The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 407: Traveling in the Wilderness

Chen Yuan walked out of Zixiao Palace.

He did not return to Xuanhua Mountain, but chose to travel in the prehistoric world, wanting to see the changes of heaven and earth with his own eyes.

Chen Yuan appeared in the prehistoric continent and traveled for a long time.

Then Chen Yuan went to the netherworld.

Chen Yuan walked in the dim netherworld, and Chen Yuan undoubtedly attracted the attention of Hou Tu. Hou Tu's strength in the netherworld is stronger than that in the outside world.

His divine sense is also more acute.

Chen Yuan did not care about these, but just walked in the netherworld. The netherworld does not have much vitality, and only some creatures that meet the requirements of the netherworld can survive here.

But compared with the vigorous vitality of the prehistoric world.

It is obviously a small witch meeting a big witch, and it cannot be compared.

Chen Yuan walked to the center of the netherworld, where there is a huge city, with countless creatures in it. Of course, they are not normal creatures, but the souls of all spirits.

Some souls are nostalgic for the mortal world.

Do not want to enter the six reincarnations that can erase everything. These souls are generally cultivated to a very high level of life, so that they can persist in the netherworld for a long time.

Hou Tu, who presides over the six reincarnations, does not care about these.

After all, as long as the innate primordial spirit is not achieved, the soul of any living being is limited and it is impossible to exist forever.

Of course, there is no realm of life.

Just go with the flow.

Although the innate primordial spirit has infinite life, the innate primordial spirit can also exist forever, since the golden immortal has no limit on life span.

It is reasonable that it will not appear in the netherworld.

But the prehistoric world is an extremely dangerous world, with undercurrents.

It can easily swallow up the golden immortal.

This makes the golden immortal, who could have existed forever, reincarnate, but the innate primordial spirit is naturally impossible to be intact.

Some even have their primordial spirits dissipated.

Even if they can reincarnate, they can only go with the flow.

There is no autonomy.

Chen Yuan walked to the place of the six reincarnations. There was a distant reincarnation power here, full of supreme majesty. Ordinary creatures did not dare to approach here at all, and stayed as far away as possible.

Deep in their hearts.

There was an unspeakable fear of this place.

They felt that it would lead them to an unknown future. Once they entered the six reincarnations.

They didn't know what kind of creature they would be reincarnated into.

Before Chen Yuan came to a group of buildings, there was a clone of Chen Yuan, who was the Emperor of Fengdu when the six reincarnations were first established.

Chen Yuan cut out a clone.

He cut out this clone in order to occupy some luck from the six reincarnations. Luck has a great effect on the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and can speed up the cultivation.

Chen Yuan stepped into the palace.

Seeing a young man in black clothes, the young man thought he had seen Chen Yuan wrongly, but then he realized it was not an illusion, so he stepped forward to salute and said, "Master."

Chen Yuan looked leisurely and said, "Qingyou, you are now at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, and you are only a little short of becoming a Quasi-Saint, not bad."

Qingyou said, "It's all thanks to Master. At the beginning, Qingyou was just a small grass and could die at any time. If it weren't for Master, you would have disappeared into thin air, and there would be no today."

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "It's just a coincidence. At the beginning, my master's realm was still weak, just a Golden Immortal, but I didn't expect that the small grass in front of me was an innate sacred . ”

Qingyou said: "What innate sacredness? My origin was greatly damaged at that time. If it weren't for my master, even if I could practice, I would not have reached my current realm."

Chen Yuan said: "Do we still need to stay in the Netherworld?"

Qingyou said: "My practice has reached a bottleneck. It takes some time to achieve a quasi-saint, not just relying on the Book of Life and Death."

Chen Yuan said: "In that case, let's go back."

Qingyou smiled and said: "Okay, I miss Xuanhua Mountain too, and I don't know how Qingyu is doing."

Chen Yuan said: "She is fine, go find Kong Xuan."

Kong Xuan is not here.

But wandering in the Netherworld, the Netherworld is very vast, and there are many mysterious places. Kong, Qingyou prefers quietness, so he didn't go out with Kong Xuan.

Just stayed in the hall alone.

Qingyou asked: "Do you want to say goodbye to the Emperor of Fengdu?"

Chen Yuan shook his head and said: "No, let's go."

Chen Yuan naturally didn't need to say goodbye to Fengdu.

Fengdu is Chen Yuan's clone, and Fengdu can easily know the whole story.

Chen Yuan took Qingyou to a remote place. There were many mountains here, tens of thousands of them, and there was boundless evil spirit in the mountains.

The reason why there were so many evil spirits.

Because there were many witches living here, and the witches cast spells.

The witches were in the prehistoric continent.

There were also many in the netherworld. The netherworld was a world comparable to the heaven. It was easy for some witches to survive in such a vast world.

There was no difficulty at all.

The netherworld and the heaven were worlds corresponding to each other. The heaven was a time and space formed by boundless innate pure air, and everything in it was pure and pure.

It was of great benefit to the creatures who practiced the great way of the primordial spirit.

Compared with the prehistoric continent.

They would practice faster, which was the transcendence of the heaven, and the netherworld was a time and space formed by innate turbid air, and everything in it was extremely dark.

Normal creatures would be affected in it.

The witches were not normal creatures.

They absorbed the turbid air to cultivate, which made the Wu Clan feel at home in the Netherworld, and more adaptable than in the Primordial Continent.

At this time, the number of Wu Clan increased greatly.

Countless Wu Clan members died in the war between Wu and Lich, and now they are gradually getting better.

But it did not return to its former glory.

The most important thing in the Wu Clan is not the ordinary Wu Clan, but the powerful ancestor witches. They are the core of the Wu Clan. All the ancestor witches except Hou Tu and Xuan Ming died, which is the biggest loss of the Wu Clan.

If the twelve ancestor witches had not died.

The Wu Clan would have maintained its powerful strength, and the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation could have reappeared in the world.

Between the peaks.

At this time, a battle took place, shining with boundless evil spirits and five-color brilliance.

Two powerful forces were colliding.

The endless aftermath of the blooming impacted the heaven and earth. Such a terrifying battle took place in the light film, to be precise, on a high platform covered with a light film.

It seems that even if there is a powerful force blooming in it, it will not have any impact on the outside world.

Qingyou is not familiar with this place.

He usually does not leave Fengdu Hall very often, and even if he leaves, it is very close to the place. This is the gathering place of the Wu Clan, with Hou Tu's power to cover up the secrets of heaven.

The scene here cannot be seen in the long river of time and fate.

This situation is very common in the Wu tribe. Because the Wu tribe has no Yuanshen, they are weak in observing and concealing the long river of fate, so Hou Tu simply exerts her powerful power to conceal the secrets of the Wu tribe.

Let others not see it.

This way it's even...

Of course, such a fog of secrets can't stop Chen Yuan, after all, Hou Tu can't exert all her power.

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