The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 103 Pangu's True Body

The twelve ancestral witches began to disappear.

Pangu's shadow became real, the gold and silver colors in his eyes disappeared, his eyes were in chaos, and he couldn't see clearly or distinguish between them.

Chen Yuan and Wang Shu are in the prehistoric world.

Through the long river of time and destiny, it is heading here, but it is unclear. There is a grand collision of energy, but Chen Yuan has another way.

A ray of his will fell on Tai Yi and said: "I think this Pangu's true body is extremely powerful, this legendary formation of twelve gods."

"It can form Pangu's true body. The look in his eyes just now really made me think that Pangu was looking at the world he created."

Taiyi and Chen Yuan said: "No matter how powerful they are, they have not yet reached a state comparable to that of a quasi-sage. The power that Pangu's true body can exert will not be that powerful."

Chen Yuan nodded and said: "Be careful and don't end up in trouble, otherwise I will master two innate treasures."

Taiyi said: "Thank you very much for your concern. The two innate treasures require extremely powerful mana. They are too energy-consuming. There is no need to bother me."

outside world.

There is a divine ax condensed in Pangu's true skill, flashing with boundless sharpness, which seems to be able to cut through all things in the world, making those with great supernatural powers who are not too far away feel that their soul body is about to be cut open.

The vast ripples of the Chaos Bell spread, and the power of the divine ax in Pangu's true body and the Chaos Bell collided together, and the ripples of the collision produced extremely powerful power.

Di Jun saw this scene.

An extremely vast sun essence wheel rose above the head, like a sun rising, attacking Pangu's true body.

The power of the Twelve Capital Gods and Evil Formation is incomparably vast. Even the twelve Daluo Golden Immortals are just a bastard in front of a quasi-sage.

Here you can actually face two quasi-sages.

The Wu clan became completely famous, and countless people with great supernatural powers knew that this extremely powerful clan was made of Pangu's essence and blood and had boundless power.

Pangu's real body fought with Di Jun and Taiyi, and gradually left the heaven and went to the prehistoric world through the passage of Buzhou Mountain.

Under the guidance of Taiyi, the treasure palaces and heavenly palaces in this heaven were built with countless resources of heaven, materials and earthly treasures.

If it is reduced to ruins.

It is necessary to collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures to rebuild. At this time, there is already a large ruin in the heaven, and an extremely vast area has been destroyed.

The power of the quasi-sage is so powerful that it can turn a whole mountain and river into ashes.

The body shape of Pangu’s true body.

It was 30,000 feet tall, and the divine ax in his hand had boundless power. Taiyi and Di Jun were shocked that these twelve ancestral witches actually had such powerful power.

This battle has attracted the attention of countless powerful beings, and in the hearts of many people with supernatural powers, they hope that both of them will perish.

The Witch Clan is so powerful.

Being able to fight the two demon clan members for such a long time, if the twelve ancestral witches of the Wu clan break through to a more powerful realm in the future, this Pangu's real body will definitely have more powerful power.

The Wu clan did not have any upper hand.

After all, the gap in cultivation was there, and Pangu's real body was so powerful that even two quasi-sages, Taiyi and Dijun, were still at a disadvantage.

Chen Yuan, who had a will on Taiyi, felt the power of Pangu's true body, as if he was one with the prehistoric world.

There is boundless power flowing from the prehistoric world to Pangu's true body, making Pangu's true body's power more than just his own.

It has the power of the prehistoric world.

Pangu's true body opened up the prehistoric world and left too deep traces in the prehistoric world, so that the twelve gods were destroyed.

Has supreme power.

If it were in other universes, it would be very powerful, but it would not have such powerful power that it could dominate the world.

To some extent.

Pangu's true body is the tangible embodiment of Pangu Avenue. It has inherited part of Pangu's power and is so powerful. Pangu's status in the prehistoric world is extraordinary.

Everything in the prehistoric world was created by Pangu. The witch clan transformed by his essence and blood is so powerful, it can actually be as powerful as Pangu.

That's what makes Zu Wu so powerful.

Taiyi did not face much threat in this battle. The Wu Clan had such a powerful formation, which reminded him of the legendary Demon Clan's Zhoutian Star Formation, when this formation was founded.

Requires strong deduction power.

The Hetu and Luoshu in Di Jun's hands are all supreme deduction treasures with boundless power of calculation. Taiyi plans to use them after this battle is over.

Just remind Di Jun.

The chaos clock hung down the boundless black and yellow light of chaos, making Taiyi face the divine ax in the opponent's hand.

It won't hurt much.

Gonggong's voice came out and said: "As long as you disband the Heavenly Palace, we will retreat, otherwise today will be the day of your downfall."

Di Jun said with an indifferent expression: "Twelve barbarians, your formation must have flaws, and the time it can be maintained is limited. As long as time passes, it will be the time for you to withdraw from the prehistoric world."

Gonggong said that he himself didn't believe it, and said: "Don't have such wishful thinking, Emperor Jun. Our formation can be maintained until the end of the world, and the sea will dry up and the rocks will rot."

Taiyi's majestic voice said: "Stop quibbling, you will not be allowed to continue using such a powerful formation."

Di Jiang said: "I admit that our maintenance time is limited, but this shortcoming is not a problem. The reason for our failure this time is that we misjudged your strength."

"There is a realm above the Golden Immortal. Fortunately, this time we used the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation and saw the form of the Father God, which allowed us to see how to break through to a higher realm."

The voice of Gonggong came again, saying: "Yes, next time you will face a more powerful Pangu's true body. After we break through, it will be the time when the Heavenly Court will be destroyed."

Taiyi's vast voice spread throughout the world, making all the existences here feel a powerful power, and was shocked. He said: "You won't have a next time. As long as your Pangu's true body disappears, it will be your death."

Dijiang said loudly: "Haha, it's not that easy to kill us. See you next time."

I only saw an extremely grand palace in front of me. Time was going around it, as if it could compare with the sky.

When I saw it, it seemed to see an endless and vast world with the three words Pangu Palace on it.

I came here quietly.

The huge Pangu's true body shrank into shape and entered it. In a blink of an eye, Pangu Palace disappeared.

The Chaos Bell radiated an immense power, attacking Pangu Palace, but the effect was not great. A powerful divine light permeated above Pangu Palace, drowning the power of the Chaos Bell.

Pangu Palace seemed to be stepping on the veins of the world.

‘I want to chase. ’

It was impossible to catch up at all, as if it had transcended the prehistoric world and entered a transcendent realm.

The great supernatural powers were shocked. The Wu Clan actually had such a treasure. It seemed that the Wu Clan had found a backup plan.

Even if they were defeated, they could leave.

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