The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 275: Xiahou Yuan's Biography of Jiekan Valley (Part 2)

Wan Qian was in his forties, Bi Chen was younger, in his early thirties, and not long after they waited in the tent, they saw Cao Cao coming.

The two stood up and greeted each other.

Cao Cao stepped inside with a big smile on his face. Before the two of them could greet him, he stepped forward and grabbed their hands, saying with a smile, "Junxing, Zixin! With the help of the two lords, it is as easy as breaking the yellow turban. Handy." Looking at Bi Chen, he sighed, "Zixin, we said goodbye a few years ago, but we haven't seen each other for many years, Junyan is still the same, I have gray hair on my temples!" He smiled at Wan Qian, "Don't see each other for many years. Hurry up and take your seat." Pushing Wan Qian, let him sit in the first guest seat, invited Chen Gong and Xue Ti to be seated as well, pulled Bi Chen, and asked him to sit beside his seat.

Pei State borders Jiyin and Shanyang, and is not far from Dongping. Cao Cao, Bi Chen and Wan Qian are old acquaintances. A few months ago, Wan Qian went to Dongjun on official business. Haven't seen each other for years.

Bi Chen looked at Cao Cao's temples, saw a few stalks of white hair, and said, "General spring and autumn are flourishing, and Hua Fa was born early, which shows that he is worried about the country."

Cao Cao sighed, then smiled, asked Bi Chen and Wan Qian, and said, "Do you think you should have heard of Dong Thief's death?"

Wan Qian and the two nodded.

Wan Qian said, "I heard."

Bi Chen said, "It's so heartwarming!"

Cao Cao slapped the case with his hands, beat the rhythm, and chanted in a vicissitudes of voice: "The thief minister holds the handle of the state, kills the master and destroys Yujing. The foundation of the emperor is destroyed, and Zongmiao mourns with burnt. Spread the west and move to the west, weep and walk. Zhan Piluo Chengguo, Weizi is sad." After chanting these words, he said to Wan Qian and the two, "Last year, the Han Dynasty was covered in dust and the emperor moved westward. My righteous indignation was unbearable. Zhang, this is a few lines in the poem. A few days ago, I was overjoyed when I heard the news that Dong Zhuo was killed."

Wan Qian said: "The general is both civil and military, and his feelings of worry and anger are beyond poetry."

Bi Chen's family has passed down Confucianism, and he did not stress the words, but he also praised a few lines of Cao Cao's poems, saying: "As soon as Dong Thief dies, Luoyang's revival and Hai's Zhiping are in sight!"

Cao Cao glanced at him and thought: "Although Dong Zhuo is dead, Liangzhou's army is still strong, Shandong is divided into feudal lords, and the Yellow Turbans are millions. Is it easy to restore Luoyang and bring peace in the sea?" He thought, "But it is also because it is not easy. , is when I wait for heroes and martyrs to work hard!"

When he was hiring people, there was no need to tell Wan Qian, two old acquaintances who were not very familiar with these thoughts in his mind, and he would not directly refute Bi Chen's words in front of him, making them embarrassed. Bi Chen said, "Exactly. Although you and I are not in the court, we should do our best to bring peace to the sea, so I invite the two of you to come to our army, and I hope you can be me. Temporarily join the military."

Wan Qian said, "But if you have an order, Qian Zi should obey it."

Bi Chen also said: "The general has orders, and they all obey."

While talking, Xu He took the cook to the outside of the tent, came in and asked Cao Cao, "The venison has already been cut, but should it be roasted now?"

Cao Cao said, "Let's burn it now!"

He waved Xu He to order the cook to light the fire, smiled and said to Wan Qian and Bi Chen: "I haven't had a drink with Erjun for a long time. Now in the army, you can't drink alcohol, but you can feast on deer and eat it. I won't talk about it tonight. Military affairs, let’s not talk about political affairs, eat enough and sleep enough, we will discuss it tomorrow!”

Wan Qian has eaten, but Bi Chen hasn't.

