The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1031: The ceremony begins

In the Kingdom of Enge, Leo was already certain that the Kingdom of Enge had mastered some of the scientific and technological tools from the universe civilization. Even if they had been able to transform an underground wreckage into a National Bank, they would certainly be able to find a lot of these wreckages. Technology tools.

What's more, after the Kingdom of England became the overlord of the sea, a large number of prehistoric civilization relics were searched from various countries in the world on the grounds of archaeology and other academics. Until the countries found abnormalities and began to stipulate that the trading of such relics should be stopped, more than half of the world's known prehistoric civilization relics All of the above have been searched into the hands of the Kingdom of Inge, and there must be some cosmic civilization technology items that can still be used.

However, from the perspective of the Engel Kingdom, even the wreckage of the spaceship transformed into the National Bank, the universe civilization technology mastered by the Engel Kingdom may be very limited, and may even inadvertently trigger certain highs for some reason. Technological items, understand the use of these high-tech items, but not really master these technologies.

However, for the world of steam technology, the technological tools of the universe civilization are like artifacts, and there is no need to obtain a permission to use the gods, and it can be used at any time, so I understand the work of these technological tools. The principle is not the most important.

In order to verify his speculation, Leo went to the Port of Randall again and found Sean Donald, using the protection of the ritual as an excuse to come to Sean, and then during the conversation, just rely on Observe the eyes to find the cosmic civilization technology items that may exist on the other party.

The reason why Leo did not directly use the spirit net to search and detect is mainly because some technological items in the universe will trigger a reaction to the spirit net. If Sean wears such an object, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary abnormal movements. .

  Although it cannot be searched inside and outside like Spirit Net, Leo found at least four items of cosmic civilization that had undergone some appearance modification on Sean by naked eye observation.

These four items have both an energy protection belt for defense and a dead light launcher for offense. As far as defense and attack power are concerned, Sean Donald’s overall combat power at the moment is no better than a fourth-level psionicist. How much worse, of course, this psionicist does not understand the mental attack method at this premise. After all, the scientific and technological items on Sean's body are focused on the defense of physics and energy, and the defense power against the mysterious spiritual attack is almost zero.

   Leo felt that Sean should have been taken into account, so he must have been wearing a Poseidon church artifact that could be lower than a spiritual attack. This is proven from the sea god's divine power that escapes from time to time.

   and the way to achieve this level of attack and defense, Sean is still not confident in the safety of the sacrifice ceremony, and even hesitate to take out a scientific and technological item of the universe civilization as a transaction, which shows how far Sean’s inner uneasiness has reached.

   This also made Leo doubt that Sean should know what would happen after the sacrifice ceremony, so he felt such a panic.

When Leo collected the books of the Poseidon Church before, he also saw the relevant materials written by the priests who participated in the ceremony before. The information before the ceremony was recorded is very conditioned, and the content is very detailed. Even Lei It is not difficult for Ou to restore the entire sacrificial ceremony from these records, but after the record is completed, they enter the Temple of Poseidon with those who were selected, and the related records become extremely chaotic, and the text is messy Unbearable, as if a lunatic is recording in his own language, even Leo can't interpret these contents.

It can be seen that these senior priests of the Poseidon church who participated in the ceremony immediately received some force to interfere with their minds after entering the Temple of Poseidon, and put their spirits in an unpredictable disorder state, just like these clerics Like a lunatic.

And any senior cleric who participates in the ceremony must have been blessed by Poseidon, and has the ability to use at least one kind of divine magic, that is to say, their souls have the protection of Poseidon, it is reasonable to say that it will not be affected by this crazy Degree, and this effect will end as they leave the Temple of Poseidon and return to the Velon world, and will not cause any damage to their body and spirit. Think carefully about the existence of this, except for the belief of the Church of Poseidon. Apart from Poseidon, I am afraid that no other **** can do it.

Leo is not very clear about why Poseidon confuses the memory of his priesthood and conceals everything about the Poseidon Temple, but Leo can be sure that the Poseidon Church in the Kingdom of England should have something about the Poseidon Temple that Randall’s Poseidon Church does not have. Real intelligence information may even know what is stored in the Poseidon Temple, so Sean is sent to participate in the sacrifice ceremony and take the opportunity to find something they want in the Poseidon Temple.

If this is the case, then the Kingdom of England should also be very clear about what dangers it will encounter in the Temple of Poseidon, and Sean, who has seen the relevant information, will still feel insecure under various protection conditions and seek thunder. European help.

After discovering this, Leo’s attitude towards the sacrificial ceremony also changed slightly. After he had finished the conversation with Sean, he returned to the Black Castle and told Sylvia his inference. .

   "Are you really going to participate in this sacrificial ceremony?" Sylvia asked, frowning, slightly worried.

"Well." Leo nodded and said, "Since an agreement has been reached with Sean, it is natural that the contract cannot be broken, and even if there is no such thing as Sean, I will participate in this ceremony and observe the lighthouse at close range. What is the relationship between the Turing root root circle and the sacrifice ceremony, see if it can be cracked?"

  Sylvia said calmly: "In fact, you don't need to do this at all. If you think the lighthouse is dangerous to us, we can leave the Black Castle and live elsewhere."

   Leo shook his head and said calmly: "I am also curious myself."

Hearing Leo say this, Sylvia didn’t persuade anymore. Although she could also use Little Toran as a reason to continue persuading, and she was sure Leo would eventually agree to give up participating in the sacrifice ceremony, but she did not She doesn’t want herself and Tolan Jr. to be Leo’s burden and bondage, just like she doesn’t want Leo to be her own bondage. This is also why she hasn’t mentioned holding a formal wedding with Leo and becoming a law The main reason for couples in the sense.

