After repeatedly analyzing the living room debris several times, Leo could not find any new clues in it, so he transferred the analyzed objects to those liquids.

Leo originally thought that these liquids were very special and complicated in composition, so he would only analyze the liquid composition after living debris in the cabin, but the analysis result surprised him a little, because he found that the composition of these liquids was not Complex, it should be a nutrient solution extracted from biological high-energy substances.

In fact, he is also very familiar with this nutrient solution, because after each battle, the biochemical person who has suffered fatal injury on his body needs to be soaked in this nutrient solution to repair the body damage. This nutrient solution is the only one The role is to stimulate the body's self-healing or other basic skills, so that the creatures using this nutrient solution can get a certain improvement in physical quality in a short time.

It's just that he still hasn't figured out what the final effect of this nutrient solution is, because the formula of this kind of nutrient solution is slightly different, and the effect is completely different. Some nutrient solutions are used to repair the body's soft tissue damage, and some nutrients The fluid is to repair bone and nerve damage, and some nutrients can even repair damaged brain cells.

The only thing he can be sure at the moment is that this nutrient solution is specifically made for this kind of cabin living body, because for the human body, the biological energy contained in this nutrient solution is a little too concentrated, which is similar to the concentration poison.

Before, he did not take too much nutrient solution from the ship. After a few experiments, he almost ran out. He went to the metal boat of the Kingdom of England again. Unfortunately, the nutrient solution in the living cabin on the ship was also all It has been exhausted, and the living compartment that has lost the nutrient solution appears to be withered wood as if it has fallen into hibernation.

  This discovery also makes Leo more certain about the ability of nutrient solution, living compartment and ship to pass through the gray fog, there is a certain inevitable connection.

Only one thing makes Leo feel a little strange, because if these two living cabins are really related to the ship’s access to the gray sea, they should guard against this secret. After all, it is related to whether the Inge Kingdom can Gain hegemony at sea while the fog is not dissipating.

But the fact is that the defense on the metal ship is very lax. It is so lax that not only Leo entering the metal ship is like entering his own castle, even the other spy agents who came from all over the Weilun mainland are like visiting their back garden. Drill in and out in a metal boat.

Leo only went to the metal ship twice, and met at least seven people of different forces to sneak into the metal ship to find the secret of the ship passing through the gray fog. The entire metal ship is like a sieve. There is no defense at all, even the guards on the ship. It is necessary to dive into the ship and cause a conflict, and then find that someone has sneaked into the ship.

This lax defensive state almost made Leo suspect that his inferred direction was wrong. The two very abrupt wooden living cabins had nothing to do with the ship traveling through the gray fog. The ship's ability to travel through the gray fog was actually derived from Something extraordinary worn by Sean Donald and other high-level officers on board.

   It was just that this idea was quickly overthrown by Leo. He still firmly believed that his inference was correct, and decided to use the nutrient solution on hand and living compartment debris to do some experiments.

Although the amount of this special nutrient solution on hand is not very large, only a small test tube, and he does not know what the formula of this nutrient solution is, he cannot make a new nutrient solution, but this does not disturb him. In the case of having a little nutrient solution as the original base material, he has a way to increase the amount of this nutrient solution on hand through the supplementary method commonly used by Earth Federation Medical Soldiers.

Although the medical soldiers will try to carry a sufficient amount of medical supplies in each battle of the frontline army of the Earth Federation, but as the battle deepens, the supply line is broken, and the supply of medical supplies is far lower than the consumption. Use all available materials without taking materials locally to increase the medical supplies on hand.

The supplement method of medical soldiers is a supplement method specially used for various types of nutrient solutions. Only a minimum amount of nutrient solution reagents on hand can be used to increase the number of nutrient solution reagents by hundreds of times. The basic composition of this reagent has been changed because of the supplemental solution.

On the battlefield, the raw materials used by medical soldiers to make supplemental fluids are countless types of corpses on the battlefield. Leo’s current conditions are naturally not used for such raw materials that are incomparably evil in the eyes of anyone. Via's warehouse took some useful materials, and then made some supplements in his laboratory, which successfully supplemented the total amount of the special nutrient solution on hand.

After   , he tried to soak the living body fragments on hand in the nutrient solution and feel every change of the living fragments after absorbing the nutrient solution.

At the beginning, there were no noticeable changes after the living debris absorbed a lot of nutrient solution, but after the absorption of the nutrient solution reached a certain amount, some sarcomatous variants began to appear on the surface of the living debris because the living debris itself was not large , So these sarcomas look more like some lumps.

Soon after the formation of the sarcoma, the sarcoma began to dry up, decaying, and turned into a layer of skin sac hanging on the living fragments, and then merged into the epidermis of the living fragments, turning into a kind of almost real wood texture, even Even the interior is similar to wood.

When the sarcoma sac completely turned into a wooden epidermis, Leo felt that this living fragment was emitting a pheromone outward. This pheromone was like some creatures in the universe in order to delimit the territory and compete for the right to reproduce. The pheromones produced are similar, all emitting a certain signal outward.

After discovering this clue, Leo told Sylvia his discovery, and in order to further understand the details of this pheromone, the two of them left the castle and came to a relatively secluded place on the outskirts. Reuse the nutrient solution to cultivate living fragments.

The scene that Leo saw before appeared again in front of the two. Leo’s spiritual network and Lingshi also recorded every detail of the change of living fragments, and also captured the pheromone using a universal recorder. Biological information waves generated during dissemination.