Seeing that Cao Cao seems to be in a good mood because of the reunion of old friends, Wan Qian is quite convinced of Cao Cao's talent in the process of courting Dong and Andong County in recent years, and he also wants to get close to Cao Cao more, so he doesn't mention that he has eaten. He smiled and said, "Follow the general's order."

The candles were so hot inside the tent that Cao Cao took Wan Qian and the others out of the tent and sat on the ground, under the light of the torches inserted on the ground and blowing in the cool wind, while eating the roasted venison and talking about the past. Cao Ang and Cao Shu came during this period, and Cao Cao ordered them to pay respects to Wan Qian and Bi Chen. After Cao Ang and Cao gave the ceremony, they stood by Cao Cao's side, fetching meat and water for them, and serving them respectfully.

Bi Chen and Cao Cao hadn't seen each other for a few years, and they were a little rusty at first, but under Cao Cao's warm and unpretentious reception, the rusty feeling disappeared very soon.

That night, Cao Cao didn't let Bi Chen and Wan Qian go away, he dragged them to bed together and slept, and he talked about the interesting stories of the past for a long time.

Wan Qian and Bi Chen woke up the next day, and it was already three poles in the sun. Not seeing Cao Cao's figure, the two went out of the tent in clothes and asked the guards outside the tent.

But it turned out: Cao Cao got up before dawn. He first inspected the camp, then called Xia Houyuan and other commanders, gathered together to eat some food, and left the camp early to survey the surrounding terrain.

Wan Qian said with admiration: "It's rare to see someone as diligent as General Cao."

The guard said: "The general ordered: please two gentlemen to wait in the camp, and when he returns, discuss military affairs with the two gentlemen."

It was almost noon when Cao Cao came back.

Outside the tent, Cao Cao explained a few words to Xiahou Yuan and others, sent Cao Ang and others back to the headquarters, left Xiahou Yuan behind, and brought him into the tent with Chen Gong, Wei Chong, and Xue Ti. Bi Chen came back and began to formally discuss the strategy of using troops.

When Wan Qian and the others arrived at the tent, Cao Cao had already taken off his armor and put on his civilian clothes. He didn't wear a crown and was wrapped in a scarf.

He just washed his face with cold water, wiped it twice, and threw the towel into the basin. Seeing Wan Qian and the two come in, he smiled and said, "I got up last night, and it was too late to chat with the two of you. I woke up this morning. , I saw that the two of you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't wake you up. What's up? Have you slept enough?"

Wan Qian said, "I slept enough, I slept enough. When I woke up, the general was gone, and when I asked about the guards, I knew that the general got up early before dawn. I am ashamed of the general's diligence."

"I've been leading soldiers for a long time, so I'm used to getting up early."

Cao Cao asked Xiahou Yuan to come over to meet the two of them, and when they had finished seeing each other, he warmly invited Wan Qian and Bi Chen to the table. He also asked Chen Gong and Xiahou Yuan to sit down, and ordered the staff to serve Tang Shui. Take out the map and hang it on the tent wall.

Wan Qian asked, "Where did the general go to check the terrain this morning?"

"After leaving the camp, Miao Cai and I will wait for twenty li to the east and return to the Salt-Free Realm."

"Can you gain something?"

"There are many hills and highlands in the road. I climbed high and overlooked several times. From Xuchang to the east, the terrain is high in the northeast and low in the southwest. There are rivers and verdant trees. ... Yesterday I sent more than ten scout horses, and most of them returned this morning. , I would like to ask, there is a river between Wuyan and Zhangxian County called Kan River, which flows six miles south and enters Wenshui River, where there are seven or eight thousand yellow scarves gathered in the valley area, do you know this?"

The situation of the enemy and our troops in Yanbei is not clear-cut, but intertwined.

In the territory of Dongping on the north bank of Wenshui, there are four counties of Xuchang, Wuyan, Zhangxian and Fucheng. Most of the Han soldiers are stationed in the county towns, while the Yellow Turbans mainly control the villages. The army doesn't have many tools to attack the city, so unless it is necessary, they don't attack the fortified city very much.

