The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 161 Xuandu Becomes a Disciple

In Xuanyuan Dao Palace.

Chen Yuan's voice was like a spring in the mountains, saying: "You are my fellow Taoist, I believe you can definitely break through this obstacle and achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Wangshu heard the encouragement and felt like a light shining in his heart. He worriedly said: "Now that there are six saints, they will definitely not want to see too many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

"I am worried that the day I achieve success, the saints will block the way. How can you stop it alone?"

Chen Yuan strolled in the starry sky, stretched out a hand, and counted carefully. How could it be one person? Wait until the day you achieve Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There should be more than one.

It is still possible to stop the saints. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have my support. You don't have to think about these things. Think about how to kill the third corpse."

Wangshu suddenly became angry and the aura on his body became fierce again. It was extremely terrifying. If it was in the outside world, this divine thought.

Of course, he couldn't beat Wangshu, but with the weakened version of the Zhoutian Star Array, it was not difficult to maintain a situation of neither winning nor losing. At this time, the Fusang Staff appeared in his hand.

The Fusang Staff suppressed the Zhoutian Star Array, making the Zhoutian Star Array more powerful. They fought and played for a while.

When Wangshu left.

Chen Yuan sat in the starry sky again, and the starlight condensed into a cushion.

Chen Yuan didn't like the vast starry sky very much. With a thought, he restored the scene of the Xuanyuan Taoist Palace in the past, full of ancient charm.

At this time, Di Jun looked extremely gloomy. He originally thought that it was just a saint who was born, and the heavenly court could deal with Nuwa.

Five saints appeared in one day.

The meaning was absolutely different, which made him want to become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian even more strongly.

"Taiyi, did you think about the situation you are facing now, so you want to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian so much? Only by achieving the same realm."

"Only then can you calmly deal with such a situation. Even if the Heavenly Court is defeated, you can still be safe and sound. At this time, you have to defeat the Wu clan."

"When the luck of the prehistoric world is gathered, you should be able to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Di Jun admired Taiyi in his heart and had a premonition.

Taiyi at this time may be experiencing an unimaginable transformation. The next time they meet, he may be a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

If Taiyi can achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there will be a saint and a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the Heavenly Court, and the power will be even stronger.


The coast of the East China Sea.

The divine light on Laozi's body dissipated, and the pressure of the saint was also restrained. He quietly felt the changes in himself.

Truly achieve the realm of the saint.

Let Laozi understand the difference, especially after it is combined with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, it is even more so. The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth can be called the Xuanhuang Great Dao.

It was Laozi who realized the avenue contained in the exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. He had such a powerful treasure in his hand at that time.

Naturally, he practiced the avenue contained in the exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth in any way that was convenient.

Xuanhuang avenue is a first-class avenue.

It is extremely powerful. After becoming a saint, he became a saint in the second heaven as soon as he broke through. Other saints are in the first heaven.

Only Laozi and Chen Yuan are the same.

It can be seen that Laozi is extraordinary, but Laozi has just entered the second heaven, and Chen Yuan is about to become the third heaven of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

At this time, Xuandu looked at Laozi blankly, and understood that the other party was going to leave, even though he had become a terrestrial immortal.

He also felt extremely sad.

Laozi saw that Xuandu seemed to be about to cry, and took a few steps forward, walked in front of Xuandu, and asked: "Are you willing to worship me as your master?"

Xuandu couldn't believe it.

What kind of existence is a saint? He didn't know anything else, he only knew that Nuwa was a saint, and the old man in front of him was the same as Nuwa.

The other party actually wanted to accept him as a disciple, which made Xuandu unbelievable and stunned for a while.

Suiren saw this scene.

He couldn't help but admire the luck of this young man. From an unknown person to a saint's disciple, he had the foundation to become a great supernatural being.

But Suiren understood that this opportunity was not dropped from the sky, but was grasped by Xuandu himself.

Laozi smiled and said, "You don't want to."

Xuandu came back to his senses. Although his mind was turning, how could he not want to? He said seriously, "Master, please accept my disciple's worship."

Xuandu followed the etiquette of worshiping a master.

Under the gaze of countless human races, he became Taiqing Tianzun, the eldest disciple of the leader of the human religion, and the future Xuandu master.

Laozi looked calm.

He didn't accept Xuandu as a disciple on impulse. He was a congenital saint, transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit. It can be said that Xuandu's qualifications are not good.

Even becoming an earthly immortal.

He achieved this by practicing the ‘Taishang Yiqi Jing’ passed down by Laozi. He couldn’t even practice the exercises passed down by Chen Yuan. There are such creatures among the human race.

In the prehistoric world, it can be expressed by infinite numbers.

Laozi said leisurely: "You will be my disciple in the future. I hope you will practice well and live up to this life."

Xuandu looked at Laozi, who was very familiar and strange at the same time, and said respectfully: "Master, why did you accept me as your disciple? You are a being on par with Nuwa Niangniang. I am just an ordinary human with poor qualifications. I don’t understand."

Laozi looked around and saw the boundless prehistoric world. He said: "You and I are predestined. You can be said to be the creature who has spent the longest time with me since I was born, except for my two junior brothers."

"As for the issue of qualifications, you don't have to worry about it. Qualification only determines your starting point, but not your end point. Look at this stone in my hand. Is it ordinary?"

Xuandu saw a stone in Laozi's hand. It was Laozi sitting cross-legged on the stone. At this time, it became smaller under Laozi's magical power.

Laozi became a saint.

In this process, spiritual wisdom was derived. From a dead object, spiritual wisdom was born. This is the magic of the prehistoric world. Xuandu said: "Ordinary."

Laozi smiled slightly and said: "Even if he is extremely ordinary, there is a possibility of achieving Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although this may be almost impossible, it may still exist."

Xuandu put down his inferiority complex.

Then he saw an extremely magical scene. There was boundless divine light in Laozi's hand, and a large stone in his hand changed in the light.


All kinds of subtle changes that cannot be explained occurred. Suiren, who saw this scene from afar, admired the saint's magical power. He could not see the changes contained in it at all.

He was more in awe of the saint.

He couldn't help but think of his teacher, who was comparable to a saint, but Chen Yuan didn't show his magical powers in front of him.

There is another important point.

Chen Yuan was a divine body in front of him, so some magical powers that only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could show could not be displayed.

This made Suiren underestimate the saint.

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