The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 294: Chen Guoxiang Xiang Army 1st (3)

Because Xu Rong was a surrendered general, although he had the credit of Xun Zhen, he is now only second to Xun Cheng and Xu Zhong in the Xun Zhen tent. Chen Bao and Wen Ping who were restrained by him, as well as Guan Yu, Su Zheng, Wen Wei, etc. who are still his subordinates, mostly just obeyed their orders, and had little contact with him in private. Chen Bao alone respected him very much.

Xu Rong knew his identity, but he didn't mind about it. Anyway, as long as Xun Zhen trusted him and his subordinates were willing to obey military orders, it was enough for him, and he was not alone, except for Guan Yu's department, etc. His subordinates still have his former members, such as the general Wu Ming, the military marquis Xia Qing, etc. They are all fellow villagers who have followed him for a long time. In addition to the military, they often get together and have fun.

The embarrassing things he wanted to say to Xun Zhen had nothing to do with these.

Xun Zhen's two most recent troop transfers, one to Yanzhou and one to Jiujiang, were mainly from Guangling. First Chen Bao was transferred, and then Wenpin was transferred, which led to a sharp increase in the garrison of Guangling. Decrease, and now there are only about 2,000 people. Using these 2,000 people to defend the border is still feasible. If you use troops externally, it will be greatly insufficient, and it will not be enough to use at all.

After listening to Xu Rong's embarrassing remarks, Xun Zhen nodded and said, "Although you are a famous general, it is difficult to cook without rice, and I know it. I have ordered the expansion of the Mu and the prefectures. Qin's field troops have expected three thousand warriors, and they have dispatched competent officials to recruit warriors in Huaisi. Lord Gaotanglong has also returned to Mount Tai and is recruiting warriors for me. At the beginning of next month, early At the end of this month, the initial expansion of the army will be completed, and I will give you priority to replenish the Guangling army."

Xu Rong said happily, "If that's the case, then it's better!"

Xun Zhen pondered for a moment and said, "Since you mentioned this, I have something I want to discuss with you."

"Dare to ask the general to speak."

"Someone in the shogunate suggested to me that it is better to reiterate the battle of the main soldier and change the recruitment of soldiers to conscription. Can you please?"

"Recruitment" and "conscription" are two different military service systems.

In the former Han Dynasty, the Qin system was inherited, and the conscription system was adopted. The men of the right age in the Qimin households in the empire were recruited. Except for the imperial clan, noble children, etc. who were exempted from service by edict, and who were less than 6 feet 2 inches tall, That is to say, those who "strike out", the rest have to serve. The earliest is the age of seventeen, and the age of enlistment is postponed to twenty. After Emperor Zhao, it will start at twenty-three. The statutory period of service is two years. Years are called "zhengshi", mainly to receive military training and serve in local areas. After one year of service, either return to the field first, and then apply for recruitment later, or serve as a "guardian" or "guardian" for one year. The guards serve in In Kyoto, the garrison served on the frontier.

In this dynasty, although the conscription system was not explicitly abolished, some counties and counties still changed the household registration of men of the right age to military registration. Later, when he was 23 years old, his village chief changed his household registration from a "little man" who did not serve to a "serious soldier" who needed to serve.

According to the laws of the Han family, "those who can pass the first scriptures" do not need to serve. Cui Yan felt ashamed because of this, so he worked hard to study. The government has been slackened, so although Cui Yan was "relocated from the township to be an official", he did not participate in the training of the main soldier and was incorporated into the county soldier. As for the frontier county, because of the great military pressure, it is more strictly enforced than the inner county in this respect.

Going back to its origin, the military recruitment system actually existed in the early Han Dynasty, and it became more and more popular in the reign of Emperor Wu and later, and then became the mainstream in this dynasty, especially in the central and inner counties.

First of all, Yulin, Hu Benlang, the guards of the North and South Palaces, the fifth battalion of the Northern Army, the soldiers of the city gate, the subordinate soldiers of the Sili School, including the Eight School Heads of the Eighth School of the West Garden during the reign of Emperor Ling, etc., were stationed and guarded the central troops in the capital. are all recruited.