Wuyan is the county seat of Dongping. Bi Chen works in the county seat and is very familiar with the enemy situation around Wuyan.

He replied, "I know."

"How many are capable of fighting, and what is the combat strength, can you know?"

"This Yellow Turban thief is mostly strong and has a lot of ordnance. It harassed the county and town more than a month ago, and I sent a general to attack it, and it cannot be defeated."

"That is to say, the combat power of this Yellow Turban is not bad?"


Come to think of it, if the fighting strength is not enough, this yellow turban soldier will definitely not dare to occupy the county boundary of Dongping County.

Wan Qian said, "When the general arrives, this band of yellow turbans sent scouts to watch my camp."

Cao Cao nodded. Why do you think so?"

Bi Chen asked, "What is the geometry of the unknown general?"

"More than four thousand."

"The thieves occupy the river valley, and the location is convenient, and the generals are not so numerous. If they attack them rashly, what if they lose their victory? Please think twice, the generals."

Cao Cao asked Wan Qian, "What's the point of not driving?"

Wan Qian pondered for a moment, then said, "Although the general is good at fighting, he is a guest army. He has never fought against the Dongping Yellow Turbans before. In Qian's humble opinion, it is better to be cautious." After a pause, he said, "General is for Zhou Bo. If a military order is issued, the victory will be fine, and if he loses, the governor of course will not really pursue the general, but the state soldiers of other prefectures will inevitably laugh at the general because of it.”

Wan Qian's words were very sincere, and he was indeed thinking about Cao Cao.

Cao Cao smiled and said, "I am not as numerous as the Yellow Turbans, but the way to win is not only to control the few, but to use deceit, and the thieves are not as good as me." He asked Chen Gong, "What does the public think?"

The choice of this yellow turban as the target of the first battle was already negotiated by Cao Cao and Chen Gong on the way, and Chen Gong would not object.

He replied: "The soldiers of the state and the state of Boling are crossing the Wenshui River, north to Xuchang, and there are dozens of camps, and the flags and flags are hidden in the air. This group of yellow scarves thieves gathered less than a hundred miles Not only did there not be any rats. I fled, and I repeatedly spy on me with scolding horses, which shows its clamor, and it will not be destroyed, but it is not enough to show the punishment of the Han family. It is appropriate to strike the first battle and strengthen my prestige."

Cao Cao clapped his hands and said, "This is exactly what I want!"

Wan Qian and Bi Chen stopped talking.

Cao Cao kept Xiahouyuan because he planned to use him as the vanguard for this battle. He immediately said to Xiahouyuan: "Miaocai, I will lead you to take a rest tomorrow. I will be my vanguard the day after tomorrow and attack this thief first!"

Xiahou Yuan agreed.

Xiahou and Cao have been married for generations. Xiahou Yuan's wife is also the sister of Cao Cao's wife. The relationship between the two is very close. Although they are of the opposite sex, they are like flesh and blood. Xiahou Yuan had suffered on behalf of Cao Cao, and nearly died in prison. When the Yellow Turbans rose, Yan and Yu were at their most chaotic. Although he was strong, Xiahou Yuan's family was also short of food. In order to support the daughter of his deceased brother, he reluctantly abandoned his youngest son. Ren Xia Shang Yi people.

After Cao Cao raised his army in Chenliu, Xiahou Yuan first served as the Sima Cong of the other divisions, and a while ago moved to Cavalry Commander.

Cao Cao used Xia Houyuan as the forward to start, which can be said to be a good use of people.

The next day, Xiahou Yuan's troops, including other troops in Cao Cao's army, all rested for a day.

On the third day, Xiahou Yuan led his headquarters out of the camp and ran to the Kan River Valley. When he reached the outside of the valley, he first challenged him with dozens of fierce warriors. The Yellow Turbans underestimated their small number of soldiers. array. Xiahou Yuan pretended to be defeated, and the Yellow Turban chased for more than 20 li to a hill. Xiahou Yuan leaned on the hill as a barrier, and returned to his division to refuse him.

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