The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 418 Wangshu attains the status of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Part 2

There are endless creatures in the demon world, many of which are very powerful.

Many of them were the creatures from the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation. Of course, Demon Ancestor Rahu took these creatures away, so when the world went to Mount Sumeru.

I didn't see any living beings.

Luo Hu said: "The arrival of two people in the devil world can be said to bring great brilliance."

Taiyi smiled and said: "What's wrong with Pengpi Shenghui? We are just ordinary cultivators, nothing special."

Luo Hu smiled and said: "If you are ordinary cultivators, then there is no supreme existence."

Taiyi said seriously: "There are more and more Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals in the world. It is conceivable that in the distant future, more Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals will be born. This will definitely be an extremely brilliant future, which is really exciting."

Luo Hu said seriously: "Taiyi, you don't mind the increasing number of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. Don't you know that the luck in the world is limited?"

Taiyi said leisurely: "I, Taiyi, will not stop any living being from seeking the Tao. Luck is just an auxiliary. With it, you can practice faster, but it is not necessary."

Luo Hu smiled and said: "It would be better to be able to achieve a higher realm as early as possible. That means more powerful power."

Taiyi was about to say something.

I saw endless visions appearing in the demon world, and these visions made the dark demon world become bright.

Taiyi understood what was going on.

Taiyi smiled and said: "Demon Ancestor, now there is another Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the world."

Luo Hu didn't answer.

Not only are there visions in the demon world, but also in the outside world and endless time and space, there are visions of enlightenment permeating the sky. The lunar star and the sun star in the starry sky are blooming with immeasurable brilliance.

There is endless power of stars scattered across the heaven and earth.

Too many creatures have bathed in the power of the stars and gained many benefits.

In the sea of ​​blood in the netherworld.

Styx looked at this scene with complicated eyes. He had seen this scene many times.

Styx's feelings were inexplicable. Now that he was at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, he felt that the realm of Hunyuan was very difficult.

See visions in heaven and earth.

I know that Wang Shu has achieved enlightenment.

When Minghe saw Wangshu's enlightenment, his thoughts kept turning. He felt that Wangshu's enlightenment was related to the creation of Tianzun, and perhaps it was the creation of Tianzun who gave Wang Shu some guidance.

Styx walked behind his palace.

He was going to take some precious things as gifts to congratulate Wangshu for attaining the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Ming He knew that there would be many people with great supernatural powers who would congratulate Wangshu for attaining the Dao.

Mount Sumeru...

Zhunti looked ugly. He did not expect that Wangshu would actually realize the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This undoubtedly made the power of the God of Creation stronger, and Zhunti felt a little desperate in his heart.

I feel that there will never be a time when I can defeat the Heavenly Lord of Creation.

Zhunti really hopes to defeat the God of Creation, but this is undoubtedly Zhunti's wishful thinking.

Zhunti looked at Jieyin next to him and said: "Luohu is blocked in the demon world by Nuwa and Taiyi. It is difficult to interfere with Wangshu's enlightenment."

Zhunti said: "It's very difficult. There is a God of Creation guarding Wangshu's door."

Jie Yin said sternly: "Even if Luo Hu is very powerful, he is only alone. Junior brother, it will be difficult for you to deal with Tianzun Tianzun."

Zhunti said: "We can only wait and see what changes will happen in the future, right?"

The strange phenomena in the heaven and earth disappeared, and the stars in the sky that originally bloomed with the power of stars have become what they used to be.

Wang Shu walked out of it.

Seeing Chen Yuan at the door, he said: "I have just broken through the realm, and my sense of consciousness is sharper than usual. I noticed an evil thought in the starry sky, which made my heart skip a beat."

Chen Yuan said seriously: "You don't have anything to worry about. Nuwa and Taiyi are with Luo Hu, and it is impossible for Luo Hu to take action."

Wangshu looked at Chen Yuan seriously, with misty eyes, and said: "Finally... I have proved the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. I had thousands of words in my heart that I wanted to say, but now they are all gone. I just feel that it was worth it to practice seriously before. "

Chen Yuan circled Wangshu several times and finally said: "Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is a new world, I am happy for you."

Wang Shu said: "If it weren't for you Xuanyuan, I might not be able to realize the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "Being able to prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is based on your own efforts and has nothing to do with me."

Chen Yuan is very humble. It was obviously the Qiankun Ding he borrowed that was responsible for the birth of the Hunyuan Spiritual Root.

But Chen Yuan doesn't take credit at all.

Wang Shu saw a girl walking up to her and said, "Uncle, you are so powerful. You have become an immortal and supreme deity, and you can avoid falling into countless tribulations."

His eyes were full of adoration.

Wang Shu smiled and said: "Any living being has the possibility of attaining the Daluo Golden Immortal of Hunyuan as long as he works hard in cultivation."

Qing Yu whispered: "Uncle Master... I practice the Avenue of Flames. There are already two very powerful practitioners on this avenue. I have no chance of realizing the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. There is no hope at all. Even if endless time passes, at most he will be a quasi-sage."

Wangshu understood what Qingyu meant.

Shennong and Fengzu are both beings who practice the Way of Fire. They have profound realms and powerful talents.

It is not comparable to Qingyu.

Only Qing Yu feels that there is no hope of realizing the Daluo Jinxian of Hunyuan.

Wang Shu comforted him: "As long as you are alive, there will be hope. No one knows what the future will bring."

Among Chen Yuan's disciples, Wangshu and Qingyu are the closest.

Qingyu said nothing.

Chen Yuan said: "Wangshu, you have achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I see that many great masters are coming here to congratulate you."

Wangshu smiled and said: "Although I don't care about these, but guests are guests, so we still have to entertain them."

Chen Yuan said: "It is inevitable to give a lecture."

Wangshu said: "Yuan, you also gave a lecture at the beginning, so I will give one too, just in even numbers."

Time and space fluctuated, and Taiyi and Nuwa came.

Behind Taiyi, Luohou also came.

Taiyi said: "Congratulations, Wangshu, you have achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and there will be no disasters from now on."

Before Wangshu could reply, he heard Nuwa say: "Now among the Hunyuan sacred, not only Houtu and I are women, but now there is also you, Wangshu."

Wangshu smiled and said: "I just became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian by luck."

Nuwa said seriously: "Other things may be lucky, but becoming the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not lucky."

Wangshu said: "I can't argue with you."

Time passed.

Other saints came to congratulate one after another, but they all left soon. In the end, only Wangshu and Chen Yuan were left in Xuanxia Mountain.

Qingyu and Kong Xuan returned to Xuanhua Mountain.

Wangshu saw Xuanxia Mountain calm down, and finally looked at the world and said, "Now I feel relieved. I don't have to worry about not being able to keep up with you."

Chen Yuan just smiled.

Chen Yuan understood what Wangshu wanted to say.

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