The huge figure that appears in the gray fog has a huge impact on the entire Landauer, the entire United Kingdom of Flanders, and even the entire Velun continent, which is beyond the expectations of Leo and Sylvia.

Perhaps it’s because Leo and Sylvia have experienced too many things, and they have seen countless magical things. They have long been accustomed to this shocking scene, and they have also tried to charge monsters in the mist. The fog has been expected for a long time, so the impact was very small. The time from the suburbs back to the castle is enough to digest the impact of the scene just now.

But for everyone except the two of them, the impact of this incident is enough to cause a panic, because the scene in the previous fog almost made everyone realize that the fog has changed, or it is They had expected different things before, and neither kind was a good thing for them.

The gray fog has been around for such a long time, even the coastal cities like Randolph, which are most affected by the fog, have begun to get used to the existence of the fog, not to mention the shelter of the Poseidon Church, they can still get into the fog Sea areas, fishing in offshore areas close to the land, will not be as thoroughly insulated from the rich properties of the deep ocean as other harbour cities.

Although gray fog will devour all intruders, for ordinary people, the threat of gray fog is far greater than those mutant monsters that suddenly emerged in the city. After all, as long as it is not for their own death, the ship rushes into the gray In the fog, there is basically no danger.

As for the blurry images of monsters that appear from time to time in the fog, although sometimes it will make ordinary people who see such images fall into crazy emotions, most people will return to normal after a period of time. Only a few people will be completely mad, but this situation will not directly hurt the body of ordinary people, so it is not being taken seriously.

   And those few crazy examples are regarded as bad luck. When the huge monster image appears, you don’t have to watch it. If you choose to watch because of curiosity, you have to bear all the adverse effects of watching.

But the situation is different now. People in the whole port of Landor saw the huge figure in the fog, and did not disappear as soon as they appeared in the past, like a hurried pedestrian. Similarly, instead of approaching the edge of the fog, trying to rush out of the fog.

Almost everyone who sees this scene can feel that if it is not the power of the fog, that huge figure may have burst out of the fog, and the mysterious existence represented by such a huge figure rushing into this world will cause the world What kind of devastating destruction is something that almost everyone who can understand the brain can infer.

Therefore, after discovering that the mysterious existence in the fog may be rushing out of the fog, many people in Port Randall began to fall into panic, and felt that the place near the sea was no longer safe. Those who left Randau conditionally People in Ergang choose to pack up some valuables and leave immediately. As for other things in their homes, they will wait until they are settled in the inland city before trying to find ways to transport them back.

And those who have no conditions can only stay in Randall. Some of them shut themselves in the room, some ran to the city council to make trouble, protesting that the city council concealed things like the gray fog, and the city even more Many people went to the church of Poseidon Church to pray.

In the hearts of these devout Poseidon church believers, although the huge figure in the fog is extremely scary, they still believe that Poseidon is the most powerful ocean master, and that huge figure is not an opponent of Poseidon, because ships blessed by Poseidon can pass through In the gray fog sea, this means that no matter what powerful and mysterious existence in the gray fog, it can't resist the power of the sea god.

  Because of this idea, among the believers of the Poseidon Church, there are many more pious believers.

If it is the usual time, there can be a large number of devouts suddenly out of thin air. This is a great event for any church, and it is even a celebration. After all, each devout represents a potential senior clergy of the church. In order to grow and develop, the church not only depends on the blessings of the gods, but also requires the mission of senior clergy, so the number of senior clergy determines the extent to which the church can develop.

  However, such a very important thing for the Church of Poseidon was ignored by the upper classes of the Church of Poseidon at the moment, because their attention was all placed on the sacrifice ceremony affected by the huge figure.

When Leo and Sylvia returned to the castle, they learned that when the huge figure appeared and tried to break out of the fog, what happened on the altar of the sea cliff. Unknown forces were crushed into powder, and none of the church clergymen who were not far from the holy relics were hurt.

Although a large number of sacred objects were destroyed and caused huge losses to Randall’s Poseidon Church, Randall’s Poseidon Church is after all the home of the earliest Poseidon church in the Velon world. The heritage here is elsewhere, even if it is the Poseidon of the Inge Kingdom The church is unmatched.

  The vacant Poseidon church that damaged the sacred objects can also be completed quickly, but the question now is not to complete the sacred objects, but whether the sacrifice ceremony should be carried out.

Many cautious leaders of the Poseidon Church believe that the huge figure in the gray mist appeared at this time and caused the destruction of the relics. It should be the ritual of the sacrifice of the Poseidon Church. If the ritual is continued, it may lead to the ceremony Unpredictable changes have occurred.

However, more high-ranking Poseidon churches believe that the ritual should continue, even if the giant figure appears again, they cannot stop the ritual, because they think these things are actually the test of their beliefs by the sea god, and the giant figure is actually the sea **** An incarnation of.

The hypothesis of incarnation they proposed was not based solely on brain conjecture, but on the basis of facts. In the ancient primitive scriptures of the Poseidon Church, it was mentioned that Poseidon once appeared in the eyes of believers in the form of a giant in the sea, helping the most devout and honest believers in killing the huge in the sea. The monster, and the scene of the giant in the sea is similar to that of the huge figure, surrounded by dense fog, only to see the blurred figure and so on.

Because of this incident, the Church of Poseidon also fell into a fierce dispute, and their dispute even involved these people of the Engels Kingdom Envoy, because the Kingdom of the Inge was also divided into rituals by the influence of the Church of Poseidon. And ceremonial suspension.

