The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 293: Chen Guoxiang Xiang Army 1st (2)

The content of the military conference is about Yangzhou.

In recent days, according to the report Xun Chen sent to Xun Zhen, he has done a good job in Jiujiang, he has done a good job in the military and government, eliminated local celebrities, gathered his wings, and laid a solid foundation, which can be said to be impressive. The internal situation has generally stabilized. In terms of the external environment, Liu Ye and Jiang Gan have also arrived in Fuling and Wujun respectively, and they are doing their own speeches about Fuling's self-signature and the alliance with Wujun Shengxian.

Whether Liu Ye and Jiang Gan can succeed has not yet been determined, but judging from Liu Ye's eloquence and the confidence he gave to Xun Zhen when he proposed this proposal, it should be possible to say that the Fuling Prime Minister's resignation could be done. The matter of forming an alliance with Shengxian should be easier to handle than that of Fuling, which means that Xun Zhen can accomplish both of these two matters. These two things are accomplished. First, Jiujiang and Fuling are integrated into one, which not only enriches Jiujiang's economy and people's strength, but also gives Jiujiang room to move around in the military, so that Jiujiang itself can compete slightly for the top spot in Yangzhou. Second, with Wu County as an alliance, not to mention military affairs, at least politically, it will not fall into isolation.

The next step is to recruit Zheng Bao.

There are two possibilities for recruiting Zheng Bao.

One is to recruit successfully, then with Zheng Bao, a powerful local snake as a minion, even if Xun Chen has completely established a firm foothold in Jiujiang, he can formally compete for power with Chen Wen, the prefect of Yangzhou, and further wait for opportunities to plot Lujiang and Danyang.

One is that they failed to recruit successfully, so in order to open the entrance to Lujiang and Danyang in the north, or in order not to worry about the future when plotting Lujiang and Danyang, it is necessary to change their tactics to suppress them, enter Chaohu, attack and destroy them. Zheng Bao.

No matter which of these two possibilities, one constant is: soldiers must be used.

And if you want to use troops, it is obviously not enough to rely on the more than 5,000 cavalry that Xun Chen brought to Jiujiang. Even if you add the more than 2,000 Jiujiang County soldiers that he has now nearly rebuilt through steps such as abolition and re-recruitment, Neither.

Let’s talk about the first possibility first. If he succeeds in recruiting Zheng Bao, Zheng Bao currently has more than 10,000 works, which seems to be quite a lot, but the newly recruited army is full of thieves, but they cannot be completely trusted. The more than 10,000 Chaohu thieves top Give more momentum and fight against the wind. The real charge is Xun Zhen's old part. As for the more than 2,000 soldiers of Jiujiang County, they can only be used for defense without certain training.

Chen Wen now has no less than ten thousand troops in Liyang, Zhou. He has a good relationship with Zhou Xin, the governor of Danyang. If Xun Chen is not in harmony with him for the power of Jiujiang and Fuling, and goes to the stage of war, Zhou Xin will definitely not sit back and watch. Ignore it—although through Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, Zhou Xin had a "good neighbor" relationship with Xun Zhen earlier, and provided Xun Zhen with help in the source of troops, but that was on the premise that Xun Zhen did not conspire against Yangzhou, Once Xun Zhen reveals his plan to annex Yangzhou, which involves his own interests, Zhou Xin will definitely go against him.

Chen Wen, as the prefect of Yangzhou, holds the command of the king of the court, and Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang, is loyal to the Han Dynasty and will certainly help him. Farther away, Kuaiji, Yuzhang and other counties that do not border Jiujiang and Fuling need not be mentioned. Only the help of Danyang and Lujiang counties, plus Chen Wen's own tens of thousands of state soldiers, Liu Deng and other departments are only five. More than a thousand cavalry, and they are still fighting in an unfamiliar area, there is no doubt that they will lose.

As for the second situation, if the recruiting of Zheng Bao fails and the troops are attacked, Chaohu Lake is the water area, Liu Deng and others are the infantry, and Xun Chen has no sailors. In the background of Fuling's self-declaration and Xun Zhen's "conspiracy" in attacking Tao Qian at the beginning of the year, Chen Wending would inevitably have suspicions about Xun Chen, and he might take this opportunity to send troops and simply compete with Xun Chen. Fuling, if this happens, Jiujiang also needs the great assistance of Xuzhou.

There are two ways for Xuzhou to aid Jiujiang, one is through Dongcheng in Xiapi County, and the other is through Tangyi in Guangling County. Dongcheng is close to the hinterland of Jiujiang, and Tangyi is close to Liyang, the state government. These two roads have their own advantages. Previously, after discussing with Xi Zhicai, Xun You and others, Xun Zhen tentatively decided on two strategies based on their respective advantages: choosing Dongcheng as the main channel to assist Jiujiang in the future, and choosing Tangyi as the future road Use it when you need a trooper. Guan Yu is currently stationed in Tangyi, and when the need arises in the future, he and his trilogy will be this strange soldier.

This is the first content of this military meeting.

The second content is to contain Danyang, Wujun, and Kuaiji.

Guangling is bordered by these three counties. It can be concluded that Danyang will definitely help Chen Wen, and Kuaiji will most likely also. Under the "same hatred", even if a covenant is made with Wu County, Sheng Xianhui will change his mind and help. Chen Wenshi is hard to say. In this way, when Xun Chen fought with Chen Wen and Lu Kang in places on the right side of the river such as Jiujiang and Fuling, the counties on the left side of the river, such as Danyang, needed to be contained by Guangling.

This is also one of the reasons why Xun Zhen decided to choose Dongcheng as the main channel to assist Jiujiang in the future.

The division of labor between Xiapi and Guangling is clear.

Guangling is mainly responsible for containing the Jiangzuo counties in Yangzhou, and Guan Yu "surprisingly wins ~ Xiapi is adjacent to Pengcheng in the north and Runan in the west. There are no foreign enemies, and it is close to the hinterland of Jiujiang. Responsible for the full support and backup of Jiujiang.

Xun Zhen said to the people: "After Liu Hou of Yangdu returned to his hometown, Chen Yuanti invaded Jiujiang Prefecture. Since my brother took office, he has written to me several times, and wrote about Chen Yuanti's refusal to return his power. I am deeply worried that Jiujiang may start a war. When my brother took office, he only brought thousands of soldiers with him. In the event of a life-long battle, Chen Yuanti, the enemy, is in danger, both public and private, our state should help and protect my brother. You should know what you said just now, and do it in advance. ready."

Marquis Liu of Yangdu is Liu Miao, Marquis of Yangdu, the prefect of Jiujiang.

No matter what you do, you have to have a name, because Xun Zhen attacked Tao Qian before, and the banner he used was that Zherong worshipped Buddha and abused the people. As a last resort, Xun Zhen only sent troops this time, and this time, Yangzhou has to do the same. There must be an upright reason, so that the ruler and ministers can be united, and the soldiers and people can be willing to do so. ”, will become a loser and helpless. ——The order Xunzhen issued not long ago to control the development of Buddhism, in addition to saving the people's strength and preparing for the large-scale surrender of the Yellow Turbans, also echoed his original reason for raising troops to seize Xu, and it was regarded as the end of a paragraph.

Wang Lang, Xu Rong, and others all complied with awe.

Xun Zhen's words are all right. Xun Chen is his clan elder brother, and the "prefect of Jiujiang" is a chariot. Yu Si should help Xun Chen, even if someone saw Xun Zhen's true purpose, but faced with this rhetoric, there is nothing to refute.

After the military meeting disbanded, Xu Rong stayed behind, and he had something difficult to report to Xun Zhen.


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