The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 160 Xuanyuan Dao Palace

Wangshu came to Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

She was not in a good mood today. Seeing the emergence of the Five Saints, she was confused about her own path for a while.

At this time, under her observation, Chen Yuan turned out to be not his true body, but just a spiritual body.

It surprised her.

She hadn't seen Chen Yuan for a long time, and it was usually Chen Yuan who sent her messages.

Chen Yuan explained: "The main body has some things to do, so I left a spiritual thought to sit in the Xuanyuan Dao Palace. You don't have to worry."

Wangshu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "That's good. With the birth of the Five Saints and Nuwa, Hongjun's disciples will all become saints. This Hongmeng Purple Qi is so wonderful."

"It can replace the Hunyuan state, which makes me excited, but no one can get the last burst of Hongmeng Purple Qi, which has always been in Hou Tu's hands."

Chen Yuan said with a smile: "That is natural. In the eyes of the saint, the fewer such existences, the better. It is in the hands of Hou Tu."

"Let them rest assured. The Wu Clan cannot become a saint without its soul."

Wangshu's eyes were deep and he said: "The Witch Clan itself is not weak, and the current Twelve Ancestral Witches are on the road to rival the Quasi-Saints."

"It has gone further. In my opinion, it should be equal to the late stage of Quasi-Saint. It is not far from the peak."

Chen Yuan's eyes seemed to see the extremely distant future, and he said in an incomprehensible tone: "Perhaps in the eyes of the saints, Hou Tu has no hope of achieving the sainthood. It will surprise them in the future, and the ending must be beyond everyone's expectations."

Wang Shu was shocked.

You must know that the saint is beyond the heaven and earth, not among the five elements, has an immortal body, and looks down upon everything in the prehistoric world.

There are very few things that can shock a saint. Wangshu knows that there is no comparison between a quasi-sage and a saint, and there is no possibility of the two sides leapfrogging.

The gap is really too big.

If one is in harmony with the Tao, he can refine the innate treasure. If the other is not in harmony with the Tao, he cannot refine the innate treasure.

Wang Shu asked: "It can shock the saint. Is it possible that this Houtu is expected to achieve the holy status? How is this possible? Without the soul, you cannot achieve enlightenment. This is common sense and will not be broken."

Chen Yuan pretended to be secretive and said leisurely: "As time goes by, the answer will naturally appear in front of you."

Wang was so relieved that she took out her black and yellow sun and moon umbrella, and there was a lunar mirror in the sky.

Xiao Jiujiu is in my heart.

In her opinion, Chen Yuan is the body of spiritual thoughts, not the real body. Now that she is at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, how can she not be able to defeat him.

First he bowed and said: "Senior brother, junior sister has gained something recently and wants to compete with senior brother."

After all, Chen Yuan is just a spiritual body, which is okay for ordinary quasi-sages, but there is no hope against Wang Shu.

A thought came to my mind.

The Xuanyuan Dao Palace, which was originally a vast space, suddenly expanded, and Wangshu found that he seemed to be in the starry sky of the universe.

A feeling of incomparable insignificance emerged.

Wang Shu was extremely shocked to see that it was the 'Zhoutian Star Formation'. This was the ultimate formation of heaven. In her opinion, even if one achieved a higher level, such an formation should not be possible.

She was right.

But the current incarnation of Taiyi Chen Yuan can naturally be learned easily. As for being known by others, it can be said that he has understood it himself.

At this time, Xuanyuan Dao Palace was different.

After becoming the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, Chen Yuan refined one again. This Xuanyuan Dao Palace consumed a lot of innate materials.

It was only after all the seven-color source gold obtained from the West was used up that the Xuanyuan Dao Palace became extremely powerful.

In terms of grades, there are grades of acquired treasures.

It is as powerful as the best innate spiritual treasure, and it is the most powerful treasure refined by Chen Yuan.

At this time, Chen Yuan mobilized all his power, and the infinite starry sky stretched out, extremely gorgeous, and the starlight flowed around him.

Wang Shu was reminded of his past memories again, and Chen Yuan's voice came to his ears.

Chen Yuan was walking in the starry sky, and the mysterious qi movement formed into pearls and smallpox, floating in the starry sky.

Gorgeous and beautiful.

Chen Yuan said quietly: "Junior sister, the secret must not be revealed. You will naturally know it in the future. If I beat you, you will not be able to beat me."

"Even if the main body does not appear, the presence of the Zhoutian Star Formation in Xuanyuan Dao Palace can greatly improve my strength."

The aura of the avenue filled Wangshu's body, opening up a whole world.

The yin and yang avenue flows.

This is Wangshu's own domain, letting herself not be in other people's world, so as to get rid of the oppression of the starry sky world on her.

Opening the black and yellow sun and moon umbrella, the black and yellow light curtain fell.

Protect yourself.

The Taiyin Immortal Mirror, which was originally extremely small, suddenly became extremely huge. The Immortal Mirror filled the Taiyin Avenue, and boundless fluctuations filled the starry sky world.

Blooming with boundless silver brilliance, the offensive power is boundless.

Chen Yuan saw this.

There are not many expressions. The stars in the sky are made by him using the energy of chaos. He doesn't even have to go to the outer sky. There is a lot of chaos energy in the Chaos Pearl.

The Zhoutian Star Formation arranged by Chen Yuan is very different from the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Monster Clan.

The Demon Clan's Zhoutian Star Formation relies on the Zhoutian Star Array from the prehistoric world.

The power is even greater.

The Zhoutian Star Array arranged by Chen Yuan relied on the Zhoutian Stars he refined, and was very similar to the Zhoutian Star Array arranged by Nuwa in the Hongmeng Sky.

The sky is filled with stars.

Chen Yuan's clothes were made extremely gorgeous, with big sleeves fluttering, making Chen Yuan look a bit illusory. After all, he had no real body, just a spiritual thought.

The starlight in the sky collided with the brilliance of the Taiyin Immortal Mirror. Fortunately, Chen Yuan made the Xuanyuan Dao Palace extremely strong.

Otherwise it will explode.

An extremely vast area will inevitably fall into destruction, but such a thing will not happen. Wang Shu also saw that the Xuanyuan Dao Palace was extremely strong.

Only then did he dare to take action like this.

If there were no disciples of Chen Yuan on Xuanhua Mountain, she might not care whether the Xuanyuan Dao Palace was strong or not.

After all, there was no winner in this battle, and the fight suddenly stopped.

Chen Yuan smiled.

I understand Wang Shu's thoughts at this time. Wang Shu's level was still above Chen Yuan's at first, but now he is even worse than Chen Yuan.

If it was a realm that could be broken through normally, Wangshu wouldn't think too much and would just practice harder, but there was a chasm in front of her.

Maybe he won't be able to become a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in his lifetime. Even if Wangshu's Taoist heart is strong, he still feels a little unbearable, which is the last thing a cultivator can accept.

It’s just that it’s difficult to achieve a higher state by yourself.

If one's own realm stays at a certain level forever, the feeling of not being able to progress may be bearable at the beginning.

As time goes by.

It will become increasingly unbearable for cultivators. Even if they face a life and death crisis, it will not be so difficult to accept.

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