The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 101 Huang Zhongli

When Chen Yuan's realm was not high, he was on guard against merit. After becoming a quasi-sage, he had a deeper understanding of merit.

Merit is a particularly almighty thing, similar to a kind of original power, which has various wonderful uses that are difficult to obtain.

Taiyi said to Chen Yuan in the sea of ​​consciousness: "I want to use this merit to improve my realm."

Chen Yuan thought for a moment and said, "To what extent can merit improve your realm."

Taiyi felt the amount of merit, calculated, and finally said: "It should be able to improve my realm to the realm of the quasi-sage."

Chen Yuan said: "You keep it first. In the future, Taoists in the world will need a lot of merit to become enlightened. It will be of great use then. You can cultivate to the realm of quasi-sage."

As for how to give Taoists to the world, just find a reason at that time. Di Jun next to him was a little surprised to see Taiyi not using merit.

Feeling the aura of Nuwa's Dao, which was extremely powerful but not the Dao of Creation, Chen Yuan realized at this time that there were many different things between this and myths and legends, and myths and legends could only be used for reference.

There are countless mysterious changes in Fuxi beside him, as if there is no fixed number, it is a mysterious way.

Nuwa and Fuxi both broke through to the quasi-sage, placed the Taoist fruit on the great river, reached the realm that countless sentient beings dream of, and transcended the Daluo Golden Immortal.

Nuwa felt that her state was extremely beautiful.

There is boundless power within the Tao body. Feel the Tao fruit entrusted in the long river of the Tao, absorb the insights of the long river of the Tao, and push your Taoism to a higher state.

At this time, Nuwa did not have any Qi to hide. This was an opportunity to show her strength.

At this time, the goddess Nuwa has a human head and a snake body, with the beauty of the great road.

Fuxi also had the head of a human and the body of a snake. The two saints did not last long and then became Taoist bodies.

Nuwa, a beautiful girl with unparalleled appearance, said: "Brother, only after you become a quasi-sage can you realize the supremeness of this realm. I don't know how beautiful the saints are. I really want to see it."

Listening to his sister's sigh, Fu Xi said: "When I was in Zixiao Palace, I saw that Teacher Hongjun's holy power was boundless, and no quasi-sage could compare with it. Although I am many times more powerful than Daluo Jinxian at this time, As long as the path to becoming a saint is open, we can hope to achieve it.”

Little did he know that the path to becoming a saint is not straight.

Fuxi and Nuwa's realm was before the threshold of quasi-sage, and she could be promoted to quasi-sage under the influence of merit.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is an extremely huge effect of merit. In the blink of an eye, the heaven with only one quasi-sage has become a force with four quasi-sages.

The changes are extremely huge.

Although the strength at the bottom level is also important, what is really important is the top supernatural power user in a force, otherwise even if there are countless creatures, it will not become an extremely powerful force.

There are four quasi-sages in the heaven, and even the guests of Zixiao Palace are excited. If you join them, you will become one of the most powerful forces in the world in the blink of an eye.

The main reason is that the timing of the establishment of Heavenly Court is very clever. After the third sermon, it will not have such a powerful effect. At that time, the hearts of the creatures will be swayed by one sentence.

‘Below the saints are all ants. ’

After the merits were digested, the vision in the starry sky disappeared, and Emperor Jun saw this on the high platform.

"My emperor is the emperor of heaven."

"Tai Yi is the Eastern Emperor of Heaven."

"Nuwa is the emperor of heaven."

"Fuxi is the Emperor Xi of Heaven."

"Baize, Ji Meng, Jiu Ying, Gui Che, Ying Zhao, Fei Dan, Fei Lian, Ba Tie, Shang Yang, and Qin Yuan are the top ten demon saints in heaven."

In addition, there are also very important positions held by the chiefs of the major races under the Monster Clan. The huge Heavenly Court was officially established, and the boundless Qi permeated the heaven and earth, shocking countless great supernatural powers. Such a powerful heaven cannot help but think deeply about what it will do to myself in the future.

What impact does it have.

Emperor Jun looked at everyone, and the man with great supernatural powers saluted and greeted them, looking at them with piercing eyes. It was time to give gifts.

Lao Tzu, who was the first to come out of the Sanqing Dynasty, stood up and said: "I congratulate you on the establishment of Heavenly Palace, managing the ancient world, straightening out the order of heaven and earth, making great contributions to the world, and having great virtues with all spirits."

"Today, I take this Sixth Transformation Golden Pill as a gift. After taking it, you can become the initial existence of the Golden Immortal. I wish the heaven will live forever."

I speak polite words one after another. If the existence here were just some ordinary beings in the world, they would be deceived by him, but the existence here is.

They are all people with great supernatural powers. As long as they become Daluo Jinxian, they can observe the long river of time and destiny, and gain incomparable knowledge from it.

Truly nourished by the thoughts of all spirits and the civilization of all races, every one of them is a human spirit.

The expressions on their faces showed that I was right. The main reason why they did this was not because there were four quasi-sage qi machines filling the heaven.

Let them be so.

Yuanshi stood up and said: "I give innate Dao copper and innate purple jade as gifts. They are extremely precious innate materials that can be used to refine acquired treasures."

As for his things, all those with great supernatural powers just take a look. This thing is extremely precious to useful beings. For beings without the ability to refine weapons, they can only keep it in the portable space.

Tai nodded. For Heavenly Court, this thing would not be left unused. They have a special tool refining presence.

It can refine the acquired superb innate spiritual treasure, which is comparable to the superior innate spiritual treasure. This was the creature that was given to the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn to refine weapons. They found it through the long river of time and fate.

It was to receive part of the achievements of the three tribes.

Tongtian stood up and gave the treasure.

At this time, Chen Yuan, who was standing aside, also stood up. Nine Huangzhongli appeared in his hand. This is a treasure that can become a Daluo Jinxian. It can help Taiyi cultivate strong people. This is a good opportunity for him. This thing does not have much use in his hands.

He will not use Huangzhongli for his disciples. No matter what, he is Taiyi's original body, and he should give him some support.

"I am a wandering person in the prehistoric world. I can't take out any precious things. I only have these nine wild fruits. I hope you don't dislike them."

After Chen Yuan finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and nine fruits appeared. The spiritual light flowed on them, which was very extraordinary, and the word Huangzhong was written on them.

"It's just some wild fruits, how dare you bring them up."

"There are two words on it, Huang Zhong. It's not that only the fruit of the innate spiritual root Huang Zhongli has these two words, it's a supreme treasure that can make you a Daluo Jinxian if you eat one."

The one who said this was Zhen Yuanzi. Other beings may not know much about the top-grade innate spiritual roots, but he knows it very well. He has the top-grade innate spiritual root ginseng fruit.

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