Because I felt that this sacrifice ceremony would be unusual and there were some unexpected dangers, Leo also stopped researching things in the next few days and began to prepare some useful things for this operation, such as potions, such as rune traps. .

  At the same time, he gave Sylvia everything that he couldn't use, including the few energy weapons that he used as cards but did not use.

After knowing how to use the energy weapons, Sylvia was very surprised, because in her view these energy weapons were simply artifacts, and Leo kept these weapons to attend the sacrifice ceremony The dangers encountered are more appropriate.

However, Sylvia’s suggestion was rejected by Leo just after it was proposed, because if it is in danger in the Temple of Poseidon, then it must be related to Poseidon. Although the several energy weapons are powerful, it is obviously still necessary to deal with the maliciousness of the gods. Far from enough.

In addition, the final power of those energy weapons is not necessarily stronger than Leo’s psionic skills, and it is not worth mentioning in terms of flexibility. Therefore, when he is in danger, he may use psionic energy than energy weapons. More effective.

  An even more important point is that in some environments, energy weapons may not be able to function, or even cannot function. In that case, energy weapons are not as good as a short knife.

This day passed day by day, and soon ushered in the day of the sacrificial ceremony. The church of Poseidon had already arranged the altar of the sacrificial ceremony on the previous day, and the clergy were also in place. These clergy are all People with rich experience in sacrificial rituals, because many of them have been to the Temple of Poseidon during the sacrificial rituals.

At the suggestion of Leo, Sylvia emptied the black castle two days ago, leaving only a few servants and guards to take care of the closed black castle, and she also took two little guys and hands Going down to the villa in the suburbs of Randall, temporarily settled there, waiting for the ceremony to end.

Sylvia’s move obviously made the Randall Poseidon Church feel a little surprised and puzzled. This is not the first time they have held a sacrificial ceremony, because the exclusive channel has been opened, and people who participate in the sacrificial ceremony can bypass The black castle enters the altar directly from the passage to hold the ceremony, and will not have any impact on the black castle. Therefore, when the ceremony was held before, the black castle also operated as usual, and there was no move to empty it.

  Now Sylvia's move of emptying the black castle and moving to the villa to live as if to imply what will happen to their sacrifice ceremony, many people feel very unhappy and feel offended.

Fortunately, the clergy of these Poseidon churches were not stupid enough to go to the villa to question Sylvia’s intention to do so. Of course, this is also because although Sylvia went to the villa, Leo stayed before the ceremony. They all live in lighthouses next to the altar.

At the altar, another bishop-level figure of the Randall Church presiding over the ceremony was conducting the final inspection of the arranged things and the people involved. At this time, Sean Donald went to the lighthouse and asked Leo to attend the ceremony, while Also tried to hear the reasons for Sylvia's actions from Leo.

As a result, Sean naturally did not get any useful information, but just said something careful and accidental, and left the lighthouse, came to a special seat near the altar, and sat among the people of the Church of the Poseidon in the Kingdom of England, Sean followed, sitting next to Leo.

At this time, the ceremony also officially began. The priests around the altar began to sing the hymn of Poseidon, and the other priests around the altar walked around the altar in a circle, blowing the conch in their hands while walking. The nautical lantern carried is also flicking with a certain pattern.

   The Bishop of the Church of Poseidon standing in front of the altar chanted a prayer praising Poseidon at this time. Although his voice was not loud, he had a special power to pass the chanting content to everyone's ears.

When the people in the Church of Poseidon were completely immersed in the praises read by the bishop and resonated together, Leo was very calm. After checking the Sean who was also caught in the resonance reaction, there was no major problem. After that, he began to manipulate the universal recorder in his hand to collect small changes in the surrounding energy.

Soon Leo found out that the surrounding third factor is increasing at a very fast rate. The third factor is a very special energy factor. The appearance of this energy factor also represents the existence of an active space crack However, under normal circumstances, the third factor will only exist steadily in the universe, and there will be no sudden surge of the third factor in a certain place. uukanshu. The situation discovered by Leo now clearly violates the existence theorem of the cosmic energy factor.

   It's just that Leo didn't think too much about this matter, but focused on the more important thing, that is, the space crack that appeared on the altar.

Although Leo could not clearly see the occurrence of space cracks due to the limitations caused by the environment here, the data collected on the universal recorder clearly pointed out the location of the space cracks, and also judged by the constantly changing energy data The state of the space crack is very unstable.

At the same time, Leo’s monitoring device placed on the top of the lighthouse also fed back the operation of the Turing root matrix in the lighthouse to Leo. Through two miniature wizard artifacts attached to Leo, let him It was like standing next to the searchlight and watching the various Turing root arrays hidden there working.

   The chaotic Turing root array hidden in the deepest part started to operate at this time, and the whole process was completely captured by Leo.

"It turned out to be like this!" Leo after all has studied this Turing root matrix very deeply, and has even cracked a part of it. What is missing is just to discover the hidden rules after this matrix runs, so when he passed the monitoring After seeing the process of the Turing Radical Array, the installation quickly connected the previously confusing research materials into a whole, forming a complete closed loop.

  After understanding the core Turing root mystery, Leo began to observe the operation of the Turing root of the whole lighthouse, and let himself start the calculation ceremony, what kind of subsequent changes will occur.

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