The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 104: Unpredictable

The coldness in Emperor Jun's eyes froze time and space.

"Sweep away all the witches in the prehistoric world. They can leave, but there will always be some left. Let them pay the price for what they did."

The voice was extremely domineering.

It made the great master feel cold. It was no wonder that he was so angry. The grand ceremony of building the heaven ended up like this.

If it weren't for his boundless power, he would have become a joke if he hadn't repelled the Pangu's true body of the witches.

Taiyi looked through the long river of time and fate.

Seeing that there were many witches in the boundless prehistoric world, but they were all low-level beings, even if they were all wiped out.

For the witches.

There would not be too much trauma, and they no longer believed that the witches had no wisdom, but they might be a little worse in observing the long river of time and fate.

But wisdom was not lacking.

There were contradictions between the demons and the witches in the innate. The biggest contradiction was that the witches had to eat. If they were the beings who cultivated the great way of the soul.

After reaching a certain level of cultivation, you don't need to eat. If you eat too much, it will have a bad effect on your cultivation.

The Wu Clan is not like this.

They can cultivate more easily by eating, which has caused an irreconcilable contradiction between the two clans.

Back in the Heavenly Palace, Di Jun and Tai Yi sat opposite each other.

Tai Yi said solemnly: "If there is no extremely powerful force to borrow next time, there will be great danger."

"The twelve ancestor witches are now Daluo Jinxian. When they achieve comparable quasi-saints, the Pangu true body they have formed will inevitably be more powerful."

Di Jun said seriously: "At that time, our realm will have a breakthrough, but the increased power will inevitably not be as good as the power increased by their formation. This is an extremely dangerous thing."

Tai Yi said: "Unless we also create a powerful method that can be on par with them."

"Or a more powerful method that can not only solve the current dilemma, but also deter the great supernatural powers and become our ultimate power."

Di Jun nodded endlessly.

Yearning for the scenes shown in it, he remembered a formation in his Hetu Luoshu, a formation he deduced when he watched the starry sky before, and deduced a prototype at that time.

The conditions required are too complicated.

Di Jun said: "I have a formation, which I calculated has great power. Now it is only a prototype and needs to be improved."

Taiyi thought, I'm waiting for you here, and said: "Why don't we improve it together, so that it can be improved soon."

Hearing Taiyi's words.

Di Jun nodded, purifying his mind and concentrating, without distracting thoughts, the Hetu Luoshu appeared in Di Jun's hand, emitting a faint glow, inside the Sun God Palace.

Then an extremely mysterious picture appeared.

It was as if the boundless starry sky appeared beside him, with 360 stars in it, extremely mysterious, and the power of the stars was aroused and merged into it, as if the real starry sky was creating.

More and more real.

Taiyi stared at this scene, carefully observing the mystery in it, and watching how the power of the stars was aroused.

What profound truth is there in it.

He was very confused at the beginning, but fortunately he was not alone. At this time, two wills descended on him, Chen Yuan and the Taoist of the World.

They came to help Taiyi.

Although they are essentially one person, the different ways they practiced made them take different paths.

They are all quasi-saints, which will surely make it easier for Taiyi to learn and improve. This formation is all-encompassing and magnificent. At the beginning, only Emperor Jun was explaining it.

Later, they joined in the deduction together.

Emperor Jun was very shocked by Taiyi's wisdom. He could make the formation more perfect from many different angles.

At the beginning, the strange phenomenon was only in the Sun God Palace.

Later, it gradually spread out, and the boundless domain in the heaven was shrouded, and the boundless power of the stars was drawn, forming an extremely magnificent scene.

It was like an infinite starry sky appeared in the heaven.

Some beings who wanted to report the situation in the heaven did not dare to disturb them. They knew at a glance that there were extremely important things to do inside.

Xuanhua Mountain

When Chen Yuan returned here, the aura around him naturally intertwined, forming a necklace and a pearl. A golden lotus seemed to grow on the ground. This strange phenomenon made the existence on the mountain.

Know that Chen Yuan had returned, because the familiar aura permeated it.

Qingyou came here with Kong Xuan, who was in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

After getting the Life and Death Mirror, there was a multi-dimensional Qingyou, and the avenue of life and death permeated around him. The fruit of the life and death Dao was formed in his body, and he was a Golden Immortal.

In the Xuanyuan Palace.

Qingyou bowed and said, "Master, I see that you are vast and unpredictable. I think your cultivation has made great progress."

Kong Xuan, who was next to him, twitched his mouth. He was at a higher level than Qingyou, and he didn't see anything. In his opinion, Chen Yuan was extremely majestic.

He looked like an ordinary person.

It gave him the feeling that if it was a mixed void cave, it was dark and gloomy, unclear to see, unclear to feel, vast and unpredictable.

It was really vast and unpredictable, Qingyou was not wrong.

Chen Yuan sat on the cloud bed. Above his head, there was a cloud of chaotic color. Five Qi flowed, three flowers appeared, and the mysterious Qi formed a necklace and a precious lotus in the palace.

It made Xuanyuan Palace a mysterious world.

Kong Xuan looked at this achievement. Three flowers gathered at the top of the head, and five Qis returned to the origin. I don’t know how long it will take to achieve such a great achievement.

I also feel very lucky. When I was in the egg, I met Qingyou, so I could practice quietly on Xuanhua Mountain.

When I practice great supernatural powers and great magic in the future, the five-color light will shine on the prehistoric world.

Qingyu, Mingmo, and Heihu came from outside one after another.

Seeing Qingyu and Mingmo, Qingyou liked them very much. These two beautiful boys liked to go to play with them when they had nothing to do.

The clothes on Mingmo's body were no longer animal skins. Qingyou learned to refine weapons from Chen Yuan. Although the quality of the weapons was not very high, they could be used as a cover.

Chen Yuan nodded secretly, and he would not lose face if fellow Taoists came in the future.

Seeing that everyone had come, he said: "If you have any doubts about cultivation, you can ask them now."

Everyone was extremely happy to hear this. Although the avenues were different, standing at Chen Yuan's current height, they saw the long river of the avenue.

Even if you don't practice this avenue, you will have unique insights.

Black Tiger lay there quietly, knowing that this did not include himself. He was now in a state of no improvement.

Only by achieving the Golden Immortal could he make progress. His true spirit was still in the long river of fate. If he did not retrieve it.

It was not perfect in itself, and there was a limit to the avenues that could be carried. Although he held an indifferent attitude, he wanted to leave a good impression after all.

He pretended to listen, looking extremely serious.

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