Secondly, due to the fact that Nei County has generally stopped the battle of the main soldiers, which has led to the lack of armed forces in Nei County. In normal times, it is good. Once there is a thief attack, the chief officials of the prefectures, counties and counties must strengthen the local military strength. Where did it come from? The conscription system has been abolished, and it can only be recruited, that is to say, most of the armed forces of the state and county are also recruited. When the feudal lords asked Dong Dong, the chiefs of the prefectures and counties in Shandong recruited troops on their own, and they did their best, and no one raised any objections, which was actually due to this unwritten practice.

There are pros and cons to both the conscription system and the conscription system.

In general, the quality of recruiting is higher than that of recruiting, which is the benefit of recruiting. Under the conscription system, men of the right age who join the army not only receive no money, but also have to bring their own bows and crossbow clothing. Under the conscription system, in addition to clothing, food, and bows and crossbows provided by the state, they also receive a considerable amount of money. There are always rewards, so generally speaking, recruiting may bring financial strain, which is the advantage of recruiting.

But then again, there are profound political and economic reasons for the prevalence of military recruitment in this dynasty.

Politically, the phenomenon of land annexation cannot be controlled in a limited way, so that more and more land is concentrated in the hands of a few people, resulting in an increasing number of landless refugees, which sharply reduces the number of recruits, which in turn increases the number of recruits. First, the economic burden of peasants has increased due to the introduction of preparations, etc. In order to survive, poor peasants have to be recruited as soldiers to get money. It is also getting stronger and stronger, which makes the scale of private tribes gradually expand. Some powerful landlords lead private tribes to recruit as soldiers in order to seek fame and fame, contributing to the prevalence of the recruitment system, and the third.

Although Xu Rong was not from a farming family, he grew up from the bottom. He didn't know much about politics, but he knew how difficult it was for the people at the bottom. Hearing Xun Zhen's question, he hesitated.

Xun Zhen smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Xu Rong said: "Rong used to be in his hometown, and it was common to see people who broke up their families because of the recruitment and death. Although Xuzhou is richer than Youzhou, in recent years, many wars and turmoils have left civilian households withered. The main thing is to rest and recuperate the people, and now it is like a big army recruiting, I may lose sight of the general's original intention."

Xu Rong was in the same state as Liu Bei and Zhang Fei. He was also a native of Youzhou. His home was in Liaodong, a border county.

Although the Han family said that it was "Thirty Tax and One", the land rent seemed to be not high, but the benefits did not fall on the poor, but were taken by the landlords. The poor have no land and can only rent the land of the landlord. The prevailing private rent rate is 50%, or even more than half. In addition, the "Thirty Tax One" levied by the state is also paid by the poor. The burden is heavy, from this we can see that not only the land rent is heavy, but also the payment of money, calculations, Zi, Chu Zi and other taxes. When the country is in financial crisis, it must also accept "collected" money and silk from time to time. These are the payment of property, and when the state and local affairs are in trouble, they also need to be labored.

There are all kinds of things, if they are recruited again, it means that they have to bring their own bow and crossbow clothing. Even if they don’t need to bring their own, they will at least be away from home for a year, which means that their family will lack a strong laborer within a year. The burden will be too great, and it is no wonder that Xu Rong said that "there are many people who have broken their homes due to the application of the army".

Of course, if the conscription system is implemented, the burden on the state will be reduced, but it is precisely because the burden on the common people is taken into account that Xun Zhen has no need to accept the proposal of the officials in the shogunate. He asks Xu Rong this question at this time. The intention is to consider whether Xu Rong has the heart of pity for the people. After all, although Xu Rong is a soldier, the more a soldier is, the more he must know how to take care of the people, otherwise it will be difficult to become a "king teacher".

After hearing Xu Rong's answer, Xun Zhen smiled and said, "Your lord's words are very true, and they agree with me." He made up his mind that when it was time to send troops to Yangzhou in the future, Xu Rong could be used as one of his generals.


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