The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 54 Chaos Dome Contains the Universe

The Taoists of the world below Mount Sumeru are still persevering and blooming with power there. If a Daluo Jinxian enters, if there is no defense, he may die in an instant.

The Taoist of the world maintains a balance between the mana he recovers and the mana consumed by attacks.

This allowed him to continue.

It is almost a Yuanhui since the beginning. At this time, the world's Taoists have begun to retreat. It is not an option to waste time like this.

If after a while, there is no more harvest, he is ready to leave.

What he wants to cultivate is that even if he is now a quasi-sage, he is an existence in the early stage of a quasi-sage.

There is still a lot of room for improvement.

The blazing light is spreading and spreading here, as if it has reached a certain critical point.


There was a sound of shattering. Seeing the World Taoist here, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he raised the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag and protected the World Taoist with great power.

World Taoist saw that not far in front of him, there was space that was shattering.

The space is falling away, and behind it there is an aura of the origin of the world and the one source of all things permeating the air. Feel this supreme aura.

Be more careful. If there is a seal of Pangu God, you have to be careful.

The Taoist of the world knows that he is probably overthinking it. What does Pangu need to be sealed? As long as the power of his sky-opening ax is unleashed, no existence will be killed.

After the shattered space, there is no other space.

"This should be a first level of space, covering up the first level of space inside. Now the outer space has been shattered, exposing the inner space."

The World Taoist who thought of this, used his spiritual mind to look there, and what was revealed was something that surprised him. In his mind, there might be some earth-shattering treasure here.

There might be an innate treasure. This thought kept him from giving up.

If he had been told in advance that what was inside was an egg, he might not be so patient.

That's right, there is an egg there, an egg as big as a hundred feet.

"Although you are not small, you are a hundred feet in size. Are you some kind of egg-shaped innate treasure? I want to take a good look."

With this idea in mind, World Taoist walked in slowly, but did not put down the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

Even if it is an egg, it will not be an ordinary egg. It can be guarded by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and it can also be bombarded by a Quasi-Sage for nearly a Yuanhui.

A Yuanhui lasts for 129,600 years. During such a long time, the power is blooming, which is a very consuming thing.

Perhaps it was the Taoist people of the world who gradually developed an obsession that allowed them to persevere until now.

How could he be careless about what he had persisted for such a long time to see?

At this time, the Taoist in the world is the size of an ordinary person. Walking in front of the egg is like walking in front of an extremely huge thing. He looks very small in front of the giant egg.

"This egg is really smooth. There is no tiny hole. I am a quasi-sage, and my spiritual thoughts are extremely subtle. I can observe extremely small things, but I can't even see the holes in this thing." The world Taoist secretly said.

I didn't miss any place, and I observed it carefully. The more I observed, the more surprised I was at how extraordinary this thing was. It felt as if there was an extremely powerful avenue lingering all over my body.

It seems to be the origin of the avenue, tap lightly on it.

The gray dome suddenly emitted golden runes, and an extremely powerful force shot out.

It made all the Taoists in the world take a step back, but it was able to make even the quasi-sages take a step back.

The golden runes just now seemed to be the tangible manifestation of a certain avenue, not an ordinary avenue...

Then Taoist World Taoist struck tentatively and discovered that his power was connected to the power of the dome's counterattack.

The greater the force, the more powerful the force will be to fight back.

The deeper you understand it, the more you understand how extraordinary this thing is.

The world Taoist did not act rashly. This kind of divine object should be a thing in chaos. In the prehistoric world, there would not be such a powerful egg.

In the embryo, there will be such a powerful force, even the eggshell has the power to fight back.

Rotating around the dome, not missing any place, I haven't thought about using powerful power for the time being.

If the power used is too strong, exceeding the limit of this thing, I am afraid that the dome will be destroyed.

This thing looks extremely precious...

This is something that Taoists in the world do not want to see. The value of destroyed things will be reduced.

Observing carefully, he suddenly discovered a different place. In such a place, he saw an extremely tiny hole.

His spiritual thoughts searched for this hole and spread into it.

The scene in front of me suddenly changed, as if I had arrived in a vast world, with golden seawater beneath me and gold everywhere.

In the golden sea water, there is a baby. In the eyes of Taoists in the world, this baby is very sacred.

With his eyes closed tightly and occasionally twitching, the light of the avenue filled the air around him, and countless golden runes were flowing.

Incomparably sacred, it seems to be the origin of heaven and earth, the source of all things.

The world Taoist who saw this scene seemed to have a heavy pressure on his heart. This was caused by the great road here.

The divine thoughts transformed into human form. The Taoist of the World looked at this scene and said to himself: "This is probably the highest-level creature I have ever seen. If he matures and is born, I don't know how great his power will be. It's just a pity."

The Taoist of the World regretted that he did not feel the God in this creature. All things have God.

The body is dominated by God. If a creature without God is not a complete creature.

"I'm afraid this creature is too high-level. Even if there is no God, it is not dead."

Out of curiosity, the Taoist of the World increased the divine thoughts. The hole was very small, and there was a limit to the number of divine thoughts that could enter at one time.

After waiting for a while, the Taoist of the World gathered enough divine thoughts and went towards this existence, although he could not feel the God.

Perhaps the Taoist of the World could not feel it. The Taoist of the World doubted himself for a while.

If it was an ordinary creature, the Taoist of the World would not have such self-doubts, but the creature in front of him was really too different.

Carefully approached this unique existence, and when he approached a certain distance.

Suddenly, I saw an extremely terrifying power hovering there, which seemed to be able to create the world.

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