The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 419: Jumping out of the water

Chen Yuan looked at everything on Xuanxia Mountain and said: "You have just become Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. The most important thing now is to become familiar with this realm. I will leave first."

Wangshu nodded.

She came out without being familiar with the new realm, and with the arrival of Holy Hunyuan, there was even less time.

Now after hearing what Chen Yuan said, he said: "Okay."

Wangshu watched Chen Yuan leave, and then she returned to the palace.

Fell into practice.

The achievement of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian made Wangshu feel that everything was brand new. These experiences made Wangshu feel very novel.

There is a completely new perception of the prehistoric world, and places that could not be seen before can now be seen.

As long as her mind is focused on where she is, she can reach it in one step. Wang Shu knows that this is not an illusion, it is the ability she possesses, and there is nothing false about it.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has the ability to travel to any time and space.

As long as that time and space is within the scope of the three thousand avenues of the prehistoric era.

Wang Shu felt that this ability was given to her by the prehistoric world, not that she had such ability. Wang Shu didn't care about this, as long as she could span endless time and space.

There is a great freedom now.

Places that were previously inaccessible are now easily accessible, and places that previously took a long time to reach are now just one step away.

The difference is huge.

Wang Shu was filled with emotion. Although the Quasi-Saint Peak was powerful, it was still a fish in the water. Although it could stir up the wind and clouds and change the color of the world, it could not be compared with the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian jumped out of the water and could look down at the creatures in the water. The changes were too huge.

Words cannot explain it clearly.

Time passes.

At this time, Yang Jian returned to Xuanhua Mountain. After Yang Jian arrived, the formation of Xuanhua Mountain naturally opened. At this time, Yang Jian took her mother and Yang Chan. For Yang Jian, Xuanhua Mountain was like his home.

There is a strong sense of security.

Yao Ji entered Xuanhua Mountain and said, "I want to thank the Heavenly Lord of Creation for teaching you Xuan Gong and teaching you to become a talented person."

Yang Jian said: "Tianzun is in Xuanyuan Dao Palace, but I don't know if he will see us."

Yao Ji said seriously: "Go and try."

Yang Jian took Yao Ji and Yang Chan to the Xuanyuan Taoist Palace. The gate of the Xuanyuan Taoist Palace was not closed. When they arrived in front of the Taoist Palace, there was a sound.

"come in……"

Yang Jian knew that this was Tianzun letting them in.

The three of them went in.

At this time, the Xuanyuan Dao Palace was not very vast, and the space was very limited. It seemed to be an ordinary palace.

Nothing surprising.

Chen Yuan is sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, with mysterious energy flowing around his body. It seems that all the heavens and worlds are just illusions, and only Chen Yuan is the most real existence, and can easily control the life and death of all worlds.

It is the most supreme existence.

Yao Ji bowed. Although she was Haotian's sister and had the most noble status, no matter how precious she was, she could not be compared with Chen Yuan.

In the prehistoric world, Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian was the most noble existence.

Even Hongjun is still a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and has not exceeded the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Yao Ji said: "I wish Tianzun immortality."

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "You have escaped from the disaster now. I am very happy and congratulated."

Yao Ji said solemnly: "Thanks to the Heavenly Lord for teaching my son so well, I can escape the disaster one day. I also want to thank the Venerable Kong Xuan for his intervention. I don't know where the Venerable Kong Xuan is."

Chen Yuan said: "Kong Xuan is in Xuanxia Mountain at this time."

Yang Jian knows where Xuanxia Mountain is.

Yao Ji hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "There is one more thing I want to ask Tianzun. I wonder if Tianzun is willing to answer my questions."

Chen Yuan said calmly: "What's the matter..."

Yao Ji said: "Tianzun, I don't know where Yang Jiao is."

Chen Yuan naturally knew exactly where the Yang family's elder was.

There are few things that can be hidden from Chen Yuan in the endless time and space.

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "He was accepted as a disciple by Yu Ding Zhenren, a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, and practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques. Perhaps it was because his father died trying to save him, so he practiced extra hard and wanted to avenge his father. "

Yao Ji sighed: "Such an idea is very dangerous. Haotian is not an ordinary creature. He is innately divine and the Lord of Heaven."

"Although it doesn't matter to you, Tianzun, Haotian's strength is real. In the future, it is very possible for Haotian to become a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian."

"It is almost impossible to kill such a being. Da Lang is just an acquired creature."

At this time, Yang Jian stood up and said seriously: "How is it impossible? There are infinite possibilities in the future. It is entirely possible to surpass Haotian one day."

"Perhaps Haotian has practiced dozens or hundreds more Yuanhui, but after ten thousand Yuanhui, these dozens or hundreds of Yuanhui will be nothing."

Chen Yuan listened to Yang Jian's words.

Although I think it is a bit one-sided, it makes sense. Time will create miracles. Even if Haotian is innately divine, he may be surpassed by acquired beings. Innate sanctity is just a good starting point.

But that doesn't mean the end is destined.

Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can see the future, it is only a possible future, not the real future.

The real future cannot be seen.

The future is made up of countless present.

Yang Chan watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and said: "Brother, I support you. If you defeat Haotian, then you will be the emperor of heaven. Then you will abolish the heavenly rule that immortals and mortals cannot fall in love."

Yao Ji heard what Yang Chan said, walked to Yang Chan, and knocked Yang Chan's head, which made Yang Chan a little confused.

She didn't understand why her mother hit her.

Yang Chan looked at Yao Ji with innocent eyes and said, "Mom, why did you hit me?"

Yao Ji said seriously, "Look at your brother's realm. He is just a Golden Immortal, but he encouraged your brother to become the Emperor of Heaven. Do you think he should be hit?"

Yang Chan was hit by Yao Ji.

She didn't feel angry at all, but felt very warm. The feeling of childhood came back again. Besides, Yang Chan was a Golden Immortal, and Yao Ji didn't use force.

How could she really hurt Yang Chan.

Yang Chan didn't dare to refute Yao Ji, and could only look at Yao Ji innocently.

Yao Ji turned to look at Yang Jian and asked, "Erlang, do you want to be the Emperor of Heaven?"

Yang Jian shook his head and said, "No, I can't be one. Haotian is so powerful that I can't defeat him, even if I really defeat him."

"It's impossible to become the Emperor of Heaven. Not everyone with high strength can become the Emperor of Heaven, even if you have the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Chen Yuan heard what Yang Jian said and said, "Yang Jian is right. The position of the Emperor of Heaven is not based on strength. It needs to be designated by Hongjun Daozu and recognized by all the Hunyuan Divines."

"Otherwise, even if you have stronger strength, it won't work. Can you be stronger than Daozu? Hongjun Daozu is in harmony with the prehistoric heavenly way and his strength is unrivaled in the universe."

"The position of the Emperor of Heaven has a heavy responsibility. Although Haotian is sometimes very selfish, he has not done anything derelict in his duty. Can changing another Emperor of Heaven guarantee that he will do better than Haotian?"

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