The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 56 Middle Thousand Worlds

Maybe the place he was going to was an extremely dangerous place, or he might appear in the Sun Star.

Not on the surface. Although there was boundless true fire on the surface, it was not too dangerous for Chen Yuan at this time.

Appearing inside the Sun Star, inside the core of the star, even the Golden Immortal would be in danger.

The Sun Star was the supreme star in the prehistoric world.

Its size was equivalent to that of the Great Thousand Worlds.

The Great Thousand Spacetime was a spacetime that could be opened up by the Hunyuan Saint.

Fine and dense space fragments could be seen everywhere. If it weren't for the Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower, which was hanging down with strands of light.

It would cause some trouble for Chen Yuan.

After all, the power of space fragments was not small.

In the endless void, there was an invisible membrane that stretched across the void.

The originally calm membrane suddenly trembled violently and broke suddenly.

There was a man with the Nine-Sky Blue Sky Tower on his head, looking majestic and incomparably sacred, who walked out from inside.

Wearing the clothes of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, wearing a purple gold crown, a cloud silk belt around his waist, and cloud boots on his feet, he has boundless sacred power.

When he came to the truly endless void, he saw a vast torrent of energy flowing through.

Sometimes there would be hard objects.

In the torrent of energy, they disintegrated.

There was a huge golden object, a thousand feet long, emitting an extremely strong golden glow.

This glow was very bright.

Under the perception of divine thoughts, he found that this was a piece of innate material.

"I'm so lucky, it's actually innate Gengjin, which can be used to refine a powerful acquired spiritual treasure."

Pointing to the innate Gengjin emitting golden light, the Nine Heavens Blue Sky Tower above his head suddenly separated a ray of light and put away the innate Gengjin.

In the prehistoric world, innate Gengjin is not common.

"There are innate materials in this endless void."

Although Chen Yuan got a piece of innate Gengjin, he would not think that there were many innate materials. His divine thoughts were scattered and he did not see the second piece of innate material.

Continue walking in the endless void, trying to find a world.

Observe carefully, there can be a reference, which is very helpful for creating a small world. At this time, there is a world in the direction where Chen Yuan is walking.

This world is like a bead, suspended in the void, facing the boundless void alone.

In the void, there is boundless energy, which is extremely powerful.

This world has not been destroyed.

The void is very infinite, fortunately, it can still break the space, otherwise, even Chen Yuan would find it difficult to walk far in the void.

When the mana is consumed too much, stop and absorb the energy torrent, so that the dark mana can burst out again.

The energy in the void is very high, half a level higher than the innate spiritual energy.

It’s just that the void energy here is not something that ordinary creatures can use. Chen Yuan is a Daluo Jinxian.

You can use this energy to replenish your mana.

There are also some creatures in the void, some native creatures. The void beast is a creature born in the endless void. The body of the void beast is very tall.

But it will not be taken seriously in Chen Yuan's eyes. The void beast that has not practiced can only increase its strength by instinct.

The power obtained in this way is limited.

Suddenly, a void beast appeared in front of Chen Yuan. The reason why it appeared suddenly.

Because it was born in the void, it has the ability to travel through space.

The void beast that suddenly appeared has three heads, a pair of wings on its back, and four feet paddle in the void.

Obviously, there is nothing in the endless void, but it feels as if there is the earth under their feet.

Let it walk on flat ground.

When it saw Chen Yuan, it let out a strange cry, and a powerful force hit Chen Yuan's soul.

This impact was blocked by the strands of light hanging from the Nine Sky Blue Sky Tower.

This void beast is intelligent, but according to Chen Yuan's observation, the intelligence is not very high.

Facing Chen Yuan, who didn't know the depth, he rushed over directly. His wisdom would not be too high.

The vast divine thoughts carefully observed the void beast. Chen Yuan was observing it at such a close distance.

This void beast has a special power flowing in its body. This power is somewhat similar to the power of space.

But there are big differences.

"It is this power that gives them the ability to travel through space. It's just that they don't practice, so they absorb the power of the energy torrent by instinct."

Even if the innate is very high, the achievements are limited. Although the innate is very important, the acquired is also very important. Like Chen Yuan, the innate is very powerful, and he has achieved what he has now.

Most of it depends on his efforts. If he doesn't practice hard, even if the innate gas of creation is in shape, he doesn't want to have the power of Daluo Jinxian at this time.

The previous few realms can achieve something with the passage of time.

But in the realm of Jinxian, to comprehend the great way of heaven and earth, you need to seek from heaven and earth little by little.

If you only rely on the power brought by the innate, there will be a day when it will be exhausted.

Only by relying on unremitting efforts, there will be an endless day.

The energy in the void, although higher in level than the innate spiritual energy.

It can't do anything to Chen Yuan, but will become a force that Chen Yuan can use.

The void beast is not taken seriously by Chen Yuan. The power of this void beast is probably equivalent to the realm of the Golden Immortal.

Chen Yuan is not seen to exert his powerful power.

This giant beast of the void became a motionless scene in the void.

Continue to go to that world, the place where it is, the world that seems very close, really want to reach there.

The time spent was beyond Chen Yuan's expectation. According to his estimation, this endless void is larger than the prehistoric world.

The prehistoric world has inexhaustible matter, and the Zhoutian stars in the sky, plus the stars in the sky.

The spatial scale of the endless void is very infinite. The prehistoric world and the starry sky are surrounded by the endless void.

There are also places that are not surrounded.

The mass in it is not large, and it is very empty.

No matter how far the distance is, it can't stop Chen Yuan's footsteps. Daluo Jinxian can pass through all time and space, all worlds, even in chaos, and he can go there. If it is not necessary, he will not go.

Really see this world at a very close distance.

Far away, there was a bead emitting light. It looked like a huge star, stretching across the endless void.

"This is probably a world of one thousand worlds. There are worlds of one thousand worlds in the Nine Sky Blue Sky Tower, but the size cannot be compared with the world of one thousand worlds in front of us." Chen Yuan thought to himself when he saw this world of one thousand worlds.

Some of the void energy nearby was attracted by the fetal membrane of the world and turned into power within the world.

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