The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 421 Three Merchants Become Gods

Wangshu said with a leisurely expression: "Thank you all for coming to Xuanxia Mountain to congratulate me..."

Zhen Yuanzi stood up.

He took out a few ginseng fruits as a congratulatory gift. With Zhen Yuanzi at the beginning, the others did not neglect, and took out precious treasures one by one, some of which were heaven and earth spiritual fruits.

Some are precious materials.

The materials can be used to refine powerful treasures. Kong Xuan accepted the gift at Wangshu's signal.

Kong Xuan, who was holding the treasure, had a very dull expression. He was also a powerful person now, although he could not compare with Zhen Yuanzi and the others.

But also extremely powerful.

Although these treasures are very precious, at the level of quasi-sage, treasures useful to quasi-sages are very rare in the world, and they need something that is truly hard to find in the world.

It is naturally impossible for a person with great supernatural powers to give a truly too precious treasure as a gift.

I will keep it for myself.

After giving the gift, Ming He took a step forward and asked, "I have a question for the Supreme Being."

Wangshu glanced at Styx and did not refuse. Even what kind of questions Styx would ask, Wangshu had a guess in his heart and said: "Say."

Ming He said seriously: "I dare to ask how the Supreme Master attained the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan, and whether it was the method of three corpses to attain Dao."

Wang Shu had no intention of hiding anything.

Her method of enlightenment can not be used by all living beings. The best innate spiritual roots in the world are even rarer. It is difficult for those creatures who are also transformed by the best innate spiritual roots to use Wang Shu's method of enlightenment.

Wangshu practices Yin Yang Dao.

With the fusion of laurel and hibiscus trees, there will be no conflict between the avenues. Instead, they will be better for each other. This is a miracle born of various coincidences.

It’s hard to replicate.

Wangshu said: "I achieved enlightenment through the method of spiritual root enlightenment, and was inspired by the method of enlightenment by the World God."

The living beings below heard the method of spiritual enlightenment.

My thoughts were spinning in my mind, thinking about what kind of method of enlightenment this was.

It's actually named after spiritual roots.

That should be inseparable from the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

Zhen Yuanzi asked: "I don't know what the method of spiritual root enlightenment is and what mysteries are about it."

Wangshu continued: "We need to cultivate a Hunyuan spiritual root to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal."

Wang Shu did not say that the cultivated Hunyuan Spirit Root is the true body, otherwise it would not have any connection with the living beings who want to attain enlightenment.

It is impossible to succeed.

Of course, even if Wang Shu didn't say it, the creatures below could figure it out. They were not ordinary beings, they were the top beings in the prehistoric world.

The creatures below were shocked.

They naturally know what the Hunyuan Spirit Root is. The one that supports the heaven is the Hunyuan Spirit Root. And you can imagine how difficult it is to cultivate such a Hunyuan Spirit Root.

They understand that this method of enlightenment is impossible for them.

It's even more dreamy than the method of three corpses proving the truth.

There is no feasibility.

Zhen Yuanzi praised: "Your Majesty is truly blessed to be able to cultivate a Hunyuan spiritual root and become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal out of the impossible. We all admire him."

Wang Shu knew that Chen Yuan had made great contributions.

It was Chen Yuan who borrowed the Qiankun Ding. If there was no Qiankun Ding, he would have to mix two top-quality innate spiritual roots into one.

Not something that can be done.

Only the innate treasure Qiankun Ding has the ability to replace acquired with innate, so that the spiritual roots will not lose their innate state during the fusion process, and the Hunyuan spiritual roots will be born.

And thus created a miracle.

These creatures who came got the answer and went back one after another.

Xuanxia Mountain is not a place for them to stay for a long time.

The originally lively Xuanxia Mountain became much quieter in an instant, leaving only Kong Xuan and Qing Yu.

Yang Jian and the three of them.

At this time Qing Yu said: "Uncle Master, we are going back."

Wangshu nodded and said: "Okay..."

Kong Xuan and Qing Yu left first, followed by Yang Jian and the other three.

In the end, only Wangshu was left in Xuanxia Mountain.

Wang Shu was not uncomfortable with the quiet Xuanxia Mountain.

For a cultivator, especially Wangshu who has long been accustomed to being alone, being alone does not scare her at all.

Mental fluctuations.

On the way back, Yao Ji thanked Kong Xuan, but Kong Xuan looked dull, and finally Yao Ji and Yang Chan left.

Only Yang Jian remained in Xuanhua Mountain.

Time passes.

this day.

Chen Yuan woke up from cultivation because when it was time to discuss the list of gods, Chen Yuan did not hesitate.

From Xuanhua Mountain to Tianwaitian in one step.

Chaos is raging in the sky outside, and it is too surging.

It seems to destroy all things in time and space.

Chen Yuan raised his eyes and looked around.

Seeing the door of Zixiao Palace open, Chen Yuan walked into Zixiao Palace.

There was no living creature in Zixiao Palace at this time.

Other saints and Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian arrived one after another, but Chen Yuan did not see Wang Shu come to Zixiao Palace.

Chen Yuan was a little surprised.

But he didn't say anything. After all, this matter had little to do with Wangshu. Wangshu was similar to the world in that he didn't have a disciple.

It doesn't matter whether you come or not.

After everyone has arrived.

Hongjun's figure appeared on the futon above. Hongjun looked at the saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and said, "This time there should be a conclusion. We can't drag it on forever. There is no ending."

Then he saw the list of gods being taken out by Hongjun, floating in the air, and there was a brilliant light filling the Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun said: "Do you have a suitable person on the list?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "There are still many disciples of Tongtian, who can fill the vacancies."

Tongtian stood up and said: "Although I have the most disciples, I will not send them to the list of gods. This is impossible."

Yuanshi Tianzun felt that if he did not register his name this time.

Something bad might happen, and only the saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian present can finally solve the problem.

Who has the most disciples in Tongtian?

Other saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian simply don't have that many disciples.

They are all very few.

There is only one disciple used.

It was too risky to get these people's disciples on the list of gods, and Yuanshi Tianzun naturally wouldn't do it, so Yuanshi Tianzun focused on Tongtian, thinking that Tongtian still had more disciples.

Gaps can easily be filled in.

Yuanshi Tianzun said seriously: "Tongtian, you have many disciples. It is a good thing for them to have some disciples on the list of gods. This is the result of cultivation."

Tongtian said seriously: "This is impossible."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Tongtian, don't you think about it..."

Tongtian said angrily: "Don't say any more. I respect you as my brother, but don't push yourself too far."

Yuanshi Tianzun was secretly angry.

Seeing that Tongtian Youyan was not making progress, he did not give in at all, knowing that there was no possibility of easing things.

No more words.

Yuanshi Tianzun knew that those who could become saints were determined and could not be easily shaken.

Naturally, it is impossible to be swayed by a few words from Yuanshi Tianzun.

Send the disciples you cultivate to the list of gods.

Things came to a standstill.

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