The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 155 The human race increases a hundredfold

Then Renshi returned to the human race.

He summoned all the people of the tribe. Although there were only three Daluo Jinxian in the human race at this time, there were more than a dozen Taiyi Jinxian.

They all made contributions to the human race over the years, gained merits, and raised their own realm to the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. After hearing Suirenshi's order.

There was no neglect. Suirenshi was the first human race, the most powerful existence among the human race, and the disciple of Tianzun.

No matter which one, they respected them very much.

In addition to these human races who achieved higher realms through merits, there were also human races who practiced by themselves, but the cultivation of these human races was generally not high.

Suirenshi valued these human races who practiced by themselves. Merits were a minority after all. Although he became a Daluo Jinxian by merits, he understood that merits were not infinite.

Achieving a higher realm through practice.

That was the way out for the human race in the future. Suirenshi did not migrate immediately. He planned the route with Youchaoshi and Ziyishi in the long river of time and fate, and tried to choose a safe route. This can reduce the casualties of the human race. Under the careful planning of the three people, the migration operation began.

Going to the coast of the East China Sea mentioned by Tianzun, it is not that no one has suggested going to a closer place, but it has not been passed.

Suirenshi was the first to strongly oppose it.

He naturally knew that if he chose a slightly closer place, the whole plan would be much smoother, but he also knew that his current realm could not be compared with that of his master. If he chose a place that was safe on the surface, but there were hidden dangers lurking.

It would be extremely dangerous.

With such an idea, he would naturally not change his goal casually.

The road to migration is naturally not smooth sailing. If the action is taken earlier, it will be safer. At this time, there is an emperor flowing juice hanging between heaven and earth in the prehistoric world.

Countless monsters were born.

Let the creatures that originally did not have much cultivation become more advanced, and make the creatures in the prehistoric world more numerous.

If it was just some monsters with low realms.

Suirenshi would naturally not take action. The human cultivators could deal with these monsters, but there were also extremely powerful beings attacking the human race, which would cause extremely huge casualties.

There are also sudden changes in the climate along the way, which can take the lives of humans.

There are also poisonous snakes and poisonous insects lurking on the ground.

When ordinary humans pass by, they suddenly bite people, which will also cause casualties. All kinds of strange things keep happening, and humans keep falling down. Even so.

We must keep going.

Since we have walked out of the forbidden law of the Queen Nuwa, we will not hesitate and go forward to the coast of the East China Sea.

Such actions will undoubtedly attract the attention of the great supernatural powers.

But after seeing that it is the human race, they all stopped and did not make any moves. The human race is not an ordinary race, although its strength is not so outstanding in the current prehistoric world.

There is not even a quasi-saint.

But behind him is the shadow of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, created by the Saint Nuwa. Before clarifying the attitudes of these two, naturally there will be no big moves against the human race.

Otherwise, one day, the Heavenly Venerable or the Saint will come to talk to me.

This journey was extremely long. Even ordinary people, who had a lifespan of nearly a thousand years, died of old age without seeing the human race on the shore of the East China Sea, and did not see the human race's new home.

Seeing this scene, Suiren sighed in his heart.

The time of acquired life is limited, and it may be extended, but it is still limited. Only by becoming an innate life can one become an infinite existence.

Innate life is a golden immortal.

But it is extremely difficult to cultivate a golden immortal. If you comprehend a certain avenue to a certain degree and form a Dao fruit, you can live as long as the heaven and the earth.

There are less than a hundred golden immortals in the human race now.

Some ordinary human race sighed that after walking for most of their lives, they finally arrived at their new home.

The shore of the East China Sea is extremely vast.

The mountains are not high, there are many plains, the terrain is extremely flat, and the climate is stable. Countless human races arrived at the shore of the East China Sea, and they felt that their eyes were already filled with tears and they cried bitterly.

But seeing the new home.

I feel that all the efforts are worth it. I can reproduce and thrive in the new home. The outside is an extremely free world, although it is still dangerous.

But it is much safer than Mount Buzhou.

The number of human beings has been reduced by 30% along the way. This is a catastrophe for the human race. After surviving it, boundless luck will gather and make the luck of the human race even greater.

The significance of this is extraordinary.

It represents that the human race has stepped out of the old pattern and established a new pattern. Although it is extremely safe in Buzhou Mountain, the upper limit of development is doomed. If the human race has been content with the status quo.

Even if it is favored by the heaven.

One day it will be abandoned by the heaven. It is not that the heaven does not favor it, but that the human race cannot bear the favor of the heaven.

Suiren illuminated the world and saw an extremely distant place, which was Xuanhua Mountain.

The vast divine thoughts filled the world.

The vast majesty shook the time and space. Although the quasi-Christmas was born, the gold content of the Daluo Jinxian was much smaller.

But it is still an extremely powerful creature in the prehistoric world. In Suiren's perception, there is only one Daluo Jinxian in the billions of miles nearby.

After releasing the breath, it was collected, indicating that there are strong people here.


A Yuanhui has passed.

The human race has undergone tremendous changes. Not only has the number recovered, but it has also increased significantly, a hundredfold increase.

The vast coast of the East China Sea is very suitable for the reproduction of the human race.

It contains abundant food, but the dangers encountered are more numerous than when they were under Mount Buzhou, and there is no longer the Queen Nuwa's magic ban.

With Nuwa's strength, it is completely possible to arrange magic bans to cover the coast of the East China Sea. After all, Nuwa is not the nanny of the human race.

Let's say there is a witch tribe nearby, and the form of the witch tribe is very similar to that of the human race.

Hongjun said.

The demons control the sky and the witches control the earth. The twelve ancestors no longer live near Pangu Temple, but are scattered. There is nothing they can do. Ordinary witches need a lot of food.

If they live in a group in one place.

The creatures in this place will be very rare. The demons are not fools. They will go to places where there are no witches. Now the figures of the witches can be seen everywhere on the earth.

With Pangu Temple as the center, the twelve ancestors are scattered, which allows the strength of the witches to increase more rapidly.

Near the human race is the Houtu tribe.

It is the luck of the human race. Houtu's temperament is relatively mild. At the beginning, some witches thought that the human race was a demon, but they saw that the human race did not have any incarnation.

Later, Hou Tu, the ancestor witch, knew about this.

Although they could not enter the long river of time and fate, the witch clan had their own methods for the changes in the world, and some successful Daluo Jinxian would work for the witch clan.

So that the witch clan would not be blind.

Hou Tu was wary of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the saints behind the human race, so she ordered not to go to the human race.

But all living beings are curious.

The curiosity of the witch clan, who had nothing to do every day, was even stronger. They said to themselves that they were just going to take a look and would not harm the human race there, but this look was incredible.

They fell in love with a human woman, and a human-witch hybrid was born, especially the offspring had a primordial spirit.

This matter alarmed Hou Tu, and Hou Tu revoked the order not to allow the witch clan to go to the human race, and a large number of human-witch hybrids were born.

Some of these hybrids stayed in the human race.

Some went to the witch clan, which allowed the two races to have a deeper exchange, and Suirenshi had no way to stop it.

But in today's prehistoric world, the Witch Clan is the overlord of the earth, so naturally they don't need to ask for the opinions of the human race.

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