The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 159 The Five Saints Appear

Kunlun Mountains.

Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, not expecting that their brother had disappeared for a while.

He actually became a saint.

To their surprise, not long ago they were at the peak of quasi-sage, and in the blink of an eye they were saints. Suddenly they felt the purple energy in the sea of ​​consciousness beating.

In an instant, he understood the opportunity to become a saint and established a religion. The thought just came to him, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi was beating incessantly.

Begin to integrate into the soul.

"The way of heaven is above. I am the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. I am the transformation of Pangu Yuanshen. Now I have established a religion, called: 'Chan Jiao'. The one who explains is Ming Ye, and he follows the heaven. He uses the innate treasure Pangu Banner to suppress the luck and explain the teaching. stand."

"The way of heaven is above, and I am the one who reaches the sky. I am the transformation of Pangu Yuanshen. Now I have established a sect, named: 'Jie Jiao'. I intercept the slim chance of life and use the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to suppress the luck, and establish the Jie Jiao."

Above the nine heavens.

There are two rounds of merit falling, which are boundless and magnificent, shaking time and space. The merit enters the body. Yuanshi and Tongtian appear one after another with the three flowers on the top and the five qi in the chest.

The Qi of the whole body is rising steadily.

The path of Tao grows as if there is no end, the merits of opening up the sky are drawn out, and the fruits of the Tao in the long river of the avenue are drawn out one after another.

Once it appears, it merges with its own soul, and from then on the Tao Fruit is the soul.

The soul is the Tao fruit.

Yuan Shi held Jade Ruyi and poured the remaining merits into the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi, turning it into a holy vessel of merits and virtues.

The original treasure of enlightenment.

A sword in Tongtian's hand flashed with green light, and Tongtian injected the remaining merit into it, becoming a holy weapon of merit.

The ultimate treasure of enlightenment.

Sweet rain is falling all over, purple mist is steaming, rays of light are shining all over, the body is filled with auspicious colors, and stars are shining all over the sky.

Visible to the naked eye.

The trees that were about to die of old age were filled with vitality in the blink of an eye, turning into giant trees that towered over the sky, lush and lush. Countless creatures gave birth to spiritual wisdom and took shape one after another.

After Sanqing became a saint.

In the west, there are twelve colors of light suddenly overlapping and overlapping, filling the sky. They are immeasurable light, pure light, boundless light, immeasurable light, wisdom light, liberation light, light beyond the sun and moon..., all kinds of incredible light, mysterious Unpredictable.

Mount Sumeru.

There was a Taoist sitting cross-legged, with a sallow complexion and thin skin. There was white light flowing between his eyebrows. Sitting there was a golden lotus of the twelfth grade blooming with brilliance.

There is also a Taoist.

Holding a branch that is neither green nor white in his hand, the seven-color precious light transpires and shines brightly. He sits cross-legged, held up by the white clouds, and the innate Geng metal energy flows throughout his body.

The nameless power shook the world.

Zhunti received the introduction and saw that the Three Pure Ones became saints, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi in their sea of ​​​​consciousness was beating incessantly. They knew in their hearts that their chance of becoming saints was also in establishing a religion, since they already understood the key to becoming saints.

Of course I won't wait.

Nowadays, there are four saints in the ancient world, and there is also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If you don't become a saint, there may be changes. Only those who truly become saints can avoid accidents.

This is what Zhunti Jieyin thinks and does.

"Today I accept the guidance and establish a sect called the 'Western Religion', which will guide all sentient beings to be kind and free from suffering and worry. I will suppress the fate of the Western Religion with the best innate spiritual treasure, the golden lotus, and the Western Religion will be established."

Heaven has feelings.

The merit fell and was split into two on the way down. As a result, Zhunti Jieyin was disappointed. He thought he could become a saint. In the eyes of those with great supernatural powers, the West also established a great religion.

But to their surprise.

It just lost its merits and did not have the momentum to overwhelm the ancient world, nor did it have the vision of flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses emerging from the ground.

Great psychics are strange.

