The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 406: The Second Merchant God List

Yang Jian said, "Are you a monster?"

Lingzhuzi was not angry and said, "No, not all creatures in this world are monsters."

Yang Jian said, "Oh."

The black tiger came over, looked at Yang Jian with two eyes as big as copper bells, and said, "You want to eat my meat."

Yang Jian didn't expect that what he said was heard by the black tiger, and the other party came to the door.

Yang Jian said, "Senior, it's just a misunderstanding."

The black tiger circled around Yang Jian and said, "Practice requires concentration and concentration. You have too many distracting thoughts in your mind. If you want to eat my meat, I can give you a piece."

Yang Jian was speechless. He didn't expect the black tiger to be so interesting and invite others to eat his meat.

Qingyu didn't tell Yang Jian about the black tiger.

Qingyu talked about Mingmo the most, saying how evil and hateful Mingmo was.

Yang Jian said, "Thank you for your teaching, senior."

Hei Hu nodded, turned around and left. Halfway through, Hei Hu turned around and said, "If you want my meat, remember to tell me."

Yang Jian hurriedly said, "No need."

How could Yang Jian dare to ask for it? Hei Hu was obviously a person with high cultivation.

Yang Jian didn't know what would happen if Hei Hu went to the outside world.

That was a big monster that could occupy hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers. It was just that this was Xuanhua Mountain, so Hei Hu seemed very ordinary. It was not that Hei Hu was ordinary.

But Xuanhua Mountain was too sacred.

This was the dojo of the Heavenly Venerable of Creation.

Ling Zhuzi said, "You are so bold. You want a piece of Daluo Jinxian's meat."

Yang Jian was extremely shocked. He pointed at the departing Hei Hu and said, "He is Daluo Jinxian. It's impossible. He is just a tiger."

Ling Zhuzi was a little puzzled by Yang Jian's shock.

In Ling Zhuzi's impression, Daluo Jinxian was powerful, but only a little more powerful than him, but there was no need to be so shocked.

Lingzhuzi said, "Is the Daluo Jinxian very powerful? At most, he is a little more powerful than me."

Yang Jian asked unexpectedly, "How powerful is Tianzun? A black tiger has the realm of Daluo Jinxian. How extraordinary is Tianzun."

Lingzhuzi said, "I don't know."

Yang Jian said, "You don't know."

Lingzhuzi said, "Yes, what realm is Tianzun, how can I tell? Senior Sister Qingyu didn't tell me. I asked Senior Sister, but Senior Sister didn't tell me."

Yang Jian said, "I want to practice."

After saying that, he closed his eyes, attracted the innate spiritual energy, and ignored Lingzhuzi next to him.

At this time, Yang Jian suddenly thought of his mother trapped in Taoshan, and Yang Jian lost interest in talking to Lingzhuzi.

Lingzhuzi was really speechless.

The previous moment they talked well, but the next moment they fell into a state of practice. Lingzhuzi wanted Yang Jian to talk to him, but he didn't do it. Although Lingzhuzi was a little naughty, he was not an evil person.

Can't do bad things.

Lingzhuzi also closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

The twelfth-grade Creation Green Lotus made Lingzhuzi's heart more peaceful. He had just had a conversation with Yang Jian, and Lingzhuzi's heart was much less upset.

Time passed.

It never stopped for anyone.

This day.

A voice appeared in Chen Yuan's ears. It was Hongjun who asked Chen Yuan to go to Zixiao Palace to renegotiate the Conferred God List. Chen Yuan did not stop.

In one step, he appeared in Tianwaitian.

There is a huge world in Tianwaitian, and the palace suspended above the world is Zixiao Palace.

Chen Yuan stepped into Zixiao Palace.

The three thousand avenues in the palace are extremely clear. Chen Yuan feels that it is very close to the avenue of heaven and earth, and it is easier to comprehend. Chen Yuan did not have such a feeling last time he came, but this time he did.

Chen Yuan felt that Hongjun's realm had a breakthrough.

There will be a difference, which makes Chen Yuan sigh. Hongjun is blessed by nature, and his realm is beyond the saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even Luohou cannot compare with Hongjun.

At first, Luohou just had treasures that could not be compared with Hongjun.

It was only after he got the Four Swords of Zhuxian that things changed. Luohou’s treasures and realm are now incomparable to Hongjun. Hongjun is an innate treasure that can be given away.

Not long after Chen Yuan arrived.

Other Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and saints came one after another.

When Hongjun saw that everyone was present, he did not move his lips, but a voice came out, saying: "Everyone, think about how to fill the Conferred God List."

Zunti was the first to say: "This matter has nothing to do with my Western Region. My Western Region is already poor, and the realm of my disciples is very low. It is impossible for them to be on the Conferred God List."

Yuanshi Tianzun stood up and said: "You Western Region is also a member of the prehistoric world, how can you be detached from it."

Zunti said: "The Jie Sect claims that ten thousand immortals come to pay homage, but there are only 365 Zhoutian gods, and the Jie Sect can easily fill them."

Tongtian was furious and said: "Zunti, you are talking nonsense."

Just At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Tongtian, you have many disciples, just select more than 300 disciples, this will not affect Jiejiao, Jiejiao is still the scene of thousands of immortals coming to pay homage."

Tongtian couldn't believe that this was said by Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian said: "God will lose freedom and serve Haotian all day long. I won't let my disciples take this path."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Tongtian, don't be so stubborn, just fill in some disciples' names, this time the matter can be perfectly resolved."

Tongtian is a person who prefers to take the straight path rather than the crooked path.

How could he agree with what Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Tongtian said righteously: "Impossible, Yuanshi, don't say anything more."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Tongtian you..."

Tongtian said loudly: "Yuanshi, why don't you let the Twelve Golden Immortals be on the list? Yuanshi, you let a few disciples be on the list, how about I let the disciples be on the list?"

Yuanshi Tianzun remained silent.

How could he agree with what Tongtian said.

Yuanshi Tianzun only has a dozen disciples. Even if all of them are on the list of gods, it will only be about 20 disciples from Tongtian. This will not be a problem for Jiejiao.

But explaining the religion is different, it is equivalent to destroying the religion.

Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to intercept and teach his disciples to be on the list, but Chanjiao was not on the list.

Hongjun turned his eyes and saw that both the saint and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were silent. Hongjun thought for a moment and asked, "Xuanyuan, what do you think?"

When Chen Yuan saw Hongjun asking him, he said, "Since you all can't decide, let's discuss it after the three Yuan meetings."

Hongjun's eyes are deep and deep, and he can see all the worlds, heavens, and all kinds of dust. Watch the evolution of the future and think about it for a moment.

Hongjun said: "As the saying goes, there are only three things that can happen. We need to make a conclusion next time and we can't keep delaying it."

Lao Tzu said: "Then I will take my leave."

Hongjun closed his eyes slightly and then disappeared.

Chen Yuan sensed how Hongjun disappeared and was no longer as unpredictable as when he heard the Tao. Chen Yuan grew up very fast, and it was possible to surpass Hongjun one day.

But it takes time.

While Chen Yuan was thinking, the other saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian had already left Zixiao Palace, leaving Chen Yuan alone in Zixiao Palace.

Chen Yuan turned around and left Zixiao Palace.

He seemed to feel Hongjun's gaze, vaguely present.

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