The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1056: Cause conflict

Also because of this stone, Sean is now a dead man, and any disturbance will make him think that the assassin is about to appear, so he chooses to stay with Leo, even if Leo is reading in the library, he is honest. Really sit not far away.

Leo agreed with this, because he was also taken aback by the stone falling from the sky and sea. If he hadn't left some protective measures on Sean beforehand, he might have been The stone was smashed to death.

Leo didn’t think that the rock hit Sean only by coincidence. Someone must have used some methods he didn’t know to guide the rock to hit Sean, so he didn’t know if anyone in this world still returned. There are the same weird methods to assassinate Sean, so if Sean is kept by his side, it is also convenient for him to rescue him in time in the event of an accident.

At this time, the identity that Chris had promised to apply to Leo was completed, and he was therefore qualified to go to the main church to read the banned books.

However, despite this, Leo did not go immediately because he was the only qualified person, which meant that it was impossible for Sean to go to the main temple with him.

If it was before, Leo might go to the main temple immediately without even thinking about it, but now that the incident happened before, Sean has become unsafe, and going to the main temple at this time is tantamount to putting Sean in In danger.

"Sean can stay with me during this time, and I also have something to ask him about over there." Perhaps she discovered Leo's danger, Chrissy offered to offer.

After hearing this, Leo felt that this was also a good way. After consulting Sean’s ideas, Leo left the temporary temple of the Goddess Church and took the special car arranged by Chris to go to the mountainside of St. The main church of Poseidon Church.

According to the information seen by Leo, Mount Saint-True is the highest mountain in the world of Poseidon. Its peak and the sky and sea are only one person high. It is said that standing on the spiritual altar at the top of the mountain, a normal person raises his hand. Can touch the sky and sea.

Tru has the meaning of a **** seat in the language of the sea people, which also means that the shape of the entire Saint Tru mountain is like a huge **** seat. The back of the seat is the upper half of the mountain of Saint Tru mountain, and the peak is the top of the back. The seat cushion is Yinyue Lake, and the peaks formed by the left and right handrails are the main hall of the Poseidon Church and the Holy Palace of the Spirit Race. In the middle of the seat, there is a similar small area surrounded by Yinyue Lake. The island is where the Poseidon Temple is located.

The spiritual capital of the spiritual race envelops the entire Saint Tru Mountain. If you want to enter the Saint Tru Mountain, you must pass through the spiritual capital, and there is only one way to climb the mountain, which is from the ancient sage road in the center of the spiritual capital, straight up and half way up. The fire tree on the mountainside.

Gusheng Avenue is not only part of the mountain. In fact, Gusheng Avenue extends to the Lingdu under the mountain, passes through the Lingdu city, and finally reaches the holy arch on the outer wall of the Lingdu.

Because of the special nature of the ancient sage road, the spirit families living on both sides of the road are all large families who are not rich or noble. Usually it is very quiet here. The ordinary spirit people and people from other ethnic groups rarely enter this road. Avenue, only the clergy of Poseidon’s Church would often come and go.

However, as the Spirit Clan’s Long Spirit Festival is about to be held, the Spirit Clan has begun to recruit people to decorate the Gusheng Avenue. This has also increased the number of people on the Gusheng Avenue, and even the exclusive road of the Poseidon Church has been The various materials used to decorate the festival blocked part of it, which caused Leo's carriage to slow down a lot after it entered the Gusheng Avenue.

Although Leo was eager to see the banned books of the Poseidon Church, he did not urge the coachman. Instead, he used the spiritual network to explore the various vehicles on the road and the people in the vehicles, and the spiritual nobles on both sides of the road. Our residence is also the focus of his exploration with the spiritual net.

Because the Long Spirit Festival is approaching, all the high-level spiritual leaders went to the holy hall located halfway up the mountain to carry out the necessary fasts before the festival rituals. This also made the residences of these spiritual aristocrats empty, not mostly just some spiritual ones. Clan guards and servants.

