Kunlun Mountains.

On this day, I felt that the Hongmeng Purple Qi in my sea of ​​consciousness was beating, after all these years of practice.

I have reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage cultivation.

But the third corpse has not been cut off yet, which made me fully understand the difficulty of cutting off the third corpse.

"I don't know how Teacher Hongjun killed the third corpse." I thought to myself.

After the Hongmeng Purple Qi beat, I was naturally very happy. I also thought about whether it would be before the opportunity to become a saint appeared.

Become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But the difficulty of killing the third corpse made him realize that he had thought too much, and it would be great to become a saint.

Following the guidance of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, I went from Kunlun Mountain to the coast of the East China Sea. After I arrived here, the Hongmeng Purple Qi that was beating in the sea of ​​consciousness stopped moving.

I have no clue.

I was happily preparing to become a saint, but I didn't expect that Hongmeng Ziqi would no longer move.

"There must be some mystery in it. You have to understand it yourself." I thought to myself, not daring to be negligent at all. This is a matter of my own sanctification.

Vast spiritual thoughts spread out.

Covering an extremely vast area, under the attention of the gods, countless human races appeared in his sight, which made his heart move.

The human race should relate to its own opportunities for sanctification, but it is up to them to understand the mystery.

The power in me was restrained by him.

A crutch appeared in his hand. It was no ordinary thing. It was a top-quality innate spiritual treasure crutch, but at this time, the power contained in it could not be seen.

There are still traces left by the years, which are extremely simple. I use my crutches and go to the nearest human tribe. The human tribe is centered on the place where the third ancestor of the human race is.

It is circular and spreads out in all directions. This tribe is closer to the periphery.

At this time, I have gray hair.

Just like an ordinary human old man, when I went to the gathering place, a child saw me limping and quickly threw away the stone in his hand.

He held my arm.

"Old man, why did you leave the tribe alone? At your age, you should stay at home and not go out. There are powerful beasts outside, and there are demons that absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger." The little boy looked about eleven or twelve years old, with a look of great concern on his face.

There was a feeling in my heart that I had never felt before. It was very inexplicable.

He is innately divine.

Incarnated by Pangu Yuanshen, he has infinite life since birth. There are few beings in the prehistoric world who can compare with him.

He looked at the child in front of him.

He is an extremely powerful being at the pinnacle of quasi-sage. His Dharma Eyes observes the child in front of him. The more he observes, the more surprised he is. The body of the child in front of him can be destroyed with just a thought.

But the child's body contains extremely powerful potential, which is given by Pangu Taoism.

It wasn't some creature that took the form. He had not observed the human race carefully before. Now he lowered his attitude and truly understood that Nuwa's becoming a saint was not a fluke.

The opportunity for him to become a saint should be in the human race.

"I am from the nearby Flying Bird Tribe. I accidentally got separated from my tribe. I couldn't tell the direction. After walking for a while, I saw some people here and came here." The Flying Bird Tribe mentioned by Lao Tzu is real.

It was very close to the Gray Stone Tribe. The child had heard of that tribe and had no doubts. The human race at this time was extremely simple.

There was no era of private property.

The child remembered something and said in a childish voice: "I heard that the old people are very knowledgeable, and the people of the Bird Tribe are even smarter. Can you give me a name? The tribe said that I am still young and don't need a name."

The child was just trying. He didn't know that the people of the Bird Tribe were very intelligent. He just wanted a name.

I looked at the child who was supporting me.

Although he does not need support and can hold up a continent with my power and create a thousand worlds, at this time he is acting as an old man from the human race and is ordinary.

They are humans whose souls have not yet been refined.

I thought for a moment and said, "How about you call me 'Xuandu' from now on."

After hearing this, Xuandu was very satisfied and said happily: "I will be called 'Xuandu' from now on. Old man, the Flying Bird Tribe is quite far away from our Gray Stone Tribe. Follow me back to the tribe first, and I will report it." The elder of the clan.”

Then he went to the Gray Stone Tribe with Xuandu.

There are elders from the tribe coming. The elders are in the realm of immortals. Naturally, they can't see my disguise. They are at least a quasi-sage.

After asking me some questions.

I stayed in the Gray Stone Tribe, and I was not idle, thinking about what my chance of becoming a saint was.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Such a short time in the years of my life is just like an instant, but Xuandu has undergone tremendous changes.

Becoming a young man may be the reason why I was brought back to the tribe by him, and he is very close to me.

I often bring some food to see me.

On this day, Xuandu came under a lush tree. I sat on a piece of bluestone. Xuandu noticed that there was a thin flow of light on the bluestone.

Suddenly it disappeared.

Xuandu thought it was his illusion. This big tree grew so densely that it blocked the brilliance of the sun star.

After seeing Laozi, Xuandu walked into the shade of the tree and felt extremely cool. He wondered, "Old man, you haven't changed at all. It seems that old age is just a form for you, not aging. Sometimes I feel that you are an eternal existence, not an ordinary old man."

Laozi is Laozi, not an ordinary existence. Even if he plays an ordinary old man, he is essentially at the peak of quasi-saints. He can become a saint as long as the opportunity comes.

He is also Hongjun's disciple.

How can he be an ordinary existence if he has mastered the innate treasure Tai Chi diagram? Sitting there quietly, motionless, is not something that an old man of the human race can do.

This state of mind is just because Xuandu has too little experience, otherwise he can know from these that the old man in front of him is not an ordinary person.

Laozi looked deep and asked, "Can't you practice? I saw a person of your age practicing and achieved considerable success."

Xuandu's eyes dimmed and suddenly lost their spirit. He said in a hoarse voice, "Although my human race has passed down the skills, not all human race can practice them successfully. Only those extremely extraordinary people can practice them. I can't practice them."

Laozi's eyes seemed to have the sun, moon and stars.

As for the situation Xuandu is facing, he knows very well that the skills of this human race are too good. Although the skills passed down by Tianzun are only the basics.

But it is only the basics for Tianzun.

As for the human race, Laozi can deduce why such a thing happened, the scene when Tianzun taught the human race.

Laozi saw it clearly through the long river of time and fate.

The human race that Tianzun taught was not the human race that was born later, but the human race created by Nuwa. The human race that was born later is two concepts.

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