Jie Yin and Zhunti didn't understand what was going on. It was clear that the Three Pure Ones had become saints, and they all became saints after establishing the Great Religion. How could it be useless to them now?

Could it be that Heaven treats them differently? He shook his head in the blink of an eye, 'How is that possible?'

Zhunti looked anxious and said: "What's going on? Could it be that we can't become saints? It's obvious that the Three Pure Ones have become saints due to merit, and the purple energy in our sea of ​​consciousness is also beating. There is no problem."

Jieyin has always been extremely calm, but he cannot be calm when contemplating things related to sanctification. His mind is spinning and he feels the merits that have fallen.

My realm has increased.

But he didn't become a saint. He suddenly understood what was going on and said: "Junior brother, our merits are not enough. They established three great religions to become saints. I counted them just now."

"They still have the merit of opening up the sky. Not only are they enough, but there is a lot left over. We are different."

Zhunti felt countless spiritual thoughts wandering around and said anxiously: "Senior brother, if we don't become saints today, I'm afraid something will happen in the future and we will be inferior to others."

"It may be life-threatening. The teacher has already joined the Tao and will not show up easily. What's more, we are just registered disciples."

Jie Yin felt that what Zhunti said was reasonable and said: "Junior brother has a way to make both of us saints, but there are obstacles."

Zhunti looked happy and asked, "What's the problem?"

Jie Ying Zhengse said: "This is the method of great aspirations. We don't have this merit, but there are many ways of heaven. As long as we borrow some from heaven, we can naturally achieve the holy status."

Zhunti immediately understood the pros and cons and said: "If we become saints through great aspirations, we will be more restricted by heaven than Sanqing Nuwa, and not as free as Sanqing Nuwa and others."

"We are even worse than Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but as long as we become saints, we will transcend the original pattern. Perhaps it is difficult for quasi-sages to pay off what they owe to heaven, but it can be paid off for saints."

After hearing this, Jie Yin made up his mind and said: "In this case, we will realize the Tao with our great aspirations."

So the two continued to preach.

The voice of great aspirations spread throughout the prehistoric world. This is the power of heaven's blessing. There is no way for a quasi-sage to spread throughout the prehistoric world.

"If I attain supreme Bodhi, attain perfect enlightenment, and live in a Buddha land with immeasurable and inconceivable merits and virtues, there will be no hell..."

"All sentient beings, as well as the flame-māra realm, accept my Dharma transformation and achieve Anutta-samyaksambodhi, supreme enlightenment, and will not fall into the evil realm..."

"If I don't have this wish and don't achieve supreme enlightenment, if I achieve Buddhahood, all sentient beings in the ten directions will truly believe and be happy. If they want to be born in my country, they will have ten thoughts. If they are not born, they will not achieve enlightenment..."

Lots and lots of them.

The two made forty-eight ambitions and founded the Western religion.

In response to the feeling of heaven, boundless merits fell down to make up for the needs of becoming a saint, and boundless pressure filled the heaven and earth.

Five saints in one day.

What a spectacular scene. Perhaps there will be no such scene until the infinitely distant future.

Or maybe there will be a grander picture, and the future is uncertain.

It's unclear.

A saint was born with a shocking vision, let alone five saints. Boundless rain fell on the ancient world, and birds and beasts raised their heads to give birth to spiritual wisdom.

They are all congratulating the saint on his enlightenment.

Chen Yuan watched this scene and had an understanding of the method of great wish. There are many disadvantages in it. How can the merits of the way of heaven be so easy to borrow? The way of heaven is a more powerful existence than a saint.

For Chen Yuan, who aspires to truly transcend the heaven and earth, the less causal involvement with heaven and earth, the better.

Although Chen Yuan has transcended heaven and earth at this time, he has not truly transcended heaven and earth.

You also need to use the prehistoric world to practice. The prehistoric world is better than practicing in chaos.

Much faster.

Perhaps in the future, Chen Yuan will achieve a more supreme state, and then he can truly transcend the prehistoric world. Now Chen Yuan will still be affected by heaven and earth.

Of course, Chen Yuan can also choose to be like Yang Mei.

Go into chaos.

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