The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 157 Taishang Yiqijing

The first generation of human race was created by Jiutianxi soil and Sanguang Shenshui.

In addition, under Buzhou Mountain, they also absorbed every trace of Pangu's power, making these first-generation human beings extremely talented, and the subsequent human beings were different.

Reproduced from generation to generation.

There is a phenomenon of reduced qualifications. Xuandu is a human race who cannot practice the techniques left by Tianzun, but can practice some simple breathing and breathing techniques.

Make your body healthier.

Suddenly I was stunned. Seeing that I was suddenly stunned, Xuandu looked at me strangely. He didn't know what happened to the old man. He was fine just now.

Especially when I saw that my eyes had lost their vitality, I quickly put my fingers in front of my nose. How could this possibly test anything? How could I still need to breathe even though I was a quasi-sage.

Xuandu saw this scene.

His eyes suddenly turned red. He didn't expect that the old man who he thought could live for a long time would just die like this.

Xuandu's tears kept falling and couldn't stop, but no sound came out. He had seen such things many times.

But it still made him extremely uncomfortable.

Thoughts were flowing in my mind, and the thought just now cleared away some of the fog in his heart, and he became sure of the opportunity to become a saint.

But there's no rush.

When I returned to the outside world, I saw Xuandu's eyes were red. In a blink of an eye, I understood what was going on, and I felt a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

He was actually thought to be dead.

Xuandu was sad when he suddenly saw my eyes open. Xuandu was startled and said in surprise: "Old man, you are not dead. Why can't you breathe if you are not dead?"

Lao Tzu smiled slightly and said calmly: "I am one with heaven and earth, and live with all things. The breath of heaven, earth and all things is my breath."

Xuandu only felt that it was unfathomable.

Seeing my smile, I immediately understood that the old man in front of me was no ordinary being.

It must be a great and accomplished practitioner who asked for advice: "Old man, I want to practice, but I can't produce magic power."

I thought about it and replied: "How can you cultivate magic power? There is a huge gap between you and the magic power. If there is no ladder for you to walk up, it will be difficult for you to cultivate magic power."

Xuandu didn't know much about cultivation.

He has practiced the skills passed down by Tianzun, but he can't produce magic power and can't detect anything wrong with him.

I noticed it and said calmly: "Your talent is too poor. Although the human body contains vast potential, it also needs to be guided by appropriate techniques."

"The techniques passed down by Tianzun are not suitable for the human race like you that will reproduce later. Only those with extremely strong talents can practice them."

"You can't produce magic power through cultivation. You need to cultivate true energy, which is lower than magic power. This requires appropriate techniques. After practicing true energy, you can sublimate the true energy and finally refine it into magic power."

Xuandu seemed to understand.

He didn't understand the truth contained in it and said that his qualifications were too low to understand. He had no objection. There were many human races with low qualifications. The power contained in the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth and the Three Lights Divine Water.

It will slowly drain away.

Today, there are only a few human beings who can refine magic power, and among the Gray Stone Tribe, there are only a few human beings of the same generation as Xuandu.

Only five humans can refine magic power.

You must know that there are a hundred people of the same age, and this situation is still decreasing year by year. For this reason, the tribe elders are very worried. They don't know where the tribe's way out is, and they often feel sad. Xuandu has seen it a few times.

Xuandu didn't know why, but he was too young after all. The lifespan of the prehistoric human race was nearly a thousand years, and a little practice would extend it. Xuandu was just a little kid in the eyes of the tribe elders.

Xuandu looked extremely gloomy and whispered: "Is it impossible for me to practice in my lifetime? The life span of the human race who cannot practice is only nine hundred years."

"Although you can practice a breathing technique and gain stronger power, it cannot be compared with practitioners. I still want to see the outside world one day."

On the surface, I was talking to Xuandu.

But Yuan Shen entered the deduction, and he wanted to create a cultivation method that could help these humans with increasingly lower qualifications.

You can practice.

Build a ladder for them, so that the human race with low qualifications can have the opportunity to practice to a higher realm. The more I think about it, the more the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the sea of ​​consciousness beats.

Many days passed.

I have tried many methods. This is the first time in the world. Although the human race has the Pangu Dao body, the human race can be extremely weak.

Unlike the dragon and phoenix tribes, Qilin is born with extraordinary strength, and there are also people in the human race who are born with extraordinary strength.

But such human races are extremely rare.

It will become rarer as time goes on, and the human race will become more and more ordinary. This allows me to see that Tao can be extremely ordinary, or it can be high in the ninth heaven. Weak people can pass through cultivation.

Can become very powerful.

"I can't use the idea of ​​alchemy to solve this problem."

This idea flashed through my mind, and I started trying it in a blink of an eye, and finally succeeded in creating a method suitable for the human race.

This time, I spent several years deducing the technique. Xuandu occasionally came here to see me.

this day.

Xuandu came under the big tree and saw Lao Tzu. The moment he saw it, an extremely mysterious Tao method appeared in his mind, a method of cultivating true energy.

There are several realms.

Practicing Qi, building foundation, golden elixir, Nascent Soul, and finally being able to refine the primordial spirit and become a terrestrial immortal, this is a ladder that allows the low-qualified human race to avoid stepping into the air.

You can also prolong your life through cultivation, perhaps two realms lower than those who have cultivated mana from the beginning and become a golden elixir.

But the realm that can be reached in the end is the same.

There are not many realms created by Laozi, but they fill the gaps of the human race. There are only four, and they are all extremely weak realms.

Xuandu had a method called "Taishang Yiqi Jing" in his mind. According to the method, Xuandu became a Qi Refining Stage on the first day of cultivation. If in a weaker world.

A Qi Refining Stage existence.

Maybe it can increase a lot of strength. For Xuandu, there is no change. His body is not weak. Born in an environment of innate spiritual energy,

How can he be weak?

Although there is no increase in strength, Xuandu's heart is full of hope, which means that he can also practice, and he looks at Laozi with great gratitude.

Laozi is also very satisfied.

Xuandu was the one who experimented with his skills. Of course, he had no intention of harming Xuandu, given his peak quasi-saint realm.

It was easy to save Xuandu. In fact, Xuandu didn't know that he had made many mistakes in the process of cultivation.

But he was saved by Laozi.

By the way, he changed Xuandu's memory into a more perfect "Taishang Yiqi Jing". This happened many times, making Laozi's "Taishang Yiqi Jing" more perfect.

Fifty years have passed.

Xuandu became a terrestrial immortal. His changes over the years were not known to the Gray Stone Tribe. It was Laozi who told him not to show it.

Laozi sat cross-legged under the tree.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes. He finally sorted out the skills. In the realm above the terrestrial immortal, there was no need for such experiments. Only the realm below the terrestrial immortal.

It needed to be perfected in this way.

Laozi had several versions of "Taishang Yiqi Jing" in his mind, which could be cultivated to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Thanks to: , ゼロツー, Feng_Zong, Feng YunRUMO, Dao Sui Yuan End, Wolf Nest☆Aoyu for their rewards.

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