wakes up from a deep sleep to turn the tide, otherwise, it will be hidden. It is impossible for the sea people on the bottom of the sea to escape this war.

As for the spirit race, it is more likely to bear the brunt, because the place where the war broke out is the main sanctuary of St. Trou Mountain. The land under your feet will become the center of the war, and the spirit will be destroyed in the war. People of the spirit race will be life-threatening.

So when I heard Sodos's current interception of the Holy Trinity Church, the one who reacted the most was not the members of the Holy Trinity Church, but the people of the Spirit Race, and the Spirit Race didn’t want their home to become battlefield.

I don’t know if the people in the Sanctuary of Gods felt the fierce attitude of the Spirit Race, or because they didn’t have a plan to deal with in advance, they lost the opportunity in front of Sodos. They finally chose to quietly let the road open and let the vehicles pass. Past.

After the vehicle passed through the interception and drove into the road of the fire tree original, Sodos's tense nerves driving the vehicle also relaxed, and he took a long breath.

In fact, Sodos was also worried that things would eventually turn into war. Fortunately, the other party chose to give in in time, otherwise he didn't know what to do next.

After calming down his nervousness, Sodos couldn't help but look at the closed car behind him, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Sodos also felt puzzled about the deaths of the foreign bishops of the Poseidon Church, because things happened in front of him from beginning to end. He even saw with his own eyes how those pack animals killed the foreign bishops. Although there is no evidence, he is very likely that Leo in the car did all of this, but he doesn't know how Leo did it.

He also knows the method of controlling pack beasts, and it can even be used, but the targets of those pack beasts are high-level clergymen who are blessed by the gods and powers. These high-level clergy have the power to easily kill dozens of such packs. The beast would not be harmed by these pack beasts, and naturally it would not be possible to be killed by the pack beasts.

And at such a close distance, he couldn’t feel how the people in the car did all this, including suppressing the blessing power of the clergy and turning them into ordinary people in a short period of time. Just now I was so confident that those people would investigate the cause of death of the bishops in other places.

Just because he felt that Leo's methods were extraordinary, he didn't treat Leo as an ordinary person anymore, and his attitude was quite respectful.

After the carriage drove a distance in Huoshuyuan, Leo lifted the curtain on one side of the car window and looked thoughtfully at the fire trees that flashed past the window.

The interception incident that happened just now is not even a trouble for Leo. Even without Sodos, it is very simple for him to solve it. It only needs to disguise his strength.

Compared with the actions of those people just now, he was more interested in this fire tree original.

According to a book, the first fire tree in the original fire tree is also the first fire tree in the world of Poseidon. The fire tree is not a species unique to the world of Poseidon, but a species in the original world of the spirit race. In the sea, the fire tree cannot be planted, and the seeds are always in a state of being sealed. It was not until the spirit race came to the land and began to live on the land before planting the fire tree.

For ordinary people in the world of Poseidon, and even the vast majority of spirit races, the fire tree on the original fire tree just has a certain commemorative significance, and it is no different from the fire tree transplanted to other places.

But in Leo’s perception, he can clearly feel that Huo Shuyuan is a complete life form. This life form is different from that kind of life community. This is a real life form. In other words, the hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of fire trees that were originally visible in the entire fire tree are actually one tree, and the roots of this tree are all connected together.

Such a huge life form, coupled with the careful care of the spiritual people with their own secret methods, makes the life form of this life form have reached a level above level 7, at least Leo who is a quasi-level 7 life form can enter After Huo Shuyuan, he felt an extremely obvious suppression of his life level.

Leo thought carefully about the various rituals on the Spirit Clan’s Spiritual Festival, and it was not difficult to infer that the Spirit Clan’s Long Spiritual Festival was also prepared for this fire tree. This fire tree should be the Spirit Clan’s ability to become the Hehai Clan, The main trump card of one of the three equal forces in the Church of Poseidon.

However, the spirit race should not think that the fire tree they cultivated can replace the sea god, or even think that this fire tree can become a god, otherwise, the spirit race will not plant this fire tree next to the sea **** temple. .

Although it is a mountainside area, the area of ​​this place is very large, so large that Leo suspects that it also uses the power of the superimposed space he felt in the Desperate Mountains.

From the time it entered the Huoshuyuan, the pack wagon drove at high speed under the power of the pack beast. Even so, it took about two hours to pass through the Huoshuyuan and into the range of Silver Moon Lake.

After passing through the fire tree, Leo got out of the car behind, grabbed the edge of the car roof and landed on the driver's seat next to the driver in front.

"Mr. Leo, did something happen?" Sodos asked Leo, turning his head.

"It's nothing, just want to see Silver Moon Lake and the temple." Leo answered briefly, his eyes always looking at the Silver Moon Lake and the temple in front.

This Silvermoon Lake is very big, bigger than any Silvermoon Lake Leo has seen before. It is no exaggeration to say that it is Silvermoon Lake. At least looking around, Leo couldn't see the situation on the other side of the lake. , Even the Poseidon Temple in the center of the lake is vague.

You need to know that Leo’s extraordinary vision can see far away even if he doesn’t use his vision ability. It’s almost comparable to the over-range tactical sighting equipment of some land teams, but even this can only see blurry. The sight, even if he tried to use Lingshi, he still couldn't change this phenomenon, then it meant that besides the large enough area of ​​Silver Moon Lake, there should also be an unknown power blocking the line of sight.

"How can I go to the temple?" Leo suddenly asked.

Sodos looked at Leo suspiciously, UU reading said: "Anyone has a chance to worship at the temple, but not everyone can come from the temple safely, most people When you go to the temple, you will be assimilated by the temple, and you will stay in the temple forever. If you want to go, I can help you arrange it."

Leo thought for a while, and said, "If this is the case, please help me arrange it! When I come out of the Forbidden Library of the Main Temple, I will take me to the temple."

"Okay." Sodos nodded.

The carriage drove along the repaired road on the edge of Yinyue Lake towards the main church of the Poseidon Church on the side of the lake. Leo’s vision never escaped from Yinyue Lake, and even the spiritual net tried to test the past from time to time. Infiltrate into Yinyue Lake.

However, as Leo had previously guessed, there is indeed a power in Silvermoon Lake that is blocking the penetration of the spiritual web, and not only the spiritual web. Any extraordinary power that enters the range of Silver Moon Lake will be rapidly exhausted. disappear.

However, Leo discovered an interesting thing after repeated trials, that is, the power in Silver Moon Lake did not come from the Seagod Temple, but from Silver Moon Lake itself or the bottom of Silver Moon Lake.

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