The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 385: The Forty-Eight Innate Divine Forbidden Wheel of Fortune

Luo Hu went to Chaos, pulled the demonic world into the starry sky, placed the world in the west, and wanted to be a neighbor to Yin Zhunti.

Zhunti's face looked a little ugly, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Although Zhunti wants to borrow the power of Rahu...

But I don’t want to get too close to Luo Hu, but I can’t drive Luo Hu away, so I can only let it go.

There are eight more worlds in the starry sky.

Just like there are eight more ancient stars, these vast worlds bloom with infinite brilliance and illuminate the starry sky. Even in the prehistoric continent, you can see the sudden appearance of nine stars.

All living beings find it extremely strange.

I thought it was an hallucination, but as time passes, more and more creatures will become accustomed to it, and creatures born later will think that these eight stars have existed since ancient times.

You don't know that this is the vast world opened up by the Hunyuan Holy One.

Countless people with great supernatural powers and Daluo Jinxian saw this scene and did not understand the meaning of the saint's actions.

But he didn't know that when other saints saw Nuwa put Hongmengtian into the starry sky, if only Hongmengtian was in the starry sky.

Wouldn't they think that Nuwa is the most powerful? If too many sentient beings think that Nuwa is the most powerful, there will be a lot of luck gathering towards Nuwa.

There is a wonderful scene of eight thousand stars shining on the heaven and earth.

Chen Yuan returned to Xuanhua Mountain, and Wangshu was in front of Xuanyuan Taoist Palace, regarding Wangshu's arrival.

Chen Yuan was not surprised.

At this time, there were eight more worlds in the starry sky, which naturally attracted Wang Shu's attention.

As a pinnacle quasi-sage, Wangshu can see a lot of information.

Naturally, he would come to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan said leisurely: "You are here."

Wangshu asked curiously. "I just wanted to ask what impact the emergence of eight great worlds in the world would have."

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "The reason for this incident is because Luo Hu wants to put a vast world into the starry sky.

Even the saints did not believe that Luo Hu had such good intentions. Later, Nuwa verified it and found no harm. "

"The Three Pure Ones also created the world and created three great thousand worlds. At this time, there are Dachitian, Qingweitian, and Yuyutian above the heaven. These three heavens, Haotian must be very angry at this time."

Wang Shu said: "It is useless no matter how unwilling Haotian is. Sanqing will not care about Haotian. In their eyes, Haotian is just an ant."

Chen Yuan agreed very much. In addition, Sanqing and the others believed that they were the Pangu sect, and they would not take the creatures under the saints seriously. Chen Yuan said: "Yes..."

Wangshu asked: "What does Luo Hu mean by putting the world into the starry sky?"

Chen Yuan said: "I'm not sure. I originally wanted to stop him, but the saints have opened up a thousand worlds and put them in the starry sky, so I didn't say anything more."

Wang Shu smiled and said: "Luo Hu is not a weakling. In my opinion, Luo Hu must have his own intentions in doing this. He will not do it if there is no benefit."

Chen Yuan looked deeply and said: "No matter what he thinks, I am not afraid of him."

Wang Shu looked at Chen Yuan seriously and said, "Yuan, why didn't you open up a vast world and put it in the starry sky? I'm very puzzled."

Chen Yuan's candle illuminates the countless heavens.

All time and space.

I saw a world floating in the endless void, and the cyan world membrane protected the world inside.

There is one race among them, it is the Yuan race, a race derived from a drop of Chen Yuan's blood.

It’s just that the Yuan clan is in a bad situation at this time.

Chen Yuan looked at the origin of the world and saw a roulette wheel, turning the heaven and the earth.

The surface of the roulette wheel is extremely mottled.

There are three thousand avenues engraved on it, which seems to be able to create and destroy countless heavens and all time and space.

This is the Wheel of Creation.

The roulette of creation has derived forty-eight innate divine prohibitions, and the innate supreme treasure has forty-nine innate divine prohibitions, leaving only the last innate divine prohibition.

The wheel of creation can become an innate treasure.

How rare the innate treasure is. Although as Chen Yuan's realm gets higher and higher, the help to Chen Yuan will become smaller and smaller, but the preciousness of the innate treasure cannot be doubted.

Precisely because of the innate treasure.

The reason why Chen Yuancai didn't open up the world.

It is naturally not difficult to open up the world, but it will not be of much benefit to Chen Yuan.

The world of creation with the creation roulette is different, it can make the creation roulette more and more powerful.

The wheel of creation can be sublimated into an innate treasure.

This is what Chen Yuan values.

Chen Yuan can open up many worlds, but the innate treasure is different. It is a treasure that he cannot refine.

These treasures can enhance Chen Yuan's strength, and strength is the most important thing in the ancient world.

Chen Yuan had a premonition.

The Fortune Roulette will have a great effect on him in the future, and Chen Yuan doesn't know if his hunch is right.

Even if the hunch is wrong.

It is true that he can obtain an innate treasure, and it is worthy of Chen Yuan to do it.

Chen Yuan said seriously: "I will go to the endless void first. I have something to do."

Wang Shu had no objection and said: "Then you go ahead..."

Chen Yuan left Xuanhua Mountain.

In one step, you reach the endless void. The endless void is very empty. There is only the flow of endless void energy. Fortunately, it can open up the world.

The energy in the endless void is easier to use than the energy of chaos, and Daluo Jinxian can create a world in the endless void.

If there is no endless void.

It is not an easy task for Daluo Jinxian to open up the world.

The energy of the prehistoric continent is highly concentrated and restricted by the three thousand avenues. It is difficult to open up a small thousand world in the prehistoric continent.

Much more difficult than Endless Void.

Back when Chen Yuan was still Daluo Jinxian.

It is to create the world in the endless void and create a small world. Later, when he became a quasi-saint, he sublimated the small world into a middle world.

Chen Yuan entered the world of creation.

Everything in the world of creation in these years flowed through Chen Yuan's heart. Chen Yuan sighed a little. The world of creation at this moment is very desolate, and the middle world also has a great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Under a great catastrophe.

Let the source race be ignorant again. Chen Yuan knew these, but did not intervene.

Chen Yuan is not the nanny of the source race.

Although the source race was bred by a drop of Chen Yuan's blood, it did not occupy too much weight in Chen Yuan's heart.

What's more, as long as the creatures do not become golden immortals, they are creatures that live and die in the morning.

The middle world cannot be compared with the great world. It is very difficult to cultivate to become a golden immortal.

It is not easy to achieve. To become a golden immortal, the creatures must comprehend the great way of heaven and earth, and the great way of heaven and earth in the middle world is incomplete.

Only a few great ways are complete.

But it cannot be compared with the great way of the prehistoric world, which makes it more difficult for living beings to practice.

Chen Yuan looked at the sky and the earth.

In the center of the world of creation, there is an extremely huge snake of sin.

This ancient snake is even bigger than a mountain bee. This is the great catastrophe of the world of creation. The world of creation gave birth to a snake of sin.

The snake of sin is extremely powerful. According to Chen Yuan's observation, it has the power of a Daluo Jinxian, but the snake of sin has no intelligence.

It only acts on instinct.

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