The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 55: The Birth of the Primordial Gods and the Endless Void

"This is the residual power of Kaitian. There is a scar between his eyebrows, and the extremely powerful residual power of Kaitian is hovering there."

"I'm afraid this is a dead end." The world Taoist secretly thought that it should be caused by the attack of the Great God Pangu. Even after countless years, the power of the attack of the Great God Pangu has not dissipated.

The World Taoist wandered around for a few times, and after finding nothing else, he exited.

While there was some disappointment, it wasn't overwhelming.

I saw a unique creature that was killed by the great god Pangu before it was born, and its lingering power lingered for countless years without dissipating.

This is enough to show how extraordinary this creature is.

After leaving the dome, we came to the outside world.

After raising the Qiankun Cauldron, Qiankun exuded powerful power and took the giant egg inside.

At this time, he had completed his idea, put an end to his obsession, and was ready to find a place to practice well.

As time goes by, the four elements will pass.

A bell rang, and the bells rang throughout the prehistoric world, and all time and space seemed to have opened a new page.

After practicing for four Yuan Hui, Chen Yuan opened his closed eyes. Because he heard the sound of the bell, he woke up from the practice and felt his own cultivation.

‘The human flower has bloomed, and it has reached the middle stage of Daluo Golden Immortal. ’

I am very satisfied. This is also the result of the seventeenth grade Qinglian. With the help of this innate treasure, Chen Yuan's realm has improved rapidly.

Put away the Qingyun, Five Qi and Human Flowers above the Heavenly Spirit and stand up.

When he came outside Xuanyuan Palace, his eyes were far-reaching, and he seemed to see everything on the Sun Star.

"I'm afraid the Chaos Bell rang just now. This Heaven-Opening Sacred Artifact is really powerful, and the sound of the bell shook the world."

On the Sun Star, there are two beings with powerful auras.

Among them, Emperor Jun said: "Second brother, as soon as you were born, you had the Heaven-Opening Sacred Artifact to throw at you. Now that we have all reached the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal, we are safer in this prehistoric world."

Taiyi said: "Yes, brother, we used to feel that there was a Da Luo Jinxian entrenched here. If I came out at that time, the best ending would be to be driven away by him, or the worst would be to be killed and have to practice hard for thousands of years. For thousands of years, we are naturally willing to end up like that, so we have to lurk for countless years to leave our mark on the ancient world. "

Di Jun replied: "What my second brother said makes sense. You have an innate treasure, and I also have the top-quality innate spiritual treasure He Tuluo Shu. I am afraid that both of them are rare in the prehistoric world."

The two brothers thought about their future.

Kunlun Mountains.

There was a powerful aura leaking out, and three beings walked out of it. One of them was an old man with a kind face and kind eyes. In the middle was a middle-aged man with a majestic look, and there was a young man with a sharp edge.

This is the famous Sanqing in later generations, Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian.

Tongtian said: "Now that we are born, we can travel to the ancient world."

Yuanshi said: "This is a great virtue."

Lao Tzu said: "Goodness."

But the Sanqing at this time, not the Sanqing of later generations, can be said to be poor and useless. Only I have the exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth, which is a supreme defensive treasure.

For example, Yuanshi and Tongtian are completely useless.

I yearn for going to the prehistoric world.

In Fengqi Mountain, two figures appeared with powerful auras around them. They were Nuwa and Fuxi, who would become famous in the future.

It is still unknown today.

In the sea of ​​​​blood, there are also waves rising, murderous intent rises and falls here, and a bloody Taoist appears.

There was a strong murderous intent in his eyes, a bloody lotus platform at his feet, and two killing swords in his hands.

Powerful power flowed, and the space next to the two killing swords seemed to be cut apart.

There is a very simple palace under Buzhou Mountain, and the extremely strong Pangu atmosphere permeates here.

On this palace, there are also the words Pangu Palace written on it.

At this time, twelve extremely majestic figures walked out from inside, with extremely powerful evil spirits impacting Jiutian.

There is a slightly different existence among them, a woman wearing yellow clothes, who has the unique tolerant meaning of the earth.

In it, it is quieter.

In addition to these beings, there are many more beings that have been born one by one.

Prehistoric times ushered in a new era.

Chen Yuan walked out of his Xuanyuan Palace and started the next era with the help of Heaven.

"Now I can create a small thousand world, but to create a small thousand world, it will be even more difficult to create in the void and the prehistoric world."

This is like creating a new world on top of the prehistoric world. It is much more difficult than creating a blank place.

The place that Chen Yuan wanted to go to was something he had never been to before. It was just in the inheritance of heaven that he knew that there was such a place suitable for creating the world.

In the past, he had not been to Daluo Jinxian, so it was not easy to go there.

Now that he is the Great Luo Jinxian, there is no obstacle for him.

It's outside the prehistoric world, it's not in chaos, it's somewhere in between.

There is a quarantine zone.

Its name is Endless Void, where there is endless energy, boundless space, and many worlds. Of course, those worlds cannot be compared with the prehistoric world.

That is a blank place, where it is easier to open up a small world.

At this time, Ming Mo was in the process of cultivation. He looked like a boy, wearing animal skins, which he had changed into a very small appearance.

It looked very fitting.

He didn't care about the boy. To go to the endless void, he had to break through the fetal membrane of heaven and earth. Only the Golden Immortal of Daluo could have such strength.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuan did not hesitate. A strong power emerged from his body. Once this power appeared, the space would be broken.

The place where Chen Yuan broke through the space was not on the top of Xuanhua Mountain.

There would be a great movement.

It was not suitable for Xuanhua Mountain.

When Chen Yuan entered the space, he saw broken space and chaotic time and space.

Going in a specific direction, the Golden Immortal of Daluo can travel through the world of the heavens.

During the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, some Golden Immortals of Daluo would leave the main world.

If it was not for necessity, no Golden Immortal of Daluo would leave the prehistoric world. In the prehistoric world, the speed of cultivation would be faster than that in the endless void.

The luck of heaven and earth is even stronger.

At this time, Chen Yuan was in the barrier of the prehistoric world, and had not yet reached the endless void. He walked for a long time.

It is not easy to break the space here. It is originally a chaotic space, very disordered. If you are not careful, you don’t know where you are going.

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