The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 292: Chen Guoxiang Xiang Army 1st (1)

Wang Lang replied: "So far this month, the number of refugees who have settled down is nearly 200, which is a little less than last month. There are no advertisements on the site."

Xun Zhen asked, "Where are most of the refugees from?"

"Some came from Runan, and some came from Wu, Danyang, Jiujiang, and Fuling."

The four prefectures of Yan, Henan, Yang and Qing around Xuzhou, Yan and Qing, are rampant with yellow scarves. Although there are few yellow scarves in Yuzhou, there are many tyrants, especially Runan, which has a wide area under its jurisdiction. Divided into two Yuantong, each county has the most local power, and a few counties are even separated. Yangzhou does not have the Yellow Turban, but there are many thieves and Zonghao, Jiujiang and Fuling have Zheng Bao, etc. Danyang has Zulang. , Jiao Ji, etc., there are Yan Baihu, Zou Ta, etc. in Wu County, each gathering a crowd to Wuxiaoshan Lake, or gathering clan children to occupy the county and township, sometimes plundering other counties and attacking each other happened, the people could not be safe, so these four prefectures Many people fled from the area. Guangling borders Runan, Wu, Danyang, Jiujiang, and Fuling. Wang Lang tried to attract refugees in Guangling, and many people from these counties flowed into Guangling. Now Xun Chen has gone to Jiujiang to be the prefect, and Wang Lang is not very good to lure refugees from Jiujiang and Fuling. Even the number of refugees from Wu and Danyang has also decreased slightly, because the number of refugees this month is not as good as the previous one. More than a month.

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "The customs of Yu and Yang are different. You should place the refugees in these two places separately, and do not let them live together."

"Refugees" are not separate people, some are from the same village, some are from the same clan. For example, if the refugees from Yangzhou and Yuzhou are placed in one place, the customs and languages ​​of these two places are different. The most important scholars have a regional concept, and the farmers are more regional. The concept is that in order to compete for good fields and water sources, it is very likely that they will form a group with relatives, friends, and villagers, and then start a fight with each other. Therefore, Xun Zhen instructed Wang Lang to separate the refugees from different regions. In fact, there is no need for Xun Zhen to explain this, Wang Lang will know it.

He replied: "Just as the general had instructed, Lang divided Guangling into two parts, east and west. The west of Hangou was used to house the people of Yu, and the east of Hangou was used to house the people of Yang." Hanggou runs through Guangling from south to north. , roughly divided Guangling Ping into two halves.

Xun Zhen stroked his beard and nodded, smiled and said, "You are very skilled in political affairs, and I don't need to explain these government affairs."

Wang Lang studied under Yang Ci in his early years, and because of the passage of scriptures, he was honored as Lang. In the second year of Zhongping, Yang Ci died, and Wang Lang gave up his office to mourning for Yang Ci. He should not be called by the county to be filial and honest, and the government should call him. Later, Tao Qian took charge of the government and named him as the state's Maocai. Engaged in governance, equivalent to the county's meritorious Cao, in charge of the state government personnel. Looking at Wang Lang's past experience as an official, he was indeed familiar with political affairs in the past. This is also one of the main reasons why Xun Zhen listed him as the prefect of Guangling.

Hanggou enters the territory of Guangling, passes through Ping'an, Gaoyou, Hailing, with a total length of more than 200 li, and ends at the Yangtze River.

At the port where Hangou enters the river, there is a place called Dongling Pavilion in the boundary of Hailing County. This place is famous in the world because of two people.

One is Zhaoping of the late Qin Dynasty. Zhaoping was from Guangling and was named the Marquis of Dongling. After the fall of Qin, he became a commoner. For food and clothing, he grew melons in the east of Chang'an City. "Dongling Gua"; the other is a woman named Du Jiang. This woman is from Hailing County, Guangling County. She is in the same county as Lu Dai. She became an immortal, and was called the Virgin of Dongling, the land of Wu and Chu, who was fond of witches, alchemy, and vulgarity, so someone set up a temple for her in Dongling Pavilion.

