The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 420 Wangshu preaches

Yang Jian asked: "Tianzun, I have heard that the Emperor of Heaven is the boy of Tao Ancestor. Is this true?"

Chen Yuan said: "It's true."

After a while.

Yang Jian and the other three left, and Chen Yuan was the only one left in Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Out of Xuanhua Mountain.

Yao Ji asked: "Erlang, where is Xuanxia Mountain?"

Yang Jian asked: "Xuanxia Mountain is the place where Goddess Wangshu cultivates. She has a good relationship with Tianzun, so it is not surprising that Kong Xuan is in Xuanxia Mountain."

Yao Ji said: "I know that the Great God Wangshu is an extremely powerful female innate divine being."

Yang Chan asked curiously: "I wonder how it compares to Haotian."

Yang Jian also cast a curious look. He only knew that Goddess Wangshu was very powerful, but he did not know her true strength. In the ancient world, the most important thing for living beings was their realm strength.

Yao Ji said: "When I was still in Daluotian, I asked Haotian, and he personally said that he couldn't compare to Wangshu."

Yang Jian exclaimed: "So powerful."

Yao Ji said: "That's natural. Goddess Wangshu was stronger than Sanqing and the others at first, but she was trapped in the quasi-sage realm for a long time, and her realm dropped a lot."

Yang Chan lamented: "Wouldn't that be a pity?"

Yao Ji said sternly: "It is also too difficult to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. There are only a handful of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian because the difficulty of achieving it is too high."

The group of people walked and stopped until they arrived in front of a Xuanxia Mountain.

Yang Jian looked at this place a little strangely, because the formation of Xuanxia Mountain was not activated, so that he could clearly see the scene in Xuanxia Mountain.

At first Yang Jian went to borrow the mountain axe.

I passed by Xuanxia Mountain and saw the appearance of Xuanxia Mountain. At that time, Xuanxia Mountain was shrouded in a hazy light, and the realm inside could not be seen. It was completely different from what it is now.

Yang Jian felt extremely strange.

At this time, powerful fluctuations came from Xuanxia Mountain, and the fluctuations were extremely intense. It seemed that there were many powerful beings in Xuanxia Mountain.

At this moment, a woman walked towards Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was very familiar with the visitor, it was Qing Yu.

Qing Yu walked up to Yang Jian and said, "What are you doing here?"

At this time, Xuanxia Mountain was very lively, and powerful beings came here because Wang Shu became a Taoist. This undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people with great supernatural powers and Da Luo Jinxian, who all wanted to hear Wang Shu's experience of becoming a Taoist.

Even if Wang Shu doesn't tell them.

It’s also good to see other great supernatural beings.

There was no other living being on Xuanxia Mountain except Wangshu, so Chen Yuan asked Kong Xuanqingyu, Heihu and the others to come to Xuanxia Mountain.

Do some chores.

Qingyou and Milo went to the Creation World and were not in Xuanhua Mountain at this time.

Quasi-sage and Daluo Jinxian saw that it was the disciples of the Heavenly Lord of Creation who entertained them.

Somewhat unexpected.

But he also knew about the friendship between Fortune Tianzun and Wang Shu.

Yang Jian looked at Qing Yu and explained: "My mother wanted to thank Immortal Kong Xuan. Tianzun said that Immortal Kong Xuan grew up on Xuanxia Mountain, so I brought my mother here."

Qingyu said: "Kong Xuan is a little lonely, so there is no need to say thank you. At this time, there are many people with great supernatural powers on Xuanxia Mountain. According to Master, Uncle Wangshu should give a lecture on Hunyuan Dao later. You guys Go and listen, you will definitely gain something.”

Yao Ji heard the four words Hunyuan Avenue.

I couldn't believe it, and then I thought of the vision that filled the prehistoric world not long ago. If an ordinary living being, Yao Ji would think of it no matter how big the vision was in the prehistoric world.

But that was the goddess Wangshu.

It is completely possible for the top existence in the world, the pinnacle of quasi-sage, to realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Yao Ji asked: "Could it be that Great God Wangshu has attained the Daluo Golden Immortal of Hunyuan?"

Qing Yu said with a smile: "Uncle Master has indeed attained the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan, but he is a bit low-key and did not tell the truth."

"Your realm is not high. Listening to the Tao can increase your realm. You can come to Xuanxia Mountain at this time, and you are also a destined person."

Then, under Qing Yu's guidance, the three of them went to a place to wait.

There are many creatures here.

Qing Yu found a place with a futon on the ground and asked them to sit down.

Qing Yu left.

In the Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Chen Yuan looked at Xuanxia Mountain and saw a high platform rising above Xuanxia Mountain, with a peerless goddess sitting cross-legged on it.

It was Wangshu.

The high platform was built by Kong Xuan.

Wangshu looked at the great supernatural beings below, including Zhen Yuanzi, Styx, and all kinds of other creatures, all of whom were dominant.

Wangshu opened his mouth and said: "This time I became the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. It was a lucky break. Now that you are here, I will give a sermon."

For those who have not heard Hongjun's sermons, they are looking forward to hearing the sermons of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Among the creatures who listened to the sermon, Yang Jian and others were at the lowest level and the ones who looked forward to it the most.

Wang Shu didn't pay much attention to the scene below.

Wangshu began to preach.

Her expression was solemn, the aura of the supreme avenue filled the air, and a feeling as heavy as a mountain pressed on the creatures listening to the sermon, making them feel extremely heavy.

I have never seen the creature of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

I am extremely impressed by the power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This does not include the River Styx.

Ming He had dealt with Hou Tu's attack head-on, so he became much more honest after that. That time when he faced Hou Tu's power, Ming He understood that this world was the world of the saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It is not the world for their great supernatural powers.

Only by becoming Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can you be proud of the world. Before that, it is better to keep a low profile.

This is what Minghe thought deep in his heart.

For Minghe, only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is his lifelong pursuit. He envied Wangshu for being able to become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Wangshu began to preach.

The mysterious avenue maxims were floating, and the avenue maxims contained the profound Yin-Yang avenue, which is an extremely high avenue.

All things in the world contain the principles of Yin-Yang.

Among the living beings who listened to the teachings, some living beings comprehended the avenues that were very similar to the Yin-Yang avenue, so they felt that the mystery contained in the Yin-Yang avenue was very useful.

There were also living beings who did not comprehend the wonderful principles from the Yin-Yang avenue.

But such living beings are a minority after all.

Most living beings can still comprehend the wonderful principles from the Yin-Yang avenue.

Time passed.

One day.

The voice of the preaching disappeared, and a black and white cloud of celebration floated above Wangshu's head, and a mysterious aura filled the air. The living beings who listened to the teachings opened their eyes.

Some living beings felt that their own realm had made great progress.

Naturally happy.

I have a deep gratitude towards Wangshu.

Some creatures seem very calm, because their realm has not improved much, so they are very calm, but they don't regret coming, after all, they can see the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Usually I want to see the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

That is very difficult.

Even if I see it, it may not be a good thing. Such an existence can easily decide their lives, and the great supernatural powers don't want to see it.

The feeling of life no longer being dominated is too uncomfortable.

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