  Although Sylvia on the side did not grasp every change of this living fragment like Leo, she sensed more intuitive content when the living fragment produced pheromone.

   "Warning! This is a warning." Sylvia suddenly said without a word.

   Leo turned his head and looked at Sylvia doubtfully.

Sylvia explained in more detail: "I just received a warning from the bloodline of the Abyssal Dragon on my body. This warning passed directly to my brain. I can feel that the warning should be a very powerful existence. Yes, and I instinctively feel that if it is not necessary, I should not provoke the source of this warning."

"Pheromone, the warning you got should be derived from the pheromone created by this living fragment." Leo quickly found the reason and said with a smile: "It seems that this should be the reason why the ship can pass through the gray fog. , To create the illusion of a powerful existence, forcing away the monsters hidden in the fog."

   "It seems a bit risky to do this." Sylvia frowned and said: "If you encounter some more powerful existence, this warning will become a fluke."

"Impossible." Leo denied Sylvia's view and looked at the analysis report of the biological information wave generated by the pheromone by the universal recorder in his hand. He said: "This pheromone is very strange. It is an illusion that any creature that perceives a pheromone will have a stronger presence than it is, and it will not be able to conflict with it."

The reason why the universal recorder can get results so fast is because there are just a few similar biological waves in the database of comparison of pheromone biological waves on the universal recorder, and some creatures in the universe will specifically create this illusion to avoid Danger, to let the extremely weak reality actually survive and multiply in the cruel universe.

"It turned out to be so amazing." For the first time, Sylvia heard of such a thing, and there was a strange look on her face. Then she looked at Leo with some doubt and said, "You should be better than me It’s more sensitive, why don’t you feel it at all?"

   "Because this pheromone is invalid for me." Leo responded blandly, but he still revealed a little doubt in his eyes.

In the universe, the pheromone biological wave is the most commonly used attack and defense method for some planetary creatures. It caused a lot of trouble when the Earth Federation opened up the colonial planet. A biochemical warrior colonial star riot occurred in the early Earth Federation. Because the cyborg soldiers were affected by the pheromone, they produced negative emotions such as violence and destruction, and finally created a riot that shocked the Earth Federation.

After the riot, the Earth Federation also realized that the biochemical people did not completely lose the emotions and desires of normal people as they thought. This emotions and desires are only hidden in the brain, and can be obtained through pheromone and other means. Inspired.

This discovery is definitely not a good thing for the Earth Federation, because the reason why the bioman can be promoted and used to replace normal humans in various dangerous jobs and tasks is mainly because the bioman has no emotion and can faithfully execute any command. And even let him commit suicide.

But now it is found that biochemical people actually have emotions, and this emotion can also be inspired, which makes the senior officials of the Earth Federation wonder if all biochemical people will get human emotions one day, and initiate a military coup to overthrow the notice of humanity. .

Although he was afraid of the biochemical people, the Earth Federation did not intend to abandon all the biochemical people. Because the Earth Federation has become accustomed to the extremely necessary labor and combat power of the biochemical people, the biochemical people have become the Earth Federation. Therefore, the Earth Federal Government can only significantly increase the control devices of biochemical humans, and all organs that biochemical humans can sense the pheromone are cut off, so that the biochemical humans completely lose the ability to sense pheromone biological waves.

This is also the reason why Leo was confused. As a biochemical warrior, his predecessors naturally gave up the ability to perceive pheromone biological waves, but now he has not undergone similar operations. Time should also be able to perceive everything Sylvia feels right.

But in fact, he did not perceive any biological wave warning, only the pheromone itself, which means that the organ circumcision surgery is not as simple as he thought. It is only a surgical operation, and even the soul is also affected. As a result, there may be some problems with the organs that perceive pheromone in the body.

Compared with the latter guess, Leo feels that the former soul influence hypothesis may be more reliable, because there are not only one organ for designing pheromones, but hundreds of them, most of which are nerves. Metacells, and some other organs are also separate sensory organs. One or several problems can be justified, but all organs have problems. This situation is infinitely close to zero.

Just when Leo and Sylvia found the reason why the ships of the Kingdom of England were able to pass through the sea of ​​gray fog, a huge, harsh sound suddenly came out from the gray fog on the distant The huge moment of this sound covered the entire port of Randall and its surroundings. Everyone was shocked by this huge sound, and they all looked at the sea where the sound came.

Immediately afterwards, they saw an astonishing scene, and they saw a vague figure whose half to half of the body did not enter the sky clouds appeared in the fog. This figure tried to get out of the fog, but was blocked by some force. , And finally made a roar full of anger, and then gradually disappeared into the gray fog.

  Although this happened suddenly, the process was relatively long, and everyone who saw this scene was very clear about the purpose of the huge figure in the fog, which also exacerbated the inexplicable panic caused by the huge figure.

After all, before that, the people of Randall knew that there were some monsters in the fog, and people who ventured into the fog would become food for those monsters, but no matter how scary the fog monsters are, most people almost think Those monsters don't have much wisdom, they are more like beasts.

But now they know that the monsters in the fog are not only as great as gods, but also have normal wisdom. What scares them more is that the monsters in the fog seem to be coming out of the fog, which is definitely a bad thing news.

   "Is it because of us?" On the outskirts of the hill near the Black Castle, Sylvia looked at the huge figure gradually disappearing into the gray fog and couldn't help but ask Leo.

   "Maybe?" Leo did not give an affirmative answer, but he can be sure that the living source used in this living cabin made of shaman power is definitely not simple.

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