The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 387 Sublimation of the World of Creation

Outside the world.

Heaven beyond heaven.

Chen Yuan mobilized his own magic power, fully activated the power of the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus, and attracted the boundless chaotic energy.

Energy needed for the sublimation of the middle thousand world.

If the world is created by the creation of the universe, it will be easier, and it will be more difficult to sublimate the middle thousand world into the great world.

The middle thousand world has its own world structure, so it will be more difficult to transform the middle thousand world into the great world.

Chen Yuan entered the world of creation.

Chen Yuan sat cross-legged in the world, the supreme creation avenue spread, running the sun, the moon, the universe, and sublimating the middle thousand world into the great world.

The soul felt with the world, and if it noticed any imperfections, it would use magic power to repair them.

Make the world more perfect.

The world of creation gradually underwent subtle changes.

The wheel of creation behind Chen Yuan quietly emerged, exuding the majesty of dominating the world and running the world, as if the creatures in the world could not resist the power of the wheel of creation.

Time passed.

A huge vortex appeared in the chaos, and the boundless chaotic energy went towards the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus. The vortex became larger and larger, with no tendency to stop.

The movement here attracted the attention of the saint.

The saint observed carefully and saw that there was a world in the seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus. The world was sublimating, and he understood what the Creation Heavenly Venerable was doing.

The saint and Luo Hou were a little puzzled.

It was not a difficult thing for the Creation Heavenly Venerable to open up the world of the universe.

But the Creation Heavenly Venerable wanted to sublimate the world of the universe. The saint remembered that when the Creation Heavenly Venerable became a quasi-saint, he sublimated the world of the universe into the middle world.

In the eyes of the saint, perhaps the Creation Heavenly Venerable did not want to open up a new universe.

The saint could only think so, not knowing that there was a Creation Wheel in the Creation World.

It was not that Chen Yuan had any attachment to the Creation World.

The Creation World was getting bigger and bigger.

More and more majestic.

Very suddenly.

As if it was a natural process, the Creation World became the Great Thousand World at a certain moment. There was purple air in the world, and the Source Clan watched this scene.

They are not very civilized now.

What a powerful existence the Sin Snake is, with power close to that of a Golden Immortal.

In the Middle Thousand World.

The power close to that of a Golden Immortal is invincible. Even if the Sin Snake only likes to eat powerful creatures, such a majestic existence.

Slightly exerts its own power.

It will affect an unknown area.

The Source Clan was affected, and civilization suffered a serious setback. There were no powerful people among them. You Luo was the only exception. He no longer appeared on the mountain where the power fluctuations could be hidden.

Only then did they escape, otherwise they would have only one way to die in the face of the Sin Snake.

Even the Golden Immortal was the same.

The surviving Source Clan looked at the floating purple air, not knowing what had happened.

The Creation World became the Great Thousand World.

But Chen Yuan has not stopped yet. The universe also has different sizes. At this time, the universe is still very small, and it cannot be compared with the universe opened up by the two saints in the west.

The seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus was taken back by Chen Yuan.

The Creation World became the universe, and the energy required was extremely huge. The seventeenth-grade Creation Green Lotus was very slow to separate the clear and turbid.

Chen Yuan would do it himself.

The God-killing Spear appeared in Chen Yuan's hand and shot out.

The boundless chaotic air was separated into clear and turbid air. Chen Yuan transformed the clear and turbid air into the Creation World, allowing the Creation World to continue to expand.

Wait until the clear and turbid air is completely transformed into the Creation World.

Chen Yuan continued to use the God-killing Spear to open up the chaos, and transformed the clear and turbid air opened up into the heaven and earth. This process kept repeating.

Until the Creation World reached a relative limit.

Chen Yuan stopped and took the Creation World to the starry sky. Chen Yuan placed the Creation World in the east of the prehistoric starry sky, close to the East China Sea.

Xuanhua Mountain.

Above Qinghua Tianchi.

Qingyu stood by the Tianchi Lake. She looked up and saw a star suddenly appear.

It emitted a wave that was very familiar to Qingyu.

This star was above Xuanhua Mountain. Xuanhua Mountain on the earth echoed with the world of creation in the starry sky, and boundless starlight of creation fell into Xuanhua Mountain.

It pushed away other kinds of starlight.

Let Xuanhua Mountain only have the brilliance of the stars of creation. Qingyu saw Tianzun through endless time and space, and Tianzun's eyes met Qingyu's.

Qingyu understood what happened.

Before, eight great worlds suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and it was not strange for Tianzun of Creation to open up the great world.

Qingyu also took a look at the other seven great worlds, which were blooming with boundless brilliance.

These seven stars were extremely powerful.

They were almost comparable to the moon and the sun.

The moon and the sun were still more powerful. They were supreme stars and contained more than one avenue.

It was transformed from the eyes of the ancestor god Pangu, and Pangu was an existence that surpassed the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

He was an eternal being.

He also comprehended the Three Thousand Great Daos.

The Great Thousand Worlds opened up by the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could not be compared with the Taiyin Star and the Sun Star, which made the saints and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian see Pangu's power more clearly.

I hope to reach Pangu's realm.

The world of creation.

The world of creation in the Great Thousand Worlds is countless times larger than that in the Middle Thousand Worlds. It can no longer be described in words. The Middle Thousand Worlds have made a huge leap to become the Great Thousand Worlds.

But the creatures in the world of creation are very weak.

After all, there is the snake of sin, and living beings can embark on the path of cultivation. It is not lucky, there is a powerful snake of sin.

I don’t know when I will be eaten by the snake of sin.

Become a snack for the snake of sin.

Only the soul of Youluo is left, and he fell into a deep sleep, unaware of everything in the outside world.

Chen Yuan’s eyes turned.

Looking at the place where Youluo was, the situation of Youluo, who was only the soul of Youluo, was very strange.

A group of mysterious gas wrapped Youluo’s soul, and Youluo in it was experiencing a wonderful scene. Chen Yuan knew what it was.

Chen Yuan had also experienced this scene.

It’s just more wonderful than Youluo.

This is the birth of the innate sacredness. The world can also give birth to the innate sacredness, although the innate sacredness of the world is worse than the innate sacredness of the prehistoric world.

But it’s also possible.

Chen Yuan didn’t pay too much attention to the innate sacredness bred in the world of creation. The innate sacredness just has a very high starting point, but it also needs to practice step by step.

It won’t reach the sky in one step.

There are more than one innate sacredness bred in the world of creation.

The reason why so many innate gods are bred is because of the Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune makes the laws of the world more perfect.

That’s why so many innate gods are bred.

The world created by the saints when they created the world.

There won’t be so many innate gods bred.

The starry sky of the world of fortune.

The starry sky of the prehistoric world cannot be seen in the world of fortune. Although the world of fortune looks like a huge star to the prehistoric creatures, the world of fortune is a world with a world membrane.

It’s just that the world of fortune will bloom with infinite brilliance like a star.

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