The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 102 The Twelve Ancestral Witches Attack

People with great supernatural powers may not care about an ordinary wild fruit, but when they heard the four words Da Luo Jinxian, their hearts were shocked. Most of them were Da Luo Jinxian, which had to make them care.

Only one can achieve their level, but Taoist Xuanyuan is willing to give it up. This is a representative of the nine Daluo Golden Immortals.

Nowadays, although there is a quasi-Christmas birthday.

But Daluo Jinxian is still a top master in the prehistoric world. His status is lower than before, but he is still a state that all spirits in the world aspire to.

A state that cannot be reached in a lifetime.

But they didn't know that Chen Yuan was communicating with Zai Taiyi in a place where others couldn't enter.

"My dear, I gave Wangshu a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. This is your request. Don't be reluctant to part with this yellow plum. As long as it can be reborn after three Yuanhui."

"I'm not reluctant to part with it, I just watch it grow, from flower to fruit, it takes three yuan to mature."

"My dear, please find a reason to give this to me so that I can train my subordinates."


outside world.

Chen Yuan continued: "My Taoist friend Wangshu had some grudges with Donghuang, who is now in the heaven. Now that the grudges have been resolved, I gave these nine fruits to Donghuang, which means that Wangshu and I have let go of this. A grudge."

Wangshu next to her looked at Chen Yuan with a different look. Perhaps in her heart, Chen Yuan gave Huang Zhongli to Taiyi for her. Today's heaven is not suitable for enemies.

Even Di Jun breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved that this grudge was solved. In the outer world, he had fought with Wang Shu and Chen Yuan.

It made him feel that these two great supernatural powers might not be very famous in the ancient world, but they were definitely existences that shook the nine heavens.

Both of them are now quasi-sages, and the spiritual treasures in their hands are extremely powerful. They don't think that these two exist because they are afraid of them.

Tai got off the high platform and said, "It was my fault at first. I never thought that fellow Taoist Xuanyuan would give such a generous gift. I am ashamed to accept it."

After saying this, he took the nine yellow bells and plums straightly with his hand, showing no shame at all.

Taiyi returned to the high platform.

Later, there were other great supernatural powers who presented gifts. Zhen Yuanzi presented ginseng fruit, Ming He presented blood sea crystals, and Chen Yuan's gift was the most precious, equivalent to nine Daluo Golden Immortals.

Finally, Taiyi stood up and said: "Everyone, our Heavenly Court is recognized by Heaven and manages the ancient world. Now is the time when we are short of manpower. If anyone is willing to join Heavenly Court and has luck, his cultivation speed will be extremely fast."

"After all, Daozu Hongjun's sermons will not last forever. Daozu once said that he only preached three times. Daozu has the Constitution of Heaven in his mouth, and there is no reason to change it."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was shocked, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet. Even the guests of Zixiao Palace were divided into three, six, and nine grades. Some of them had limited abilities. Even if they faced the laws of the Great Dao, they would not understand much.

I can't help but think about going back to the time when I was practicing difficult cultivation. Some people are moved, while others are dismissive.

I stood up and said: "Donghuang, now that Heavenly Court has been established, I remembered that there is still a pot of elixirs that have not been put away in the Kunlun Mountain Dojo. If I go back later, I will leave first for fear of losing the potency of the elixirs. "

Lao Tzu, Tong Tian, ​​and Yuan Shi left together. After them, many living beings left, and some who wanted to join Heaven stayed behind.

Chen Yuan and Wang Shu also left, and Fuxi Nuwa returned to Fengqishan.

One year later

There is a sky full of evil energy impacting the heaven and earth, rising at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. There is a passage on the top of Buzhou Mountain that can lead to the heaven.

Buzhou Mountain is the center of the prehistoric world, where the Sun Palace is located. If you look through the endless celestial barrier, you can see an extremely tall sacred mountain below.

The Sun God Palace was built here and had the mission of guarding the entrance to Buzhou Mountain. It was a million miles away from the entrance. For Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-Sage, it was only a step away.

From the entrance, there is boundless evil spirit permeating the air, and there are twelve extremely majestic beings.

Came to heaven.

They don't care at all about the boundless scenery in the heaven. There is turbidity in their bodies.

There is a natural rejection of this world made of innate pure energy.

If you don't like it, even if it is extremely beautiful, you won't like it at all.

Di Jiang, who was walking in front, spoke, and a loud voice echoed in the heaven, saying: "Originally, our witch clan and you monster clan don't have much grudges, but you actually want to establish a heaven and control the heaven and earth, and all time and space. This Doesn’t it mean that we, the Wu Clan, will be placed under the Heavenly Court?”

Taiyi rang the Chaos Bell, and the boundless ripples spread, acting as a deterrent. He said: "We have established Heavenly Court, and Heavenly Dao approves it. There are countless people with great supernatural powers here who are happy for the establishment of Heavenly Court. I don't know what you think."

Gonggong said carelessly: "Although we had some disputes with the demon clan, it is not serious. As long as you dissolve the heaven, we will retreat, otherwise the boundless mountains and rivers will be destroyed."

Emperor Jun was angry. The establishment of the Heavenly Court was not just a child's play. Once recognized by Heaven, he had to keep his word, otherwise he would be blamed by Heaven and had nothing to pray for. He said: "If you want to fight, then fight, Heavenly Court." Once established, even if it is shattered into pieces, it will not disintegrate.”

The words are sonorous and powerful, and there is an indomitable determination.

In Di Jiang's eyes, he was also shocked by the power of this heaven. Their power at this time was only the peak of Daluo Jinxian, but they dared to come here with confidence.

If there is no trump card, it will only give the Heavenly Court an opportunity to establish its majesty.

The cold voice of Emperor Jiang spread throughout the world.

"Since you have made up your mind, as long as your Heavenly Court is destroyed, there will naturally be no Heavenly Court standing above our witch clan."

Countless beings left here, even those who originally planned to join the Heavenly Court temporarily put aside the idea and planned to wait and see.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches did not hesitate at all, and a shadow began to emerge. The face was extremely blurred, but the aura on his body was overwhelming, and everything in the world was responding to him.

The left eye was golden, the right eye was silver, and with Chen Yuan's operation of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, the divine eyes seemed to contain the sun and the moon. The shadow in front of him made him leave here for a distance, and the existence that did not leave too far, especially the Three Purities, saw this existence.

Laozi's face changed greatly, his eyes were filled with awe, and he said four words solemnly: "Father Pangu."

Yuanshi looked solemn and said: "I never thought that the Wu clan had such a powerful method to gather Pangu."

Tongtian said seriously: "If they didn't have such a method, they would only be twelve Daluo Jinxians. They might be very powerful in the prehistoric world, but they would not be able to do so in the heaven with quasi-saints. Since they dared to come to the heaven, they must have an extremely huge power to use."

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