However, even so, the defenses in these residences are still very tight. Almost all the armors worn by the spirit guards emit a strong energy fluctuation, and this energy fluctuation has the same resonance with the energy of the entire Vinylon world. , It can be seen that these spirit race guards should be able to borrow power from the entire Poseidon world to assist in combat through this special armor.

This has aroused Leo's interest. He felt that if he could steal a piece of armor and study it, he might be able to study something useful.

As for the trucks on the streets, they should be the bishops of the Poseidon Church in various places, and they are also here to participate in the Changling Festival.

Although the long spirit festival is the most important festival of the spirit tribe, this festival has also become the most important holiday of the Poseidon Church because of the close cooperation between the Poseidon Church and the spirit tribe. Gathering here is not only to participate in festivals, but also to discuss some development plans of the church.

However, this time the main purpose of the bishops of these churches is no longer to participate in the Changling Festival. They are more for the fact that the Poseidon Church has become a double church system. From their high priests in the car It is not difficult to see from the conversation in the church that there seems to be a double-templar system within the church, all of which are blamed on Chris, who believes that Chris wants more power to cause the church to split.

Therefore, many high-level church officials expressed dissatisfaction with Chris. After confirming that the double church system could not be changed, they also expressed their willingness to be attached to the sanctuary of the gods, and their attitudes were hardly obscured. Speaking out loud in the car on the street, anyone passing by can hear it, giving the impression that the Goddess Church is now weak.

But Leo is very clear that Chrissy’s influence is definitely not as it seems now. At least during his time in the Goddess Temple, he has discovered many senior clergy secretly and Klee through the spiritual network. Si reached a consensus. After all, compared to the conservative and slow-working elders of the Sanctuary of Gods, Chrissy, a talented person with a powerful and vigorous work, is a worthy object in their hearts.

Now this kind of tension within the church of Poseidon has naturally affected Leo, who told him to ride in the pantry of the Goddess Church, so when the driver drove the pantry, he started to climb the relatively steep ancient avenue of St. At times, some vehicles would always follow the vehicle he was riding in, and from time to time they suddenly stopped in front of Leo's load car, deliberately slowing down and delaying Leo's climbing time.

This kind of child-like farce did not arouse Leo's attention at first. He didn't have the mind to fight with the senior clergy of Poseidon Church. He was more concerned about whether he could successfully obtain the qualification to read banned books, because from the current situation. Look, the Holy Family Church, which controls the Main Church, seems a little cautious.

I don’t know if it’s because Leo hasn’t given the troubled clergy the desired response, or because Leo’s performance makes them feel that Leo is a weak and deceptive guy, and when the carriage drove to the first dedicated When preparing for the rest square for the climbers, several carriages stopped Leo’s carriage, while others, including the Spirit tribes who were decorating holiday decorations, stood far away, leaving a small space. Looks like a good show.

Several half-mermaids in the clothes of bishop-level senior clergymen walked out of these carriages with the badges of the Sanctuary of Gods, and they were preparing to get out of the carriage with the help of the coachman.

However, at this moment, the pack animals used by their respective pack cars suddenly attacked the bishops like crazy.

This pack animal seems to be an amphibious creature. They have scales, hooves, six legs, and fish tails. In addition, their necks are slender like snakes, and their heads are triangular, like some kind of snake. , But the innermost part is covered with jagged teeth, and you can feel their ferocity at a glance.

It stands to reason that these pack beasts can be brought out and pulled, and should have been thoroughly domesticated, but now these pack beasts are attacking their owners, which really surprised everyone.

However, the accident was accidental. None of the people watching the theater thought that the bishops of the Poseidon church who were attacked would be harmed, because not to mention that the bishops themselves possessed the powerful divine power that Poseidon gave them, and they drove for these bishops. The driver of the driver is also from the guardian of the temple, their strength is enough to deal with the pack beast before the pack beast really hurts them.

