The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 386 The Great Disaster of the Creation World

The Sin Snake was not as powerful as it is now.

There are people in the Source Clan who can compete with the Sin Snake. After all, there is the Origin Sutra passed down by Miro, and there is a lot of good fortune in the bodies of the Source Clan, which makes the Source Clan practice very quickly at the beginning.

After that, the practice speed will return to normal.

Even though it is more difficult to practice in the Middle Thousand Worlds than in the Primordial World, a Golden Immortal was born in the Source Clan.

But this Golden Immortal was eaten by the increasingly powerful Sin Snake.

The Sin Snake, which refused to be observed by Chen Yuan, was unconscious and swam freely on the earth. It was very interested in creatures with power. As long as it sensed it.

It would go and eat the creatures with power.

This is the reason why the Source Clan did not perish. Not only the Source Clan suffered a disaster in the world, but any powerful existence suffered a disaster.

Chen Yuan's eyes were deep.

He saw a fallen tree, and the mottled traces on it seemed to explain the glory of the past. It was a pity that even immortal creatures would fall.

The Life Tree is the innate spiritual root of the world of creation. It should have been eternal and immortal, but it encountered the extremely powerful snake of sin.

After a fight.

The Life Tree, which was placed with high hopes by the creatures of the world of creation, was destroyed by the snake of sin.

The collapsed Life Tree was dim.

Chen Yuan pointed his finger, and a ray of spiritual light emerged from the Life Tree. This was the last ray of life of the Life Tree.

The Life Tree cultivates the innate life path. The creatures who cultivate this path will have extremely strong vitality and are less likely to fall.

Chen Yuan put away the spiritual light.

With a thought, the evil giant snake swimming on the earth petrified and turned into a huge mountain, standing between heaven and earth.

Even if the eyes of the giant snake were petrified, they were full of cruelty that destroyed everything.

Chen Yuan finished dealing with the things in the world of creation.

Came to the outside world.

Chen Yuan looked at the world of creation, and the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus emerged in his hand. The seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus broke away from Chen Yuan's palm and became bigger and bigger after it broke away.

Covering the sky and blocking the sun.

The seventeenth-grade Azure Lotus of Creation appeared below the Creation World.

The seventeenth-grade Azure Lotus of Creation bloomed leisurely, wrapping the Creation World, and the gorgeous and flawless fairy light flowed. The seventeenth-grade Azure Lotus of Creation was shrinking, and the seventeenth-grade Azure Lotus of Creation went towards Chen Yuan.

The seventeenth-grade Azure Lotus of Creation in Chen Yuan's hand rose and fell.

Chen Yuan held the seventeenth-grade Azure Lotus of Creation and went to the Heaven Beyond Heaven. To sublimate the Creation World into the world of the universe, it naturally requires huge energy.

If it is collected from the endless void, it will take a long time.

And it will be very simple in the Heaven Beyond Heaven.

Of course, simplicity is only relative, it is only simple for the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is impossible for some quasi-saints to separate the chaotic energy.

It is not something they can do.

The Heaven Beyond Heaven is still the same scenery for billions of years, and endless chaotic energy flows in it. This is a place of destruction.

It is also the place where heaven and earth are born.

To turn chaos into a place where heaven and earth are born, it requires a strong force, otherwise it is just a place of destruction, and chaos can easily assimilate everything.

Chen Yuan walks in the chaos.

Without any divine light to protect his body, even if the chaotic energy approaches Chen Yuan's body, it will not hurt Chen Yuan.

The chaotic energy will turn into Chen Yuan's mana and become Chen Yuan's power.

This is the supreme place of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which can turn the chaotic energy into mana, even if walking in chaos.

There is no worry about not being able to recover mana.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can travel in chaos, but Chen Yuan has not left the prehistoric world, and does not know what the situation is in the depths of chaos.

Chen Yuan wants to go to the depths of chaos, but he has not made up his mind.

Chen Yuan put down the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus and let it sink and float in the chaos. The seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus became bigger and bigger when it left Chen Yuan's palm.

More and more majestic.

The endless chaotic energy was forced away, and the vast green divine light filled the chaos, as if to create heaven and earth.

Chen Yuan's mind moved.

The seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus slowly turned, and the vast chaotic energy rushed towards the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus, submerging the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus.

The seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus absorbed the chaotic energy, but did not directly refine it into the Creation World, but transformed it.

Transformed the chaotic energy into clear and turbid energy.

The clear energy was transformed into the sky of the Creation World, and the turbid energy was transformed into the earth, and the Creation World underwent an extremely huge change.


On a mountain in the Creation World.

A man stood on the top of the mountain, and the strong wind blowing from the top of the mountain could not blow the corners of his clothes.

It seemed that he was not in this dimension. There was a source crystal between his eyebrows. He was the golden immortal swallowed by the evil snake, and he did not die completely.

He had a way to save his life, although he did not die.

But he also paid a huge price, and his figure was very illusory.

Because this was just the Yuanshen.

The mountain where he was was very special, which could isolate the induction of the evil snake from the outside world. At that time, You Luo, who was fleeing for his life, ran to this mountain in a panic.

As soon as he entered this mountain, You Luo felt extremely safe.

You Luo stayed on the mountain for a while.

When he was on the mountain, You Luo found that the evil snake did not catch up, so You Luo stayed on the mountain.

At this moment, You Luo's eyes were very strange.

Not long ago, the feeling of being on the back disappeared, and it seemed that there would be no danger even if he walked out of this mountain.

You Luo was not in a hurry to try. He was a golden immortal. Even without a physical body, he was still very powerful with his soul. The golden immortal was an immortal existence.

You Luo had enough patience to wait for the danger to disappear.

You Luo felt that the world was undergoing drastic changes, which shocked him. A guess came to his mind. He felt that the world was getting bigger.

It seemed that the sky that never changed was rising.

The earth that was generous and tolerant was falling.

You Luo felt that he had an illusion, but the changes in the world were getting bigger and bigger. Although You Luo lost his body, his soul was still there.

Without the shackles of the body.

It made the soul and the world more sensitive. You Luo could feel a lot of information. Originally, You Luo thought he had seen it wrong.

But the sky and the earth were getting farther and farther away.

Let You Luo know that it was not an illusion, but that the world was really getting bigger.

This puzzled You Luo and he didn't understand what was going on.

You Luo thought of the sense of crisis that disappeared, and he felt that the world had undergone some changes.

And the snake of sin also had problems.

The reason why the ancient snake was called the snake of sin was because the ancient snake almost destroyed the cultivation civilization of the world of creation, and also ate all the powerful creatures.

It was called the snake of sin.

You Luo felt a breath of energy enveloping him, which gradually became more and more powerful. You Luo felt that his condition was better than ever before, and finally You Luo fell into a deep sleep.

He was not aware of the outside world at all.

You Luo curled up naturally, as if he had returned to his innate state, feeling in harmony with the sky and responding to all things.

This process was extremely natural.

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