The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1058: Taboo Library

Because of the name Silvermoon Lake, Leo also checked the relevant records in the library of the Temple of Gods, but there are very few records related to Silvermoon Lake, and the only record worthy of Leo’s attention is the silver The bottom of Moon Lake has no end.

Once a strong sea clan tried to dive into the bottom of the music lake, but he did not dive to the bottom of the Silver Moon Lake after three tidal days. You must know that even the deepest trench in the world, an ordinary sea clan can be two Sneak to the bottom within the tide day.

As for this sea clan powerhouse did not continue to dive, not because he has no strength, but because the surrounding environment has begun to cause damage to him, water pressure, temperature and other environmental factors make him feel that he can continue. If he dived, he might not be able to go up again, so he had to give up.

This powerful sea clan was not an ordinary person, but the sea king of the sea clan at that time. When he dived, he also wore the divine tool that the sea **** gave to the sea clan.

"Why is it called Silver Moon Lake? What does Silver Moon mean?" Leo asked knowingly.

Suddenly hearing Leo's question, Sodos was stunned for a moment. He never thought that someone would ask such a question, so he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

After thinking about it, Sodos replied: "The silver moon is the silver moon, just like the Saint Trou Mountain, just a name."

Leo smiled and asked, "What is the meaning of Silver Moon? We all know the meaning of Tru, but what is the meaning of Silver Moon?"

"Uh!" Sodos didn't know what to say for a while.

Leo did not continue to ask.

Even so, this matter has been taken to heart by Sodos, because he found that he knew the meaning of every place name in the world, but he did not know the meaning of the name Yinyue Lake, even before that. He never thought about the origin of the name Yinyue Lake. He always took it for granted that the lake should be called this name, but in fact he knew nothing about the name, the meaning of the name, and who gave it. I don't even know why it is called this name, which reminds him of the mystery of Silver Moon Lake, and at the same time makes him have a strong curiosity, wanting to understand it.

In fact, Sodos didn’t know. In the brief two or three sentences just now, he was silently affected by Leo’s psychic skills. Under this influence, his mentality and thoughts developed according to Leo’s ideas. Go down.

Leo did not have any hostility to Sodos in doing so, but just found a suitable test subject to test the psionic skills he developed.

On the road after that, the two did not talk any more, and soon the vehicle came to the St. Belis Square in front of the Poseidon Church’s main church. Sodos parked the car in the small inn outside the square, and then led the Lei Ou walked into the square and walked towards the main church directly opposite.

Saint Belis was the first saint recognized by Poseidon Church. He revised the original code of Poseidon Church. It was also he who formulated the most basic rituals of Poseidon Church. It was he who persuaded the spirit race to allow Poseidon Church’s main church to be able to It was built on the mountainside of Mount Saint-Truce, so after his death, he was canonized by the Poseidon Church, built a square named after him, and built a statue comparable to his size.

Unlike other statues of church saints that have been erected, the statue of St. Belis is not so magnificent, but like an ordinary person, sitting on a chair, dozing off with his head tilted, and even his appearance is completely different. The appearance of ordinary people shows no signs of marineization.

For most people, the statue in the center of the square is just a memorial statue, but for those with extraordinary powers, this statue acts like a psionic jammer to interfere and suppress the energy of all intruders. And its interference range is very large, and almost the entire main church is included in it. It seems that this should be the first line of defense of the Poseidon Church's main church.

On the square, many clergymen of the Poseidon Church were performing some kind of rite-style religious ceremonies. From their costumes, it is not difficult to see that there were people from the Sanctuary of Gods and Gods among them.

Although the General Saint Church is often on the side of the Holy Family Church, the General Saint Church is neutral in public disclosure and will not help any party, although this public declaration will be discounted.

Also because of the neutral position of the General Temple, the people of the God-born Temple can still come to the General Temple to do some religious ceremonies, and the General Temple has no way to stop this, and can only let it go.

In fact, the banned book scribe that Chris gave Leo was not just because she agreed to Leo's request, she also followed the banned book scribe to test the acceptance of the main temple.

According to the divine status of the Poseidon Church, Leo’s forbidden book scribes are only the low-level book clerks. They are at the same level as the scribes and deacons. They can only be regarded as the high-level clergy, but because With the title of a banned book, her divine rank is almost equal to that of a foreign bishop, and she is considered a senior priest.

If the Poseidon Church’s General Sanctuary prevents Leo, the banned book scribe of the God-born Sanctuary from taking office, and does not allow Leo to read the banned books of the First Sanctuary, then she can use this as an excuse to attack the Sanctuary and abandon its claims With a neutral attitude, she stood on the side of the Holy Family Church, and then she would use force against the Main Church.

As for whether to completely push the main sanctuary to the sanctuary of the gods, or lose the battle, these are not within the scope of Chris’s consideration, and she does not need to consider it, because mastering the artifact , Like a **** walking in the world, she can't think of a reason to lose.

It’s a pity that Chris’s plan did not come true. After seeing the identity certificate issued by Leo and Chris, the saint deacon of the Poseidon Church’s main sanctuary did not say anything, so he directly affirmed his identity, and then ordered The people of the main church took Leo to the Taboo Library and gave Leo the highest reading permission.

The attitude of the clergy of the main temple surprised Sodos. He almost thought that the main temple was planning some conspiracy against Chris, and Leo also had some doubts whether they let himself into the taboo library and suddenly said There is a problem with his identity, and he uses it as an excuse to attack Chris.

But on the way to the Taboo Library, the clergyman who led the way whispered something to Leo, dispelling Leo's suspicion and speculation.

It turned out that Chrissy had a meeting with the ambassador of the Sea Clan in the temple shortly after he set off from the Temple of the Gods. No one knows the process of the meeting and the content of the conversation, but it is definitely in the sea. When the clan ambassador left, he acted respectfully towards Chris, just like that of the subordinates.