Xun Zhen was in Pengcheng a while ago, and spread the word to all the counties, ordering to control the development of the Buddha, and ordered the destruction of the temple of prostitution, and the Temple of the Mother of God in Dongling Pavilion was also destroyed. When Xun Zhen came down from Hangou and passed Dongling, he took a look and saw that it had been completely destroyed by Wang Lang. After admiring Wang Lang's ability to execute the order, Xun Zhen asked him, "Do the people have any complaints?"

Wang Lang replied: "When the temple is broken, the false words of the temple's blessing will attract the so-called punishment of the so-called Dongling Virgin, and the crowd gathers to hinder it. Lang hears it and goes to the temple in person and makes a promise with the temple. date."

Xun Zhen smiled and asked, "Is there a penalty?"

"Where is the punishment? Three days after the temple was destroyed, Lang was safe and sound, and all the people of Hailing County returned home. There is no one who believes in this Virgin of Dongling anymore."

"What about the temple blessing?"

"There is an official in the county government, please let me govern it with 'demon words'. Lang pity his ignorance, forgive him and ignore it."

"Monster talk" is a crime, which is intended to confuse the public. According to this crime, it can be severely punished by death. Wang Langzhi prefecture is to forgive, and suspect crimes are lightened. Even if criminals are committed, as long as there are doubts and insufficient evidence, it is not serious. Although this temple congregation hindered the destruction of the temple, it did not cause actual damage to the county. Of course, he would not follow the advice of the county officials and punish him severely.

Hearing Wang Lang's remarks, Xun Zhen recalled what Li Bo had said to herself when she met Li Bo alone last night. Li Bo said at the time that Wang Lang was in the county and was a very good-looking official. He cited several county officials, The cases of county officials and scholars who violated the law were not strictly controlled by Wang Lang. Thinking of this episode, Xun Zhenyin smiled calmly and said, "Although forgiveness is good in the governorship, the old name of your lord should not be forgotten."

Wang Lang's real name was Yan, and later changed his name to Lang.

Xun Zhen's words are very clear, the governor should forgive when it is time to But what should be strict should also be strict, and the combination of forgiveness and strictness is the right way.

Wang Lang understood the meaning of Xun Zhen's words, and immediately replied: "No."

After passing Dongling Pavilion, go northwest for 30 to 40 li to reach Guangling County. The magistrate of Guangling County was Lu Guang, and Xun Zhen and him had not seen each other for several months, and they were very happy to see each other. From Guangling County to the south is Jiangdu. Jiangdu Ling Buran was from the Huaiyin Bu clan. He was a county official at first, and he passed through various Cao, and Wan Mian made a clear decision. A few months ago, Xun Zhen inspected a clean official in the name of "General Jianwei". Deng recommended Bu Ran, Xun Zhen tried his talents, and found that he could bear the burden, so he inspected his honest officials and listed him as Jiang Du Ling. In Jiangdu, Xun Zhen inspected all military and political affairs, and everything was good, because he was very satisfied with Bu Ran's ability. Then from Jiangdu to the northwest to Yuguo, and then to Tangyi.

From Guangling to Tangyi, plus Hailing to the east of Hangou, these counties are not far from the Yangtze River, and they all border Yangzhou.

In Tangyi, instead of staying at the county temple, Xun Zhen stayed one night in Guan Yu's camp.

Guan Yu is a native of Hedong County, Sili, and grew up in the north. Today, he is stationed on the north bank of the Yangtze River without moving for a month. The climate and environment are very different from those in the north. At the beginning, he was quite uncomfortable, but now he is used to it.

Zhang Fei respects the gentleman and ignores the villain. Guan Yu is just the opposite of Zhang Fei. He is a proud scholar and a doctor who cares for soldiers. Xun Zhen can also guide and correct Zhang Fei's problems. Guan Yu has no way to guide this problem. If you are arrogant to the scholar-officer, go to point him again? It will only arouse his disgust, make him more arrogant, and have no other effect. Therefore, during the night Xun Zhen stayed in Guan Yu's camp, he only talked and laughed with Guan Yu, and did not involve any instruction or teaching to him.

The next day, Xun Zhen inspected Guan Yu's camp to observe his rehearsals. Although he was not as strict as Xu Zhong's personal soldiers, he was still elite. That afternoon, in Guan Yu's camp, Xun Zhen summoned Xu Rong and other generals, and Wang Lang and others as nonvoting delegates, and held a brief military meeting.

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