The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 134: Achieving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian

Di Jiang said: "I do have an idea. We can refine the twelve Dutian Shensha Banners, which can share the damage and burden we have suffered, so that the power of Pangu's true body can be exerted even more powerfully."

Zhu Jiuyin said: "This is a very good method. You can give it a try. Sister Houtu, that ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi you grabbed is so mysterious that it can actually achieve enlightenment and become a saint."

Hou Tu touched his head and said: "The Hongmeng Purple Qi is still spinning around on the ground, emitting a hazy light, but I can't feel that it is of any use."

Di Jiang said speechlessly: "The existence of their cultivating souls can reach the realm of saints with the help of the Hongmeng Purple Qi. Hou Tu, you have to be careful. Those with great supernatural powers would not touch you in the past, but it is different now."

Hou Tu understood Di Jiang's worry that the position of the supreme saint would allow some beings to disregard their own safety and said: "Then those with great supernatural powers who dare to come will never come back."

The long river of the great road of creation

At this time, it was already two yuan meetings later.

Boundless mystical meaning pervades the great avenue of creation.

On this day, Chen Yuan finally walked through all the steps and stood in front of the last step. Looking back, he seemed to see his own life. This step took him to the great road of creation in the future world.

There will be no more living beings who can realize the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Take this step.

He will be indispensable for endless years to come, and no one can ignore or forget him.

Taking this step is to exist with the Tao, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Yuanshen and Daoguo came to the outside world, and the lotus under their feet bloomed with three thousand lotus leaves.

Incomparably mysterious Qi permeates the heaven and earth, and the Tao Fruit is becoming empty, as if it has become light, becoming an indescribable thing, and melting into Chen Yuan's soul.

Combined with Chen Yuan's vast soul, Chen Yuan seemed to have become the source of Tao, and the energy in his body became more and more powerful.

From now on, the Dao Fruit is the Yuan Shen, and the Yuan Shen is the Dao Fruit, as if the Yuan Shen has become part of the great road of creation.

The power of the Avenue of Creation can be exerted to an unprecedented level. In the past, the soul could not withstand the powerful Avenue of Creation, and there was only a dead end for rashly combining it.

Only when the Yuan Shen is extremely powerful and possesses the Hunyuan state can the fusion be successful.

The soul enters the sea of ​​consciousness, and the boundless spiritual energy of heaven and earth is sucked into Chen Yuan's body.

The Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is like a world, requiring extremely huge energy and absorbing infinite amounts of innate spiritual energy.

Chen Yuan clearly understood that the more innate spiritual energy absorbed from the prehistoric world, the more karma he would owe to the prehistoric world.

There is a bead in Chen Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and the chaotic air flows down. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can absorb the chaotic air to replenish himself.

The boundless energy of chaos is falling. It is more difficult to refine the energy of chaos. It is more difficult than absorbing the innate spiritual energy.

But the energy of chaos is more advanced.

The energy contained is extremely huge and cannot be compared with innate spiritual energy.

Suddenly, murderous intent strikes.

The long river of time and destiny is turbulent, alarming countless existences, alarming the great supernatural powers of the prehistoric world, and the heaven of the witch clan.

Even Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace of Tianwaitian cast his gaze.

I just feel that the avenue of creation between heaven and earth is more active than ever before, as if a supreme being is about to appear, and inexplicable energy is falling down on the ancient world, and there are flowers falling from the sky.

Wangshu stood up in Xuanxia Mountain. Such a scene made her uneasy. She sensed a familiar aura and couldn't help but think of what Chen Yuan once said.

He is sure to attain the enlightenment of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

She thought at that time that even if she could achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, it would still take an extremely long time. Seeing such a vision at this time, Chen Yuan might be able to achieve the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Wang Shu saw Chen Yuan walking out, without stopping at Xuanhua Mountain, and headed towards an extremely distant place.

Chen Yuan arrived at a place where there were no living creatures, and when he saw the silence all around him, Chen Yuan nodded.

Through the long river of time and destiny, countless spiritual thoughts saw an incomparably majestic figure, with the Avenue of Creation flowing around him, as if he were one with the Avenue of Creation. Seeing him was like seeing the Avenue of Creation.

Those with great supernatural powers are no strangers to Chen Yuan. Maybe Chen Yuan is not familiar with them, but they are very familiar with Chen Yuan.

While Chen Yuan was one of the earliest beings to achieve quasi-sage status in the Zixiao Palace, Chen Yuan was powerful to other people with great supernatural powers.

At this time, when I saw Chen Yuan's body, there was an indescribable energy, which was somewhat similar to Hongjun's energy. It gave people the same irresistible feeling, and an idea popped up in my mind.

"Do you want to become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?"

He was extremely shocked that he was actually ahead of Hongjun's disciples.

Kunlun Mountains.

Lao Tzu said: "Is it possible to become a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian? Although there is no Hongmeng Purple Qi, you can still become a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but it will be extremely difficult and requires a long period of accumulation. In terms of time, it is those of us who have the ability." The existence of Hongmeng Ziqi will be the first to achieve this state."

Yuanshi was extremely shocked and said: "Yes, it seems that there are always some unique existences in the ancient world. Maybe this Taoist Xuanyuan is the unique existence."

Tongtian saw the figure standing under the calamity cloud and said: "There is a calamity to achieve the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. In the ancient world, there has never been a calamity to break through the realm, but there is a calamity to become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian. This can only show that This state is too heaven-defying, with the ability to be immortal and immortal.”

Laozi said: "We must work hard to cultivate and strive to achieve the status of a saint as soon as possible, and see how powerful this realm is. There is a saying that those below the saint are all ants."

Tongtian said: "I hope I can achieve it sooner."


Di Jun was extremely shocked. There was actually someone who achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian without relying on the Hongmeng Purple Qi. He was shocked and said: "Another transcendent existence will appear between heaven and earth. I wonder if I have the hope to enter this realm."

Taiyi sensed Chen Yuan. He was not surprised that Chen Yuan achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Cutting off the future body paved the way to enlightenment.

It was just that he lacked the understanding of the Great Dao of Creation.

After a period of cultivation, he successfully broke through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. At this time, the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation descended.

This Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation was personally sent down by the Heavenly Dao. He could not help but think of something, and thought to himself: "In the future, when the Taoists in the world set up Heavenly Tribulation, they will definitely be able to obtain boundless merits, and the merits will continue to flow. This was originally an opportunity for Hongyun to become a saint, but he was not strong enough and could not grasp this opportunity, so it became a crisis."

In the blood sea of ​​Wuzhuang Temple, everyone was shocked.

These did not affect Chen Yuan who was standing below. There were boundless clouds of disasters gathering above, which was the Heavenly Dao of the prehistoric world sending down the disaster. If you pass it, you will transcend the heaven and earth.

Needless to say, failure.

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