The reason why the envoys of the Inge Kingdom will have such inexplicable disputes is entirely because the members of the mission are composed of the church, the royal family and the kingdom government. The church naturally hopes that the ceremony can be carried out, after all, the purpose of their coming It is to participate in the ceremony, go to the Temple of Poseidon, and complete the things that you plan.

   But the people of the Kingdom government are different. Their purpose is to be able to re-establish trade routes, so that the maritime advantage of the Inge Kingdom can be strengthened again, and then become a truly unique maritime overlord.

   As for the royal family, it was the most silent. Sean Donald, who was the representative of the royal family, did not participate in these disputes at all. He just let his men inform him after he had the result, and ran to a few golden nests in the city and could not stay.

Leo and Sylvia naturally did not intend to participate in this debate, nor did they want to tell the Neptune Church and the Engelian Kingdom missions that the appearance of the giant figure had nothing to do with the ceremony, but rather the living cabin used by the mission ship related.

Although there are still many secrets in the living compartment, Leo did not intend to continue to investigate, because he could feel that the huge figure was mixed with strong anger and hatred, and he carefully checked the unintentional The sacred objects of the affected Neptune Church found that the power that caused the destruction of the sacred objects was some kind of curse-like power.

Leo informed Sylvia of this discovery, and after discussing it with her, they felt that the biogenic organisms used by the Inge Kingdom to make living chambers are likely to be very different from the huge figure appearing in the fog. Relationship, otherwise it would not be possible for a huge figure to be brought in not long after the living body in that cabin produced the pheromone, and while trying to break out of the fog, attack the place where the pheromone was generated with a curse force mixed with extreme anger and hatred. .

   From a certain point of view, the relics of the Poseidon Church should have suffered a curse attack on behalf of the two of them.

   This kind of thing is very troublesome to explain. In the light of one more thing, it's better to have one less thing. Leo and Sylvia did not have the idea of ​​saying these things, just as a bystander quietly watching the subsequent development of things.

This sudden dispute developed very quickly, and it was almost beyond the expectations of Leo and Sylvia. It was only the night before that Sylvia received the information reported by his men. It may be because of this dispute within the Church of Poseidon. There will be a split, and there will also be a dispute between religious power and political power in the Engelian Kingdom missions. But the next morning, the latest news was that the Poseidon Church continued to arrange altars, and the ceremony continued as usual, as if the dispute that occurred yesterday never occurred. .

It is a mystery as to why the dispute that is still going on after the night has come to a sudden. All the priests of the Church of the Neptune and the envoys of the Kingdom of England are silent about what happened that night, even Sylvia. There is no way to find out any useful information. The only thing I know is that unusual light has appeared in the church of the Poseidon Church where everyone gathered.

   "Are you inspired by the gods?" Sylvia frowned, after reading the relevant information.

"It shouldn't be." Leo shook his head and said, "If it is the revelation of the gods, the movement can't be so small, let alone the entire port of Randall, at least some divine power should also appear in the location of the Neptune Church and its surrounding areas. The phantoms and wonders created by dissipation, otherwise there can be no abnormal light in only one temple."

   Thinking of this, Leo got up and went to the altar to observe the senior clergy responsible for the arrangement of the altar. These clergy also participated in the dispute last night.

However, he did not find any anomalies in these clergymen, but the strange thing is that these clergymen were also red-faced in their argument yesterday because they should continue the ritual, seeing each other as a dead enemy in the dispute, but now they But there is no gap, and the relationship seems to be back before the dispute, as if they have forgotten what happened yesterday.

   "Are they erased their memories?" Leo, after observing the clerics for some time, returned to Sylvia's office and said towards Sylvia, who was processing official documents.

Sylvia was stunned for a while and said with a smile: "Erase memory? Nearly 70% of the senior clergy of Randall Poseidon church in the church of Poseidon church have erased memory? Have you considered the difficulty? Don’t say Ordinary transcendence, even a deer like Bailu may be difficult to achieve."

Leo also nodded in agreement, but he did not change his mind, but added explanation: "It may be difficult to erase other people’s memories in a **** sanctuary with extraordinary power, but if you don’t use extraordinary power. ?"

   "Do not use extraordinary power?" Sylvia looked at Leo puzzled.

Leo then explained to her how to erase some memory of others on a large scale without using extraordinary, and said that this technology is not a deep technology, and use this The tools created by this technology are also very common, and when this technology is used to erase the memories of others, a strong light will burst out, just like the light emitted from the temple mentioned in the intelligence.

"Is this the technology from the starry sky again?" Although Sylvia could not fully understand the technical terms Leo said, she still barely understood what he meant. Then she asked with some doubt: "You think it is Who has mastered this tool?"

   "Shawn Donald." Leo replied without thinking.

   "Why do you doubt him?" Sylvia said puzzledly: "According to intelligence, he spent all night in the port of Randall, and he has never been to the Temple of the Sea God."

   Leo shook his head and said: "I have no evidence for the time being, but I intuitively tell me that it should be him."

  Sylvia chose to believe Leo’s intuition, then reminded Leo slightly to be careful of Sean Donald.

In fact, there is no need for Sylvia to remind, Leo will also be alert to Sean Donald, because if it is really Sean Donald who uses the memory-erasing device to erase the memory of everyone in the church last night, then Sean Donald must have mastered some high-tech knowledge from the Earth Federation.

The reason why he made this judgment is because using a memory clearing device to clear the memory area within a specific range requires some high-tech knowledge and tool usage skills, and being able to use the memory clearing device means that it can be used. Other technological equipment even includes some weapons.

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