The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 133 Threatening Fuxi

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches want to completely eliminate the demon clan.

But they could not disobey Hongjun's order. The two sides left the battlefield, and the demon clan returned to the heaven.

Fuxi, who arrived at this time, saw the heavy casualties of the demon clan and said: "Emperor of Heaven, Nuwa and I failed to rush to the scene, which is why the power of the Zhoutian Star Formation was weakened."

Di Jun looked at Fu Xi and said: "This is a private matter. I never thought that the Wu Clan would have such a treasure that could hide their whereabouts, so that we were not aware of it. Otherwise, our personnel would not be broken down so easily."

Fuxi told the results of the Zhoutian Star Array he once deduced: "Two of the stars in this Zhoutian Star Array are the most important. The Emperor of Heaven and the Lord of the East Emperor, the Sun and Taiyin, cannot mobilize all their power. If there is a Taiyin, Goddess is even more perfect.”

Taiyi said: "Among the Taiyin Stars, there are two goddesses who can be invited to join the Heavenly Court, so that the power of the Zhoutian Star Array can be displayed even more powerfully."

Fuxi thought for a while and said: "It's just a matter of who invites you. If you are not noble enough, I'm afraid I won't be able to invite you."

Nuwa stood up at this time, with a hydrangea in her hand, and said: "This is the red hydrangea given to me by Taoist ancestors to establish a heavenly marriage. If there is no merit, it is better for the emperor to marry one of the goddesses and make her the queen of heaven." Can."

The people here are all loud and clear.

They have been single for millions of years. If Nuwa hadn't proposed it, they wouldn't have thought about getting a wife.

Di Jun said: "Marrying a wife is still the goddess of Taiyin. I have been to Taiyin Star before and met two of the goddesses. I may not agree."

Taiyi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't have the Emperor of Heaven.

Otherwise, Fuxi would definitely trick him into marrying a wife. Originally, Fuxi wanted to marry two lunar goddesses.

It was just right to match Di Jun and Tai Yi, but there was a very subtle voice in Fu Xi's ear, which was Tai Yi's threat, so Fu Xi had to swallow what he said.

Nuwa said: "The Emperor of Heaven can go to Taiyin Star more often to get familiar with it before making plans for the future."

Di Jun nodded, indicating that he understood what Nuwa meant, and then changed the topic and said: "Hongjun came to save us this time, but I can't understand why Hongjun came to save us. Although the Heavenly Court has his approval, the saint's history Indestructible for all eternity, and Hongjun has already joined the Tao, I can’t figure it out.”

Taiyi said quietly: "If we are destroyed by the Wu Clan, then the Wu Clan will dominate the world. If we don't have the realm of saints, the Wu Clan can live and kill in the prehistoric world."

Di Jun said: "This Pangu's real body is too powerful. Although our Zhoutian Star Formation is not bad, its power is scattered. Unlike Pangu's real body, whose power is incomparably condensed. With one axe, the supreme edge cuts through the world. , it’s hard to resist.”

As soon as these words came out, Kunpeng next to him nodded. Kunpeng said sadly: "I have carefully observed the formation of the twelve gods. If one ancestral wizard is missing, the twelve gods will be destroyed." The evil formation cannot be arranged."

Upon hearing this, Emperor Jun's eyes lit up.

Since my Zhoutian Star Formation is not as good as your Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

If your Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation were destroyed, wouldn't you Twelve Ancestral Witches be nothing but mermaids?

I couldn't help but look at Kunpeng with admiration.

Looking at the sinister expression on his face, Di Jun would be very worried if there wasn't a soul in the demon summoning flag.

In Pangu Hall.

This temple is extremely simple, and ordinary innate spiritual treasures cannot be used by the witch clan, but this treasure is an exception. It can be driven by the divine power of the whole body without any sacrifice.

This was how he was able to escape the pursuit of the demon clan by relying on Pangu Palace.

At this time, Pangu was located near Mount Buzhou, and the demon clan nearby had been cleared away by them. Among the countless demon clans on the earth, there were powerful demon clans.

Use the treasures that contain the cave world to collect the demon clan into the cave world and bring them into the heaven.

The heaven is extremely vast.

There are countless star powers flowing into the heaven from the boundless starry sky, making the heaven extremely suitable for cultivation.

Let some demon clan with extremely low realm.

On the contrary, I am extremely happy. The speed of cultivation in the heaven is faster, which is not comparable to that in the ancient continent.

The heaven is originally a time and space formed by the innate pure energy.

It is extremely suitable for cultivating the soul, but it is not of great benefit to the Witch Clan.

The cultivation of the Wu Clan requires turbid energy, earth energy, and evil energy, which are not the same as practicing the Dao of Yuanshen.

The countless demon clans on the earth were almost completely wiped out.

The Wu clan does not worry about running out of food. With the innate spiritual energy in the prehistoric world, all spirits are born with spiritual wisdom and embark on the path of cultivation at every moment.

These newly born beings are not very helpful to the Witch Clan and cannot be compared with those Monster Clan who have been practicing for a long time.

In Pangu Hall.

The twelve ancestral witches looked solemn and seemed to have won.

However, the demon clan was not truly eliminated, especially the appearance of Hongjun in the end, which made them thoroughly see the truth of the saying that all saints are just ants.

When they heard this statement from other great supernatural beings before, they sneered at it.

I didn’t pay too much attention to it, just according to my previous state.

Even if it is one level higher, it will be extremely powerful, but relying on the twelve capitals of the gods, it can fight beyond the level, which is no problem.

I thought that this saint was just a little stronger in this realm, but I didn't expect that he was so powerful.

Gonggong said: "All those below the saints are ants. It is just an exaggerated statement of the innate saints in the prehistoric world. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. The real body of Pangu we formed can break the Zhoutian star formation, but it was easily resisted by Hongjun."

Hou Tu said: "We maintain the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons formation and exert such a huge force. Even the body of the ancestor witch is extremely burdened. After nine Yuanhui, at that time, the power of the demon clan will increase a lot. We must be more powerful than him, otherwise we will be defeated by them."

Gonggong laughed and said: "How is this possible? Our real body of Pangu is so powerful. I am afraid that Nuwa will become a saint. If the power of the saint is used to deal with us, we will not be able to resist much. The power of the Dao. "

Gonggong's words made the ancestors of witches silent. This is a very likely thing. Dijiang said: "We ancestors of witches want to reach a state comparable to that of saints. We don't know what method can achieve it. We just comprehend the laws of the Dao. They, the quasi-saints, can entrust the Dao fruit to the long river of the Dao. We can't do this. Fortunately, we are in perfect harmony with our respective Daos. "

"Even if we don't entrust the laws, we can easily comprehend the laws of the Dao. If we comprehend our respective Dao laws to an extremely high level, we can't achieve a state similar to that of a saint."

The mysterious Dao of Time that Zhu Jiuyin accompanied has an extraordinary status among the witch ancestors. He said: "There are incomplete parts in our Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, and there is no record of a state comparable to that of a saint. "

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