You must know that this ambassador of the Sea Clan is the senior member of the ancient family of the Sea Clan, and his status is at the top of the Sea Clan. Since he served as the ambassador of the Sea Clan, his attitude towards the Spirit Race and the Church of the Sea God is always the same. He is arrogant and not inferior, showing the superior attitude of the Hai Clan at all times.

And now that he shows a respectful attitude towards Chris, it undoubtedly shows that the high-ranking sea clan can already be said to be on Chris’ side. This also proves that the golden scale effect on Chris’ hand makes the gods holy. The thing that Tang and Lingzu worry most has happened.

The news soon spread to the main church through special channels. Most of the high-level leaders of the main church that originally stood on the side of the gods’ church began to be polarized, and some of them were still on the side of the gods’ church. , Believe that there is no need for another divine envoy with the blood of God in the church, while the other part believes that Chris should take advantage of the fact that Chris has not formally reached a cooperation agreement with the Sea Clan to establish a good relationship with Chris in order to avoid the future. When the silk feather wings are full, what to do with the main church.

The two factions do not have a unified mind, and no one can persuade each other. The saint deacon and senior clergy who are now receiving Leo are all people who believe that they should belong to the Holy Spirit Church, and they are appointed as important in their eyes. Even if Leo of the Forbidden Book Scribe is not Chris’s confidant, he should be considered a very high status in Chris’s team. Therefore, they now take a stand in front of Leo and hope Leo will tell their attitude. To Chris.

Facing the enthusiasm of the priest of the main church, Leo just smiled, neither answering the request of the party, nor rejecting it, let alone explaining his identity.

However, Leo's actions became a tacit promise in the eyes of this senior clergyman, and his attitude towards Leo was more cordial and enthusiastic.

The location of the taboo library is not in the main church, but on a cliff protruding outwards behind the main church. To get there, you need to walk a narrow road. There are cliffs on both sides of the road, and there are no railings on both sides. Handrails, walking on them already makes people feel very dangerous. What's more, strong mountain breeze is constantly blowing from both sides of the cliff. If you don't pay attention, you will be blown under the cliff.

At the entrance, the main sanctuary arranged a team of powerful sanctuary guards to take care of it. The bodies of these sanctuary guards have undergone huge mutations. Each one is the same as the little giant, and the body also has some characteristics of the deep sea monster. , Such as tentacles, fluorescent bodies, etc., their physical power looks very powerful no matter what.

Although most of these temple guards are not extraordinary, but in the main hall, where the extraordinary power is absolutely suppressed, the physical strength is strong enough to block any malicious intruders.

The two were stopped by the church guards at the other end of the road. The clergyman signaled Leo to identify himself and took out the documents issued by the deacon before. After the guards confirmed the authenticity of the documents, Leo was given to read the banned book. Qualified to walk on the cliff road alone, while the priest stayed in place, waiting for Leo to leave, sending Leo out of the main sanctuary.

This can be regarded as an extra arrangement for the saint deacon. He is not only worried about Leo’s unfamiliar roads and what he shouldn’t go to in the restricted area, but also worried that the people from the Sanctuary of Gods will do extraordinary things in the main sanctuary. , So simply send someone to guard here and protect Leo from leaving if necessary.

Leo didn’t care about these things. At this moment, he was more concerned about the books in the taboo library in front of him. As he walked through the cliff and narrow road that was extremely dangerous for ordinary people, he stepped onto the front door of the taboo library. When he was flat, he felt the energy fluctuations around him become a little different.

Those restraining powers against all supernatural powers were washed away by a complex, chaotic, and disordered power. This chaotic power obviously came from the large library in front of him, but even so, Leo still finds it difficult to display himself. Those powers, because once he displays various witchcraft and psychic skills, the chaotic power around him will also disperse the powers he has displayed like the restraining power that disperses the main temple.

However, Leo’s mind at the moment was not focused on the chaotic power around him. Most of his attention was focused on the appearance of the large library in front of him. Although the appearance of this taboo library has undergone many changes, a large number of sea gods have been added. The church has religious elements, but its main building still maintains the original appearance, and the main building form of this library is similar to the large library of abandoned capitals that Leo saw.

Especially in the stained glass window above the main entrance of the library, the shape of this window is connected with certain patterns in the stained glass, and you can see a complex pattern, and this pattern Leo has only been seen in the large library.

Leo is almost certain that the builder of this taboo library was originally built in the form of a large library of abandoned capitals, but after a part of the construction, it seems that for some reason, he changed his attention and modified the style on the basis of the original building. Become a library of other styles.

These are just Leo’s guesses, but when Leo was welcomed in by the library manager, UU Read www. When introduced the situation in the library, Leo had converted those guesses in his mind into affirmative answers.

Yes, it was originally built according to the large library of the abandoned city, because in its interior, from the floor decoration to the embossed slate on the wall, Leo had seen everything in the large library of the abandoned city. He even suspected Will a monster eroded by the abyss suddenly jump out of the glass windows at the top of the hall and attack him frantically?

"What do you seem to be worried about?" The manager of the large library who was in charge of receiving Leo turned to look at Leo and asked suspiciously.

"It just feels uncomfortable here." Leo didn't say clearly, just found an excuse and went vaguely.

However, the manager of the large library misunderstood that Leo was talking about the chaotic forces in the large library, so he smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, people who just came may be a little uncomfortable, but stay here. It will get used to it after a while, and it won't cause you any harm."

After speaking, he turned around and continued to take Leo around in the various areas of the large library, introduced the administrators of each area, and then recruited an attendant, asking Leo to call the attendant if he had any needs.

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