The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 408 The lively Chi You

Qingyou pointed at a figure in the high platform and said, "Master, look, that's Kong Xuanmei. How can he fight with others again?"

Chen Yuan said: "The Wu Clan is more aggressive and can increase its strength faster in battles. The Wu Clan is such a powerful group. It can easily break mountains and rivers and make the sun and moon eclipse."

"If the Wu Clan fights near the tribe, a large area will be reduced to ashes. The Wu Clan doesn't like the doorstep of their home to be like this. Hou Tu used his great magical power to build a high platform in the Wu Clan tribe."

"When fighting on a high platform, there will be a layer of light film that can block the power of both sides. This can get the best of both worlds."

Qingyou sighed: "Although Hou Tu no longer has the body of the ancestral witch, he still thinks that he is the ancestral witch and does not think about the witch clan all the time."

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "It is impossible for Hou Tu to give up on the Wu clan. That is a mark of the past."

Qingyou looked far away, looking at the scene on the high platform, and said: "Master, who do you think will win, Kong Xuan or Chi You?"

That's right...

It was Chi You who fought against Kong Xuan.

Chi You was sealed at first, but Hou Tu kept an eye on him. Although Yuan Shi Tianzun didn't want to let Chi You out, he couldn't always be on guard against Hou Tu. In the end, Hou Tu rescued Chi You.

But Chi You was not rescued completely.

He just rescued Chi You's soul.

The seal of the ancient continent is still sealing Chi You's body. For a quasi-sage, although the body is important, it is not as important as the soul.

Hou Tu is a reincarnation saint, so this is even more true.

Hou Tu could reincarnate Chi You, and Chi You who successfully reincarnated did not go to the outside world.

And in the Nether World, Chi You felt that there were no opportunities in the ancient continent at this time, so it was better to practice in the Nether World.

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "See for yourself."

Qingyou said: "In my opinion, Chi You should win. Chi You's spiritual practice is very deep and his body is also very powerful. Junior Brother Kong Xuan has only a few Yuan Hui to become a quasi-sage, so he is unlikely to be Chi You's opponent."

Chen Yuan smiled and said, "You underestimate Kong Xuan."

Qingyou said: "Is it possible that Junior Brother Kong Xuan is more powerful?"

Chen Yuan said: "Kong Xuan is in the middle stage of quasi-sage, not the early stage of quasi-sage as you think."

Qingyou was shocked and said: "It's impossible, junior brother didn't tell me."

Chen Yuan said: "You are the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal."

Qingyou smiled and said: "There is nothing that can't be said. It's not that whoever becomes a disciple first will have a higher level. He will be at a higher level than me when he starts."

"And Junior Brother Suiren is even more like this. His merits are really amazing. At this time, he is in the late stage of Quasi-Sage, and he is the highest among the brothers."

Just when Chen Yuan was talking to Qingyou.

As the battle on the high platform came to an end, many Wu clansmen looked at Kong Xuan in awe when they saw the five-color divine light filling the high platform.

The Witch Clan is a race that respects the strong.

It doesn't matter if Kong Xuan is not from the Wu clan, as long as Kong Xuan defeats his opponent in an upright manner.

At this moment, a headless man walked towards the high platform. He was Xing Tian.

Xing Tian saw Chi You lying on the ground on the high platform, recovering from his injuries.

The light curtain on the high platform dimmed, and Kong Xuan walked out of it and said, "Xingtian, you are more powerful."

Although Xing Tian has no head, he can still speak normally and said: "It still cannot be compared with Haotian. Haotian is more powerful. I hope that one day I can defeat Haotian in an upright manner."

Kong Xuan said: "There will be a day."

Although Kong Xuan said this, he was not optimistic about Xingtian. Some things in the world are difficult to do. Although Xingtian is extraordinary, Haotian is even more extraordinary.

He is the Lord of Heaven.

After listening to Hongjun's sermon throughout, I realized that there were more than one top-quality innate spiritual treasure. How could a person at the pinnacle of quasi-sage be easily defeated?

Kong Xuan turned his head.

Suddenly, he saw Chen Yuan, and Kong Xuan hurried away in the direction of Chen Yuan.

Arriving in front of Chen Yuan, he stood still and said: "Master..."

Chen Yuan said: "Your level is about to catch up with your junior brother Suiren."

Generally speaking, the realm of senior brothers is advanced.

But Chen Yuan's first three disciples were the other way around. Suiren was the highest, followed by Kong Xuan, and finally Qingyou.

Kong Xuan just said: "It's difficult..."

Xing Tian took a few steps forward and said, "I have seen the Heavenly Lord of Creation..."

Seeing Xing Tian salute, the other witch clans also followed suit and said, "I have seen the Heavenly Lord of Creation."

Chen Yuan nodded slightly and said: "Xingtian, you are now comparable to the late stage of Quasi-Saint, and now you are comparable to the peak of Quasi-Saint. Now Xuanming Ancestral Witch is also comparable to the peak of Quasi-Saint."

Xing Tian smiled and said: "I don't dare to compete with the Xuanming Ancestral Witch..."

At this moment, an extremely cold and charming woman came from a distance. She came to Chen Yuan, bowed and said, "I never thought I could see Tianzun here."

It was Xuan Ming who appeared. In Chen Yuan's view, Xuan Ming's power became even stronger.

Chen Yuan naturally knew what was going on.

Last time, Xuan Ming learned from Chen Yuan that if he created a vast world and integrated it into his body, he could replace the Hunyuan state.

Thus, he became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This undoubtedly made Xuan Ming feel hopeful.

Although Xuan Ming also practiced in the past, he felt that he had come to an end on the road of cultivation. No matter how much he practiced, his strength would increase at most, but there would be no essential transformation. This time had just begun.

Xuan Ming is very interested in practicing.

But as time gradually passed, Xuan Ming became a little neglectful in his cultivation.

In Xuanming's opinion, it was impossible to achieve a higher realm anyway. Hou Tu Zu Wu could achieve a saint, which was a miracle that was difficult to replicate. Xuanming didn't have much hope in his heart.

So he became a little lazy.

With hope, Xuanming seemed to have changed into a different person, and he was more attentive to cultivation.

Chen Yuan said to Xuanming Zu Wu: "You are more powerful."

Xuanming smiled and said: "It's just some gains."

Xingtian saw Xuanming's expression and was somewhat unacceptable. In his opinion, Xuanming was a very cold Zu Wu.

Today Xingtian saw a different Xuanming.

Chen Yuan said: "If you want to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is not enough to rely on your current accumulation. You need more accumulation. What is Hunyuan? There is no distinction between clear and turbid. It is not so easy to achieve such a realm."

Xuanming said: "I hope I can prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian one day. After all, the power of Sister Hou Tu is still too weak."

Chen Yuan said: "It's time for me to go back. We will meet again in the future."

Most of the problems encountered on the road of cultivation have to be solved by yourself.

Others cannot replace him.

Chen Yuan said to Kong Xuan: "Let's go."

Kong Xuan walked to the right of Chen Yuan, and Qing You to the left.

Chen Yuan took Kong Xuan and Qing You out of the netherworld, crossing endless time and space.

Back to Xuanhua Mountain.

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