The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 132 Hongjun Daozu

But Pangu was so powerful.

Taiyi only restrained Pangu's true form, but could not stop it. Countless demon clans were still destroyed.

Even among Daluo Jinxian's demon clan in the main formation, many died.

The other demon clans are considered dead.

It can also be completed within a short period of time, but the Demon Saint of Daluo Jinxian is different.

He has a high status in heaven.

The star flag can activate the power of the stars in the sky, which is really powerful.

Daluo Jinxian is an existence that transcends the long river of time and destiny.

You don't just want to achieve something, you can achieve it. It takes a long time to practice before you have the opportunity. But if you have the opportunity, you may not be able to succeed.

This time, the real power of Heaven has not yet arrived.

Fuxi and Nuwa are not here, after all, what they have to do this time is not so glorious.

It was Emperor Jun who wanted to seize Hongyun's Hongmeng Purple Qi, but he didn't call the two of them in advance.

If Fuxi and Nuwa were here, the situation would be much better.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful ax light struck Kunpeng. Kunpeng was hit and one of his arms was cut off.

Kunpeng looked at the Wu Clan with an expression of great hatred. He was a little distracted during the battle, but he didn't take it too seriously. He didn't expect that the Wu Clan was so blind.

As a quasi-sage, missing an arm is not an important thing.

But with the coming power of the ax light, Kunpeng's face turned ugly and he was unable to heal.

The evil spirit of the gods remains on it. This evil spirit of the gods has a strong restraint on the existence of cultivating the way of the soul.

Kunpeng had no fear.

The incomparably huge surge of magic power finally drove away the evil spirit of the gods, but he also suffered extremely serious injuries.

After a little recovery, there was boundless divine thunder in the sky and on the earth.

Instead of rushing towards Pangu's true body, Kunpeng knew that his divine thunder would not pose much of a threat to Pangu's true body.

But it was different for the Wu clan who were guarded by Pangu's true body. For them, they were extremely powerful beings.

The boundless divine thunder formed a blazing sea of ​​thunder where the Witch Clan was.

There was extremely bright lightning everywhere, and its power was so powerful that the mind could not see clearly inside. This made the twelve ancestral witches extremely angry.

Kunpeng was extremely satisfied.

At least tens of millions of Wu clansmen inside have perished. He left the place in an instant and did such a thing. Why not leave?

Where Kunpeng was before, an extremely bright ax light appeared.

It was more powerful than the one that attacked Kunpeng just now. Fortunately, Kunpeng avoided it in time, otherwise he would have suffered extremely serious injuries.

Kunpeng was targeted by Pangu's true form, and extremely powerful ax lights kept attacking him.

If it weren't for Taiyi's help, Kunpeng would have died, which made Kunpeng even more shocked by the power of Pangu's true form.

He began to think about how to weaken the power of Pangu's true body.

Originally, Heavenly Court's Zhoutian Star Formation was also extremely powerful, but it was not comparable to the Wu Clan's Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation.

The reason is that the power is not concentrated enough. Although it is huge, it is very scattered.

The demon clan suffered heavy casualties, and there was no doubt about the power of Pangu's true form composed of the witch feet of the twelve ancestors.

At this time.

There are flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses emerging from the ground, and boundless auspiciousness permeating the heaven and earth, purifying the evil spirits on the battlefield and filling it with tranquility.

Such a sight shocked those who observed it.

Because there is an extremely powerful aura permeating it, and the owner of the aura is Hongjun.

Hongjun appeared.

Taiyi saw Hongjun's expression was extremely indifferent, he didn't seem to have much emotion, and he didn't have much in common with the Hongjun he had seen before.

If it weren't for the same skin, they wouldn't be considered the same person.

"The war between the lich and the demons resulted in heavy casualties among all the souls. Within the nine Yuanhui, demons control the sky and witches control the earth." Hongjun's voice did not seem loud.

But it has a boundless and mysterious meaning that cannot be ignored by countless beings.

Pangu's real body made a loud voice and said: "We, the Witch Clan, are not convinced. As long as we kill the Demon Clan this time, our Witch Clan can manage the prehistoric world and dominate Yunei."

Hongjun's voice was extremely cold and he said: "I am not discussing with you, but informing you."

Pangu's real body spread the word and said: "You have the grace to preach to the great supernatural beings in the ancient world, but you have no such kindness to my witch clan."

"We, the Witch Clan, don't have to listen to you. Since ancient times, the world has always respected the strong. As long as you are stronger than me, you can naturally make decisions, and we, the Witch Clan, will abide by it."

Even those with great supernatural powers are not optimistic about the witch clan.

You must know that all saints are ants, and Hongjun is a saint in the prehistoric world who can mobilize the power of heaven.

He had boundless divine power when he first became enlightened.

Boundless visions filled the prehistoric world, and there was no place without visions. Although the Wu Clan's Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation was extremely powerful, it had to be compared with Hongjun.

In the minds of those with great supernatural powers, they are incomparable.

Hongjun had nothing in his hand, but there was an inexplicable energy filling the world.

There seemed to be a prehistoric world running in his eyes.

The indescribable power makes those with great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world feel awe-inspiring and feel indescribable and irresistible.

This is the first time Hongjun has taken action in the prehistoric world since he became a saint.

People with great supernatural powers want to see what mysteries are about saints, so that all the saints are like ants.

Pangu's true body has immeasurable power.

There is boundless power surging, the power of opening the sky is filled, and the divine ax that flashes black light dances into the air.

Used by Pangu's inherited Sky-Opening Ax Technique, the power exerted by Pangu's true body at this moment is extremely powerful.

Even more powerful than when he fought against Heaven.

Let the person with great supernatural powers watching this say to himself: "It's really so powerful. If I were there, facing such power, I would die in the blink of an eye."

Hongjun stretched out a finger and there was a change in the way of heaven.

After dissipating the light of the ax, without stopping, he pointed at Pangu's true body.

Inexplicable power enveloped Pangu's true body. The huge Pangu's true body disappeared, and twelve ancestral witches appeared on the ground.

The aura on his body was exhausted, Pangu's real body was not an ordinary thing.

It is the Kaitian Ancestral God who needs boundless strength to reproduce such a form, which is not an easy task for the Ancestral Witch.

"You can wait and be convinced." Hongjun's cold voice came.

If the Twelve Ancestral Witches didn't believe in the power of the saint before.

Not only they are great supernatural powers.

There will also be some who don't believe it, but after Hongjun shows his boundless power this time, he will be even more eager for the position of saint.

In their eyes, Pangu's true form was extremely powerful.

It was easily solved by the saint, and the gap was extremely huge.

Hongjun saw that the Wu clan had no objection, and his figure became illusive.

The person with great supernatural powers couldn't see clearly how Hongjun left, and just disappeared into the void.

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