But something unexpected happened. Whether it was the driver of the driver or the bishop of the church who was the target of the attack, they did not respond to the attack, as if their bodies were frozen and they could only watch. The pack beast easily bit off the head of the bishop of the church, and then bit the driver of the chariot driver, unanimously pulling the car and the corpse, rushing into the crowd nearby, passing through the crowd, directly from the cliff next to the square Jump up and down.

All this happened so suddenly. At the moment everyone was waiting to watch the Poseidon Church fight, the next moment they saw the pack beast go crazy, attacking the owner, killing the bishop, and then jumping off the cliff with the rider and the vehicle. It was only a few minutes. Except for those Spirit Race people who quickly dodged and was knocked into flight because they were blocked in front of the carriage, everyone else was still immersed in the scene just now, wondering if they had just seen an illusion.

Just before these people were out of shock, the vehicle that had been blocked started slowly, and soon rushed out of the crowd, and continued to drive toward the upper Gusheng Avenue.

The person in charge of the Spirit Race and the guards in charge of the layout of this square also reacted at this time, chasing Leo's carriage, only after two steps, they all stopped again, looking at each other blankly.

Several local bishops of the Poseidon Church came to attend the Changling Festival, and suddenly died here. Even if the cause of death was caused by the beast of their carriage, the driver of the carriage who drove the carriage fell off the cliff along with the carriage and the beast. , But those responsible for the security of the square still cannot escape responsibility.

The first thing they thought of at the time was to stop Leo’s carriage, because it was obvious that the deaths of those people must have nothing to do with Leo’s departure. Even if it didn’t matter, at least one more person could be held responsible if they stopped him. When they just chased out, they all thought of the bishop of the Seagod Church who had died inexplicably just now, and their chasing steps stopped unanimously.

You know, the bishops of these foreign churches of Poseidon Church are all preachers. Since they are preachers, they must use force. Therefore, these bishops also have the strength of warriors, and with the assistance of the power of Shanghai God, their power is far More than the average church senior clergy,

But just such a few powerful men of extraordinary strength died inexplicably. The cause was to stop a pannier, so the few spirit race people who were going to catch up with Leo and stop the pannier couldn't help thinking of what they were doing now. , Would they also die like the bishops of the Poseidon Church? This fear of death naturally made them stop.

When the spirit tribes stopped catching up, Leo also withdrew the psionic energy that had been invoked. Just as those people thought in their hearts, as long as the few people caught up to stop his car, he would be People attacked.

The reason for this is simple, and that is to avoid trouble entangled yourself.

Although everyone at the scene would think that the deaths of the bishops of the Poseidon Church were related to, as long as he was not caught on the spot and was not taken into custody by the Holy Family Church, then he would not have Any trouble, because it is impossible to find any traces of his actions on the dead.

Even if things get into trouble, Chris should be able to easily suppress the voice of the Holy Family of Gods. After all, judging from the cause of the incident, the Holy Church of Gods does not have the slightest advantage.

In addition, it is the eve of the Long Spirit Festival. The Spirit Race absolutely does not want the internal conflict of the Poseidon Church to affect the Long Spirit Festival. Therefore, the Spirit Race will definitely come forward to suppress the conflict between the two parties, at least until the end of the Long Spirit Festival. It will make the conflict happen again. As for the end of the Changling Festival, they may secretly add to the flames and make the conflict between Poseidon Church even greater.

Leo signaled to the coachman not to stop on the road and go up to the mountainside, hoping that when the commotion reaches the main church, he has gone through various procedures and entered the place where the banned books are collected to read books.

It’s a pity that Leo thought well, but this world seems to have another extremely fast method of communicating. Leo’s carriage was stopped by someone and intercepted just outside the Huoshuyuan on the mountainside. There are people from the Poseidon Church’s main sanctuary as well as from the Spirit Race.

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